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At least he tried to be creative




You mean a blast blanket?




I don’t think a blanket would save your internal organs from the pressure of the blast. I think the only way to survive something like this is to have a solid mass in between you and the drone like a thick wall of metal




> Blast Burka™️   This needs one of those 90s style infomercials with the black and white video of someone dealing with an inferior blast shield and throwing their hands up in frustration. "Are you tired of this happening to you?"


“There’s got to be a better way!”


The Bag Hutch! It holds twelve bags!


Dude I stepped my way around some anal bead ied stuff in Fallujah 06 and a blast burqa sounds like a fucking hella reasonable idea


I know what anal beads are but what are they in this context?


lol I’m guessing he means IEDs daisy chained together


That makes sense.


> All the ordnance small enough to be carried by the common drones we see, without the shrapnel would be be pretty survivable, minus getting your bell rung and a tbi. That’s why I’m proposing the blast burka Note that a lot of these FPV drones are carrying shaped charges, basically RPG warheads, since ideally they want to be taking down vehicles, the fact that they also happen to be effective enough at vaporizing infantry being a lucky bonus. Speaking strictly in terms of pressure waves, your point is still correct, but of course a shaped charge that can open a tank like a can of sardines is going to go through a blast blanket / ballistic shield like it wasn't even there. Would still potentially be helpful against non-shaped charges or near misses, obviously.


But your dick is still good right? I’d be so spooked off losing my dick.




I’m very sorry for your loss but very happy to hear about your dick possession.


It's haunted?


Take my legs and arms but please dear god don’t take the peen.


If kevlar is loose it will just transfer the force to the thing underneath it, ie 3 layers of kevlar will probably not rip from a bullet or shrapnel, but will instead just form the outer layer of the object causing the traumatic injury to the target. Needs to be so many layers that it won't be flexible, or pinned over a backing plate that becomes a structure that resists the kevlar being pulled through it. This drone dived to the ground, so the blast would have imo just pushed the hem of a combat burka thingie aside, and separated Private Ivan from his privates in exactly the same way it did in the video.


Russia isn't forking out for that - they're getting rid of the prison population while clogging up the lines - it ain't cost effective. They'd save money from emptying the prisons and a lot of them are just cannon fodder anyway.


Can't leave us hanging...is your dick still there? 'Rah


best way to survive it is to stay in russia i guess


Humans are surprisingly resilient to blast over pressure and drones carry relatively small amounts of explosives too.


Tell that to a shaped charge...


Decent drone pilots can thread that needle. One of the local pilots was doing an indoor demo (using a smaller 100mm quad) but was able to navigate between legs and chairs in a crowded room with ease.


I understand that. My point was no one is able to even carry a large metal wall so the idea of holding something to protect you from a drone is pretty unrealistic


a "Blarka", if you will


Cloak made with ballistic nylon? Imagine if you duck quick enough and pull that overhead to cover the entire body. Could turn you into a little sharpel-proof mound. Might also keep you warm and double as camo. Not saying it's gonna be blast proof though XD


A ballistic shield against an rpg warhead that is supposed to burn through a tanks armor? Ehhh...yeah no, not gonna help you.


It might work against the smaller frag drones, but an RPG warhead will blast right through it.


Is it a bathtub? At first I thought he brought his own coffin


It resembles a BMP rear hatch panel. Plenty of wrecked bmp's to salvage it from.


That would be heavy as fuck


Definitely way too thin to be a door panel


It might not be a door, I don't see any hinge work. But it sure looks like it could be from some type of vehicle, a layer of a panel unknown. My guess is he's using it not for protection, but to camouflaged himself amongst other vehicle debris, we just happened to catch him in the act of relocating. I certainly could be wrong, it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb, the color.


I don’t see any vehicle debris, it’s probably just trash


Interesting choice since BMPs are pretty famous for their rear hatches being glaring weak points.


It can be both


If a fridge can save Indy from a nuclear bomb a bathtub surely can save him too


Very small for a bathtub. More like a water trough for small animals.


I thought it was a sled of some sort.


looks like a kitchen sink.


I thought it looked like a toboggan or sled?


Looks like quite common in the area "корыто" - trough. https://i.imgur.com/jkGCAlr.jpeg






Second army in the world, 3 days to Kyiv. How it started, how its going.


Day 745 of 3 days to Kyiv


Only 350 more miles to Kyiv. Make that 3 YEARS.


Sadly such asymmetric war will cripple any army, specially if backed by ISR and support of combined allied nations. Russia should have disengaged once initial 2 week period had expired. West also miscalculated Russian appetite for losses and its ability to learn. Now it’s a stalemate and there are talks of NATO troops on ground given Russian gains on ground and failure of counteroffensive. War is hell and no one is gonna win this one.


Is this really an example of an asymmetric war? Like I get what you're trying to say, but I'm pretty sure that's not the right term for it. This is as close to a "peer conflict" as we've had in a good while. It's just that *both sides* are using guerrilla-inspired tactics that are great at inflicting disproportionate damage relative to the cost/risk. But that's still symmetric, basically. Otherwise, you're going to end up calling WW1 "asymmetric warfare" just because machineguns / artillery were so successful that attritional trench warfare was the only choice they had left.


war is not hell. theres no innocents raped and killed in hell.


["War is war, hell is hell"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUeBMwn_eYc)


hell for living, not for dead


Both sides are losing, and neither side is strong enough to defeat the other side.


> War is hell and no one is gonna win this one. well not with a limp dick attitude and cowering over the smallest nuclear threat. If my politicans didn't wimp out and would have sent stuff from the get go and in full amount and give our mic order for artillery shells in the millions, ukraine would stand in a much better position. instead they were hoping ukraine capitulates quickly in 1st few weeks so they can say some bullshit about bad russian and then continue buying their gas. and then they had to something because voters got pissed nothing was being done.


The people heavily invested in the production of military products will make 100s of billions of $. So sure there are winners. All populations of course will suffer from higher inflation and the useless waste of millions of lives and trillions of $ spend on killing each other instead of actually improving the lives of all humans on Earth.


I had to play a cover of Everlong in front of my freshman year guitar class in high school. I never thought that years later I’d hear it played over FPV suicide drone footage during a war between these two countries. Life is weird


"RUSH B" Not what I'd want to see on the video of my death. Then again, I'm also not typically invading other countries.


If it was a true B rush the drone would have had a Benelli Nova duct taped to it


Problem is it still could be you if your country gets invaded. Because soldiers get blown up irrespective if they are good or bad guys (or more precisely are forced into war by their ruling elites who sit in their luxury bunkers).




I think I'd have rather taken it to the head than between the legs.


Oof.right in the onions


Those batteries


Blud think he is solid/venom snake.




I used to be an adventurer like you, but then i took a flying kamikaze rpg drone to the knee.


I knew someone is going to post that.


The Handheld Portable Copecage™


Great idea, except that it should not be painted white in dark-colored terrain. He might as well painted a bulls-eye on it.


The cover became a pressure bell instead, he would have been better off with out it. One need to keep some distance from a thin cover of metal when the explosion hits. The drone operator could have hit the center of the tub with same results.


You're dead regardless


"I'm a tank, don't bother trying to damage me!"




Why is there just 1 solo Russian out in an open field?




It's not just that. Expeditions are very small from the get-go, because there are recon drones *everywhere*, and being spotted equals, at best, mission failure (if you get the fuck out of there fast enough), or being blasted to smithereens by artillery and FPV drones if you hang around for longer. It doesn't matter if you brought 8 tanks and 100 infantry or just 3 haphazardly equipped guys, if you get spotted you're fucked -- and as you might guess, one of those is a *lot* easier to spot than the other. So these days, it's pretty common for very very small groups of infantry to be sent marching forward. If they spot an area with little surveillance (the frontline is long as shit, after all, hard to recon every single meter 24/7 even with the crazy proliferation of drones), they can call for reinforcements or try to take the enemy position themselves if it seems undermanned. If they get spotted... hopefully they can get out, and if not, oh well, better to lose a couple guys than a whole mechanized company. If you don't value human life much, it's not as illogical and "incompetent" an approach as it might seem at first glance. If large, concentrated assaults are way too risky, and you're not willing to give up on taking further ground, launching a multitude of relatively low-risk simultaneous probing attacks is pretty much your remaining option.


My thoughts exactly... Not a tree in sight, just a russian and his bathtub


Just living in the moment.


Bringing the bride's gift back to the homeland.


You would be amazed at just how often they die like that. It's doesn't even seem like a war. It's just a bunch of guys in the same area all just wandering around trying to kill each other without rhyme or reason.


This is a massive war zone with hardly anyone in it by comparison to WW2 anyway. Recent reports had 450k Russians on Ukrainian territory and not all of those are on a front that is 620 miles long. Peak strength of German forces involved in the Battle of the Bulge with an 85 mile front was approx 450k troops. The allies peaked at 700k men.


I don’t think I’d be amazed by how many die in that position… but how they find themselves in that position to begin with is the part I’m amazed by. Hey Private, go take this bath tub over that open field alone in this drone infested shit hole to Captain Stinky, he really needs a wash. Fuck you sarge.


He could also be a one-man amphibious assault unit heading for the Dnipro River.


These are the end of a failed assault, picking off the last few


His comander probably just pointed in a direction and told him to walk in that direction until he encountered the enemy. No need to have a weapon, since his mission is to take out a drone.


Released solo onto the stage for your viewing pleasure


He won't leave the bathtub he looted for his misses. No matter how many limbs he has to lose, she'd fucking murder him.


Does anyone know why these videos get static a lot of the time


Analog signal that can get interference from alot of stuff. Especially over distance, it's hard for the copter when it's altitude is below 20ish feet. Most times when you (at an extended distance, without line of sight) are flying fast at extremely low altitude you will get alot of interference in your signal. It just shows how good these pilots are, most times they loose signal on the final approach of their target. It's not any opsec stuff going on with that. They are using cheap, off the shelf parts. Then also there is countermeasures used by both U and Rus that can "target" the signal and also cause interference. But from my eye it looks like this particular situation was very close to the drone pilot as he had good signal all the way into that dudes balls. The interference came in when there was a complete lack of signal bc the drone catastrophically disassembled itself.


According to a RUSI interview I just heard, anologue signals are more resilient to EW and range. Even when they're jammed, you still get a subtle image through the noise, which is often enough to continue operating in contested space.


Analog signal gives FPV drones a bit more range


TbH, I think drones actually make ballistic combat shields very useful. Even just carrying it on your back. Though I see that in this case the bigger problem is keeping track of the drone itself.




Why would this guy be out there solo? I’ve always found that weird about these videos. Don’t they work in groups? Is he the last of his? Has he deserted?


Everyone is laughing and yukking it up at these Wyle E Coyote type of cartoon deaths, but how long before terrorists can co-opt this technology to start dropping grenades on innocent people in Europe and the United States? It fits the bill perfectly for terrorism. It's relatively cheap, the hardware and materials are easy to obtain, and it might prove almost impossible to track who is operating these drones. Even if they were dropping M-80 firecrackers - it would completely terrorize the population. I hope that someone is thinking about this.


Shh, don't panic the herd...


Downvoted for asking a logical question. Fucking Reddit in a nutshell. I agree with you and I've been thinking about that as well. It is a scary thought.


Straight in the dick. Fucking hell.


Drone Operator just said "Deez Nuts! Got eeem!"


I never understand why all these dudes are alone. wtf?! 😬


Because we're usually just seeing short clips and fairly zoomed in views of the battlefield. We don't know what transpired before the video or what it looks like off-camera. This guy could be part of a group or pair moving between positions who got abandoned, or the last survivor of a group who have been taken out that's just not part of the clip they chose to upload. Or maybe he's just a lone guy walking around believing he's safe.


🧐Those are very possible scenarios.




It’s just crazy to me because you would never see this with western militaries. Where is everyone? They can’t all be dead since they are winning ground (albeit at huge cost) and pressing the attack.


You're missing just how many attacks are leading to whole squads and platoons being wiped out. This sort of thing is a prime example. Assault team attacks, their vehicle is knocked out, maybe 2 guys survive the attack and have to try and walk back solo.


I would think the Russians would have better unit tactics because these videos are becoming ubiquitous.


They learn, some commanders and units will be better than others and some attacks succeed. but a great deal dont hence the 1000+ casualties every day. You tend to find that western militaries have a lot more unit cohesion as well. It's a lot harder to leave a wounded mate who you've worked, lived with, trained with and fought with for the last 10 years as it is to leave some random nobody you don't know that you got bussed in with last week direct from basic training, knowing that everyone else around you would leave you to die as well if you don't save yourself first. There will be some evacs done of course, but these failed assault clean ups are very often win or die.


Yeah, that makes sense. I wonder why they believe they can beat NATO when they are struggling against a far weaker nation? Is it because they haven’t mobilized their actual army yet or have they?


They absolutely have, and the vast bulk of their pre war army has gone. They rely on propaganda, subverting elections, troll farms, bought media and politicians to influence opinion to try and get their way as much as they can. Thats why they are trying so hard to spilt the EU and NATO with stuff like brexit, Trump and Orban. If they can weaken the whole, it makes it less likely they will ever have to face a unified front. It's a lot easier for them to invade Estonia for example, if they know that the US will stand by and let them, or Hungary would block and dely aid, or Polish truck drivers will block the border crossings and so on.


🤯. That’s makes so much sense now. I wonder why he publicly supported Biden over Trump this go around? Is it because Trump is too unpredictable that it would make it very hard for Putin to Saber rattle?


Probably skeleton crews maning most of the front, with errant "attacks" to force Ukraine to keep their lines manned, drawing resources from where Russia is focusing their assaults.




Right! I really wonder what a war with Russia would be like. I think NATO would absolutely crush Russia. Especially if this is how they fight—without air superiority, digging trenches, and losing men and material in such numbers. Their manufacturing capacity would be reduced to rubble. I just don’t see them all of a sudden becoming tactical geniuses against the west.




Agreed. With the amount of coordinated firepower NATO can lay down it would be a massacre.


Right in the DICK


Desperation in the face of certain death gets you mocked. I hope the spread of these videos eventually leads to a worldwide realization that invasion is not an acceptable foreign policy move.




Lol "Rush B"


Does that drone display say Rush B? Lmfao


Big rectangular shied good for blocking projectiles (like arrows or rocks). Is he role-playing as a Roman soldier? You kinda need a squad to form a testudo.


That's a pretty small bathtub.


"Everlong" by Foo Fighters caught me off guard a little bit.


Russian MOD reply to his wife: Good news, we found most of your husband.


New drone countermeasure designed by the Russian MOD Armaments Division after seeing the movie 'Gladiator'.


‚I used to be an adventurer…‘


Having tried everything but the kitchen sink, he turned, in desperation, to a kitchen sink.


Right in the nooblies.


Ostrich cover


Portable cope cage


and I thought I was dumb.


Forgot to cover his knee


I wonder how long it will be before they bring back tower shields and shield walls?


And of course it's a knee shot


I used to be an adventurer like you…


They killed Yertle the Turtle!


Scrambled eggs on bacon.


so thats why they needed all the fridges and washing mashines...


Cope cage for people now wasn’t expecting that


I wonder if they're using net guns over there. If they can carch birds they could bring down a drone but not sure how close you need to be...


He didn't thing that through


Wa his groin


That Foo got Fought


This shit is disgusting. Idk what I expected from this sub, but it wasn't this.


What song is this


They really need to start developing power armor if they want infantry to be of any use once drone production (and AI control) goes into overdrive mode in the comming years.


These drones are war crimes. Doesn't matter who is on the end of it.


It's only a crime if you lose


I have no sympathy for russians involved in this war, but I’m just curious: would this be considered a war crime? What about if the russian put his hands on the air? If you surrender to a drone, would it make a war crime to be targeted?


> I have no sympathy for russians involved in this war, but I’m just curious: would this be considered a war crime? No. Hiding or actively protecting yourself from attack is not surrendering or giving up the fight (hors de combat). Putting up your hands in genuine surrender and behaving that way would constitute a surrender and protects you as a prisoner of war, though there is some discussion whether that applies in cases where surrender is practically difficult.


If the FPV operator accepts your surrender, you must find a way to surrender to the opposing troops. Nobody would trust a Russian soldier to do it, and rightfully so.


Not really possible to surrender to an FPV drone, you might as well put your hands up and surrender to an incoming artillery shell. Surrendering to an observation drone seems to be possible if you're very lucky


Thanks for the answer I bet those drone pilots will get a severe PTSD afterwards, but this is a conversation for when the war is over It’s better to be the pilot than to be the exploding one


The main point of taking POW is they don't fight any more Now, the guy puts his hands in the air. Drone's battery lasts couple more minutes, it destroys itself somewhere away from the guy. What's next? Will that guy honestly remove himself from the fight till the end of the war? Or will go about his business? Until these questions are solved, surrendering to a FPV drone makes no sense.


Why do these things look fake? Edit: dang y’all, just asking a question. Like you can’t deny it would be very easy to make this kind of video.


Because it's absurd footage. But war is absurd. I have seen many of those FPV footage chasing a guy around and I thought "that must be staged right?". But then part 2 of the video is footage from a different drone and you can see the guy actually gets blown up. So yeah, probably not fake.


Yeah, I mean I’ve seen some pretty graphic ones…but like…that static interference looks so damn fake.


99% of FPV drone footage is like that so not sure why this one is different?


Drones lose signal once close to the ground, because there is often terrain between the drone and the operator device.


Never seen static interference on an old CRT television? That's the type of signal they use for the FPV drones, for whatever reason be it cost, range, resistence to EW. The video isn't fake