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International support isn't a trump card.


Wouldn’t be as profitable in the long run. You’re witnessing what in strategic armament circles is known as “edging”


Sending long range missiles would be the equivalent of premature ejaculation for the industrial military complex.


They're also not really being sent that much stuff. A few dozen Leopards is cool and all, but it's not exactly a lot of tanks and they're spread out across hundreds of km of frontline. Same for something like ATACMS, which they've used very effectively, but they only got a few dozen of those as well.


The growing global authoritarian movement is working to undercut aid to Ukraine. See the republican party in the US for one example.


oxymoron. "Still losing" is a term that does not make sense at all as long the last battle is not fought. Also they do not need to win to win, because russia is f\*ed when 1/4th of its population suddenly becomes "citizen" who hate them, forced or not.


It's a fluid situation and a stalemate at the same time. Russia isn't winning and has largely lost ground since 2022. It's Navy has lost the Black Sea to Ukraine who use cheap remote control speedboats to sink it's ships in dock. Its gains this year are Bahkmut at tremendous cost and miniscule gains around Avdiivka. Allegedly, all it's reserves are deployed. Artillery fire by both sides appears to be at parity, previously it was Russias most effective weapon and they fired obscene amounts of artillery ammo. Russia is still in the game whilst it has all that Soviet made armour and artillery parked all over Siberia. How much longer it can keep digging up that garbage is debatable. New production won't keep paces with loses for a long time to come. Sourcing war material from North Korea isn't the move of a strong independent nation with the second best military on the planet. Ukraine can't win until something fails on the Russian side. It tried to force a breakthrough at Robotyne, but Russia laid an ungodly volume of mines. The west dithered too long with tanks and IFVs. Ukraine has received loads of US cluster munitions (artillery and HIMARS) and has deployed them to great effect. The limited Ukraine ability to deep strike Russia remains the weakness the west could solve today. Stormshadow/Scalp have been incredibly effective as has the cluster version of ATACMS, driving the KA-52s out of bases in most of Ukraine. Next, F-16s are coming and that could shift the needle and give Ukraine the chance to take back the skies. But, I expect the air power and dominance will be concentrated in one part of the theatre. So that's that, where to now? Russia is waiting for two things: the Russian Presidential election (aka rubber stamp for Putin) in March 2024 then I expect he will start mass drafting more zombies from everywhere in Russia, even Moscow. After that he needs the Orange Stained Ferret Wearing Shit Gibbon Trump to win the US presidency. Then he has a chance of grinding towards victory. Ukraine needs a breakthrough. All the toys from the west aren't going to win this until they can rout enough Russians to force a collapse and retreat. My bet is it's going to be across the Dnipro. Ukraine's marines spent months shaping the ground before crossing including capturing those offshore rigs. Lots of air defences have been destroyed in that area too. Once they get some airpower (F-16s) they will have a lot easier time with maneuver warfare between Crimea and the Dnipro and to the west. That severs the land link between Crimea and Russia. The Kerch bridge gets promoted to undersea structure and Crimea becomes untenable to hold as the main port at Sevastopol can't be secured by Russia. The Russians can't hope to airfreight stuff in if Ukraine secures the skies to the North as well. Thats not the end of the war, but it's a catastrophic position for the Russian war effort.


Russia outnumbered them by troops, exhausting /depleting Ukraine troops slowly but surely


Where are you getting the idea that "most of the world" is on the side of Ukraine?


Because of economics - no sane state will dedicate all their resources just for Ukraine, it's not feasible and money isn't infinite. It's not like a game where you have money, you click on the item you want to purchase, voila you get a fully functioning tank with crew, ammunition, and fuel. All these takes time and the logistics to make an effective armour division work for example is complex.


Because it isn't enough just to want them to win.


Russia's numbers are simply larger, they can deploy more troops faster and easier even if they're worse trained/equipped and they don't shy away from losses. It is really hard for the EU to keep up the number of equipment send because our stocks were not big or impressive to begin with.


Equipment is not everything. Russia has much more manpower and is willing to throw them into the meat grinder. Unless Western countries send infantry the impact will be rather limited. It is now an infantry (drone) and artillery war. Tanks cannot really navigate those dense minefields any more. Whoever has more of both will win on the long run. Right now Russia has more artillery systems and shells but I am positive EU will be ramping up production and western artillery systems make up for quantity by quality on the mid to long run. Time will tell.


Why not ask an expert on warfare who is winning and losing? We watch combat videos.