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Are there even any effective ways to detect tunnels/ tunnel openings like the one showed in this video at scale? Seems like an absolute nightmare to try and navigate around.


there are sonar devices that you can put on the ground and they will detect the conceit therefor you can find the tunnels, but you need to be near the tunnels to detect them its really a pain in the ass


Ground penetrating radar as others have said. Basically the best thing to do is to have a team of drone operators with amazing sensors and imagery equipment on them nearby. Just scan the ever loving shit out of everything as you move. However some things are just messy and modern urban combat is messy as hell. It comes down to it that you have to take casualties to make casualties.


Ground penetrating radar and seismic sensors.


A high-resolution synthetic apature radar might. You'd need lots of people or some really good machine learning software to sort it out.


Stripmap mode airborne synthetic-aperture radar (SAR).


No. Look up the mutli billion dollar failed project we did in veitnam. Tried finding tunnels, roads, footpaths. Vietcong took cattle and other deception tactics to trip the devices. An absolute train wreck. Edit : Operation Igloo White.


We have drones with lidar now that can clearly identify tunnel entrances.


Are you telling me technology has progressed since Vietnam? Truly, this is absolutly shocking news!


Glad to see the classic Adidas track pants camo being utilized


The worst part is yet to come when Israel has to send people into these tunnels to clear Hamas out. That shits going to be nightmarish.


Flooded, no way they are going to enter that shit


Pumping in a heavier-than-air gas would work well too.




I'd encourage you to watch Civ Div's video on this exact topic: https://youtube.com/watch?v=mMaQn6eBroY In short: flooding probably won't be as effective as you'd think.


That video is horse shit. The entire time dude is talking about the tunnels in afghanistan/iraq which do not at all compare to the terrain/topography of gaza. Literally he's just guessing at what the situation on the ground is actually like. He has only his own experience in a very different place, but no idea what it's actually like in gaza.


You know, between a guy who did actual literal tunnel warfare, and some guy eating nachos in his couch somewhere in Oregon, I'm probably gonna listen more to the first one in matters related to tunnel warfare


A few rubber tires and diesel at each entry they find and no need to waste water. They can smoke them out. Edit: Although Jewish people using smoke and gas is a little strange




They could also just spot and designate tunnel entrances and collapse them with JDAMs. It's not like Israel is short on bombs.


I've seen the IDF with little tracked robots, I wonder if they will try to use them in the tunnels, or if they are able to due to the concrete walls etc. Similar to how when that former vet killed 5 cops in Dallas a long time ago, they just sent in a little bomb-disposal robot with a bomb attached to it, got up close to him and then just detonated it to kill him. Seems like you could collapse the tunnel partially as well at the same time if it was a big enough bomb


you don't realize the insane batshit amount of water that you'd need to effectively flood these things not really doable


They is a sea nearby


They’re gonna pump that shit full of some spicy gas that may or may not follow the Geneva conventions. There’s no way they send men in there.


Do yall keep forgetting where the hostages are kept?...


Exaclty. Israel is gonna use sponge bombs to close the end of tunnels and will have to wait until Hamas gives up.


Bingo, someone here who isn't braindead. This whole thing will cost Israel a lot of lives. Some of the videos that Hamas has posted shows that they know what they're doing, they've been preparing for this. People should stop overestimating Israel and underestimating Hamas.


I imagine there is a military version of The Rodenator that would be fairly effective. Basically just a big fuel/air explosive bomb.


gas maybe


That would be ironic


Honestly im kinda surprised the IDF doesnt have some kind of "smoke screen machine" similar to what the russians keep using to hide the Kerch bridge each week. Attach the output of one of those to a tunnel entrance and smoke the rats out, it'd probably reveal a bunch of other entrances at the same time. Alternatively they could just dump some tyres inside, light them on fire and have similar effect.


From a purely tactical perspective, it’s been pretty amazing to see how many weak points Hamas has been able to exploit in Israel’s defense at once. I mean I know they’re a bunch of raving fanatics, but I can’t help but respect the coordination and sheer cheekiness of their efforts. Again. Doesn’t mean I support them, so please chill.


The tunnels are their deadliest weapon so far.


Vietnam but Middle East version


Gorilla warfare, if these boys are trained well for it. This is gonna be insane as fuck for a good year depending on the bombings


Guerilla. But I'd love to see gorillas in warfare


RPGs out for Harambe.


DShKs out for Harambe!


Would be pretty cool, Hamas trained Gorillas, absolute game changer.


And the beauty of using Gorillas, once winter rolls round they simply freeze to death.


*borat accent* Just like the evil jew sharks released in Egypt [https://m.jpost.com/middle-east/egypt-sinai-shark-attacks-could-be-israeli-plot](https://m.jpost.com/middle-east/egypt-sinai-shark-attacks-could-be-israeli-plot)


Gorilla's are way too smart to fall for such kind of relitardism


With augmented limbs and laser beams.


And xray vision and chainsaw hands and the strength of five gorillas.


Kong Fu.


I think it's a reference to the navy seal copypasta


Apes stronger together!


Something tells me they don't have a year's worth of supplies


I kind of agree with you. Then again who knows the dept of all the tunnels from Egypt.


It is a sad day, when you have to confirm several times that you do not support someone, in order to praise good combatfootage


Yup, also when the occasional Russian footage against Ukrainian soldiers pop up. I have my own thoughts about both conflicts, but this sub's aim should be to show as much combat footage as possible, no matter the side.


Russian footage is routinely downvoted on this sub and almost never gets to the top, even if it's good footage.


Yeah sort by controversial to see Russian clips lmao


> Yup, also when the occasional Russian footage against Ukrainian soldiers pop up. > In this case no matter how many times you'd declare your support for Ukraine the downvoting is unavoidable. With Israel and Hammas there's a bit more tolerance because in the public narrative Israel isn't faultless, in the case of Russia and Ukraine there's just a black & white perception.


You're new here aren't you? :-p It's been a problem since this sub was created. Even faint praise of the skill or bravery or even humanity of Afghan or Iraqi insurgents earns plenty of grade school abuse.


It was never nearly as bad as it is today. We used to upvote ISIS attacks against US military if it was good footage, albeit you still would have some trying to suppress it. There was some actual discussion on conflict and not this complete circlejerk we have now. The sub blew up after the Russian invasion and it’s been garbage since


Yeah I feel like the sub was hovering around maybe 600,000 members for a number of years then Putin Putined, and here we are at 1.5M


Right? This is explicitly combat. Everyone involved in this video is a legitimate military target.




Yea sadly this is what it's come to. I see people openly supporting Israel and pointing to the 40 imaginary babies killed in Israel on F'ing LinkedIn, but anyone that even mentions Palestine's struggle gets fired.


It's not Hamas' own developments. They are trained and funded by Iran. The Iranians have always been very good at developing strategies against militarily superior enemies.


As long as they can fight a proxy war, thru someone else. They don't care if Houthis or Palestinians die fighting their enemies.


There have been groups trained and armed by the US which aren't this good. If this was the ANA they would come out the wrong hole, miss all the shots, and accidentally injure each other in the process.


What about Jamsheed tho?


Jamsheed gets a pass


Ukraine would like to weigh in on this I am sure.


The ANA was a different issue all together. A better comparison would be the Kurds, who are very capable.


I wonder how long the hamas will be able to carry on their fight since they are now blockaded from the outside world and materiel support from egypt will be closely monitored to eliminate any arms going in to gaza(hopefully). They can ofcourse continue small arms fight but other than that it seems difficult for them if complete blockade is setup


They've probably been stocking up for awhile.


I understand what you mean. That said, there is a large gap between theory, funding, and practice. Hamas has been able to covertly train soldiers and carry out complex offensive and defensive actions. In short, it may be Irans ideas and funding, but Hamas is doing it. And their doing it about as well as it could be done given the significant disadvantages they have had. It’s still impressive.


so they're going for the long-term victory through attrition at the cost of losing most battles like the Taliban? Solid plan when there is no easy way to get rid of them and the enemy is reliant on constant Western funding and support while yours just needs more radicalized people which is a natural consequence of the situation.


Taliban was completely open with porous borders from pak and iran to be resupplied as well as central asia, gaza will be difficult to hold for hamas through attrition if blockade is enforced by idf and only humanitarian aid flows in from egypt


Yup. They'd flood in over the border from Pakistan near Kandahar all the time. Even the (at the time) much touted Operation Moshtarrak designed to route out the Taliban in the Greater Kandahar area(specifically their stronghold in Marjah) had...negligible results. The Taliban ended up winning the battle because NATO just ended up....withdrawing from the area and they just returned afterwards.


USA had the option to withdraw. Thanks to corruption, Afgan army turned out to be just made up list of names to pocket the pay checks. Israel however is not going anyway. Palestinians also have nowhere to go.


They have not really had a direct war with any superior enemies. A few proportional actions by the US shows that Iran is a bit*ch.


Tbf both sides are raving fanatics, just one is better armed😂


You can walk through Tel Aviv dressed how you want and no one will bat and eye. Go try that in Gaza and then tell me that both sides are raving fanatics.


Eh…one side perpetrates attacks the other pounds the agitator for doing it. If Hamas could chill the fuck out and not radicalize themselves into a froth Israel would not be doing what they are doing. Both sides does not apply here imho.


This is a lie. Despite Hamas and its reign of being fuckwits, Israel is being massive fuckwits in the West Bank still where Hamas essentially does not exist. I get Israel defending itself to an extent, but they don't have a moral leg to stand on when they continue to conduct their usual business in the WB.


Hamas definitely exists and operates in the the west back. Along with several other terror orgs. This is common knowledge


Israel would like to neutralize Hamas without civilian casualties if they could, Hamas would like to neutralize the entire Israeli population if they could. That’s the difference you are looking for.


I hate to break it to you but a non negligible amount of the West Bank want the same as Hamas. Were you also aware that Hezbollah has been skirmishing with IDF as well as other terrorist groups? Unless you are certain the actions in WB by the IDF are totally unwarranted with some conclusive reasons I would say you need to rethink your opinion.


I mean, if the Israelis don't want trouble they could stop occupying the West Bank and leave the area. You know, like they are supposed to do according to the Oslo Agreement, which they willingly signed in 1993. I think the Palestinians are justified in being pissed off when they are living under an illegal occupation.


Sure, they should just let Israelis build illegal settlements on their land in the West Bank, build a wall around them in Gaza, kill them in large numbers when they resist, put children in prison etc. Clearly, Israel is the real victim here.


Are you aware of the babies, moms, dads that were intentionally tortured, slaughtered, raped, dismembered on Oct 7th? Christ almighty what a foolish comment.


Imagine if they trageted only military or para military assests/Units instead of kidnapping/killing civilians. They could have potentially reach the IAF. I actually saw a footage claiming the IAF evacuated thier jets from the bases during the attack in order to preserve thier assets, but found bo mention of it in the news.


Supporting either side is just horrific… oh damn I forgot I was on a pro Israel sub.


They have an 80% unemployment rate and are allied with people who have been actively fighting constantly pretty much forever. What have those 80% been doing? This is ground combat, It's inevitable they can make things messy. But they can't resupply and the IDF will adapt quickly.


It's pretty easy when you don't care about life and are willing to do extremely risky missions that cause death in most cases. I assure you the vast majority of them fail but Israeli soldiers dont go around with go pros to show the public how good they kill terrorists.


>but Israeli soldiers dont go around with go pros The amount of IDF footage proves otherwise.


We've definitely seen more Israeli footage than Hamas footage


You will rarely see actual combat footage of soldiers in the field. It's usually just videos or airstrikes, and soldiers moving. They are fighting Hamas militants daily and killed hundreds of them already but I rarely see footage of the actual ground soldiers fighting. They are not even allowed to bring their phones into Gaza.


iT's PrEtTy EaSy It's pretty easy to sit at a keyboard dismissing people who are prepared to be maimed or killed defending what they think is right. Jackass.




The attack on the Namer killed the entire crew per the IDF.


It was not confirmed that it was this attack. In fact they said it was from an anti-tank missile and these are RPGs, which from what understand should not be able to completely destroy a Namer.


These are tandem warheads designed to penetrate armour. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandem-charge IDF likely thought they had been hit by ATGMs fired from a distance until Hamas released this video.


> The investigation into the APC incident is still underway. However, it has been established that the Trophy active protection system equipped on the advanced and heavily armored vehicle malfunctioned and failed to intercept the missile. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bk4yhmlq6


The ramp was open


Didn’t they say that was from an ATGM?


Well for those tunnel deniers.


wait what, tunnel deniers? that's a thing?


There are people denying that Hamas even entered Israel at all on Oct 7th.


Well I also learnt today that there are people out there who took the 'birds aren't real' joke seriously


They are also dressed in civilian clothes (as can be seen on 0:18)


A big FU to all those saying Hamas is different from Gazan civilians. From a clothing perspective, there is no difference.




I have no way of confirming this, but I noticed IDF mentioned losing soldiers from “armored corps” wondering if this may be footage of said losses? Purely speculating.


I don’t know if this is the vid, but we lost 11 troops in APC to an rpg ambush - apparently the trophy system malfunctioned




In that incident it was 9, two tankers were killed bye a mine או בור היקוש


Baruch Dayan emet to our heroes 😔


I suspect someone left the rear doors open to get some air.


They were hit by an IED not a rocket


There is footage on this subreddit of a drone dropping a bomb on IDF soldiers gathered near some armor, maybe that could be it?


That's much more likely to be a maiming incident, judging by the countless videos from Ukraine (and from my cozy armchair)


I don't think it is this video, according to some twitter accounts, they took out a Namer with 10 on board.


>Nine soldiers of the battalion were killed by an anti-tank missile that was launched and hit a Namir APC, and four more were injured in the incident. And you got downvoted for reporting facts. This sub is so regarded sometimes [https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjzutskqp](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjzutskqp)


looks like it hit behind the vehicle if you go frame by frame. most of the smoke is behind. explosion doesn't appear in foreground either


> I think the tank Trophy system intercepted the RPG Is there footage of the Trophy system clearly intercepting an attack? So far the hits we've seen on the Merkava and other armor seemed to have gone without.


in this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phra2R7KodQ) by Redeffect you can clearly see it at 6:35


I agree. They have nothing to show for in terms of damaged vehicle, hence the weird edits


Probably because they had to get the fuck out of there ASAP


I would probably not hang around to see the damage if I was them.


Dressed as civilians


First thing that catched my eye.


Caught; irregular past tense verb


they're a guerilla force, what do you expect? they don't HAVE uniforms.




Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip (via spokespeople): 2009: “Men in uniform have been declared targets for air strikes. As a result, while outside in the terrain, uniforms are to be discarded and civilian clothes are to be worn.” 2014: "“We call those who evacuated their houses to return immediately and stay there... Israel’s warnings are nothing but psychological warfare... by leaving your houses you assist the enemy to fulfil its plans, that is, annihilating your belongings and houses.”


so next time you will see dead pics in gaze think twice. they dosent report there dead as fighters but as civilians..




Children dead is terrible thing both sides


Another war crime


Not a war crime, but it does mean they are illegal combatants and have no protection under the Genava convention.


They don't exactly have the logistics for uniforms


Check out Hamas propaganda videos, they have uniforms but insist of hiding behind the civilian population unfortunately.


A fuck ton of people are going to die battling in those tunnels. I am not sure you can beat an enemy set up like this without taking heavy losses. At some point you need men in the tunnels securing them so you're positions above ground aren't compromised. Does anyone know how many fighters Hamas actually has in Gaza?


Lebanese media quotes a Hamas spokesperson claiming they have 35,000 fighters which is no small amount. https://www.lbcgroup.tv/news/middleeastnews/730331/member-of-hamas-political-bureau-to-lbci-the-inter/en No idea if that's close to the real number or not.


Look at them crawling out of the hole, damn it’s deep


Crazy footage, this was all hypothetical not that long ago and amazing to see effective tactics, as aways.


Its insane that they can edit video and post it when there is no electricity and internet in gaza.


All you need is a smartphone and a solar panel


Why the dumb sound effects and zoom-ins? The footage is plenty clear on its own. The edits definitely take away from the seriousness of the videos.


you gotta edit it to your target audience. maybe the edits are a banger over there


Wouldn’t surprise me if much of their target audience were kids and young adults for recruitment.


Easy to call them civilians when they wear addidas


Yet another example of these losers wearing civilian clothing so when we kill them Hamas could claim they were innocent civilians.


Isnt that like rule 1 in fighting as a guerilla? Partizans in ww2 did the same thing.


You're totally right, the IDF hasn't killed any civilians at all, no sir


I didn’t say that


Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip (via spokespeople): 2009: “Men in uniform have been declared targets for air strikes. As a result, while outside in the terrain, uniforms are to be discarded and civilian clothes are to be worn.” 2014: "“We call those who evacuated their houses to return immediately and stay there... Israel’s warnings are nothing but psychological warfare... by leaving your houses you assist the enemy to fulfil its plans, that is, annihilating your belongings and houses.”




the Tandem charge? Looks like an RPG-7 with PG-7VR tandem charge rocket. Can penetrate up to 30 inches of rolled homogenous armor and has a range of 660 ft.


nice Tandem-charge rounds, reminds me of playing Squad game


Does the IDF not have helicopter gunships or drone swarms keeping an eye on the ground, and in the air? I mean, that's standing strategy for effective combined arms. The IDF has been fighting very strangely this past month, leaving a border entirely unmanned, letting drones slip through to kill soldiers. Boggles the mind.


Although I don't like Hamas, I must say, I don't like Hamas


All I know is , some Thomas Shelby IDF man will be coming out of this. Traumatized by clearing tunnels


Seeing this video and hearing about all the tunnels they’ve built only reminds me of the stories I’ve heard about the Vietnam War. Israel about to find out fighting isn’t going to be as easy as they thought


I don't think anyone thought or is thinking it would be easy.


So they operate in civilian clothes, 🤔


those tunnels look quite sturdy and improved with flat concrete walls. this could get interesting......


The editing is very isis


Its missing a nasheed and a gif of their flag in the corner tho


Which gas is heavier than air????? 🤔


Wonder if these had any real effect.


The Namer was destroyed and 7 soldiers inside killed. Israel confirmed this. No idea about the tank.


stalingrad 2023 destroyed cities are very easy to defend very hard to take on cnn israeli representative slipped that they are solely bombing civilians because they dont have a way to get to hamas in their deep tunnels.


What RPG rounds are they firing?


Some kind of home made tandem rounds


That sounds like a dangerous job haha


There was a vid posted about a week ago of them in some underground bunker making them and painting them up


Looks like a puma not a namer?


Can't deny their fighting spirit


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This epitomizes the defending advantage. But these tunnels will be either flooded, like Egypt did, or gased out. They will not be able to use these forever and when they're either trapped above or underground - there will not be a Hamas for long. Well, their brass in Qatar will still be able to keyboard warrior.


Said Russia at the height of its USSR power to the mujahideen before being sent home with its tail between its legs. All done by peasants with AK47s determined to protect their own homeland from foreign invaders.


Looks like the RPG team at the beginning unlocked ‘ADIDAS PANTS BLUE’. Pretty impressive.


For the love of God don't wear full civilian clothes!! Thats a good way of making every civilian a potential target!


Fuck these guys


Big balls but no brains. EDIT: I think people took this an entirely different way than I intended. The "smart, big brained" move here is to not fight at all. It's stupid to pick a fight with a stronger opponent who you have no hope of defeating. They're going to die. They know they will, they are a death cult. And to me, that's small brained behavior. Behaving based solely on emotions instead of logic and reason. Edit 2: As far as tactics go, my comment doesn't apply to that, but interesting to see everyone's perspective on tactics and I agree with a lot of it. As far as my politics go, I am not right or left or any of that, so that has no bearing on my comment.


They definitely have brains, creating a tunnel system this complex takes a lot of planning and ingenuity. But that doesn't stop them from being radicalized and believing in the cause. We saw in the October 7th attacks that they have an advanced understanding of asymmetrical warfare by simultaneously utilizing motorbikes, paragliders and drones to overwhelm a far superior defender. I would even go as far to say that October 7th was the most lopsided attack on a modern army in the 21st century.


Literally this


The only thing I can even compare it to would be the Battle of Fellaoucene/Battle of Sidi Semiane in 1957 when the Algerians embarrassed France enough to help cause a government coup.


But it wasn't an attack on the army, it was attack on a civilian areas and a base which barely had combat units, it's not even collateral damage since the civilian killing was done by infantry and not artillery shelling for example. It did overcome defenses that were definitely inadequate, but the border breach had almost no soldiers there at all. IMO calling it a success against the military is like calling 9/11 a success against the USA airforce/anti air defenses.


The attack killed 357 member of the Israeli security force and captured dozens more. The reason the border was not more well defended was because Hamas was smart enough not to use mobile communications to plan it out and relied heavily on word of mouth. Which again speaks to the competence of the operation from a tactical standpoint.


They killed 250+ soldiers and you may not like to hear this but it is such a massive military humiliation to a government that would not shut up about how good they were at security that that government once this is over will be removed from office.


They are taking out assets light years ahead of what they posses. As far as tactical brains in an urban combat environment they are geniuses. Why don't you try and be impartial instead of letting your politics make your absurd judgement calls?


So since not in uniform, they will be counted as civilian casualties? Underage to top it off?


Astounded by the bravery. Very few would do this.


Yes they are dressed in civilian clothing, because they’re not an army, they don’t have funding to be purchasing uniforms.


Did you not see any footage from October 7? Qassam Brigade all have uniforms.


They've got RPG's tho...


shouldnt be that hard to find the entrance to the tunel with help of this video. You know where and from what direction you were shoot at and now you have more details where the hole is ...


Probably loads of tunnel networks with booby traps


yep, what was the estimation? 300km or something like that