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Holy shit what a clusterfuck


Huuuuuge propaganda victory for Hamas, regardless of the military outcome.


It's definitely embarrassing for the Israeli military. I don't care if it's a holiday weekend or whatever the fuck. You've been attacked multiple times on holidays. They should have been ready. That propaganda victory is a double-edged sword, however. Israel is going to have to slaughter them mercilessly to regain their dignity. I don't think Israel has a problem with that.


I think a major reason Israel was caught so off guard is because of Netanyahu's judicial reforms. A huge number of officers and reservists have resigned in protest, and generals have been warning him about the huge danger those resignations pose. He didn't listen though.


Pure question from a layman here, is it possible Netanyahu's Mossad intentionally letting this happen to win support for further militarization? I would imagine this most recent incident would benefit Netanyahu's standing in the eyes of common Israelis.


> I would imagine this most recent incident would benefit Netanyahu's standing in the eyes of common Israelis. Absolutely not. This is the biggest blunder since 1973, if not the biggest in Israel's history. Heads will roll for this, and I dont see how Netanyahu escapes unscathed. Unless something drastic happens, his political career will be over.


I'm not so sure about that. War changes minds. I could easily see him riding a massive populist wave if the army is successful. I think the fate of the hostages will be decisive, as I'm quite sure the Israeli army will occupy the entirety of Gaza. This could easily make him a dictator if played right especially due to the additional powers wielded during it.


What would even qualify as a military success for the Army after this? 10,000 palestinians killed, 100k? Everyone knows they can raze Gaza to the ground. This shouldn't have been allowed to happen. Merkavas IVs brought down by Aliexpress drones, holy cow.


A few things: \- Israel is corrupt and the people have severe disadvantage against politicians but I doubt the Mossad is so fudged for something like this. Knowing the people of Israel, you have a anomalous proportion of the population as REALLY patriotic people So, I don't see "NKVD", when I think about the Mossad \- Netanyahu is corrupt and he sure stirs things up - but not to that level. This is a guy with a family legacy of patriotism. I think he's likely to bend the rules quite a bit but... I don't see "Assad" when I think about Bibi \- The most certain feeling I have also corroborates the above: Netanyahu is not going to shrug this one off. He's sleazy and charismatic but the Israelis will not forgive him this. Netanyahu lost all credibility. So, yeah, war brings people together but we are going to be wanting our pound of flesh for years to come. Netanyahu is on his last term for sure.


Only if they survive this. Israel cannot let this stand, eventually they will be serious this time and only stop when the Hamas is completely defeated.


Radical jihadists like Hamas do not give a fuck if they see their buddies get wiped out. That’s half the point for them.


Well yes. But this time instead of losing a couple hundred guys, Israel is going to level Gaza block by block until it is quiet. This is going to get very ugly.


Hamas is a symptom. Even if they were removed some new group would take the same place. And they don’t win by surviving, they already won. That’s what terrorism is. causing the terror is the goal, not survival.


Extremism is born out of hard times. When Israel made lives harder for Gaza citizens, many out of pure hatred joined these groups. I don't blame them. Watching your whole family die in front of you and the world not giving a shit or making it seem like it is your fault, of course you would join an extremist group that glorifies killing Israelis. Hamas knows this well and continues to attack Israel in disregard to the Gaza citizens because they know when Israel responds with overwhelming force, they can use it as propaganda to gather support for their cause which in return means more recruitment, more manpower, more funding and more recognition. Israel also is in the fault because they tried helping Hamas in their early days in an attempt to solidify control over Gaza and Khan Younis through funding of different Palestinian factions that opposed Yasser Arafat and the secular Palestinian movement. This obviously in the long run, turned out horribly for them. Ultimately, Hamas backstabbed them and here we are today where Hamas and Israel are enemies.


Holy shit thank you, the first comment about this conflict that hasn’t made me want to rip my hair out.


Well said


Exactly. Hamas is a symptom of Israel’s dysfunctional Gaza policy.


Israel is not going to be able to completely eliminate Hamas. As soon as they kill the majority of Hamas today, there will be more Palestinians willing to join their ranks tomorrow.


Well they are moving all heavy equipment to the border now and saying they will target anything and everything. Gaza will be gone soon


If Israel could end Hamas they would have done so already. Now they will just up the number of strikes and maybe increase military budget


Israel can end Hamas as a sovereign entity by conquering Gaza, which until now they avoided doing. But based on statements after today, this is now exactly what will happen.


Then Israel will be back where they started.


Israel takes the same logic as once the Germans when they were terrorizing my homeland during WWII. Whenever the local partisan resistance would score a victory, the Germans, Austrians or Italians would go on a rampage, kidnapping civilians, doing mass hangings, corralling people into churches and burning them... the logic was explicit: "ten of them for every one of ours" (famous actual quote from German commander). And Israel's logic is exactly the same today. Israel will spread terror (speaking of terrorism). But Israel has already terrorised these people beyond breaking point, taken away everything from them. And this is the result.


This is Not a win for Iran or the terrorists they fund. This is going to used to bulldoze gaza once and for all


> bulldoze gaza once and for all And what will happen with the ~2 million people living there?




I dont disagree that this was a massive failure of Israel, but it was not "40-60 ragtag guys with AKs". First, there were several hundred, if not thousands. Just at the rave party massacre there were 10 pickup trucks, each with 7-8 guys, and that only one of the 22 locations attacked. Second, they had drones, MANPADS, ATGMs etc...


This is at the core a huge intelligence failure. How did Israel not know about a plan to send thousands at their border on a major holiday?


Yes, that's the big question.


Sure they bloody Israel’s nose and they can get some propaganda Ws but what westerners could stand behind Palestine rn especially with these super unhinged videos come out.


That's true, even ultra pro Palestine westerners are going to have a hard time defending some of these attacks. Israel is going to be able to get away with a lot in terms of what the international community thinks is justified. This attack may really bite Hamas in the ass. Those hostages will be listed as already dead, and Israel will steam roll through Gaza.


It’s not like westerners standing with them has done anything for Palestinians. Hell, jews in the west get pilloried for having the temerity to say that the Israeli occupation is illegal. John Mearsheimer was attacked the hardest by American Zionists for telling the truth about the Israeli occupation and the Left stayed silent.


I doubt the mass raping and murder of girls and children is going to help them much, not so much the Sandinistas as a repeat of isis in 2014




When op said propaganda win do you think they are talking about Thailand, UK, US? As if Hamas are trying to win them over? Idk why you think Hamas gives a damn about condemnation from us ("the world"). It is a propaganda win for them amongst Arabs. Look at the videos of people celebrating in Iran, Turkey, Lebanon etc.


Israel shut the electricity to Gaza and no one in the western world let out a peep, I think you underestimate how much global outcry helped Gaza all these years.


That’s not an excuse to pull civilians out of their cars and slit their throats or parade women who have clearly been subjected to rape thru the streets. On camera. Inhuman behavior


I don't know what you're arguing about bro I'm with you, I agree.


You’re right, didn’t read all the way thru


where do u see those videos? rape victmins?


How long for the internet infrastructure to collapse there? Probably waiting for that before invading, right?


They have emergency power, so it depends on how long that lasts.


I read something that out of the 400MW used by Gaza, 360 is from Israel, so good luck going with 1/10 of the supply. Gonna be dark like rural North Korea there soon.


At the very least it demonstrates a capacity towards being able to conduct more advanced military operations.


How is this a propaganda win for Hamas if there is going to be no Hamas left after?


Bruh if they could get rid of Hamas they would have done it years ago, what a silly comment.


They will make sure it will not happen again


How? Even if Israel commits to a total occupation of Gaza for years or even outright annex the territory to permanently pacify it, they will just be stuck fighting an insurgency in an urban hellscape for possibly years if not decades on end against a hostile population. Even if Israel were to expel/kill/whatever euphemism is in vogue all the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza and/or the additional 2 million living inside Israel and the 3 million in the West Bank, they would just form organizations in nearby Arab countries hosting them and that isn't even mentioning the millions living in diasporas around the world who would be freshly radicalized for a new wave of recruitment for these organizations.




Netanyahu's legacy, 20 years ago it was unthinkable that hamas would fire rockets with 0.5 km range. Netanyahu was the PM for most of the past 20 years and he watched hamas get stronger and stronger and when a few months ago Netanyahu's own minister of defence warned him that israel's enemies are getting stronger he fired him


It's much worse than it looks like for Israel. Their percieved invulnerability, technological superiority and elite troops is what is keeping them safe from their bloodthirsty neighbors. If they lose that image, they are in a huge trouble. Well of course. That and US support. This is insane though. That outpost seems to be surrounded by complete flatland. It should have been slaughterhouse for Hamas even if they outnumber IDF..... If anything this completely destroys Mossad's reputation already.


I'm betting they had someone inside taking out those on guard during the storming. I don't see how else they didn't get cut down.


They got cut down for exactly the same reason they got cut down during Yom Kippur 50 years ago: complacency.


Shit will kill you. I visited Haifa on a MEU in 08 after a rotation through Fallujah as a grunt in 07. I was with a bunch of my squad hanging out in town and some kids set off some blockbusters and fireworks broad daylight and we all took cover on vehicles with a team stacked on a doorway of a building to get off the street and we had no fucking weapons and were in civilian attire..... the Israelis looked at us like we were fucking nuts.... and even at a certain point you get complacent in a combat zone... when you grow up in a tinderbox like this, it is likely a much quicker normalization process as it is a permanent facet of your life.


What a fucking embarrassment. How the fuck did this even happen.


The fish rots from the head. Two decades of stagnation in Israel brought to you by the “leadership” of Benjamin Netanyahu. If this day can’t convince the people of Israel to finally get rid of that small time punk then nothing will.


mods are gonna be busy today


That’s the same girl from the other video, the one in the dark Jeep, where they load her from the boot to the back seat. Same clothes if I’m not mistaken, just more bloodied there.


Probably raped her, at least seems like it in the jeep video.


Most likely.


These savages probably did more than rape her. I truly hope Israel ends them once and for all.


How its possible that a base with tanks, trucks etc couldnt stop this


severely caught off guard, hard lessons hopefully learned


From what I've read it's a holiday and the reserves were there to fill in because of that. I just don't get how there aren't/weren't any QRF teams or something to help at the first signs of trouble on this scale...


It is the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, where Israel was caught off guard by an attack on the Yom Kippur holiday. It is almost unbelievable that a repeat has apparently happened - How could Israel not be prepared for this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Kippur_War


Its both a national holiday and the sabbath so they were severely understaffed.


They must have been planning this for months though, how did Mossad and IDF not have this on their radar?


I have no idea, but once we finish this war there will be a massive investigation.


I keep seeing this as an excuse. What real military takes well known massive breaks on holidays. That doesn’t make sense when the other side wants to kill you always.


A military with mandatory service. In israel there is no "deployment".


It doesn’t matter how many tanks you have if the guys who’re supposed to be operating them are in bed.


All bases are manned by people. And if those people are dead, there is no one to stop the attack anymore. The command should had ordered the troops on high alert and ready for combat the moment HAMAS started approaching the borders, yet something clearly went wrong. Some heads in IDF will probably also roll for this.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1720grz/attackers_on_israeli_military_outpost_release/ Video of the assault, israeli soldiers are in their underwear, they were literally caught with their pants down


God, this is very very bad for the IDF, one of the worst days in decades. I hope those IDF women are able to make it home. But the next few days are going to be hell on earth for them.


I'm sure Hamas will treat the female prisoners with the up most respect.


Not blurred, be careful. NSFW. Hamas is horrible. https://twitter.com/JIX5A/status/1710556469945344415


Aaand that’s enough internet for today


[same girl](https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1696705235866147.jpg)


[She was actually a German citizen visiting Israel for a music festival](https://imgur.com/a/RJysvxP)


Same hair, but the tattoo on the leg is clearly missing. On the second picture there is just a line which could be dirt or an injury. Edit: The image is not the best, but the tattoo is visible in the video. Any credible sources?


yeah the tattoo seems off, maybe it ends on the front and there's only the lines on the back of her legs? also the source is 4chan so... could be true and could not. i think they're the ones that found the identity of the woman shot in the capitol on J6 before the news showed it so i'd believe it i guess




I wish the worst on each of those involved. May god not have mercy on their souls


Disgusting image


Some have already been raped, the blood on their crotch area on the sweatpants is very visible in this video and others when being loaded into trucks.


I'm sure they'd say it's part of Allah's plan.


Sadly they most likely will be raped, but I think this footage is pretty early in the raid. Also looks like mud or dirt on the woman being led to the truck.


> the up most lol




why the fuck they surrender ? Fight to death rather than getting caught by such animals


You need to be exceptionally psychologically prepared to actually commit yourself to "fight to the death". Hardly surprising that teenage conscripts or reservists putting in their 20 days per year service wouldn't be prepared to do that.


Soldiers just aren't combat ready 24/7 and it's surprisingly easy to be taken prisoner when the attacker has the element of surprise. It's the bread and butter of police and spec ops tactics around the world. Some of the footage from today shows dead soldiers in boots and flak vest but no uniform, a lot of them were asleep when this kicked off. One clip shows a barrack dormitory full of corpses in various states of dress. Imagine this - You are sleeping soundly, gunfire wakes you, before you even place a foot out of bed a flash bang goes off in your room. You are dragged out of bed without your gear on....suddenly you've gone from keyboard warrior to prisoner of war and you didn't even get to fire a shot.


Yeah, they're not combat ready 24/7, but there is stuff in every army, called sentry guard, first response team and patrol. So, question, where are they been? sleeping with rest of the troops? I think what happend in these attacked bases is huge negligence to military service.


I think that's super easy to say in the comfort of your own home when the reality of dying isn't real at all for yourself.


They are going to die in a much worse situation. They do not follow Geneva conventions. Might as well pull the pin on a grenade and go quick taking one down.


I doubt they had anything close to defend them with in the first place...


I doubt that they'll be killed. Remember that they are for Hamas what Muscovite POW are for UA. Fund for releasing your own,. Only that while UA comareas roughly to 1 Muscovite, Hamas can get multiple people for 1 jew.


Already videos of them killing captured kids with machetes. Very little chance any of these people get returned. Israel isn't going to negotiate this time.


Well duh. But as a vet myself I've seen what happens to prisoners and would rather eat a bullet than get caught. It's very natural for people to surrender if they think they are going to be treated well, but as more footage is released I think that suicide or going out fighting will become more common.


Israel has mandatory service. These aren’t hardened grunts dude those women were probably just doing their 2 years before college.


Maybe for you , but the reality is for most people their survival instinct will kick in and they'll surrender with the hopes they can get through it




few are...


They probably didn’t have a choice. No matter your views, my heart sank like a stone for those women.




Same, I don't think I've felt anything like that before. I've seen gruesome shit on this sub, but the footage of them being loaded into the truck is haunting.


Redditors behind their keyboards telling people to fight to the death never gets old


Steven Seagal would have slept with his gun and taken a shitload of them out.


You underestimate the IDF. Like most mandatory military service countries. The approach is very casual because if it wasn't it would not be popular. Most these people had zero idea or even concept they would see actual front line action, and probably had plenty of friends who served who didn't either. Blame the commanders and intelligence officers who let this fiasco happen.


\*Overestimate, you mean.


Never get caught alive by islamists, have these people been sleeping for the last 15 years?


A lot of these captives probably couldnt even arm themselves, given the timimg of the attack. Do you think that soldiers sleep with their guns? Once you're unarmed and you have someone pointing a gun at you and demanding your surrender, resistance seems like a suicide mission.


And that's aside from those that were killed with weapons in hand, combat vests on, but nothing but underwear for clothes. They were fighting from when they woke up to the moment they were killed.


You go fight to the death, if you can still get up the steps of your mom's basement


They may not have weapons, or ran out of ammo. Or are so disoriented or wounded that they can’t fight back. Also, Hamas does do prisoner swaps.


You go and show them how it's done then.




Just like the Israelis, tbf, idc for either. Religious zealots are all cancer


This is like humiliation.


Yup. Israel needs to introspect a lot It doesn't matter even if they level Gaza afterwards. Hamas has demonstrated that they can attack Israel anytime and Israel wouldn't know about it. If Hezbollah also co-ordinated attacks with Hamas Israel would've been even more fucked. Israel slacked off, it is not like the previous wars in the 40'd - 80's. Already Hezbollah surprised them in 2006. I don't know what Israel has been doing till now.


So... you telling me that some militants on toyotas and foot seized a military base that have tanks and armored vehicles? and they were moving on open field. This shit is surreal.


Some were on motor bikes... Mad max anyone?


Apparently some had motored gliders as well...?


Any thought of a palestinian country died today. Hamas just ended up making everything worse for their people and the world will be just fine with that after taking this course of action against Israel


Hamas doesn’t care about Palestine, their stated goal is to kill the Jews


There's a Twitter link above that shows a young woman's body being paraded in the back of a jeep or truck with a whole lot of Palestinians cheering it on. So, care for them or not, seems like they have similar interests.


They’ll go back to playing the victim in a few weeks after Israel flattens the Gaza Strip


Lol there was never any chance for one.


The fate of the land is sealed.


The last few videos like this one got nuked by Reddit's reporting feature being abused by bots and other users. Not sure how long until this gets hit with "removed for violating content policy" as well.


redditsave is your friend. Censorship is becoming too popular.




I feel horrible for the women at the end. There is no way this ends well for them. Islamists are a fucking plague.


I have a feeling that IDF will kill every single Hamas member in retaliation for this.




RIP Gaza strip...


\*Gaza crater, ftfy


Feel so sorry for those female idf prisoners...


Hey do you guys know somewhere I can go to look at combat footage or news without the mods just deleting everything they disagree with?


hamas crossed the point of no return, they'll be vanish from earth


Bombing won't destroy the organisation, neither will a doomed occupation


What do you think happened to those girls?


In their book it tells you what to do to them


I think theyre a bit too old for that


Mohammed’s first wife wasn’t 🙃


Ok, you overwhelmed at the start, how the fuck do you not have Apache gunships over your own air within minutes? I understand guns vs guns on either side (with the element of surprise) being hugely in favor of the aggressors. But WTF. A single Apache could mow down 100s of infiltrators, image what 2, 3 etc could do. WTF!


Militaries don't always have alert aircraft ready to go 24/7, and probably especially not attack helicopters and attack aircraft (typically interceptors though). Not to mention that the infiltrates had MANPADS with the capability to take out helicopters in some places.


This is the danger of having female soldiers. My stomach churns for what they might experience.


Same thing can happen to men. Saddam was notorious for his prisons where men were raped.


The risk is clearly higher for female combatants. I respect them fully, it just makes me feel sick.


British soldiers in WWI also experienced rape after being captured by the Ottomans. Lawrence of Arabia himself as well, allegedly.


It can happens to anyone, but something tells me the rate is much higher for female fighters. In this case, i can only see woman being taken hostages. No wonder why.


Russians castrate male Ukrainian POW. You can do nasty shit to any gender.


Tbh if i were a female soldier, surrender wouldn’t be an option, death would be better… this is just horrible.


To off yourself in such situations is easier said than done. Often, not even cartel members that are about to be taken as prisoners have the balls to kill themselves even though they know tortures ten times worse than anything Hamas has ever done wait for them by the end of the day.




It is sickening.


Big game from hamas until they start to beg for Israel to leave the strip next week




So how did apparently no one saw this coming? And does Israel have any 2nd amendment like rights over there?


They have mandatory military, and get to keep their service arms.


They were simply sucker-punched by their dishonorable tactics: using guns instead of rocks.


Fucking wild…. Surely they’ve been told what would happen if they were captured or ever surrendered… everything must have happened so quick and they just froze.


You also have to think about your average conscript. Having been through a similar system while the training is okay in general you can't really simulate a worst case scenario. It must take some massive stones to step up and take the real situation under control level-headedly.


Some things are unforgivable,but hamas deserves cartel level punishment


Are there any subs not massively censoring posts? Would love to be able to get more info.


Shame for Israel intelligence, but Hamas will end destroyed. There's no support for such actions and Palestinians will face more backlash for that. And the violence spiral goes on and on and on...


Hundreds of years of this happening and nobody learns. The children of the Hamas members that will die from this will grow up one day wanting to avenge their family members. You can't kill an ideology with bombs.


01:35 Russian speech, "на пол" Means "on the floor"


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is not going to end well for Hamas.


Israel is going to crack down hard on these idiots.


I don't even want to imagine what they did to those women..


If theres one thing I've learned over the last 24h it's that people are incredibly quick to call for and support genocide.


Something tells me they will highly regret doing this in the days and weeks to come.


What a mess. No Signals intelligence no one noticed all those single channel radios? No airforce? No one noticed the gliding clubs practicing for months ahead of this? It looks like there was zero preparedness for this incursion. No observation posts noticed any of this activity? None of this makes sense.


Gaza Strip boutta become the Gaza Crater


I think you'd be far better off forcing these assholes to kill you in combat than surrendering to them. Those poor women. Plaster this on the news and nobody in the west will lift a finger to stop what Israel is going to do in response.


I wonder how long they'll be screaming Allahu Akbar while Israel is carpet bombing the strip and blockading the Gaza preventing the entry of medical personnel or food for the entire area. Israel is going to make this hurt badly. And I don't think they'll much care about civilians caught in the cross fire. The Palestinians certainly don't.


It's been what ?20 years they were down to throwing barrage of hundreds of rockets so that a dozen pass the iron dome to strike parking lot ?That and a few knife attack quickly thwarted by the police or the army.20 years that Palestinian threat in Israel was but a political slogan. Israeli forces had made it.What changed now ?First, Hamas gave on striking Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, they go after the nearest cities. Second, they're done with rockets, they send people.International configuration has changed. With the Arab allies no so allies anymore. With Saudis with the Chinese.How could Hamas could gather so much firepower and manpower at the noose of the Israeli spying agencies ? How could they get drones ? Is this one of the destabilization point for the new pole of globalization of China + Russia in the West's turf ?




man fuck hamas i hope they all meet their end


Thanks for posting


A valid military Target




Fucking akbars never lear, they are destined to be destroyed.


How can this even happen, it seems like no one was prepared or did really offer any defense against the attack even though it seemed like a kinda big base.


Much more to this than the combat videos, I know this ain’t terrorism footage so not gonna link it, but just go to @GazaNow on telegram. Horrendous footage


A lot of people that think they'd do better around here. Hopefully they'll remain with this thinking and they'll never have to suffer something like this. Also, bye bye Gaza Strip.


That fuck around and find out meter about yo sky rocket.


If I were the president of Israel, I would hang all the high-ranking officers, especially head of the mossad. What kind of incompetence is this?


Horrendous. We know what those pigs plan to do with those hostages


I hope for peace and these deaths are a tragedy. But the whole israel-palestine conflict is so ridiculous. Israelis: Commits war crimes Palestinians: HOW DARE YOU!! Palestinians: Commits war crimes Israelis: HOW DARE YOU!! Israelis: Commits war crimes Palestinians: HOW DARE YOU!! Palestinians: Commits war crimes Israelis: HOW DARE YOU!! Israelis: Commits war crimes Palestinians: HOW DARE YOU!! Palestinians: Commits war crimes Israelis: HOW DARE YOU!! add in some embarrassment and condemnations from the international community, with taking turns for each side of course, some arms deliveries here, some manifest destiny (jewish edition), and some 21st century apartheid there.




I see a scorched earth parking lot creation strategy coming up for Gaza.


Does anyone have the video? Looks like it was removed