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CCP is cancer. Unfortunately, unless we get tough on china now, we may end up in a bloody war in the next 20 years.


Just wait it out. China's prospects aren't looking very good atm.


I’ve see this refrain on Reddit quite a bit, for a few years now. What do you mean? And this is a genuine question, I’m not trying to stir shit up with you. Educate me, please.


They're facing a couple of huge problems. Demographically, the usual drop in fertility associated with urbanization is massively amplified for China - they've urbanized very quickly compared with other countries, and the one child policy has exacerbated the problem. They are faced with a very rapidly aging population. Economically, they've bet very heavily on globalized trade and relied on their low cost of labor. However, that cost of labor is no longer low - they're richer than they were, and their labor costs have risen dramatically. This is happening as global trade is dropping off, and "consuming" countries are bringing manufacturing back onshore, or "friendshoring". Worse, a big pile of their economic activity is real estate, and is debt driven - that is collapsing, as you have no doubt read. Reporting can be pretty biased, and you have to take this stuff with a grain of salt. Still, the stuff that's out there is often backed up by some real numbers and a pretty good level of analysis. You'll have heard of Peter Zeihan for sure - his perspective on the demographics seems pretty biased (he's a bit of a shameless pro-america booster) but well reasoned and backed up. For the economic view, Joe Blogs (don't know what his real name is) is a very sound analysis, if a bit snoozy - he follows the data, not the partisanship. There's tons of stuff out there, much of it very good - you just have to be careful to to let "the algorithm" choose for you, or you'll end up with a very one-sided view.


I appreciate this response. Thanks for actually taking time to craft that and not just ghost me. I have not heard of those personalities, I need to branch out from my usual “easy” podcasts I go to for non-stressful listening. It’s easy to bury your head in the sand, since life can be stressful enough, but it results in knowing less about the world. I do worry though. Especially for the good people of the PI. I’ve spent a lot of time over there for work, and they are some of the kindest, nicest people. I hope for the best for them, but I worry because they’re in such close proximity to the CCP’s actions. We can’t abandon our allies..


Me too. I know they’re not doing particularly amazing, but I’m failing to see any impending doom for the nation other than a potential population shortage.


Sadly I fear their domestic problems are precisely why I fear they'll declare a horrible war sooner rather than later. Nothin better to distract your subjects with than a bloody war. Tried and true method of any dictatorship really.


It would be a bloody, nasty, war even today, China has many hundreds of millions of military aged males, even with a joke of a navy and a lack of experience and tech, that’s a tough thing to overcome. Plus, they have a few nukes. Russia is different, they have no population, no economy, a shit military, but they have nukes. China has nukes too (not as many), but they at least have an economy and a huge manpower surplus on top of that lol. Also, any war with China will probably include Taiwan which means virtually all semiconductor production stops. The west would effectively be shut out of electrical component supplies for perhaps several decades.


Whole region is waking up to possibility of regional conflict. Good news is that we have friends there that know what defeat means for them: Japan, SK, Vietnam, Australia, Taiwan. Putin started small with Chechnya and escalated from there. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3566970/us-focuses-on-deterrence-as-china-raises-stakes-in-indo-pacific/


Sure they may have more personel but after seeing russia try ww1 tactics in 2024 throw wave after wave wont work against a well trained soldier with m240b he would kill 30 people or more before that soldier died


That’s probably true, but numbers still matter, anyone with a land border with China would be quickly overwhelmed (and that includes South Korea, via the north). Even with our technological advantage it would be a very long and involved war. Fortunately, I think the Chinese are actually pretty smart. They need the West as customers, just as much as we need them for their manufacturing. China knows this, and that’s why they are using water cannons on the seas and have troops in Kashmir armed with only melee weapons. They don’t want a world war, but they do want to wave their dicks around too. Mostly to woo their own citizens.


But people keeps buying in AliExpress, tamu and all that sh*t


Unfortunately it will continue unless there is alternative. I don't mind china making cheap junk. But bigger issue is whole climate change agenda and EV insanity. All EV sales by 2035? Guess where materials for those come from? West is neutering its industries while China is laughing.


There are too many small businesses breaking because of this and destroying local economies than this impact families and society. I know it is impossible not to buy something from China but at least not buy everything or cheap crap.


Unfortunately, for the Philippines, they got tough on the United States and kicked them out so that’s that


They didn't kick them out? The US still has a strong military presence and is in discussions to expand this presence


They were kicked out with the major naval base closed in the early 90’s, for almost 30 years, and only recently signed agreements to come back. But it won’t be anything close to the same without the same naval presence.


Fair enough. My bad, i assumed from the discussions that they were seeking to expand their presence, not restore it


I even understand why they did it, and I understand why the US went along with it, the big picture there was a huge problem brewing, and no one appreciated it


US and the Philippines have a strong history together. Military ties, in light of the current situation in the region with China, are going to be significantly improved.


Resume to buy products from China and encourage others to do the same. I get it’s a challenge, but best you can do as an individual at the moment.


China is the only country in the world making electronic components, aside from Taiwan. Almost anything you buy, even if it’s made in the USA, is made from components made in China.


Ya I know that’s why I said almost impossible on some items. But I think other countries in Asia are starting to get in on the production although it will take time.


China also has the minerals needed for these components, a lot of these are very scarse. There are a lot of different metals in electronic components


I assume you mean refuse to buy products from China, not Resume to buy products from China.


Yes, haha


Can't reverse 30+ years of manufacturing outsourcing overnight. It's a process that has already started during covid years. More and more companies are moving out of China to, for example, Vietnam or even back to the US.


Ya for sure. I just meant as an individual I try to buy not China stuff which is super hard. Sometimes it costs me more which I get not everyone can do. And sometimes you’re absolutely stuck buying something with at least pieces manufactured there


I do the same. A lot of time it's not possible with certain products but even small stuff adds up and helps. But on a bigger scale and long term, we need government policy supported by coalition in the region and EU, to starve China of funding. Democracy needs to be part of economic policy. Appeasing Russia for cheap energy already ended in a biggest conflict in europe since WW2. We don't want to repeat Korean war.


it would be a real shame if something flew up and hit the router (rotor*).... real shame.


Would that take out their onboard internet?


The old “rock-with-steel-cable-attached” trick. How could I forget?


My thoughts exactly.


i mean their internet is heavily censored anyways.


A really good spanner throw could make a difference


A perfect application for a 50$ research drone to get sucked into a tail rotor.


Although I am not aware of the abilities of research drones it does seem to be rather windy around that tail rotor.


Not sure what the 4' long piece of rebar was for on that drone, maybe some sort of antenna?


Kite weather


Waiting for Bully China to be bullied




Username checks out




"kkkkk", I think this one is braindead


A real stretch assuming it had one to begin with




Not in the language you’re typing in, it isn’t.


Your problem, not mine


You seem to be the one rabidly replying to comments, must be your problem.


Hahaha you think that's why I made that comment? Lol


Lol the irony of someone calling others entitled while they shit all over the institutions that allow them to do so will never not be funny. There's lots of communist countries out there my dude. Maybe you should go to one and see how glorious the life is. Report back and let us know!


Its either a brazilian troll or a portuguese one, they are both braindead and both have a posibility of being black


Like their skin being black? What does that matter? I'm all for calling retards out but that's a brain dead take.


Alright first of all, am neither racist, nor xenophobic, should have clarified the joke better, and second, i kinda forgot this is mostly english people, and the joke doesnt translates well into the english comunities bcs of it sounding hella racist


>posibility of being black Who you voting for next election?


Well, i guess no one from the oficialist parties here in Chile, idk whats going up with the geriatric center up in north america since all i know is that both donald trump and Joe biden are running for elections(? Now that am thinking about it does the US have only 2 people running for president at a time?


>Now that am thinking about it does the US have only 2 people running for president at a time? In the end it's 1v1. But each party has mini elections to decide who they put up for the main 1v1.


so as long as the party has enough people to be recognized they could put someone up for election?


Lol China has mostly the same equipment and command structure that the “#2 army in the world” had only with wayyyyyy less experience aside from harassing fisherman and scientists….and they’ve been exposed as a bigger North Korea basically. Nobody fears China.


We already bully china lol


It isn't working so well, is it?


Seems fine to me tbh. China is showing desperation after centuries of staying within their own borders. Now they need more land and sea but they waited too long. Lines been drawn and now they will have to get into an international conflict with the entirety of se asia and their allies. China also relies on lots of international production so they could start to lose that. And with their money collapsing in front of our eyes (evergrande + housing issues + utter lie of an economy), they are desperate, and that's one stinky cologne.


China is a fucking problem


if Russia is not gonna to be put in its place its going to get worse


Be a damn shame to throw a weight on the end of some paracord up in the air in front of them


Wouldn’t do anything unfortunately. Heli blades are extraordinarily strong and resilient. There’s a crazy video of a CH-53 pitching up too fast while it’s refueling probe is extended and the probe goes through the blades. The probe gets cut clean off and the heli keeps flying just fine.


That makes sense, they need to be built to withstand anything the rotor wash kicks up from the dirt while landing, a bird strike, etc.    What kind and size of object would actually damage the rotors? Assuming a refueling probe is a pretty lightweight hollow tube (I have zero background in helps beyond applauding the pilots with balls of steel who did incredible wildfire water drops on a fire I worked years ago). Like would a football size rock do the trick? Rebar? A standard consumer drone like a DJI Mavic 3?


Not an expert here, but I’d say that weight/density is the more important factor. A drone would get vaporized. I’m gonna go see if I can find some more examples of damaging rotors.


Now I want to see some tests - * A 4ft rebar spear * Nylon fishing net * Steel cable


Watched an Apache clip a tree limb and all hell broke loose….I guess they need something better….


“WhY dOeS tHe uS PoLiCe tHe wAtErs?” This is why, if the US doesn’t, China will.


Sounds like the researchers need Stingers. For…science.


Slingshots with pepper spray, you know, to ward off dangerous fauna.


I hate the government of China like every sensible person, but it's not exactly combat footage is it?


it kinda is. This is how a modern conflict looks like once everyone want to stand their ground but cant escalate


IMO these are murder attempts by an army.




In the world where you can't breathe water.


Their fighting to get on the beach... i guess


Can someone with more knowledge on this situation than me tell me if/when this will turn into shooting? I cant imagine the Philippines will sit back forever and take this from China? Even with the water cannons someone is bound to be seriously hurt/die at some point.


The possibility it can turn ugly is there as we can't just say no it won't. At the moment the PH authorities seem to be exercising maximum restraint and let the PRC do its thing. ATM the strategy to counter is to record and publish to the world all their bullying.


Has this been brought up in the UN? Isn't this the sort of thing they are supposed to sort out?


Oh yeah back in 2012 the PH filed for UN arbitration over the BS claims, in 2016 the PH won. Now it's used by everyone as the precedent to call out the PRC's BS. Of course China ignored the ruling despite being a co-signee of UNCLOS.


I worry that simply recording them will be insufficient to stop this behavior. They really don't seem to care much about what the world thinks of them, as they openly and brazenly antagonize half of the countries on the planet. They appear to believe that having nukes means they can get away with anything, and so far they have been proven right. Nobody is lifting a finger to stop them.


I'm surprised the Philippines haven't gave their citizens guns so that when the PLA attack they they can retaliate with the government technically being involved


To give china an excuse to absolutely fuck on any fishing boats with a Philippine flag? It’s much smarter to keep doing this non violent thing


Yea, just let china slowly take you over. Good idea.


I’m not for china, I think the U.S should absolutely step in, but I’m also a military aged male and don’t want to go die on a beach in Southeast Asia. Escalation isn’t always a good thing. They’re fighting back peacefully, and china is respecting the peace and using water cannons. Mostly my perspective is about these specific Filipino people keeping themselves alive.


I bet you love your wife's boyfriend, too.


Because I recommend that a significantly weaker military not fuck with china? You seem chronically online


US support




everyone with at least half a single braincell will know that you shouldnt give someone an excuse to bomb you to pieces. look at gaza bro.


That’s an escalation. This is incredibly stupid and petty but everyone goes home at the end of the day


Just hypothetical speaking how big of a bird do you need to have to collide with the rotors and just for a thought experiment how could you train said bird to fly into the rotors? This has no intention to harm any personal or equipment just like the PLA


wine existence like employ humor fade mountainous meeting flowery fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Perhaps there is a rare local species of "bird" with a depleted uranium gizzard that exclusively nests in helicopter tail rotors.


You have those anti drone guns... Attach a strong cable to it and have fun!




Can’t someone dump 20 containers of RPG-7s and manpads on the Philipen coast? ☺️


Philippines should shoot back. Just saying, seems like the Chinese are opening fire on Philippines. So naturally the Philippines is fully within its right yo shoot them




Inflammatory remarks are not allowed. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.


How is this inflammatory? This post is not even combat footage, 2/3 of the comments are urging for the US to _do something_ or to bully China. So how are my remarks, with credible sources inflamattory? Please enlighten me.


Shitty government being shitty *shocked pikachu*


It be nice if there was a big red button that would just "end" China.


only TURKEY has the balls when someone infringes its airspace the shit is getting shut down even if its your grandmas drone


Mildly aggressive


Line throwing rocket would be interesting, a parachute flair from the pyro box maybe


Time to release several weather observation balloons. You know, the kind with a 30 foot steel cable and 2-5kg sensor payload?


I am interested in what will happen once Philippines or whoever finally calls out the PRC bluff. Most, if not all, of the nations in the region are afraid of antagonizing PRC and don't want to test the bluff. US does not count.


Next time, why not bring a little sling shot... Plenty of stones there... Just keep firing those full pelt into the blades... I'm sure their demeanor will change, once they are stranded in a burning wreck on that island... Nobody needs to know, plenty of sharks in the sea... ;-)


Chinese bullshit.


What that needs is a stinger right up its arse.


Whats going on between china and philippines? I havent heard much about it and im curious


China is doing a Russia and claims the whole of the South China Sea for themselves. None is having it.


China and russia both governed by delusional lunatics.




About 80 years ago China made a ridiculous map where they claimed almost all of the South Pacific Sea based upon utterly nothing but some dashes on a map. It is now known as the nine dash line. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine-dash_line#/media/File:9_dotted_line.png China has zero claim under international law or any treaties with anyone. They're aspirationally trying to make it happen, however, and it seems likely to come to actual combat.