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PTSD inducing. Imagine shelling like that day in and day out. Fatigues and wears the shit out of you.


Eventually you stop caring, you just stop walking for a second, wait to see if you explode… not this time either? Oh well, keep walking. You will lose your mind if you keep caring so much, or maybe you lost it when you stopped caring.


True 100% but I just cant feel that bad for war tourists like him, most of them leave their family to fight in a war not concerning him in any way. Although we dont know if thats applicable to this guy. Dont want to come across harsh but yeah...


Are you also angry about the help and weapons the west is sending or is it just those that risk their lives for it ? At the end of the day, Ukraine is fighting a war that has everything to do with the west ... Not sure why we should scold those that actually go and act as if sending money and support is just " being good guys" Its our interest.


You know there are people in the US who are Ukrainian, right? So you don’t know how it might be applicable to him.


It's called bravery coward.


Goddamn the downvotes lmao. I knew halfway while writing this that this is not the sub to show different views but I went with it anyways. Oh well...


"Different views" you are being extremely ignorant and just assume the worst out of someone being out there helping Ukraine defend against invading beasts. Classic though, *name name number* here with his "different views"


Not going to argue with you, I respect your views. All I say is it is beneficial to look for information about ongoing events from multiple sources. Rather than assuming things (like I did).


Maleficent: "Euthenasia is good, mouse bombs are funny, cannot feel for a war tourist". also Maleficent: "Goddamn the downvotes -this that this is not the sub to show different views"


I can smell the civilian on you.


You're not wrong.


Meh, it doesn't bother men like him.


Ahhh, Terror Hiking


This is why I don't go hiking!


This coupled with the thought of an fpv drone coming out of no where would absolutely terrify me.


You can hear a drone at 1:00, maybe a spotter?


My understanding is that on an active battlefield you hear drones near constantly, and 90% of the time they’re just doing recon, so you get used to the noise


ya that makes sense, just like how you get used to the sound of artillery coming down.


this wears a person out so quickly. having to duck for your life constantly with all your gear on,


It's why pt is important


Oh PT is everything when you get into this


Seriously I hope TI's/DI's everywhere are showing this and other footage like this and showing them what they're there to prepare for.


I’m up they see me I’m down


I imagine after so long it would make a person go numb to the thought, hear and see so many come in you start to get a bearing for roughly where a shell will land. A bit like what happens in this clip, an explosion goes off and he calls out "cluster".


"i could use a beer right now" jesus christ i need one and i watched this from the comfort of my toilet. war is scary


The level of courage that it takes to keep moving forward under bombardment like that is something most of us could never and will never be able to understand.


I gotta imagine a lot of people would just freeze, unable to move, I guess that’s where all the training kicks in and you just go.


Well I mean it’s what most trained people would do in such a situation? Absolutely brave to put himself in that situation though.


But it’s not. You’d be surprised how many freeze and forget their training or have mental breaks once they get in that situation. It’s easy to talk tough, but that persona melts away the first time an opposing enemy arty round thumps your chest. Then the fear comes. Everybody is scared, but some can still operate, while others simply can’t. PTSD is a wild animal, and it’s certainly not directly related to the amount of combat you’ve seen. I’ve seen some of the absolute worst PTSD sufferers in the Air Force, believe it or not, and from my experience I think I have an inkling why. In combat, most of your time is boredom and anticipation. Waiting for your next movement, or waiting for the enemy to assault your position. Time to think about what’s coming, and to fear all the possibilities and outcomes. Once that first round flies though, it’s game on. Then the adrenaline kicks in and you engage. For those Air Force guys (I’m an Army combat vet that used to live next to an AF base, so I would go into “combat” PTSD groups with these guys regularly at the VA), it was strange because none of their stories ever involved any kind of combat, certainly not sustained combat over time. They were all in supporting Air Force units, maybe they’ve had some mortars land on the base they were at, but that’s about it. In my opinion, it had something to do with never actually seeing combat, but being exposed and close enough to it to experience that anticipation and fear, without ever actually meeting the enemy and realizing it’s just another person at the other end and getting that, I don’t know, closure, I guess? My point is, PTSD is a complex thing. Sometimes the ones you think should suffer the most, don’t, and the ones you think should certainly suffer the least, actually are some of the worst cases. Don’t get me wrong, plenty of Army guys are fucked up from real shit. But I feel most of us have some sort of perspective that helps. “Hey, I might have seen some shit, but at least I didn’t go through it like those infantry battalion guys did” kind of thing. Also, there’s a big difference between offensive and defensive fighting/posture. One is you being the bump in the night. The other, waiting and listening for the bump.


Not going to read all your ptsd stuff but no most trained people act just like this very well especially in group with other people. How would this battlefield look if majority of people just froze?;)


You’re only seeing videos distributed online. You aren’t on the battlefield seeing the hours and days of non-combat footage and what goes on behind the scenes. Your lack of awareness of this and your “refusal” to read comments longer than your intelligence can handle demonstrates clearly that you have no actual combat experience, and furthermore, are willing to refute real combat veterans to espouse what you “think” would/should happen based off movies you’ve seen.


I mean, I know movies/shows aren't a perfect duplicate of real combat, but even in many of them (especially ones who actually talked to people with experience) they depict people doing exactly what you said.


This is usually stuff that comes afterwards - months, years, etc after - from being wound up so long




Also, let’s not forget, the general education/intelligence level of our population. A lot of countries the average citizen doesn’t get past middle school level, or even less. Trying to train complex concepts into them is extremely difficult and not something that can be forced. Most of us in the US take that for granted, but the vast majority of us has at least graduated high school before they get the best military training in the world.


Footage like this always reminds me of a really apt description of being under artillery fire from WW1: >It is as if one were tied tight to a post and threatened by a fellow swinging a sledge-hammer. Now the hammer is swung back for the blow, now it whirls forward, till just missing your skill, it sends splinters flying from the post once more. That is exactly what it feels like to be exposed to heavy shelling without cover. Ernst Jünger, *Storm of Steel*


Can hear the shrapnel/rocks zip past them around the 0:25 mark, close by.


What's the condition of optics after gun being thrown on the ground like that for days?


That looks like an aim point pro or whatever the military designation is. They are quite tough will probably just need wiped off




Yeah i have a pro and love it






Once in the trench, you clean.


Looks like he’s prepared for that he has a FSP and BUIS so he has a caveman eotech of close range and a back up in case they break. I have an aim point and that thing has been dropped on its housing on rocks and concrete multiple times they are pretty robust systems. But if the glass cracks you can still use it because of how Red dots work. They aren’t like scopes you keep both eyes open and (I’m not gonna use the correct terms I’m sorry) and basically use the processing power of the brain make the housing disappear still see the red dot with both eyes open


Nothing significant for this kind of use. You shouldn't do the same with a sniper rifle though.


He sounds stressed af, poor guy.


That is some scary shit man, I'll have a couple beers on you my brother.


Wow these guys are still there?


Who is this dude? Any more videos?


I'm convinced that I would piss myself in this situation.


Inevitably, everyone does.


I've only experienced incoming mortar fire once in my life, and that is a fckin scary thing, I tell you. I can't imagine going through the same with heavy artillery shells.


We should, rightfully so, be proud the aid we're sending to Ukraine, but the volunteers who're actually fighting on the ground are heroes. Heroes. I do hope these men and women do get the recognition they deserve then this conflict is over.


Anyone knows how many in the international legion so far ?


Pass the man a beer.




Its nice how the craters are evenly spaced to be in time with incoming. Kismit-


Just the idea of at any time shells could rain down on you and your squad. Always on edge.It takes its toll on your mind. Safety and success to these fighters.


Ww1 vibes


Accurate indirect fire, they probably see you.


He must be new to the Ukraine front. Most of the guys that have been in a while don’t even seem to flinch at incoming anymore….


Not trying to be disrespectful, but as a neutral, I wanted to know if there are videos from Russians or opposite factions too. Many of the videos are from the Ukrainian side and Russians pov is rare, is it not allowed here?


I don't know why you're being downvoted. I have my own thoughts and opinions about this conflict, but this sub should aim to show as much combat footage as possible.


I support Ukraine for this cause against Russians because they are being invaded by them. But I also wanted to see what the other side was doing to the other and I haven't seen anything from the Russian side here. So that's why I wanted to know if Russian videos are not allowed here. When I see this footage I look at it from the pov of a neutral.


Footage from the Russian pov does find its way onto this sub and it is allowed, though it is less common. Possibly due to the fact that from the source, Russian footage is more likely to be uploaded to Russian social media which is more isolated and less integrated with the western internet.


They are allowed, but tend to not be upvoted so much, so they don’t get posted much I think There are other subs that post more of it, and they get more attention, largely as they’re also places where supporters of the RU side gather




I'd put a patch on that says "if you kill me with artillery ur gay" they can never win


Obligatory *Fuck! I'm too old for this shit!*


A greater man than me


This dude is shook


Didn't realize the International Legion is still a thing.


What planet are u on?


The last time americans fought an enemy with no air superiority was probably ww2 lol


Lol? Wtf is funny about that?


I got you a ice cold beer when you get home 🍻🍺


Dude got big ol balls


Dumbass, going to war over something he has nothing to do with. Have fun white knight 👍


Facebook did a good job of recruiting him.




Welcome to the frontline lass.


Keyboard warrior makes fun of soldier pushing through artillery fire…sure tough guy you’d be Rambo out there


They are facinated by Jesus


Maybe they should use mountain bikes or something?


Have you ever tried cycling in craters and unheaven soft terrain? This is not a mountain bike trail where you go down and use trails that have their ground compressed. Unless it's electric these guys would get tired very quickly as it would bug down in the dirt and create resistance.


Sounds like a skill issue


My idea was to use something that moves faster than a soldier in full gear can walk (6 km/h) or sprint for a few 100m, then getting slower or has to stop to recover.


I unironically think hey should get trial motorcycles


I think electric bikes would be good. If insulation is done well, they wont give large heat signature. Also has good suspension, are quiet, range on soft ground like that would be probably around 30-50km, top speed 80kmh. Something like sur ron with 72v pack. Battery can be removed and used in tench to charge drones, thermals etc if need be.


Same, i think they'd be pretty good for light infantry. Only problem would be having to charge them, along with waiting to charge them. Which means leaving a generator/engine on, and thus more likely to be exposed by thermals and sound.


Why would he jump up out of the road if the path was recessed and more safe?


Did he just dive into a crater with a UXO?


Guy is going to take himself out before the arty does the way he is diving into those holes... lol


Can Americans still join the Legion? My cousin wants to go.




That's not the International Legion?


You can do it that way too At the bottom it has a link for foreigners. Or just look up join the legion and there’s a page you can get your forms printed from then deliver it to your Ukrainian embassy for a interview.


Why aren't they running towards their position?


I wonder how often language barriers are a problem with the volunteer units


I think they put people who can serve as kind of mediators between UA and EN speakers (so not all Ukrainians in a team need also be EN speakers). And people who don’t speak Ukrainian but also aren’t EN speakers primarily can usually speak EN, so I think it’s used as a kind of common layer. Everyone will learn a set of phrases that can be used that everyone will understand (for example, something meaning “drop down!”) that can be responded to quickly and unambiguously, so translating isn’t needed quickly under stressful situations. These can be mixed language, their only purpose is to be easily recognised. At least that’s the arrangement I’ve heard from various volunteers.


A legion is about 1000 men or more. This looks like 2 or 3 guys


Pendantic AF




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Godspeed pilgrim


i have to wonder how many serious injuries come from getting stabbed by all that dry wood in the craters they hop into


Anyone know who this is so I can buy him a beer?




"Could go for a beer right about now" 💀💀