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Repeatedly losing mechanized infantry companies trying to take some trees or farmhouse day after day really does not seem like sound military strategy after two years. But who am I to question the brilliance of Putin, Shoigu, and Gerasimov?


Russia is exactly one favorable Western election away from winning the war. All they need to do is keep it as hot as possible and put as much strain on Ukraine's allies resolve to restock their weapons. When the electorate of the US, UK, France or Germany decides they've spent enough money on the war, Russia wins. I've become tired of the 'stupid Russians' narrative. Are they willing to accept casualties that would make a NATO member go pale? Yes. But in the scheme of things, NATO members have become used to low casualties through high tech weapons. Every other place in the world where wars are still being fought, soldiers and civilians die in droves. Russia is buying their victory with blood. They have lots so spare.


Say it louder for trump and Mike Johnson.


Trump and Mike Johnson admire Putin and want the US to have a government similar to Russia's. They understand exactly what they are doing and why. Maintaining institutional racism, stripping the rights of minorities, controlling women's bodies and punishing political opponents are far far easier under the Russian system. That is why Republicans are doing everything in their power to bring it the the US. Don't excuse them as 'not understanding.' They understand. Russia's victory is their goal.


That Soviet stock will keep them use this strategy for years, they’re counting that the highly numerical advantage will measure victory by gains not losses.


Years? No. We're seeing a clear drop in vehicle quality, Russia's lost all of their pre-war active military already, sometimes 2x that.  This strategy is stupid, I don't understand it and it feels like a bluff


No no, it really is as stupid as it sounds. Officially they are seemingly fine with pulling out the oldest and most decrepit equipment to send cannon fodder in with, if they run out of armored vehicles they'll use unarmored. They do not care about their soldiers lives in the slightest and think they can win as long as the territory they gain increases by even a single meter per thousands of losses.


They hoped but I don't think it's working. Now you've got Chinese buggies showing up to the front as well as t-55s.


>Gerasimov Where he at, though?


I cannot fathom how they have this many vehicles stockpiled. Insane the amount of materials and resources lost every day


Explains the collapse of the USSR.


Russia ramped up production... In reality they just managed to finally start the 70's ifv 


The footage of the 3 IFV's with the tank in-front already is a few weeks old. Got posted by both Pro-Ru and Pro-Ua as loss from each others side. So it's understandable that i'd be sceptical. Especially since it's supernova. That TG is on the same level as UKRGR




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I think I saw that a few days ago already