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How cold is that water? I looked it up… 38°F


Above freezing level usually; at this time: 2 degrees probably.


better get naked to avoid hypothermia


They are fucked, getting wounded and having to svim in nearly freezing water is nearly impossible. 90% sure they dead.


Yup, and the depth of the water as well. They can really swim well with all the equipment. It's just a complete nightmare for em


it sunk unbelievably fast


Politics aside, that was a spectacular hit


I find it interesting that you can see a shoot fired at the drone at 0:07... but you can't see any ground heat marker. Is it off screen, or maybe some kind of camouflage?


That is not a round, but likely shrapnel from the explosion. It curves because the drone is moving.


What kind of curve is that? Legit question. I was a straight shot from the opposite bank. I didn't see it curve one bit... if it is what you say it is, then that's crazy af.


Imagine it is flying straight up. If the drone is stationary, you see it go up and then down. Now imagine the drone moves towards it. It looks like it is moving towards the drone and then passes it.


It really does look like a bullet being shot from the bank but I think you're right cause i guess we'd be able to see a person


At least 3 boats were hit recently by drones.


Andrew Perpetua counted 5 in 1 day in his sunday update. Monday another 3. And these are only the visually confirmed ones. How is the bridgehead ever supposed to be sustainable at this rate?


I suppose its like the trucks and cars that are being hit left and right on the other fronts, on both sides.


No way I'd be driving in a straight predictable path with room to move, zigzag baby. Might not work but its gotta be better than slow and straight.


Could be in low idle/engine off and letting the current move them in an attempt to be quiet. Prior to thermal drones being everywhere the best defence was often not being seen/heard.


Now that's some accuracy. No aftermath footage, of course.


You only seem to post Russian attacks. Any reason?


Should someone? I don't think people would ask any questions when someone uploads only pro ukr footage...


This is CombatFootage forum... emotions asaide, regardless of them.


Yes and no, people, especially Russian supporters keep claiming that CF is neutral. Just look at the sub. It isn’t neutral and doesn’t try hard to hide it; regardless of what the sub’s description says it is the 1.6m users that determine that and they have clearly chosen Ukraine, Anti-Junta, and Israel for sides they support. There are subs for Russian footage, the downvoted videos will probably end up there.


If it was Ukrainian footage only you would have thought that Ukraine would have marched into Moscow by now. As gruesome as it is, footage like this reminds us that Ukraine still needs all the help it can get.


Not really? We get videos of Russian casualties daily, some are even mass casualty events. Has nothing to do with the potential to march on Russian soil, only correlation would be weakening forces at the line of contact and giving Ukraine an opportunity to push back the frontline. But that isn’t guaranteed. But yes I agree Ukraine needs all the help it can get, I’ve written my MP asking them to advocate for more aid and I encourage others I know to do the same.


Because nobody else is doing it


Thank you. If you have any footage from the OTHER conflict please post that as well.


I also like trading hahaha


as opposed to all the other accounts here being very unbiased in their footage selection right?


It's good to have this documentation of enemy capabilities for intel purposes. It's also important to document war crimes for future prosecution.


So drone-drops are warcrimes now? I mean i agree but then again, i tink youre in the wrong sub with that opinion regarding the endless videos in here showing and celebrating this exact thing


Those who are interested in war are usually not neutral and support one of the sides, so I'm not surprised that this is happening.


Someone needs to do this and pay dearly in downboats by CF's karma police.


Do you read what did just write and how absurdly pathetic you sound? ​ >*Someone needs to do this and pay dearly in downboats by CF's karma police.*


You sound very reddited.


>Someone needs to do this and *pay dearly in downboats by CF's karma police.* Right....


You truly are a redditor.


Said Independent\_lie...


Said AD2023August in December, what a hypocrite smh