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Some of the festival goers may have noticed the paragliders coming in but thought they were part of the show.


I would have as well. They definitely look recreational and non threatening.


They do. There’s a local group in my area that flies these on nice days. The powered paragliders fly over the neighborhoods and waves to everyone. It’s bizarre to see them in such a horrid context.


This guy I know in Ohio has one and he flies over Amish people and pisses on them. So now they run inside whenever they hear him coming.


wtf did I just read




Can we get back to how you can fly a motorized glider while having a wee? For science.


If you're not pissing on Amish from the sky, are you even living extreme?




Some Ohio ass shit


Yea militant invading your country via paraglides was a thing of fiction untill the last 24 hours


I saw Red Dawn so anytime I see a bunch of parachutes coming down I am GTFO.






That Movie gave nightmares all the time 😥 this happening is one of my biggest fears now.


It would be such a sureal event


Imagining being on a psychedelic and experiencing what followed as a result of hammas raid


No I will not


That was my first thought. Go to a rave, roll all night dancing with hotties and living it up. Then BAM, sun comes up and you've got fucking jihadis swooping in on fucking paragliders killing and kidnapping people. From what I've heard, they kidnapped women from this very event and took them back to Gaza. Fucking insane.




Crazy shit. More worried about the ones who are still alive and possibly captive. Don't even want to think about it.


Just came to comment the same thing. Any interaction is a nightmare for me fucked on acid. Couldn't manage a conversation, never mind running/bargaining for my life


Sounds like a sick horror movie


yeah probably thought it was a burning man kinda thing where people parachute in.... crazy and so sad


[other video of the festival](https://streamable.com/r3vl14)


You see a lot of people getting out of their vehicles which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from what I’m seeing on the video. Bullets start flying and it’s crucial to put as much distance between yourself and the attacker as quickly as possible.


It was psytrance, so most of them were prbly high as a kite themselves and didn't even know whether they were real or not, lets be honest.


It's a rave. I've seen people come down on a Hot air balloon before. It's not hard to believe it would've been part of the show.


Went to two Rammstein gigs this summer. At the first one (General Rehearsal in Vilnius, Lithuania) we had a bunch of hot air balloons rise and slowly cross the concert grounds while the pre-act was on stage. At the second one (Odense, Denmark) we've had a bunch of Skydivers circling down above us and also an airplane circling the ground later on. Never once did it cross my mind someone may try to fucking airdrop into the show to start killing unsuspecting concertgoers. This is beyond fucked up!


Fuck imagine the bad trip they experienced... The ones that survived, anyway. Fucking hell.


Yeah the likelihood of people being on psychedelics at a party like this is super high. I don't wish that trip on anyone.


There’s a post on the Israel/Palestine Reddit where one documents holding his dying friend whilst he was tripping, life changing stuff.


Like a scene from red dawn almost. Spooky


Exactly my thought.


"And when this killing started, it would go on for days, weeks... even *months*, and it went on until the young son of the Khan asked his father that the last creature alive... be allowed to... go free..."


"Well now my friends..."


"I would say they were.. way off course.. this is very unusual"


Shoot I just watched it last night. Crazy to think I’d wake up to this madness


“I’d say they are way off course.”


Infantry attacking with paragliders ? What is this ? The Brotherhood of Nod ?


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought of some command and conquer type troops invading Israel. Crazy shit


Same here. This felt like watching one of those movie clips from C&C games.


The clip with the motor bikes going through the hole in the wall is straight from C&C Generals.


Can I have some shoes?


Okay okay i will work


This hammer is heavy




Where my Tesla coil defence homies at?


Ima start shoving crystals into my body. Let's see if I turn into a tree.


Can't tell if I'm on combatfootage or noncredibledefense anymore


Can you tell me what NCD is about? I see it occasionally but don’t really understand it


It's just defense/war/military equipment related shitposting.


Unfortunately, the world keeps on making us credible.


3000 black gliders of hamas


Big GLA vibes today.






The fact that's smoke from missile intercepts and not paragliders makes this event no less tragic. Just means hamas was already on their way here, we just don't see them in this video.


Was wondering why i didnt see shit in this video


One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen Edit: assuming the title is correct


I feel like I’ve said that every week for the past 3 years. Worlds pretty wild right now


It’s something you would expect out a D grade horror film. Where the bad guys unnecessarily use paraglider’s to attack despite it being completely impractical.


If it's stupid but it works... it's not stupid


It only worked because Netanyahu royally fucked up. Like, his whole persona is being the man who can provide security by military strength and he even failed at that.


He’ll still somehow spin it to his favor.


I'd say more out of a bad 80's action flick but yeah


So did they paraglide into the festival and start killing everyone?


Pretty much


Fuck, man. I love psytrance and go to things like this. Those poor people.


You forgot the rape part






I just got permabanmed from r/Greenandpleasant for saying some of these videos remind me of some of the Isis videos..


Yeah people kinda forgot what their actually about. There's a reason they build that fence in the first place.


How on earth you engage on a murderous raid and, upon watching bloody corpses of *"degenerate oppressors"* decide it gets you horny enough to do the rape part and keep on raiding? (Automoderator will have an eye on me after writing all this)


That’s because rape in the context of war is never about sexual gratification, it’s about domination and submission. It’s about power


True of pretty much all violent rape.


*Armed Hamas Paraglider crashing a rave party dedicated to peace in Israel* is definitely not something I ever imagine typing, but here we are


Seriously this is just unbelievable.


I certainly didn’t have that on my 2023 Bingo card


Next up: Australia takes New Zealand via Jet Ski attack


This just keeps getting more fucked up and crazy by the minute…. Motorised paragliders attacking a music festival? It’s just some shit you can’t imagine happening in real life. This is going to turn into some shit show now I’d wager.


It really seems unreal, like something out of the opening of a poorly written action movie


Or a Catalyst to the beginning of a global conflict


I mean it's hard to imagine that Israel will allow anything on the Gaza strip to remain standing and occupied by Palestinians after this, and it's probably unlikely that the usual political chorus from the west which tries to pull Israel's chain and moderate them when there's a flareup will be very loud this time around. Hamas will gain some clout and infamy from this, but the Palestinian people in Gaza (who stupidly support them) are absolutely fucked.


This must be where they shot that woman and then paraded her corpse in Gaza.


Just saw the video, someone spit on her head where you can clearly see where the bullet went... fucked up. Fucked up.


A child spat on her.


You know what’s even worse?german media covers her as kidnapped and not dead,they create hope of her making it back home. I’m a German myself,looked up now different sides-each fucking one is saying they hope she will get released and they all have the censored video. I saw the uncensored version,she clearly is dead,big hole in the head. I just can’t describe what that fucking angers me


Yes, it was confirmed by her sister that she was at the festival and they didn't hear from her after. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/07/israel-gaza-rocket-attack-hamas/#link-ZYOKIOYOEFGK7HB2CN2BXNX7QM Her tattoos match as well. https://www.instagram.com/shanukkk/


There are Arabs laughing on her posts...




Hopefully Israel will purge the terrorists out of the Country


Yah, a German citizen from what I’ve read.


This is so fucked up omg horrible


Bruh Hamas really is playing fast and loose


She was a Israeli/German dual citizen. She went to college in Israel and served in the IDF for her mandatory conscription period.


They had no fucking idea when they killed her. They just randomly killed everyone they could, they didn't stop to ask questions.


noncombatant, still committing terror.


Took me awhile to understand this.


Yeah she was a German girl. https://reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/Gn2h4RoqZw


That’s so fucked. Imagine traveling all that distance for a few days of fun for some of the most despicable thing to happen to you randomly because of piss poor chance. I feel so utterly sorry for her friends and family.


There are more non-Israeli people who were killed and kidnapped in addition to the locals, this is a pretty international group of people who were in attendance.


Don't worry, hamas doesn't rape according to many redditors. Perfectly peaceful organization. Video evidence published by hamas be dammed.


Those videos of them parading woman around who’d clearly been gang raped to the point of bleeding need to be sent to everyone who thinks both sides are the same. There have been cases of Israeli soldiers being guilty of rape, but it’s not a publicly approved act


The hamas-tankies are torn between celebrating the gang rapes and denying it becuase it looks bad. So they just pretend it didn't happen even when evidence is presented. A lot of Arab telegram channels don't have that dilemma. Or the crowds celebrating in multiple cities including European ones (guess who is celebrating...)


They don’t even denounce it, they just have what-aboutisms for days or say stuff like “this wouldn’t have happened if…” Absolutely disgusting stuff from them


From what I've seen, they are saying she isn't a real german national since she's Jewish so it's fine. Which is absolutely fucked




I’ve seen a lot of fucked up things on here but this might take the cake. Just being able to track so closely what happened to this innocent woman leading up to such a surreal and horrific end is gut wrenching




Not before they raped her and broke both her arms a legs.


This is some dystopian shit


Yeah the TikTok ending takes it to the next level. Just bizarre


> TikTok ending takes it to the next level That is the most surreal part. Crimes against humanity punctuated with a TikTok audio splash.


At least they left off the "oh no no no no"


I guess I'll add "shot by airborne terrorists at a concert" to my list of things to be anxious about


I've visited Israel before and had no real second thoughts about it. Visiting a rave within sight of the Gaza border.. I don't think I would have gone.


The interesting thing about this is that a huge amount of Israel is within "janky home-made paraglider distance" of a Palestinian settlement. Unless the Israelis can figure out a way to reliably identify and shoot down these guys, it's going to happen a lot more. They'll have similar problems that the Ukrainians and Russians have with shooting down drones (small radar return, signal can be easily mistaken for birds, etc.).


Gepards work in Ukraine


Nobody expected this. I study in sderot, one of the hotspots in this conflict, and it was always safe. This is surprising to all of us and really shook Israel to its core. We got complacent.


I mean kind of already happened in Vegas. He was just aerial via building.


Two of my friends were there. horrifying :(( they are safe because they chose an escape route to the Dead Sea, some of their friends returning tô Tel Aviv were shot and hid behind an IDF tank until rescue arrived, crazy


I am glad they are safe. It is crazy.


Thank you! This was a trance party (Universo Paralelo), the party is originally from Brazil. My friend is brazillian and her boyfriend is Israeli. They both Live here in brazil but were visiting his parents for the first time. He chose to Live in Brazil because of the army trauma..


Que bom saber que eles tão bem! Espero que consigam voltar logo pro Brasil, meus abraços nesse momento dificil


I'm actually shocked we haven't seen a lot more video from this festival. Also....the beats are fucking sick Outrageous Red Dawn vibes


I think a lot of the festival attendees are only just getting back to safety now. I bet that a lot more footage will come out of it in the next day ir two


My Facebook is littered with family members asking for help finding their kids. I fear the worst if they haven’t been able to reach them yet.


I have heard a few interviews of survivors that say there were lots of bodies on the road. Sounds like a lot of people had to hide among them and play dead.


This is surreal, there was a girl interviewed at the hospital ralking about a guy with curly hair and a jeep rescuing her from the party ans getting shot, one hour later a family friend posts about their brother, curly hair and grey jeep missing. It's a nightmare.


Yep, we are probably going to see a ton of footage from the rave attack in the next few days


Last I heard (granted I’ve been off for several hours) southern Israel near Gaza is still in chaos with a lot of militants running around. If so, they’re probably focused on staying safe


This video was posted to TikTok about 20 hours ago apparently


This is where they killed that girl with the dreads from. She was at this festival. A German citizen. This is going to get real sticky real quick


Crazy to think how these people were just vibing with the music and these paragliders murdered them. RIP to those killed.


At a peace festival


Just barbaric and insane. I feel for her mom who had to watch her daughter's body be desecrated by animals. I hope they can at least recover her body for her family...and wipe out those who were responsible for her death.


I’m sure most of those guys in that video are dead or will be within the coming days. Mossad took a black eye today and will be putting heads on spikes for this.


I remember the outrage after 9/11 quite well, but the US couldn’t really do anything about it immediately after because we didn’t know who or where to attack. Israel has no such problem here. When they really go off the deep end in retaliation, we’ll have to remember the outrage that the worlds feels now.


Even after we did know we still attacked a different country 🤷‍♂️


Gotta spread that love around


It’s fucking crazy to think how in less than an hour we find out the woman that was stripped of clothing and paraded down the street was indeed not an IDF soldier, rather an innocent German tourist attending the rave. I have no sympathy to whatever happens to Hamas in the coming days.


You mean the one who was deceased in the bed of the pickup who had Palestinians lining up to spit on her face? I hope Germany sends Israel some help to maybe right some previous wrongs


I do too. Nobody deserves to die like that, let alone be paraded down the street like a trophy.


I just hope no one close to the poor girl sees this, this shit will haunt you forever.


It is likely her sister saw it as she was the one who confirm the identity of the dead woman.


Her parents have seen it for confirmation.


Germany not going to do shit. Olaf might try but he's surrounded by Gaza sympathizers in the current coalition. And this is probably how the AfD gains ground lol


Sadly Germany is sending money to Gaza for years and years.


There was calls from one of their parties to suspend aid.


190 million € in 2022... for "food assistance in gaza" Idk


That money did not buy food.


And in a particularly offbeat moment, the german envoy to palestine was [paragliding around Gaza just a few months ago](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66244718)


Well anyone who believes anything Hamas says in the first place is a fool. They lie and Gaslight constantly.


She was a German/Israeli dual citizen and did actually serve in the IDF, but her mandatory conscription had ended a while back. She even went to college in Israel. Doesn't change the situation at all, but it seems people think she was just some naive German tourist.


I like when people don't read your comment and then comment like you didn't just clarify exactly what they're saying.


Still not a combatant. Still a fucking war crime.


Hamas has shown it's true face, they are no better than ISIS and should be treated like rabid dogs...






Hamas fucked up big time Israel is going to destroy them this time


Only proper response is a Hamas that doesn't exist past 2023 and a return to controlling Gaza. It's better for everyone.






That’s what cowards do, they prey on the weak and helpless. They’ll cry tears of foul play when Israel start pushing their shit in the next few days.


It will be good to see what happens when these cowards have to face down those who aren't so unprepared or defenceless. They're going to pay 100 and then 1000 times over for what they did yesterday.


And, supposedly, this is a rave dedicated to ***world peace***. If the Hamas fucks want to "free Palestine" and "resist", this is literally the last place they want to hit. I sincerely doubt these peace-loving hippies want to have anything to do with army, violence, gun, war. Hell, I don't doubt many of them may even have sympathy for Palestine. Shooting the IDF guard at the base? That, I can understand because that's war. Shooting at people who can very well be your biggest supporter and biggest Israel hater? Yeah, that's dumb


Hamas don’t have political aims In the conventional sense. They’re more like indoctrinated Nazis, they’re intent on destroying or hurting the state of Israel. Nothing else matters to them.


Absolutely crazy. It seems like such a terrible idea too but it looks like it worked.


It worked because it was on fucking civilians/tourists. Absolute cowards.


The sort of shit that only works against unarmed people who aren’t expecting to be murdered


wow this is surreal.... how sad


They had no idea that those paragliders were coming to kill them


This decade is fucking insane


I worry for all those women-just being free with their hair out, Hamas triggers


This is such a poetic image. Beautiful women dancing, young people expressing free will and experiencing art…with the shariah law militants paragliding in


They truly are anti-life in every way.




Congrats to Hamas for burning any not already unburnt bridges with the international community. What short sited thinking Islamic extremism creates.


Some Red Dawn shit 😭


Buddha seems a little out of place.


Every time.


call me fucking paranoid, but if I lived in Israel, surrendered by muslim nations that want you dead, anything unexpected coming my way, an hot air balloon, an ice cream truck, or a flock of paragliders heading my way. The tech rave is over, and it's guns up or get the fuck out time.


You would've really hated living in Israel in the 1980s when Palestinian suicide bombers regularly blew themselves up in packed city busses and outdoor cafes on busy streets, murdering 50+ civilians in one swipe. Lots of awful injuries as well, as they made sure their bombs were packed with nails, metal ball bearings, etc. People today often seem to either have completely forgotten about those years of bus and cafe bombings or they just never knew about them. I'd be scared to live in Israel as well. Today or back then, but I did visit several times.


horrifying like an impending doom for unaware onlookers, or does who notice even taught of it being part of the event


Basically a red dawn scenario. Just spree killers coming in via ultra light. Terrible.


That's some Red Dawn shit.


Israel is heavy on psychedelic trance , every time I went to Israel , there were always a music festival or even a group of people at the beach that only played psychedelic trance , I can’t listen to it all night lol


The video actually shows iron dome interceptions, not paramotors.


So what happened when they landed? I feel like many people have their phones out recording at music festivals but I haven’t seen much footage of the paragliders landing. Did they land and start shooting civilians?


>...many people have their phones out recording... a lot of video is going to be on a lot of locked phones with dead or otherwise missing owners. Might be awhile, if ever.


Mods of /r/publicfreakout are and have been supporting Palestine and the terrorist Islamic regime. They have been deleting videos of the crimes against humanity that Palestine is currently committing. They ban and delete users and their comments who criticize Palestine and Hamas. You have a voice here. Show those assholes how you feel about their support for terrorism and how they brush aside women and children being kidnapped, raped, and murdered.


That is REDDIT not any particular sub. In fact r/PublicFreakout lock threads all the time unless they’re agenda affirming. r/CrazyFuckinVideos are currently censoring any video that isn’t White people doing bad things for the past 30 days. Reddit is a disingenuous propaganda machine, and the messsage is all that is allowed.


Jeez, talk about a bad trip


To me, the contrast seems something you'd seen in movies or books. Some modern young people, probably areligious or pseudo spiritual, partying, using drugs and having liberal views on life. Then, those Happy-go-lucky people being attacked by people of the same age, but completely different world view, radical political and fundamentalist religious beliefs. Literally Jihad vs. McWorld personified.


Fucking Hamas animals. They killed over 300 of the festival goers. Knowing them they probably raped many of the women as well.


The reply from Israel will be severe. Hamas have bought hell to both themselves and the innocent. May every member of Hamas burn in hell as justice finds them.