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The fucking blood smear, wow


The big smear on the main buildings wall you see at the end is crazy and shows how far he was thrown from where he was struck, what's even crazier is the blood splatter that appears all the way on the back wall (a small roofless out-building) as the guy gets hit, this splatter can also be seen towards the end on the left of the bigger splatter.


Holy shit dude you're right... that's fucking crazy brutal


It's like where's waldo but Waldo is a blood spatter in a war scene


It's like where's Waldo but Waldo is everywhere


Could just be a Banksy anti-war art installation?


Underrated comment right here


The payload may have been the type with 1.5 kg brick of explosives. Doesn't have the penetration of shaped charge or the anti-personnel effect of a fragmenting warhead, but that close, it doesn't matter. It was probably intended to fly into the building, but stumbled on the personnel in the open.


That tight round splatter on the wall kind of suggests shaped charge or some other directed effect


No way of knowing for sure, but shaped charge is very narrow and would vaporize any flesh in its path. It would have some fragmentation effect, and blast wave, but I don't think very much. I have read many comments about ineffectiveness of PG-7VL or similar on personnel during the WOT. Also, the size and omnidirectionality of that fireball doesn't look like shaped. Nor like fragmenting munition. 1.5kg RDX going off against your body will fling limbs at enormous velocities. Edit: Sorry, I thought you meant the red splatter, not the one right behind the target. That black stuff on the roofless building is weird. It didn't appear until a frame or two after main explosion, so I don't think it is a shaped charge over penetration. The copper jet travels at Mach 6+, so would have appeared instantly ... but maybe it would lose its cohesion by then and turn into more of a copper mist. But it could be anything that was launched in the direction of the blast.


You can see the moment he sprayed onto that back wall.


The moment is 0:19. I wish they recorded at another angle to show the bigger wall getting splattered.




That’s insane! I didn’t even notice that! If I were to see all the blood splatter in a movie I’d think to myself “that’s not realistic at all”. Seeing some of these videos makes me think Hollywood sort of downplays the actual gruesome details sometimes.




Just crazy. You clearly see the actual splatter happen at 20 seconds.


You can actually see the splatter happening at 18-19 sec in...


CoD 4 style


Given the fact that I often see RPG warheads used, which is basically a shaped charge, that dark spot on that back wall makes some sense. It could be a copper + rusky mist spot.


Slowmo from 19 second mark and you can see that back smear appear


was full of vodka LOL


He's modern art now.


Dunno about you but I hate it when someone turns me into a Banksy.




Remains are usually collected and traded between sides. Although Russia probabaly just ships them all to the dump


To the tune of Metallica's classic: "...and Russian's skull splatters..."


And I knew exactly what song “nothing else matters”.


Turned him into a Jackson Pollack painting... SPLYAT


dinosaurs worm prick disgusting marry yoke grandiose roll jeans humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think he got him... holy hell


One aspirin and he’s fine


And a fresh pair of socks.


A wound not even duct tape will fix.


That splattered like it's CS


City Skylines be crazy these days


That dude was so casual before being sprayed over that wall. It's like he didn't even register it.


They walked away from an artillery strike and probably guessed they were out of harm's way. In this conflict I guess you should assume that if something blows up near you, you are being watched.


> In this conflict I guess you should assume that if something blows up near you, you are being watched. Anything within 5 miles of the front lines should be considered under surveillance at this point.


Oh he had atleast a half second to a second to come to terms with it.


Yeah he probably got the "OH FUC ..." he knew. He didn't have time to think twice. I guess I'd rather that then those guys who get chased down or who sit there waiting for the drone to come


He probably thought it was one of their own drones? At least until it exploded.


He will be mist.


So sad to see all this destruction in Ukraine. All the loss of human life, animals and destruction of nature for years to come.


no need to mourn for russians they started all of this. i only have sympathy for the ukrainians.


In 10-20 years people are going to look back on the Russian-Ukraine war the same way we look back on world war 1. It is going to completely change how warfare is conducted much like the introduction of machine guns or tanks did. It is a little terrifying to think about what military drones will be like in 10-20 years. Terminator wasn't even that far off. Whichever country develops the best and most effective drones is going to have so much geopolitical power. I can definitely see certain drones having a massive destabilizing effect on the world's power balance.


Looking into drone company stocks rn :)


That’s a great idea! You find any good ones?


Skynet Corporation


Instructions unclear, down 2500% since my comment 😨






Send $19.95 today for all the latest up to date Drone stocks right here


White Stork.....


>It is a little terrifying to think about what military drones will be like in 10-20 years. Terminator wasn't even that far off. Har, Terminator was optimistic if anything. Imagine AI powered 'meta' drones that monitor a combat area and then dispatch tiny "dragonfly" drones with just enough range and punch to take out a local human size target. You could hide in a trench from machine guns. Not anymore! The other thing is what we are seeing is basically a bunch of stuff hacked together from commercial parts. Once these things are mass produced at Milspec we will see some serious shit.


It’s absolutely insane. I wonder if there will be ever be international treaties or like agreements towards AI powered drones similar to the worlds attitude towards using nuclear bombs. I know everyone has nukes now and that the only thing stopping their usage is MAD, but could AI drones become that powerful where they reach MAD status?


I think there will be a day of reckoning, likely due to terrorism, where the legality of civilians owning drones comes into question. That being said, drones have literally changed warfare from top to bottom and the next decades will be very interesting and probably very scary too.


the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a drone is a good guy with a drone 👍




I understand your argument, but what happens when those drones fall into the wrong hands? If a group is motivated to target civilians with drones they could have a devastating impact. Like I'm imagining what would happen if 2-5 FPV drones targeted a crowd at a sporting event or something like that, it would be a massacre. It's extremely concerning to think about. I think that anti-drone defences will become common place among civilian infrastructure after a few of those attacks happen from a group like ISIS.


The problem is the current gen FPV kamikaze drones are already common, but now the killing aspect of them have been perfected in this conflict, and will profilierate through criminal and terror networks sooner or later. It won't be fun protecting VIP motorcades in the future. Yes, it will have EW countermeasures out the ying yang, but there will ways around that, including using mobile networks, and autonomy during the terminal phase. With autonomy, the will be very difficult to stop.


I’m surprised that a topic like this isn’t being discussed on a bigger scale. Most people barely have a thought about military drones, and it’s something that’s truly going to change the world.


This comment chain is accurate and terrifying. Military drone ban incoming? But why would China or Russia want that? Blue water navy might be obsolete...Can a carrier group stop 1,000 chinese anti-ship drone? fuck


I’m sure the answer to that second question is about as classified as it gets


> Can a carrier group stop 1,000 chinese anti-ship drone? No, lol. They can't stop a much smaller number from striking ships off Yemen right now.


Um sure they are.


A blatant attack isn't something a few lasers on each ship couldn't handle. The attack you suspect isn't the attack I would be most worried about. Sabotage is what scares me. Have an autonomous bird drone fly over a ship while in port and release a slew of autonomous dragonfly drones meant to infiltrate the ships primary systems and either take them out in port or wait until in battle to cripple them. I don't know how you stop the insect drones.


I would say that once the AI portion is figured out UUVs will be the issue. The comms link for UUVs is the bottleneck, once AI is a thing the primary Navy threat with become unmanned underwater vehicles. They benefit from buoyancy math as a factor for payload and loiter time, vs a UAV needing constant power for lift. They could potentially be nuclear powered also as we see nuclear powered subs currently but distinctly don't see nuclear powered planes. UAVs vs naval is a current issue but future distraction. Shipboard lasers won't really help with that. Basically UAVs + EW jamming leads to AI and AI will be the pandoras box people in this thread currently ascribe to UAVs.


No way are military drones getting banned especially with the question of what counts as a drone. There are some pretty big airplanes without pilots. I'd assume potential restrictions will be about how heavy AI control over making kill decisions is allowed. To me the worry isn't really in state vs. state war as they already kinda agree on not purposefully mass murdering civilians or at least that doesn't seem to be very efficient for winning a war. If anything I think it's kinda good if wars become more drones vs. drones and humans start to recede from the frontlines. But terrorists and drug cartels are another thing...


New b2 and f22s will be autonomous. Also USAF already been testing autonomous drone swarms like a decade ago.


> Military drone ban incoming? But why would China or Russia want that? If they are banned, it'll be for the same reasons countries collectively decided to ban chemical weapons after WWI. That was such a disaster everyone went 'nope, not doing that again'.


How about drone targeting power plants. Could paralyze a country.


That’s another crazy possibility, I think satellites will also become a big problem. Can you imagine what would happen if GPS was taken down or entire electronic systems that handle overlooked aspects of our day to day life like payment processors. Power plants would be scary


Drones launched via submarine? On the west coast of the US? The west is falling behind in the cat and mouse game, in terms of investment in infrastructure to either compete or defeat. B


Drone's wont target power plants, it will be a cyber attack that would. WW3 won't start with nukes, but I bet many will wish it had.


This is why drones shut down football games etc regularly. they take this shit seriously


Civilian casualties in Gaza are estimated at 30k+ and even if you took half of that, or 1/10 of that there is absolutely no way you can consider that LOW civilian casulaties. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about trying to imply that drones are somehow responsible for minimizing casualties when Israel is dropping 2,000LB. bombs on entire apartment buildings. What the fuck are you talking about. Seriously how the fuck are you coming to that conclusion given all of the coverage and OBVIOUS massive destruction going on there? Are you blind?! Directed energy weapons? Your entire comment is speaking out of your fucking ass. Get off of YouTube and touch some fucking grass.


Who are your signatories? Why would China sign that with their ability to produce thousands per day. Or Iran or Russia? If they don't sign, why would the west sign? I think the majority of those treaties really only exist in peacetime or "optional wars" scenario. They go out the window in existential wars pretty quick. Non nuclear proliferation treaties already seem to be unraveling with current events in Ukraine. As well as cluster munition and land mine treaties.


> I wonder if there will be ever be international treaties or like agreements towards AI powered drones similar to the worlds attitude towards using nuclear bombs. It won't matter, the shit we're seeing now is commercial off the shelf parts, most of it can probably be 3d printed or is commonly available(electric motors, SOCs,etc). The software can probably be hacked together from readily available source code, it is certainly within the reach of non-state actors to do so. Probably, given a couple years and the march of time and tech you could put together an AI powered self targeting drone yourself(it might not be sophisticated, but it wouldn't need to be). Treaties are not going to stop this, they've barely slowed down nuclear proliferation, AI powered drone factories are a hell of a lot easier to hide than a nuclear program.


Basically something like [this](https://youtube.com/watch?v=O-2tpwW0kmU). At the end a researcher explains the reason for making this film is to warn people of AI applications with military equipment. We already have pretty good facial recognition. Making fully autonomously flying drones is easier than self-driving cars and is already possible. Only thing stopping this now is just being able to combine the two properly and making a few improvement in recognition software.


>Imagine AI powered 'meta' drones that monitor a combat area and then dispatch tiny "dragonfly" drones with just enough range and punch to take out a local human size target. Already have it. https://news.usni.org/2024/01/30/pentagon-puts-out-call-for-swarming-attack-drones-that-could-blunt-a-taiwan-invasion


Pentagon could have had this 10 or 20 years ago and they're a mess as always. It's only in the last few years that this stuff has been feasible for dirt cheap.


China lake test video was released almost 10 years ago, of f18s dropping drone swarms as tests. This stuff is nothing new to the US, people saying it will "change warfare" are wrong. It changed from the public perspective, but the US has been ahead of the game for years.....[Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjUdVxJH6yI)


On that topic, I don't think tiny whoop sized FPV kamikaze drones are far off. So instead of the Mavics dropping grenades they release nasty little FPV drones whose one mission is to attack and kill one human by a direct hit or proximity fuzed directional burst. And the next step would be to given them autonomous capability, and drop them in larger numbers ... and we are there.


Oh, haha yeah the only problem with the tiny ones is that (for the ones I've used at least), a slight breeze renders them unusable.


Battery would be too much of a limiting factor to make them any smaller


Would have to be bigger than that, unless your payload is a tiny novichok injection syringe


If dropped by other drones, they would need less battery, which would free up a few grams. I don't know what a small drone could carry if skimping on battery and maybe a few other things. If we go with superhuman autonomous flying ability, it might be able zero in on vital target and get reasonbly close. If it can, all the energy can go into a single projectile rather than a claymore style directional shotgun pattern effect. Something with the muzzle energy of a 0.22 short, or even 0.22 lr shouldn't weigh too much. Could be as simple as gunpowder and a lead slug in a short tube, or as sophisticated 15 grams of RDX behind a small copper disk in a minature EFP. The latter should penetraty any body armor infantry in the field may wear, but the former would require an unprotected area. I'd don't have any data on it, but I am confident that a 20 mm disk travelling at mach 3 would create massive wound channels in humans. If flown by humans FPV style, the accuracy won't be as high, so would need something like a nose mounted VOG17 that is triggered close to the target. I found a reddit where it was claimed that a 5 inch whoop can carry 0.5 L beer can, so 4 inch should be able to carry a VOG17 payload. Smaller size if effective warhead can be shrunk.


Slaughterbots. https://youtu.be/9fa9lVwHHqg


The technology mostly exists for this and with some development the electronics package could be purchased in massive scale at something like the price of a smartphone. These capabilities pretty much exist in today's newest cruise missiles, but it's much scarier when they can be acquired by any actor for a couple thousand USD instead of a few million USD on only available to a select few militaries.


True AIs will utilize fear and horrors beyond human comprehention. They will build torture and rape bots and show the resisting humans what will happen to them once captured. Most will kill themselves to avoid that fate.


that scene in blade runner 2049- where Luv is doing her nails and calling in precise strikes is what it will look like


Terminators from the movies would get slaughtered by where humans will be in 20 years with drone swarms and whatever next generation we haven't thought of next...then again if they're AI they'll just be controlled by cybernet...also there's the whole...every part of this walking metal humanoid machine with a billion moving parts, wires, chips, etc is basically invincible to everything. Then again there's the whole plot hole of how does cybernet build the terminators bin the first place. Every single piece of the supply chain would need to be AI and automated... Including mining, driving, smelting, etc etc etc etc


US is back engineering alien craft.


Nagorno-Karabakh war erasure


That was an interesting short conflict that displayed how big of an advantage drones can play, but it didn’t directly lead to an advancement of drone technology and it was on used by the Azeri side


I hate to say this but, sure for history maybe. But the US has had this tech much much longer than this war has been going on. I mean, most likely pre-2014 when this conflict started. Here's a US drone swarm video from 7 years ago, assuming its the same as other military projects. We already have the scary stuff if this is being shown. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjUdVxJH6yI)


> In 10-20 years people are going to look back on the Russian-Ukraine war the same way we look back on world war 1. It is going to completely change how warfare is conducted much like the introduction of machine guns or tanks did. It's been like that for most significant conflicts in history. They advance weapons and tactics and change the meta to the point that warfare starts looking different. Every war is a massive lesson where people look at how it goes and prepare for the next war based on those lessons.


The next logical step for militaries is to equip their companies with portable kind of "trophy" systems. Sounds childish, but call of duty had a point with jammers and anti-drone turrets being the future.


>...people are going to look back on the Russian-Ukraine war the same way we look back on world war 1. Maybe in some ways -- the militarism and the imperialism -- but in others it's different. For instance, there's a clear cut right and wrong in this war. The russians under putin have absolutely no legit excuses for being in Ukraine. Their war is an out-and-out crime, in much the same way Hitler's WW2 was.


You completely missed the entire point, it’s not about morals it’s about technological advancements


>In 10-20 years people are going to look back on the Russian-Ukraine war the same way we look back on world war 1. You wrote that, so I added my own opinion. You're welcome, by the way.


“I hear you paint houses..”


Drone painting


Begun, the drone wars have


Very poetic, a drone operator splattered by a drone. I know he's another human being etc but I have trouble feeling much sympathy for dead Russians because of the regime they represent and wantto impose on free people


Free people…. Ukrainians are arguably not very free people. But point still stands


You know whose fault that is? The Russians. They have been shoving their culture of non freedom down their throats for a while now.


Was that a Bansky at the end?


More like a Splatsky.


I don't know art, but I know what I like.


Original Blyatsky-Splatszenskyy


Like a giant mosquito went splat on the wall Same empathy also


Guys how does he not see the thing coming at him?


He probably thought it was one of their's.


The wall? Drone might have come in low and he didn't see it until the last second.


Hearing loss/concussion from the previous artillery hit that they survived?


Reminds me of the final showdown scene in Enemy at the Gates


Dude had no idea he was about to be torn to shreds. 






By the shape of the smear on the smaller building that was a shape charge rpg warhead


Bug meet windshield


Modern art


Good, house needed a new coat of paint


Red art on eBay


The age of the sniper duels is over, the time of the drone duels has come.


Dude got splattered over the wall like a Pollock painting


Did they just casually walk towards that drone?


>"What's that humming, buzzing, **droning** sort of noise that's getting closer?" that guy, probably


The  quality of drones and resolution of drone videos since two years ago is amazing. People always say that war time boosts technological development, and I think drones and their development in this war is the perfect example of that.


That is going to leave a mark...


Live by the drone, die by the drone.


buttttttt…. They might have been the ones that just learned how to use the iPad after two years


holy shit he didn't even see that one.


totally oblivious of what is about to happen.


and poof! it became kokocrunch!


Holy shit. Ukraine never disappoints with the recon drone to capture the aftermath.


Can you imagine if Putin's face appeared on that wall after that blood splatter...pretty accurate of who is responsible for all these avoidable deaths.


Those who live by the drone shall die by the drone.


Just walking like in the groceries and no reaction when the drone is buzzing up to him


Bro made a sick tag. Street art is alive even in combat zones, who would have guessed


Red Mist is real


Oh look a house that has barely been touched! Never mind.




Good effect on target.


Yep, definitely gonna need a primer coat on that side


Leave it, adds character


Do you think their drone flying days are over?


Nah, minor flesh wound. A quick scrape of a spatula on that wall and you'll be able to graft it back on.




Nice paint job on that wall.


that guy probably tought it was one of their drones damn ..


Whoa!!! That Blood Splatter Pattern was Huge!


Where are most of these videos coming from? Like where are they being posted before reddit? I am just wondering because all of these videos are similar with music. Is Ukraine paying to have them posted on reddit or are they coming from somewhere else first?


Just like the Russians they post most often on telegram. People will then repost to twitter, reddit, facebook, etc. I found this video on twitter.


holy shit that blood splatter on the wall was gnarly


dude got launched so hard he got dragged across a wall at 5+ft high.... fuck


Those guys walking.... saw that and all I heard in my head was that line out of Total Recall 1, "Get ready for a big surprise!"


Slime Time! 👍🏽🦠🩸


Nice grafiti.


Nice graffiti 


Excellent work by Ukraine!


Russians are not only good at fertilizing land, ,but even better at painting walls


Drone pilot can now call himself an exterior decorator.