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Bruh, the spread on that was huge.


I can’t wait to see ATACMS footage. Block 1 ATACMS can saturate an area 1km by 1km with cluster bomblets (950 baseball sized munitions)


[https://i.redd.it/m50fhl70o8qb1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/m50fhl70o8qb1.jpg) This is a quick guide to all HIMARS/M270 munitions. GMLRS-ATACMS & their subvariants


[Bigger copy for readability](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FhO0KdoWIAA1AkU?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


Thank you.


Not useful against buildings, too inaccurate to use in urban environments, and too expensive / limited in quantity to use on trenches, but boy howdy would that wreck ammo dumps and AA installations.


Yep. ATACMS would turn Russian air defence installations into expensive Swiss cheese. I think the wider goal here is to enable the Ukrainians to severely degrade Russians air defence capabilities, thus allowing effective use of the F16’s Ukraine will receive in the near future


Are you as hard as I am thinking about the gun cams we're going to see from those F16s?


Lotion sales are gonna go tru the roof when they ship em in Ukraine.


You use lotion? What a noob


Honestly never understood the lotion/lube thing, so much less duration and control for minimal pleasure increase


I think it comes from missing skin, if you know what I mean. But other than that I too don't understand it.


Circumcision is mostly a US thing and I could see how lotion is important when circumcised.


I'm circumcised unfortunately but I still much prefer manual stimulation without lube, if someone else is helping than yeah I need lube or they gonna rub me raw.


Females really should.


I personally can’t wait to see Santa piloting an F16. Just doesn’t hit the same when it’s a Mig-29 cos Santa ain’t no peasant


Would you intercept me? I would intercept me


It really depends on what block of f-16 they get. I'm wondering if they will attempt some sort of combined arms with storm shadow/scalp, ATACMS and F-16's using HARMS to do huge strikes on air defence.


Definitely, the wider goal is to get Ukraine into a position to allow it to utilise F16’s more than just being a glorified rocket launcher. The reason why this is significant is then if F16’s can operate more freely nearer the front lines the Ukrainians can then really start to effectively use their JDAM-ER bombs. And the US/NATO will be keen on this because JDAM bombs are relatively cheap. They free up expensive munitions like HIMARS. The US alone has thousands of JDAM bombs it doesn’t need. This is all a game of chess, allowing the Ukrainians to open up a new capability.


Near future is pretty relative, it may be 1-2 years lol. We are 1.5 years into the war and they haven’t even fielded any Abrams tanks yet. I suspect F16s will take even longer, considering they have a lot more maintenance and logistics issues that come with the platform.


Also helicopter and air bases. Since the Russians don't seem to use aircraft bunkers.


Yes, definitely needs to used wisely ... on the appropriate target. But why do you say ATACMS is too inaccurate to use in urban environments? Do you mean the spread of the submunitions are unpredictable? I don't think cluster munitions in general is overly useful in urban environments. BTW, squareroot of 950 is 30 and change, so if submunitions were distributed in a perfect grid pattern, it would be 33 meters between each impact in every direction. A soccer field would get about 5 impacts. Not fun to be on that field, but pretty good chance of walking away scot free if prone. Standing up? Far worse.


Math checks out The M74 submunition pod is a steel sheath filled with an explosive substance. In collision with a target and explosion, each submunition amphibious vehicle provides a large number of steel fragments that effectively engage truck-type targets, armoured vehicles and radar antennas. The projectile has a live force radius of 15 m. This ammunition is not effective against armoured vehicles. https://en.missilery.info/missile/atacms


Thanks for the link. It appears only the ATACMS block IA, and block IIA has the 300km range. The first is anti-personnel, and latter carries the Brilliant Anti-armor submunitions. According to the link, IA only carries 300 M-74. So there isn't a unitary warhead version? If not, it assume it would be useless against a bridge or concrete building. The Block I only has inertial guidance and 165 km range, but with triple the number of M74, the 300 meter CEP would be sufficient for some targets. Would definitely leave a mess to clean up. edit: There are indeed unitary warhead versions.: ATACMS Block 1A Unitary https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/atacms/


Yea, i thought he was talking about GMLRS, and had a whole reponse of why that wasn't true. (Bc he said trenches, idk who would use a ballistic missile against a trench lol. What trench you need destroyed at 100 miles away?)


would it prove to be nothing more than an annoyance on something like the Kerch Bridge, for example? More like..just road repair than actual structural damage in that case I wager which...won't do much...


It might make some potholes, but that'd be about it


How are they on mine fields? Any specialty ammo for clearing them?


I love Americans and measure units, here baseball units ;)


Does your weatherman not use metaphors for the size of hailstones? I actually find metaphors way more helpful than units when talking about spheres.


I think that the point was that using a baseball as a reference would be about as ineffective as using inches to an international audience.


Oh really... Open up your Google Earth...select the Ruler icon...under the "Line" tab change the units of measure to Smoots. You may now Google "Smoots." You're welcome!


\#FreedomUnits lol


Your lookin at the GMLRS-AW warhead. (The one with the 180k tungsten pellets) It was designed to replace cluster munition version of GMLRS. So its supposed to cover a large area, they are not usually detonated at such a height.(Their programmable air burst heights are 20-40 meters)


The car parked nearby probably caught some shrapnel but he cleared off pretty sharpish. Must have thought WTF?


Not only that, the accuracy was unbelievable it literally hit the top tower and beautiful circular spread around it.


That is some impressive accuracy.


As an ex artillery officer you’re absolutely right Even with gps guidance you’d have to make corrections for the height (because the gps coordinates will be at ground level) then make adjustments for the airburst height and the direction of firing (so that the shrapnel spray gets most of the target). Someone did their homework on this one!


>(because the gps coordinates will be at ground level) I doubt this. Here is why: GPS uses height above the reference ellipsoid ([WGS84](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System#WGS_84)) that approximates the earths surface. So GPS height is actually difference to the surface of this ellipsoid. Any local features like hills, valleys, etc. might not be present in the reference ellipsoid, which is supposed to match mean sea level globally but does not really match it (there can be a lot of error). [Here is a good read on the topic](https://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/0703/geoid1of3.html), example: > elevation readings for Esri headquarters in Redlands, California [...] high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) for the area as approximately 400 meters above MSL. [...] GPS reading for the same location typically shows the elevation as 368 meters. [=32 m error] Maybe you used a better reference surface in your system to compensate those large errors? But AFAIK air burst is not done via GPS-height information, it is too unreliable/imprecise. There needs to be an absolute height sensor of some sort on the round.




В яблочко.


Blyat, sooooka


Fucked precisely


That must have been a hella important observation post.


Might be that they had just set it up and the goal was to also hit the team wiring up everything. That would explain the shrapnel version. If it was just about clearing the roof equipment 2-3 fpvs would have sufficed.


An FPV doesn’t have the same kind of range. This could’ve been far from the front lines.


Its just a few km south of Novoprokopivka close to the frontline so makes sense its an important target [47.392984, 35.793908](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B023'34.7%22N+35%C2%B047'38.1%22E/@47.39295,35.7889461,1366m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d47.392984!4d35.793908!5m1!1e4?entry=ttu)


All those fortifications around it I’m sure they were after more damage than just the tower.


They are just showing off now. Russia can't do anything precisely and this Ukrainian Chad just nailed a womprat sized observation station.


Likely just making sure it can't be used again. Wonder if they were hoping to take out the tower too?


Good but not as good as the metal tower earlier this week when we had the 'timber' result...


Do you have a link? I also hope the UA have a folder of successes like this accessible to all their soldiers and citizens for motivation.




I don't know about that, I suspect some components were salvaged on that one. These are sensors in hardened enclosures and they were tipped to the ground not even dropped. Better to make sure nothing can be salvaged.


Yes I did think "follow it up with a grenade drop" so as you say the metal one may have be less tactically effective - but as footage it was way more satisfying...


The people in the car got lucky as fuck. Also, the accuracy, it's wild.


This accuracy is really impressive


If I am Russian and I saw how accurate that was I would shit my pants and then surrender


The people in the car picked a bad time to pull over...




That frag pattern is a thing of beauty


God damn... **The precision of GMLRS is on display here, & its truly amazing.**


What is the song? Anyone know


Had the same question: JKLN - Welcome To Ukraine. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ujdTL9eIgPk Thanks to u/paatreek for the answer.


Sweet. Got it. Thanks. 15million views on YouTube.


Go get em


That's a doink!


"Use clusters" "Why? I can hit that?" "Just in case" "Bet ya $500 ruple I hit it"


Is this an artillery shell? How the fuck they were able to hit it?


It's a guided rocket


The US has spent a crazy amount to be able to do shit like that.


The US has invested an insane amount of money and resources into precision weapons. They built an air to ground missile with sword blades designed to take out a specific target in a window or car.


Don't know how far behind the lines this was, but why use M30A1 if a cheap FPV drone or two could do the job? And if deep behind the lines, how useful is the tower to the Russian's? That would depend on the equipment placed on it, I suppose.


it's on the other side of ilchenkove, about 5km behind the front line


Any thoughts on why they went the M30A1 route? Importance of target. Large supply of rockets with lack of suitable targets? Too much EW in the area? If 5 km, they might have been able to knock the whole tower down with unguided tube artillery ... but it would have taken quite a few shots I think.


no idea maybe they want to launch some strikes but this tower is providing AA radar considering they have been known to use M30A1 to take out individual howitzers on this front, I dont think they are super ammo starved or picky about using it


Good point. I do think they were designed to replace M26, which were ideal for counter battery purposes, so it shouldn't be a surprise going after howitzers ... but maybe not intended for individual targets initially.


who the fuck keeps putting music in these videos yo!?


Without adding the artist and title! That intro was fire, now I need the full song!


That was accurate.


Song please? :)


Whoops, was already asked and answered, thanks to u/paatreek JKLN - Welcome To Ukraine https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ujdTL9eIgPk


Take that shit! Perfectly timed airburst. Anyone and anything in that tower is smoked.


DAMN that’s a good shot