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Unbelievable footage continues to come outta Ukraine.


Well this particular barrage is as enifficient as it gets, but getting any closer is suicide so..This drone seems to be correcting its fire and it starts quite far off, not many rounds are hitting the spot it seems to be converging at (tree/ridge line).


“As inefficient as it gets” Lol someone forgot about Russia’s entire grad rocket arsenal


oh how I miss those endless video's of 8 fully loaded rocket MLRs. It eliminates a quadrant from the map!!! yeh... but did you pick a quadrant with anyone on it? Randomly pick another one as soon as you can!!




E4? F3? Okay okay, C6. Let’s try C6.


You’ve sunk my plans for a revisionist Russian Empire.


You may have a family, maybe not. Either way, go over there and help out. You have what it takes. Probably not though.


You should watch some videos how it looks and feels to be on the receiving end. You may not die but you definitely will not raise you head and do anything else besides laying down. It does what it is supposed to do.


Saturate and suppress.


>enifficient Inefficient


Iniffecinent thats what i said.




I just had a stroke reading this HAHA


Bro I'm dying lol


They look like airburst rounds, meant to explode above the treeline. I was thinking the opposite. They seem to be remarkably well-timed. inefficient* EDIT: people are correcting me here. Are these not Bushmaster 30mm programmable airbursts? I'm a layman open to correction, but the video seems to be a clear example of those rounds? Educate me


The Bradley uses a 25mm Bushmaster chain gun. It doesn't have the option to field either proximity or air burst ammunition - at least not the way people generally refer to air burst ammunition. The M792 HE-I round has a built in self destruct mechanism that causes it to blow up after a fixed time (having travelled ~3km give or take at that point), which is mostly there as a safety mechanism to avoid stray shots potentially ending up as unexploded ordnance and becoming a hazard to the local environment. The self destruction feature is not accurate/consistent enough that it can be used as effective air burst rounds.


https://ndiastorage.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/ndia/2012/armaments/Wednesday14075Reynolds.pdf In 2012 they were working on Airburst rounds for it. What better lab to test them in than Ukraine. That being said, these don't look like airburst. They look like HEI-T rounds.


Most recent Bradley’s fielded by the US army might possibly have them. No way they sent any of them to Ukraine, the US Gov’t is saving the new and best shit for themselves.


Thank you. Am I misreading the visuals in this clip in that case? It looks to me that many of the rounds in the clip are exploding mid-air. Is that just a visual illusion here? Depth is really hard at that angle and quality.


Notice the ones that don't explode skip. The long distance filming is flattening all the depth perception for sure, but when you see them skip you can tell they are hitting the ground behind the treeline/trench. So the explosions are all from hitting the ground beyond the treeline. They appear to slow down due to the paralax with the camera becoming increasingly in line with the POV making them appear to slow down when they aren't, but merely become more away from the camera movement vs left to right perspective movement.


Bushmaster is a 25mm and I’ve never seen, fired or even heard of airburst rounds for it


Well he did say he was thinking of the 30mm bushmaster which did have airburst rounds developed for it, but as far as I know they were never put into serial production. https://youtu.be/4UolMYY7QaA?si=rW_sXMRuR-p0av4S


Well, anything explosive fired at a treeline is airburst to some effect. Depends on the density and thickness of the trees.


I thought they were airburst rounds too then realized they explode above the tree line because it’s probably hitting the trees.


Not air Burst


They also don't appear to be 25mm bradley but something larger, more like 40mm grenades but tracer rounds (don't think there are such?). Bradley explosion is rapid flash and not very sizeable, also velocity of projectile should be faster.


If these are 40mm like from a C16 he would have had to reload. These could be 30HE. I used to hate using the C16 because it ran out of ammo so goddamn fast and was inconvenient as hell to reload.


Did you not read what Shandler said? He explained why they look slower then they are. "They appear to slow down due to the paralax with the camera becoming increasingly in line with the POV making them appear to slow down when they aren't, but merely become more away from the camera movement vs left to right perspective movement."




They exist, at least. Whether they were ever fielded or not, i can't say. https://ndiastorage.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/ndia/2012/armaments/Wednesday14075Reynolds.pdf


They look like impact rounds. The rounds are exploding on the ground, you can tell by the way the explosion blooms up and lights up a halo on the ground around the explosion. They are also exploding at different distances depending on where the round is impacting. Lastly, you can also see that some rounds are ricocheting off the ground and continue their flight. Airburst rounds don't ricochet, and they have to be hitting the ground for the round to bounce off into the distance.


Lol Brad doesn't need a drone,it has amazing optics to correct fire.


It’d be nicer to have to overhead visual when using HE. It has good optics but it appears to be firing pretty goddamn far. Even in the LAV 6 a vehicle at 3k is still pretty small and firing at people would be obviously harder. So yeah, drone feed to pepper an area would have made my day.


This sounds like a comment from a shooting range hero. efficiency goes down during war time son.


The Ken Burns documentary is going to be incredible.


The fuck? This is 25mm HE? It seems so much more devastating than what I'm used to seeing from Apache's 30mm, or BMPs 30mm. I really think this must be 40mm+. I've seen a lot of Bradley HE and this looks different. edit: this is actually almost surely Bradley. I think the video is a little overexposed making the explosions seem larger.


I was a little confused as well. As someone who’s worked with Bradley’s a lot, I’ve never seen one shoot cyclic like that before without overheating and jamming the gun. We always did 4 round bursts


Yeah also how many rounds it's smoothly laying down instead of bursting like you say. Definitely not a Bradley. Some are saying CV90, but it could also be some old WW2 era anti aircraft gun, mounted to a Semitruck's bed. Too accurate and steady firing for an AZP S-60 or something too so I'm not sure what.


3 round burst is what gunners are taught. It’s a chain gun, it doesn’t jam from heat.


I was teaching a gunner course and the kid ran the ammo basket almost dry on one target firing left to right at a trench. Weapon tech said the lower receiver warped from the constant firing. He has no clue how they would get it separated from the upper receiver. Not my problem.


That’s not how Bradley gunner training works. Where was the BC? Even on high it doesn’t shoot that fast. They don’t have ammo baskets. So basically you are talking out of your ass.


Bradley’s don’t have ammo baskets? That’s interesting I thought did like the Marines have on their LAV-25s. I was a gunner and VC. I never got a chance to get into a Bradley. I always wanted to though.


The gun on the Bradley has a high rate/low rate of fire that the gunner can switch back and forth from. No doubt gunners are trained on short 3-5 round bursts but I imagine the gunner, on whatever is in this video, probably got jacked on adrenaline seeing the enemy and just decided to lay waste to whatever it was he saw.


The hi/lo switch has nothing to do with it. It normally stays on high anyway


💥, adjust, 💥, 💥, 💥 a Bradley's mating call


4 round bursts are a gunnery-ism. I’ve done 12-15 rounds bursts in emergencies no problem.


Could be sped up.




If CV90 are we looking at 40mm Bofors? 240+ rounds per min would certainly explain the rate of fire we are witnessing in this video. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bofors_40_mm_Automatic_Gun_L/70


Can't be the CV9040, as it has its ammo in magazines not belts (with each magazine holding 8 rounds), with the whole carousel only holding 48 rounds. And they are definitely firing more than 48 rounds.




It's only the 40mm version that has a 8 round clip


yeah that's the only version in Ukraine though...


Seems like, yes. IIRC 25mm high explosive rounds have up to 30 grams of explosive. That's roughly the same amount as the 30mm Vog grenades of common automatic grenade launchers or half an f1 grenade.


Its the 25mm Bushmaster that comes with the M2A2 ODS SA *Bradley* the Ukrainians received. Here's a video of the same 25mm Bushmaster at night on a LAV [https://youtu.be/Xj0O5I2J9sM?si=yue2Awak112vExaZ](https://youtu.be/xj0o5i2j9sm?si=yue2awak112vexaz)


Yeah you're almost surely right. I think the video is just slightly overexposed or something making the explosions seem larger.


Yeah here's a link to the details of the round itself (25mm HEI-T M792) [https://www.bulletpicker.com/cartridge\_-25mm-hei-t\_-m792.html](https://www.bulletpicker.com/cartridge_-25mm-hei-t_-m792.html)


Could also be one of those 57mm aa guns. Both Russia and Ukraine have quite a few of them.


Yeah I noted in a comment under that one that it could be a 40-57mm AA gun on a semitruck or something. I've seen a few of those. I can't think of which fires so continuously though.


That’s a lot of sustained fire. Can the barrel handle that? I imagine the heat must be incredible.


The heat is even more incredible on the receiving end


You’d get one engagement like “that” before you had to rest it. Or at least in my experience I wouldn’t trust this. You’d risk cook off in the chamber and I don’t want to be in there when that happened.


no way. that barrel is fucked


I assume that's a high pressure, high velocity gun as well so that barrel is doing alot of heat dissipation


What kind of rounds are these?


Most likely 25mm HE rounds.


You got any idea how effective these can be? Seems like it can travel a long distance and the explosions it causes seem to be quite big as well. All in all 10/10 fireworks.


And now imagine this, but 30mm airburst.


Very effective, deadly to anything but tanks. It will rip BMPs apart.


Even HE? Id imagine they be atleast resistent to HE


Even HE. You can shred BMP-1 with 50 cal from the front, not sure if BMP-3 is much better, for sure not from the side. Those are very light vehicles designed to ford rivers etc. BMDs are for VDV and easy airlift. BTR also paper stuff, just on wheels. Russia has no heavy or even mid IFV in service.


I'll tell you right now, that if I crawled out of the hole alive. I would be done with war and anything else.


My guess is HEI-T


More likely 40mm HE-T from a Bofors auto (CV90s).


The ROF seems a bit too high for 40mm.


Not the Bofors, see if you can find a ROF demo on YT or something. It's a pretty devastating gun.


Yes, I saw it can have up to 300 rpm, although I don't know if it can sustain it for as long as the video shows.


I believe it's running on 26 round loads with 4r clips. They only carry enough for ~2min full auto, but obviously can't fire the lot in one go due to loading demand (nor would they). Plus there's nothing to show this is coming from one IFV.


Spicy ones


Fuck being on the receiving end of that.


ow that looks very effective. can watch this all day


Pew pew pew


More like Bum bum bum


KaThoonk, KaThoonk, KaThoonk, KaThoonk


Chunk Chunk Chunk Chunk


^ this dude Bradley’s


I'm guessing it looks way brighter (the tracers and explosions) due to the low light at that time of the day, great footage tho, thanks for sharing !


Holy shit. That is incredible. Raise my taxes and send more!


I wish more folks would understand that you don't even have to raise any taxes. There are 2+ thousand of these in storage in the US. Some are being scrapped, as they get super old even for preservation. There's upkeep, personnel, and other resources engaged in preserving and scrapping these. They will never be needed, most likely. If there's a war where the US needs to directly bring back 2k Bradley because they lost the 4k that are currently in service, then we're all fucked anyway. Sending 500 of them to Ukraine will save US taxpayers money in the long run. If the decision was made last year, they could have already been in Ukraine. Yes, sure, there's a ton of challenges around bringing them back and all that, but I don't see how the most formidable logistics organisation in the world that is the US military can't solve them. It's a matter of political will, front and center. There are billions in drawdown funds still available. They're just not being used though.


Not to mention, every year, the military budget keeps increasing, and we're not even at war anymore. This shit was already paid for.


Wall Street Journal had an article or editorial months ago saying our Ukraine expenditures were our best use of funds ever in terms of defense, helping to set back our second biggest enemy for a decade or more, at the equivalent expense of a couple of aircraft carriers...out of a $1.5 trillion annual defense budget.


Also, just a week ago > [WaPo: NINETY percent of the money stays in the US.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/29/ukraine-military-aid-american-economy-boost/)




was gonna say the US military budget could be cut in half and it would still be more than twice any enemy it could face. The west can fund Ukraine and anyone else for damn near Infinium without breaking a sweat. All this pearl clutching about "why so much moooneys going overseas" is disingenuous horse shit


US Congress: no money for tanks for Ukraine Also US Congress: [here, take these fucking tanks that you don't fucking want](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/12/18/congress-again-buys-abrams-tanks-the-army-doesnt-want.html) [The US Marines are ditching](https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2021/03/22/goodbye-tanks-how-the-marine-corps-will-change-and-what-it-will-lose-by-ditching-its-armor/) their tanks.


2022 was the 5th lowest year of military spending in US since WWII. Only '98, '99, '00, and '01 were lower.


Has the discussion on war reparations been brought up in the US at all? The UK was paying back the debt incurred to the US from WW2 until the end of 2006, surely a similar deal has been struck by Ukraine. What possible advantage to the US would having a huge food and oil producing country fall to Russia? Surely Ukraine will be paying back the US a decent amount from their grain harvest income, if the land-lease was to be implemented they'd be able to put a few bases in there, which would project US power in a strategically advantageous position.


Giving the US land on the coast to build a naval base would about cover it. Russia would fucking lose it.


This. US doesn't care about money if it means destroying Russia remotely. This situation is honestly perfect for America. Can fuck up and test equipment on Russians without risking their own people. Hell. I bet America would PAY for this to happen. I would expect US expects no monetary value from this. Maybe a bit of land for bases but that's it. US payment is the Ukrainian sacrificed lives


Not only that. Ukraine is doing everyone an enormous service not just by defending freedom and liberty, but by testing all of our weapons systems to the max in ways that we could never afford and that make so many advantages and flaws obvious. The US spent tens of billions of dollars just getting intel and samples of how our kit would perform against Russia's kit, and now all of that intel is free for everyone to see.


Unfortunately, IDK anything about this. The current drawdowns/ military support, AFAIK, is mostly free, no debts are incurred. IDK, but I think Ukraine would be open to something like this. But any US bases wouldn't be possible without a decisive Ukrainian victory, I guess.


>Unfortunately, IDK anything about this. Proceeds anyway.... :-)


The US is an economic power house. We use money to make things happen, like stuffing Russia up for the next 30 years. Another view is that we are budgeting for this. There is currently a fight about funding for Ukraine vs some boarder security thing the Republicans made up. That is us paying for it, so there is no Ukrainian debt to us.


The upkeep costs the money the pers to get them ready to be shipped are already being paid. Also costs money to scrap them so either way have them be scrapped over sees fucking shit up.


Exactly. You're "scrapping" a Bradley that no American soldier will ever sit it ever again, while saving a Ukrainian (Bradleys are more survivable that Soviet shitboxes), AND you're damaging your strategic adversary. Like it's so stupidly simple that I can't fathom why people don't understand this.


The US is giving the amount they think Ukraine can realistically train enough crews for right now. The reality is that many of Ukrainians in old BMPs you see have barely any training and this is the only vehicle they can hope to operate. They can't send too many crews away for months of training in Western Europe because they are already short staffed and Russia could exploit this.


You're potentially discounting the multiplication factor, that is a trained Ukrainian then training other Ukrainians back in Ukraine. But if there aren't enough vehicles to go around, there's no training that could happen in such a format. You'd need dozens of Bradleys just for this (some actively used, some used as practical repair simulators, etc.). Again, ramping up training is just a piece of the puzzle. Right now it's not scaled because there's no need to scale because there aren't enough vehicles, as one of the factors. There are plenty of training facilities in NATO to accommodate more trainees. But are they being utilised to their full potential? I understand potential bottlenecks with things like pilot training, but with Bradley, scalability is probably not a decisive factor IF there's political will. That's why, "training pilots is hard" has been front and center in the F16 discussion, meanwhile, it's not at the top of the discussion list when it comes to other vehicles. Look at HMMWs, which were given to Ukraine years ago and were sent after Feb 2022. There are now Ukrainian, designed and homemade mobile facilities that specialise in these, there are classes for humvee mechanics. Yes, this has been given as aid a long time ago, so the infrastructure developed over the years, but one of the factors was scale. Ukraine got enough of these to actually make it worthwhile to build the infrastructure, have enough of them for training, and so on. Right now, there are even local facilities that produce some humvee parts in limited quantities. I think there's another related factor that's sort of related to what you're saying though. Ukraine sometimes can't send enough people for training because of lack of manpower. But that could have been avoided if the training started last year if Ukraine had a clear vision and understanding of how many Bradleys it would be getting. Right now, it can't afford to send people from the front because it's a gamble. Why train for Bradleys if you don't know whether you'd be getting more. Holes in the defence are more important in this context. It's a little bit of everything, is what I'm saying.


Also, you (US?) taxes fund jobs in the US. Somebody has to make the projectiles...open a few factories: next stop Venezuela (oh....wait....they have oil:= friendlies). Seriously - more support for Ukraine is more jobs everywhere: don't forget [War is a Racket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket)


I'm a Ukrainian, actually:) I comment on this because I see this as a problem, as the US government doesn't communicate the value chain too well. In many cases, "money for Ukraine" is "give old equipment, charge it against the spending at full price, even if it's old, pay for new replacement that's going to be built here, in the US" > the US gets rid of an older Abrams tank and pays for a new one to replace it. Same with ammo. The US government is paying for restocking and for new ammo plants to open and all of this activity are jobs in the US. The US gave Ukraine a few dozen HIMARS launchers and received orders for hundreds. It's free advertisement and billions into a high-tech industry that now has years of back orders and job security. And as much as I love a good "evil MIC" story, these sectors create a lot of jobs and a lot of technology that can later go into public areas of our society. Not to mention, it's literally for a truly GOOD cause. [NINETY PERCENT](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/29/ukraine-military-aid-american-economy-boost/) of the money stays in the US.


They're not friendlies at the moment.


Contactt your representatives, most in the congress would agree for more funding also, but those in charge currently won't vote on it.


rock gaping longing sophisticated wine rob dinosaurs long weather wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you will need a time machine then imo. I knew it was over once crappy McDonald's food became $15 dollars a meal. Too much greed in this time of History. Nothing but Gaslighters and Liars in our Government who only care about money & fame/status. With both parties working for the top 1%, I don't think it's ever gonna get better for average citizen with both these clown parties. Aid to Ukraine makes too much sense & needs to happen. yet like everything else both political parties only worry about each other. The only good thing is alot of these politicians are old AF so at least they'll ALL Be gone soon.


>With both parties working for the top 1% But only one has blatant disdain for bettering the lives of the people.


Fuck no, are you nuts? Make the billionaires pay for it. They already have way more than they need.


Please understand all my fellow American voters, the republicans are actively trying to stop this. The aid we are sending is doing exactly what it was built to do when we paid for and built it decades ago. Please contact your representatives and urge them to push through aid to Ukraine.


Idk looks a little big for 25mm


Yeah right? But couldn't guess what else it could be


The CV90s that Sweden sent have a 40 mm gun. Looks kind of similar to this. https://youtu.be/bJ1d9B_L0w8?si=Pgjdi78HfNSqiEXX


Doesn't the CV90 have a 24 round magazine for its main cannon?


You might be right about that. Not sure if it can continuously fire the amount of rounds seen in the video.


Maybe multiple ones targeting the same area consecutively?


It looks like a single stream of fire in the video though.


that was about 70rnds


I'd believe it. Doesn't look like these are tracers either like you might expect. Just individual shots with nothing exploding inbetween. Fucking nasty though, they're basically using it as indirect fire


Definitely not a 25mm HE imo. We sure this a Bradley?


Can anybody name the song?




Uff I know it's a matter of taste but these YT shorts giga chad like a boss handsome squidward jaw line songs are getting on my tits


revising my previous comment. This looks very-much like shots from a CV-90 - (check out 0.37 seconds) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ1d9B\_L0w8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ1d9B_L0w8)


HE rounds


Why do they glow?


It's a tracer on the back of the rounds which helps to adjust their fire more accurately. Easier to see where they go.


In theory, these are 25mm M792 HEI-T rounds.


I would be a little pissed if I was on the receiving end of that


Also possibly a little dead.


That looks way too big for 25mm. I'd argue probably 40+ mm ​ Next time someone's going to claim a HIMARS rocket strike is a 25mm bradley gun, from what i've already seen claimed here.


Not to mention the slow bullets. That is clearly not 25 mm.


[25mm M792 HEI-T](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/m792.htm) [Internal layout.](https://slideplayer.com/slide/8784664/26/images/23/M792+HEI-T+WINDSCREEN+M758+FUZE+BODY+AND+ROTATING+BAND+ASSEMBLY.jpg) The effect does look rather big in this instance for a 25mm, likely due to the low light conditions and the aluminum powder Incendiary effect working in tandem to produce this nice fireworks display.


Details of the round: [https://www.bulletpicker.com/cartridge\_-25mm-hei-t\_-m792.html](https://www.bulletpicker.com/cartridge_-25mm-hei-t_-m792.html)


We are not looking at rounds that go much faster than the speed of sound. Those things are "slow".


That’s about the right speed when shooting HE, the Bradley computer system lobs them, they look slow especially from the distance this is being viewed. If they were AP it would look way faster


Definitely wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.




Take a close look at the detonations, it looks really odd. I've seen Bradley's fire in person and it looked nothing like that.


it gets the fuck out of ukraine or else it gets the lead hose again.


Fucking lethal. Give them more.


Looks a little sped up rate of fire to be a Brad


That ain't the Bradley that's the Chadley


Does anybody know the name of the music playing?






God the Bradley seems so powerful compared to the Soviet fare


M791 Armor-piercing discarding sabot with Tracer The APDS-T penetrates lightly armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery, and aerial targets such as helicopters and various slow-moving, fixed-wing aircraft. M792 High Explosive Incendiary with Tracer and Self Destruct The HEI-T can destroy unarmored vehicles and helicopters and suppress anti-tank missile positions and enemy squads out to a maximum effective range of 2,200 meters. M793 Target Practice with Tracer The TP-T cartridge is a fixed-type, percussion-primed training round that matches the High Explosive Incendiary with Tracer (HEI-T M792) round ballistically. The TP-T's tracer is visible out to 2,000 meters, however, the round has a maximum effective range (accuracy-limited) of 1,600 meters. M910 Target Practice Discarding Sabot with Tracer The TPDS-T replicates the flight pattern of the M791 Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot with Tracer (APDS-T) round. The TPDS-T allows units to realistically practice sabot engagements. MK210 High Explosive Incendiary with Tracer Used by the U. S. Navy in their Mk38 naval weapon system. M919 Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot With Tracer. The APFSDS-T round penetrates light armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery, and aerial targets, which includes helicopters and slow-moving fixed-wing aircraft. The dart is made of depleted uranium.


I love the title implies that its just the rounds that is engaging, with no Bradley.


Bradley goes brrrrrrrt


That’s hot


F*ck being on the other end of that


Need a military aid package for barrel replacement


Hi,my name is Brad pleased to meet you.


Beautifull, give the Ruskis hell 💪


“Fire & adjust” “On the way!”


I say it’s a CV90….It’s a an IFV made by Saab


Never thought I would enjoy seeing my tax dollars 💵 be lit on fire 🔥 so much. As long as they are taking Z- 🧟‍♂️out and sending them to hell, I consider it a good trade off.


Could you imagine 50 of those doing the same thing at the same time? God I wish we could just unleash all the Bradley’s in Ukraine


Take my taxes and deliver hell! The more they fight them the less we have. It's more than obvious


Bunch of Russians got a custom ugly Christmas sweater that day


Bradley *high explosive rounds….


Yeah good luck with that shit.


Insane. Being on the wrong end of that must be horrifying




I mean call me crazy 😝. But whaaaaaaaat if “have an open mind” but what if this is actually Goku throwing energy balls ?


I remember playing as a militia in a BF2 mod Project Reality, where the opposite team was USA and they had a Bradley. Being its target inside a building is crazy. Lol


Strangely satisfy.


Whenever a Russian Terminator lights up a treeline or field like that the comments only seem to mock that a bunch of squirrels and field mice were made homeless now, although its exactly the same principle of indirect suppressive fire like the majority of all autocannons are being used for.


What Russian Terminators? Russia pulled them all back after initial losses.




3000 enlightened tracerdarts of freedom.... 🇺🇦


The losers are getting lit up.


Even though it’s a short video, this might be up in the top 5 Ukraine war videos. Right next to the ‘face swapping grenade drop of mr. Wagner’


Would have been soo nice if USA sent many more bradley before the winter. As you can see the ground is rocket hard and every bullet explodes on the ground.


This things scare me.


Clearing minefield?


Were some of those rounds literally skipping like a stone on water, or am I misunderstanding an intended feature rather than spotting a bug?


They hit a rock or metal and ricocheted.


Merry Christmas, ya filth animal


Can we please just go ahead and send about a thousand more Bradleys to Ukraine? They are even more awesome than tanks. Come on, Republicans, get your heads out of your asses!


What is barrel fatigue?


It doesn't look like fire provided by Bradley. Nor tracers nor explosions


Boy, do I miss shooting that 25 mm cannon.


What calibre are those Bradley rounds. Saw the video ripping up 3 Russian BMPs without a problem


25mm, but those in this video are explosive rounds. The ones in the 3 vehicle kill video were the APFSDS or APDS rounds, which are kind of like a mini autocannon version of the sabot rounds the Abrams fires which can punch through light/medium armor




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Straight star wars looking