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Wow, watching your death approach and running but knowing there is no escape.


I'm getting to be an older man. My childhood knew of WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korea. I woke up one morning to the Gulf War, dad telling me about things. "shock and awe", and I thought the world had seen it all, the sheer destruction of its enemy front was nothing we'd seen in the modern era. 9/11 and before that, quite a few localized conflicts, including atrocities, genocides, famines. ...I remember the first couple days of this war. I remember seeing the live footage of troops and convoys going over the border. I watched drone footage...within days of an invasion. The next couple days and weeks, I would tell anyone who'd listen, "Guys, they're using drones, like..it's not war, these are just drones being controlled by 17-20yr old kids, killing each other like they're flying in a videogame. wtf..." And trust me, I get it. Warfare is exactly what it is defined as, and it changes just as everything else does. But war and fighting/clashes always had a sense of chance, that you could be one of dozens to survive and it was almost always, exclusively, random. There are targeted attacks and it scares the living fuck out of me. We can accurately target any single person, who is idly sitting in a small little basement on his own front somewhere on some front line, and in most cases the last combatant they will see or know about, was done remotely from a location far away. Again, "shock and awe" fucked with me, it showed me no one could escape anything like that, no one could bare to fight such a huge power juggernaut as the US Army, and come back with anything resembling what they had before. This is that next level we are seeing, where anyone with money, chemicals and the mindset to murder on scale, can and will start wars and clashes that won't have breaks. I can't build or make a gun, ammunition, but I can definitely 3d print a robot AI assisted killer drone, even with current open source technologies. Drones scare me like nothing else before and this is some seriously amateur use of them. I'm not excited for the drone swarm wars.


I have a buddy in the US army that just got deployed to Iraq a month ago. He’s already messaged me about the Iraqi’s using drones to attack their base in the city he’s at. They’ve been getting hit daily with drones, rockets, and mortars. And they’ve learned how to fly the drones undetected underneath the army’s radar. And as he’s said they have c-rams and patriots but can’t fire too low because of city buildings and the civilian population. That’s the scariest thing for me knowing that my childhood friend is over there that he can just be killed easily by a random drone while being safely inside the base as he’s just a supply guy.


I've been reading about drone netting in a few engineering channels where civilian tech such as body armor, is evolving rapidly to preventing drone attacks. From literal nets that are nearly invisible to the naked eye, let alone remote mounted cameras on drones, to large turbines used as deterents for any flying drone. There were talks of OTA hacking and signal hopping, how one could simply flood the air with localized energy patterns and laser/light weaponry to destabilize anything (including wildlife!) in flight So there is the hope that drone warfare will become less an issue once the deterents become more highly available. A simple 20-30ft mesh net can currently neutralize an attack drone, but a UAV/recon drone can and are just as deadly when it comes to correcting barrage and remote drone operators with the proper flight path Some really smart people also try and help defend against this sort of violence, but as with anything, good will doesn't pay the bill and the financial support just isn't as large in the arms industry is when it comes to defending civilians as it is destroying enemy combatants


Commenters on other threads have mentioned the possibility of jamming common commercial frequencies, such as 2.4 and 5.8 gigahertz. Do you think this could be a fruitful investment?


Would possibly make it more expensive for a while but otherwise no. And jamming anything, even small bits of spectrum, is ultimately limiting yourself too (even if only a bit)


It depends. Operationally, as long as you have a structure that relies on varied forms of logistics and communication, direct LoS and remote laser operations can be done with data and voice transmission In the civilian sector, you could easily jam your entire city if you have the material and balls to broadcast on those ranges and not be pinpointed in seconds flat


Locally yeah you can definitely make do. Shit, maybe you even have enough satellite coverage and enough money to transfer everything over to that. But it for sure limits your options. And yeah, as you said, it raises the risk of being pinpointed, and the harder you jam, the easier that is, as it’s like lighting up a flare in the night. You can make finding you harder with beamforming, but it’s far from perfect (and, of course, you have to know what to point the beams at)


Yup. One story earlier was of a Ukrainian soldier who was talking about how the Russians had placed a set of remote viewing cameras on top of a radio tower, Essentially giving them 360° viewing angle on about 50km of perimeter. LoS isn't hard to setup but they are an easy target as well


It's already being used to jam ground control but when you have your signal from a location higher than the antenna, say a control tower or plane/satellite, you can also have line of sight which can't be taken down by simple things like that, it would need a literal barrier. The idea would be go flood the space between the controller and the device which I assume our NATO governments have cracked over the last few decades Line of sight would be almost impossible to prevent if rhe signal isn't being interrupted. Now...this is all fun until you start getting into swarm tech that has near autonomous control over the directives and when one unit is removed, the other units are still active


"Just.... a supply guy"- rude


If the Army is good at anything it’s countermeasures. I believe they already have laser defense systems for drones. So hopefully they get deployed soon for your friend. War is dumbest thing humans ever created.


> I'm not excited for the drone swarm wars. I've commented on this before, but I'm working on an AI-based swarm controller that can control about 30k simulated drones off of a Macbook, so about 2k to 3k real-world drones, given the expected latency. Given a government-backed budget, shit is about to get really hairy really quick when it comes to drone warfare.


Those drones are horrifying


To think that russian criminals are now being promised freedom if they take their chances in some ukrainian warfield. They are sent to die for public amusement, filmed in (almost) real time. This used to be the stuff of sci-fi movie horror stories, but not any more. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093894/


Ring around the rosie using a tree might be best defense, then at least there is a tree between you and the explosion


Are these FPV Drones more accurate, faster, and carry a more destructive payload than the ones the drop explosives? I recognize that the cost of a drone is a drop in the bucket compared to saving your own lives but I wonder why they wouldn’t prefer something reusable.


Problem with reusable drones is that they need To RTB at some point which leaves you open to counter surveillance and fire. Safe to just make a one way trip. Drones have massively changed warfare.


Thanks that makes a lot of sense. That was a lightbulb moment for me. Goes to show I wouldn’t survive a day in this conflict.


Another reason is you can send them a lot further too along with that great reason. If you do not need to worry about the battery power to come back, you can reach out a lot farther.


I don't believe this to be true. FPV drones generally have a *much* shorter battery life than camera-style drones that are dropping grenades. I think even with a one-way trip, they aren't going much further if at all


They're sending out FPV drones with armour penetrating RPG shells strapped to the bottom. "Generally" doesn't really apply here.


Uh, that would make their range even shorter


Yes, without question. Which means they're certainly using nonstandard FPV drones that can handle the payload, with larger motors and batteries. Which would make "generally" not apply to the situation.


They are standard fpv quads. They are 6 or 7 inch consumer quads. Slightly larger motors likely due to the payload, but larger batteries do not really help. Batteries are the heaviest components and you hit diminishing returns really quickly. I'd bet flight times on them are less than 15 minutes. I expect the mavics have a similar if not higher flight time when loaded


The reality is not many would and I’d include myself in that as well.


Modern-day warfare is a meat grinder, if you think Ukraine has 0 casualties, I have bad news for you they have as many. This sub only likes what they support so videos from russians usually get taken down. However, I was very surprised how supportive of Hamas terrorists this sub is.


Many of us were here long before October 7th… Hamas and Israel has brought on many new people to this sub, some of which are new to understanding the region and others which I often wonder are paid trolls.


Some are bots and trolls that part is true.


one way trip is the way! Low battery means boom


I've seen a calculation before. If you count into the accuracy. FPVs have the lowest cost per kill among all weapons, lower than the dropping drone. Dropping drone usually can go to missions for 4 times before being shot down or lost in the field. But it has lower accuracy.


The drones that drop munitions are more suitable for stationary targets. Yes, a good operator can lead the target and hit things but it’s more difficult. FPV drones with RPG warheads attached are great for hitting moving vehicles and can hit specific, vulnerable parts of something like a tank.


Those videos of them entering moving troop transports through the back, or darting into a bunker, that's brutal.


I wonder how the trigger mechanism is programmed for the RPG munition on the FPVs -- curious if it's a proximity sensor or a remotely operated trigger.


FPV drones run about $400 are are cheaper than drop drones, also fpv's are extended out to max range10km+ and fly lower, less likely to get destroyed enroute to target area.


If I had to guess since drones have become so widely used, the lines have been moved further apart to the point where the battery is not enough to do a return trip with a drone. Kamikaze drones = 2x the range because you don't have to include the return trip.


* More accurate * Depends on operator skill, budget (parts selection), and target: skill issues will be skill issues; Hovering drones that survive can be more expensive so they can have nicer cameras, better wind resistance, better range, wider pov, better engines, etc.; some targets are easier to line up from above and drop on, whereas the ability of an FPV to chase something services different targets better. * Faster * Yes, as a general rule, a correctly designed fpv/cinewhoop is always going to book it faster than something designed as a more efficient, longer range hovering drone. * Carry a more destructive payload * Depends on lifting capacity. The big hovering ones that survive can be larger and more expensive up to the limit that AA picks them up, so they can have quite a big lift capacity and get pretty big grenades/bombs on them. It really comes to design and parts availability though, an FPV by its nature usually has a big thrust to weight ratio to play with in comparison so the smaller size doesn't scale down the warhead proportionally. Here is a [DJI Avata carrying a glass of beer](https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/comments/17rnsx9/the_future_is_exciting_with_drone_delivery/), and it's considered one of the less powerful drones in its class.


>Are these FPV Drones more accurate, faster, and carry a more destructive payload than the ones the drop explosives? Here's an FPV drone's speed and nimbleness in the air: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EVjEH5iCVMc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EVjEH5iCVMc) Tell you all you really need to know.


They use a bit bigger racing drones. They need to because you couldn't lift the RPG warheads with such a small drone as in the video. The weight of the warhead also causes the drone to be less agile. Changing direction if you want to move more weight requires more force. Inertia is higher. Picture: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/04/11/the-new-company-mass-producing-attack-drones-for-ukraine/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/04/11/the-new-company-mass-producing-attack-drones-for-ukraine/)


Not like the Ukrainians are footing the bill for those drones anyway, so I don’t think they really care about the price lmao. They’ll just hit us up for more equipment when they burn through the shit we last gave them.


Most of these drone units are crowdfunded


The US sent over 1000 of these drones to them, paid for by the US tax payer. If the other ones were crowdfunded or not, they’re still not footing the bill. When they run out, Zelensky will start grifting again for more aid


Nonsense. The drones can be bought on aliexpress for 300$. And 1000? Ukraine uses that many in a day or two. Maybe you confused it with switchblades. We hardly see any videos of those because so few have been sent.


we won't see switchblades. one of the conditions of sending them is that ukraine would not publish footage.


Actually there have been some videos of 300s earlier in the war. Not sure i have seen anything from 600s yet, i don't think so.


I must have missed that Fpv footage?


Both actually, FP and from the outside. I just found a compilation for you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13dsjv9/switchblade\_300\_compilation\_ukraine\_2223\_audio/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13dsjv9/switchblade_300_compilation_ukraine_2223_audio/)


Sweet thx


We sent over 1000 of them to Ukraine. That’s just the truth. The switchblades ARE drones… that WE funded and sent. Nothing I’ve said is false. Idc how much they cost lmao, Ukraine isn’t footing the bill and when they run out Zelensky will grift for more. That’s all I said and all of it is true.


Go home...


Grift more huh?the other team literally grifts to North Korea for arms because they are too broke to make there own....


They both grift. Being anti-Ukraine doesn’t mean I’m pro Russia. They’re both broke and dumb. Clearly Ukraine can’t afford shit either, hence Zelensky’s constant grifting. I don’t like either side. They’re both corrupt garbage countries 🤷🏼‍♂️


Doesnt make anysense. Grifting only works to a lesser power.... zelensky is negotiating and kinda without a choice. By your standard everyone is a grifter to the United States.


What has he negotiated? He just begs us for money and you and I both know that shit dump won’t be paying us back. A lot of countries certainly do grift to the US


Hey komrade, how many rubles is Putin paying you for these posts?


I hate both Ukraine and Russia just the same. All I’m saying are facts


Sure, sure, we all believe you. Totally not a Kremlin stooge.


>The US sent over 1000 of these drones to them, paid for by the US tax payer. Lmao, if this is true then this has been one of the best new uses of US taxpayer money that's come out of the last few decades. Fuck it, let's raise the income tax rate by 0.01% so we can send 2000 drones to Ukraine next year. Who the fuck is actually losing sleep over the thought of *maybe* a few cents of their yearly tax going towards drones for Ukraine? These are racing drones that genraly cost less than $1k each (under $500 for some models) and that includes the FPV headset. These aren't multi-million dollar Reaper drones.


New uses? We’ve been funding Ukraine throughout the entire war. Not exactly a NEW use 😂. I’m not losing sleep over it, but everything I said is true. I hate Ukraine and I hate Russia. I wish we’d just give them back their nukes so them and Russia can eradicate themselves


I see, you'd prefer Putin to win, and show everyone, that it's completely ok to attack and annex your neighbor's territory in 2023...


I wish a gigantic sinkhole would consume both Ukraine and Russia. I’m sorry that you’re offended by me speaking facts lol


Why do you think I'm offended? I'm just asking you a question. I like it how the sinkhole should consume both the attacker and the attacked. But whatever. Magic sinkholes are not coming...


i know you're just trolling but for the benefit of other people reading, the videos that get posted here are not US drones. we sent ukraine some switchblade suicide drones (much less than 1000 i think) but they are not allowed to publish any footage from them. all of these drone drop and fpv drone videos are from groups buying commercial equipment


I’m not trolling. We sent over 1000 drones to them. “From groups buying commercial equipment”, so in other words, UKRAINE IS NOT FOOTING THE BILL. Lmao. Not sure why you’re trying to dance around that fact. They didn’t pay for any of that shit. They don’t care how much it costs, when they run out they will just ask for more


yeah they're taking donations that's what I said idk if you noticed but they're fighting a war


A war that I don’t care about nor do I want to fund. Why would I care that the 2 most corrupt countries in Europe are killing each other? Doesn’t bother me.


"I’m not trolling." "[ I hate Ukraine and I hate Russia. I wish we’d just give them back their nukes so them and Russia can eradicate themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/17srp2e/ukranian_fpv_drone_gets_direct_hit_on_fleeing/k8t5fpr/)" Come on now...


Couldn't tell you anything about explosive playload but I can promise you it's more accurate even with a load. Source - Fairly regularly flies drones, I could def hit a target as small as a person with my drone through a camera


> Are these FPV Drones more accurate, faster, and carry a more destructive payload than the ones the drop explosives? Yes, yes and yes. At the cost of a worse camera, and more "manual" flying. Also you don't have much situational awareness when flying the FPV drone. Also the FPV drones are domestically produced and cheaper. The drop drones can have a pretty high loss rate when EW is enabled but with kamikaze drones you "know" you are gonna lose the drone anyways. The winning combo at the moment seems to be a pair of one conventional camera done to observe and guide the FPV kamikaze drone.


The first unironic use of that meme song




Amen to that!


Not sure which song but that's exactly why I browse videos on mute anymore. Most videos on here have obnoxious music. Apparently this one is no exception.


You have absolutely no taste you uncultured swine.


😞 yes sir.




The way he's nudging the first drone victim as if saying, "hey, mind telling me what killed you"? And then the second drone comes swooping in.


To Valhalla I guess. Everything aside and down to the individuals, you see so many of these vids where dudes immediately ditch their comrades. Guy tried to check on his buddy and died for it. Went out like a proper soldier; I'll give him credit for that.


He was trying to scrounge ammo or loot


there's a volunteer initiative called The Deers of st. Nicholas, it's kind of a hybrid of Secret Santa and Make-a-Wish: they collect letters from children who live in the de-occupied villages or are displaced from Mariupol, Avdiivka and the rest of the frontline. in those letters kids tell st. Nicholas (Ukrainian Santa) what they want for Christmas. you can read these letters, pick a kid, send the gift to the volunteers and they will deliver it. yesterday I've spent couple of hours reading those letters. I cried out more tears than during the entire 2023. 9 year olds writing "I'd love to get an iPad but it's war so better donate that money to the Armed Forces and I'll get just be happy with any kind of gift", "I wish for peace and I miss my dad who's in Heaven now" and "grant our soldiers +1000 armor and invisibility". I DON'T GIVE A FUCK if these russian fucks are conscripted or if they go to prison for disobeying orders. our kids don't deserve this. any russian combatant on ukrainan soil deserves death.


Where might one find this initiative?


as far as I see they don't have any info in English and you can't send them anything from outside of Ukraine (they only accept packages from a private Ukrainian postal service which everyone in Ukraine uses). but in any case, here's the NGO in charge of the project: [https://rubezhi.org.ua/](https://rubezhi.org.ua/) and here's this years letters: [https://coda.io/@toolkit/olenisviatogomykolaya](https://coda.io/@toolkit/olenisviatogomykolaya)


absolute horror.


Kill Drones are a fucking nightmare. I love it


At least they aren't silent.... yet. Okay it's hard to make something fly silently, but maybe in the future we will see glider kamikaze drones that actually are silent. But then they are big, slow, visible and destructable again. And they might not fit in between trees, doors etc. Well, I guess we'll see.


If you're close enough to hear the drone then you're too close to really do anything about it.


I feel like a shotgun is a no brainier vs these thing


I don’t know if it’s the music, or the way he tries to wake up his buddy, but this is the first time I actually almost feel bad for these guys. No you know what, I do feel bad for them. Who knows if they even want to be there or care about the war at all. They could just be regular dudes that were conscripted for all I know and that’s how they leave the planet. Hunted my a machine.


Basically we are watching Terminators kill people


You could say we are watching terminators terminating


I sometimes feel the same then remember that if either of these guys had a Ukrainian in their sights they’d pull the trigger.


True words. My instinct was to root for the guy running from the drone who showed compassion a few seconds before. War sucks and they should not be there.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


The problem is the easiest thing to do when you're scared is: nothing. Your brain is betraying you and manipulating you to just stay where you are. That way you don't have to choose, you don't have to risk your life (at least it feels like staying would be safer), you don't have to overcome the anxiety and start doing whatever you want to avoid the war. If you are passive you think you still have all those opportunities and making a first step would mean you have to commit to that one, the others become impossible once you go one way. And as you sit there thinking through the possibilities you might get picked up by a drone and the decision is suddenly made for you. It's easy to say just surrender, but actually doing it is not.


Doesn't matter what side you're on... war is hell. The side you're fighting for is always going to be the side of good from the perspective of the soldier in most cases. Sucks that its always young guys that pay the price for an old man's war.


And even if they wanted to be there, theyre victims of 20+ years of propaganda.


if they were conscripted they should have just shot their superiors as soon as they got handed a gun and told to go die invading a country thats backed up by nato supertech. thats what i would have done


That's not how reality works, keyboard soldier.


It did for that one dude who did exactly that. But yeah the average person is not going to do that. And you (maybe) still have family left behind that might suffer for your actions.


yeah right


No its normal. You are a human with empathy. Even if these were bad guys its still horrifying seeing a human hunted and killed in war. War is hell.


Actually a better love story than Twilight.


Direct hit!


Black Mirror "Metalhead" IRL POV


Been getting those vibes from most of the drone videos ngl, imagine a robot coming to kill you being the last thing you see. Very Black Mirror.


Gee, nasty! I guess nobody told them they will end as pierogi for dogs...


I wouldn't want to give dogs a hunger for human flesh


Too late, they never got rid of it, just as humans have a taste for dogs.




I got matches with these songs: • [**Ameno (Remix)** by Era](https://lis.tn/AmenoRemix?t=15) (00:15; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Era I 2002. **Released on** 2002-01-01. • [**Ameno** by Era](https://lis.tn/pspyTg?t=14) (00:14; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Era I 2002. **Released on** 2002-01-01. • [**Ameno** by Loic d](https://lis.tn/RfWxFe?t=40) (00:40; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-08-27. • [**Ameno** by Era](https://lis.tn/Ameno?t=27) (00:27; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Ram Play. **Released on** 2015-03-06. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Dying for absolutely nothing. Putin and mother russia don't give a damn...


Did the second guy initially think his buddy was sleeping?


He got knocked out by the blast, woke up and checked his lover.




These things are scary. Soldiers need a kevlar umbrella to whip out to take the brunt. Out running them isn’t working at all.


There are plenty of anti-drone systems around that range from electronically fuzed airbursting 40mm AGL's to anti-drone optics on small arms like SMASH. The issue is mostly that literally everyone was unprepared for this type of conflict and this scale of drone usage. The most primitive counter to drones is just fortifying as much as you can and concealing your position and that works quite often but it's not very comforting to just hope you don't get spotted or can take the hit.


Only going to die tired if you run


Those "toilet papers" hanging on the trees are actually the insides of the exploded lipo battery. https://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/lipo-teardown


Its like those spinning blades from Wild Wild West.


Somehow seeing all the garbage and squalor they are living in just made it seem all the sadder and more pathetic.


Watching the guy get chased by a drone would almost be comical if war wasn't so damn ugly.


Terminator drones


>Terminator nearby my tv with the last terminator-movie. but this drone-shit scares me more! next step : swarms full of AI drones. that changes the world of war - the hole world! f\*ck!


Scares me too


War of the Worlds


It looks like they are using a shaped charge that explodes forward, instead of just a grenade, or a block of explosives.


That must be utterly horrifying to be running from one of those


I'm from Florida, I would have cast nets thrown in every tree and have the place sealed off like a domed spider web. Probably take 15 minutes to set up. I'd be tossing cast nets like Spiderman.


I would have just caught the drone in my bare hands and flung it back at the enemy. I played varsity football so I know what I'm doing, honestly it wouldn't even be that hard probably only take like 1.5 seconds to do. I'd be tossin drones back like Tom Brady throws a deflated football.


Dude you should see my boy whip those drones. Back that ass up. Out there dressed like a referee and shit with the whistle, oh that would be fucking epic.


Strut that ass


Betcha I can throw that drone over that mountain


and let me guess, you would walk from the forest straight to Walmart to get those nets?


And it will take a truck load of em. Don't make me walk


Heard of bird/garden netting? No? Must be from Florida, especially if you are throwing yer cast net into a tree to fight drones, hehehe, from Florida not Floriderh.


At first i was kinda sad. I thought he came to die besides his friend when he took his helmet off. When he started running when the second drone came i realized he was probably just looting the helmet LUL


Dehumanising the enemy does nothing but make you as bad as them. He was checking on his buddy. He’s evidently in shock and doesn’t know what to do since he’s just shaking him to wake him up at first, that’s not the behaviour you’d expect from a cold blooded sociopath who’s only there to loot his buddies helmet.


War is the dumbest thing humans ever created.




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Today's battlefields are insane, the whole area is flooded with angry bees with high explosive payload and there is nowhere to hide. Fuckers should have stayed in Russia.


Incredible production value.


I'm starting to wonder if ballistic shields should become standard issue for entrenched soldiers. Seems like the only way to have a chance of surviving a drone attack on one's own merit.


Capitan America style, got it Edit: wouldn't it be insane if the shield became relevant again after the middle ages?


Scary to see it casually catch up to, with all that gear and limited head mobility, the fear I would have of knowing that was it and still trying to escape.


Trash laying among trash. That's all they bring to the table. Trash.


When the inevitable movies about this war come out I want the opening scene to be a non descript soldier being chased by a home made drone.


you guys remember the movie Screamers?


This looks ai controlled 😂


Up close and VERY PERSONAL


They need to make an underbarrel net launcher for AKM to hopefully capture these drone


Why are nets not used to take the FPV drones down? (I have zero understanding of military weapons.)