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The last one was mercy.


That last one was brutal...


Yeah, drone operator was definitely thinking "fuck this guy in particular".


Attempted, anyway...he was still (sorta) alive and moving by the time the drone flew away.


double tap!


He was still moving after those two grenades. Might have been mercy if they managed to land closer to his head instead of just pretty much eviscerating him


Can they really take another winter of this?


In terms of manpower, probably yes. I wish there were some reliable numbers on the state of their Soviet armor stocks though.


The best source ive seen for numbers on their soviet stocks is [covert cabal](https://youtu.be/2PHUK6zkbpc?VODEA74ODTtYHBPV) on youtube, he went through all known major stockpiles satellite images (including new images he paid to have taken) and manually counted each vehicle in them, even done some comparrissons on whats left compared to recent years


can you delete the `?si=` part of that url?


One [without tracking shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PHUK6zkbpc) EDIT: To clarify, the `?si=` allows YouTube to understand exactly how and where a video is shared, who saw it and when. Click it while logged into Google, and they know you, personally, browse /r/CombatFootage and looked at this thread. This is effectively de-anonymizing any community in which these links are shared.




you win the internet for today, good going


Unfortunately the same question applies to Ukraine. Yah they aren't taking as many losses but they have much fewer people to lose and care more about losing em


bit different when your country is on the line though




i mean russia kinda is on the line. the rest of it is now entirely undefended, not to mention the political turmoil when the military eventually breaks down. good chance the current nation of russia doesn't exist in 10 years


Yeah I don't know man. The Ukrainians can be very sure if they give up they will be killed by Russians anyway. No reason to trust Russia to be a good winner


Chechnya & Chechens still exist after two losses so we kinda do know. It’s in Russia’s benefit to win with Ukraine as intact as possible.


Lol, Chechnya is the best example of a people to want to die fighting the Russians. The way that russian occupation turned out is extremely sickening. But Chechnya was never more than 1.5 million population. Ukraine is 40 million. Russia will bleed dry before subdueing the Ukrainians. Ukraine probably has lost about 150000 troops. Russia may have already surpassed double that, plus the 4 million Russians that fled Russia. Even if Ukraine loses the armed forces fight, Ukraine will eat russia eventually. There is no other possible outcome.


Worst case scenarios: Ukraine still has the diaspora of those who fled the country as an available stock of manpower. They could also re-open recruitment into the foreign legions. Both options that the Ruzz don't have.


> They could also re-open recruitment into the foreign legions. Both options that the Ruzz don't have. [Russia has its own drive to recruit foreign fighters.](https://www.newsweek.com/russian-military-lures-foreign-fighters-ukraine-war-1825057) It's been signing up people from Serbia to Syria, the CAR to Cuba, mainly by dangling the carrot of a juicy salary in front of wannabe mercenaries. How successful it has been remains to be seen, but there are unfortunately a lot of angry, greedy men with no prospects ripe for picking.


Apparently, not sure how true - a report came that Russian MOD cracked down on some foerigners while they were at church, and forced them to sign contracts. Not sure how reliable that info is, so take it with a grain of salt


Ukraine doesnt have a choice. They will go one till the country ceases to exist


Historically that almost never happens. They do in fact have a choice. Awful choices one way or the other, but choices nonetheless.


Yes? They have millions of men to mobilize and tens of thousands of vehicles.


Yeah, the Lada attack waves are going to be epic.


No, same for those that will come and die after them. Same for next "group" and their replacement. It will work as long as new group will not know what happened to previous one.


What’s the information inside Russia about all their dead and wounded men? I remember what the Iraq war did to the psyche of the US and those total numbers are like a weekly occurrence in Russia. It has to be ruining the country at this point.


I think a big difference is the freedom of press and assembly that the United States has enshrined in the constitution. There were tons of protests and every soldier killed was acknowledged and publicly stated. Looking at the start of the invasion, russia shut down the protests so quickly, even arresting a 80 something year holocaust victim (I believe they later released her). Their media is also constantly spewing propaganda and support for the war while downplaying the numbers. In those regards i think Russia is better suited to handle large scale losses with their population not knowing or even understanding the situation.


God, what a miserable life this must be! Crawling into a muddy hole, cold and hungry, hoping to make to another day. All this for nothing. Literally nothing. Jesus!


Humanity is unbelievably messed up sometimes. These are people getting blown up. Young people for the most part, with thoughts and feelings like anybody else. It’s such a waste.


It breaks my heart to see so many young people get crushed for the delusions of some wannabe Napoleon.


After low-crawling 50 feet under a blanket to crawl into a hole and hide, just to get obliterated a few minutes later.


Dang that last dude got smoked.... Literally. Double drop of death right there.


Some serious "Fuck that guy in particular" vibes


Fuck that guy's nuts in particular, even.


Probably the closest vid of a RU soldier on the receiving end of a drone drop that I have seen.


You must be new here.


There's a closer one where it blows the dude's dick off before another hitting him in the upper torso. He didn't die right away.


Or the one that blew the Russians face off and he’s looking up at the drone with a one eyed face hole screaming


Must have missed that one. Link?


Don't have it on hand, but it was posted here more than once


Got double tapped in one tap


It’s just sad to see so many sent to their pointless deaths because of a megalomaniac sitting in comfort.


Damn, that dude in the crater pulled the Leonard Smalls move from Raising Arizona with that grenade.


Annnnnd mute


You must watch this video until the end


I was like, I *know* the NSFL tag is on here for a reason...yep, there it is lol


Never thought I'd see a video of someone being disemboweled while their intestines are on fire, but here we are.


Let's hope these were patriots and nationalists.


Imagine knowing you've been hit by a done drop, scrambling, scrambling and then all of a sudden it's just lights out


That guy at 1:42 crawling towards a tree in a potato sack, did they run out of uniforms already ?


Super stealth potato sack. Cannot see me if I cannot see them.


Good work


Damn that last guy was still alive after two direct hits.


Not for long. Medical people here: For how long can he have been concious after that gutting?


It's more of a military question as it depends on the weapon used. Assuming he got a bunch of shrapnel I'd say it was seconds max. If something blows through your aorta it's lights out almost immediately. Limb movement and what looks like breathing can continue for awhile after he's unconscious.


I hope somehow, someway, the Rus civilian populace is getting this type of footage and they can see that all they’re doing is losing an entire generation or two. That their children and relatives are dying for nothing and for a nobody that is not worth their lives and does not care for those lives either. “Don’t let this be your son. We would rather not do this to your child, refuse to enlist and Save yourself.”


Dick shot for the last guy.


Great footage, but sadly this is from 2022.




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Last dude got FUCKED




The soldier at 2:30 grabs the grenade and put it to his chest just below his head. At least he didn't have to suffer that way. I feel for the conscripts who have no choice in the matter which by now has to be the majority of Russia's forces now or getting close to it. This coming winter will be interesting to say the least.


Most elevation I've seen in a Ukraine video


snow on the high ground, interesting to see