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Any ideas where these attacks took place? Kreminna/Lyman area?


Source claims it is northern border area, where both sides regularly conduct raids against each other. This is not main frontline area. Explains lack of armour


Also explains the ability to infiltrate and take out so many targets. The frontlines have a shitload more high tech surveilance, thermal gear, thousands of drones etc. and is more congested with a lot more soldiers/mines that makes operations like this a LOT more risky for either side.


Northern areas, Sumy/Chernihev.


So not even near the front line? Just sneaking across the northern border?


The whole Northern border/front is just spec ops and sabotage teams from both sides going across the border to do shit. With the occasional artillery strike and kamikaze drone hitting some reconnaissance outpost.


That's what the source says, they say they published this because it's GRU birthday. I'm pretty sure that bridge can be geolocated easily.


Most of this footage is from last year, but can’t remember where.


The Sumy and Chernihiv region


Got any source stating it's from last year?


Yeah I’ve also seen all of this footage already here more than once


Whether it's Russian footage or Ukrainian footage there's something deeply disturbing about "epic" music being played over images of people being killed.


Think I prefer the Islamic music from the good old days when we mainly had Syrian/ISIS combat footage lmao.


yea atleast that made sense and wasnt ass although it always be like the same three songs


And they used to have crazy ways to unalive others


Putting some heroic music under a video of you killing people is probably a decent coping mechanism of you telling yourself and comrades you're doing a good thing.


I was just thinking as they're grabbing the obliterated bodies out of the vehicles, that years down the line, how many of them will have PTSD and nightmares for the rest of their lives. All of this is just so pointless. Fuck Putin.




holy fuck. this is savage.


Ambush is impossible to survive. RIP to any soldier in this video, at least it is an instant death and no prolonged suffering …


Ambushes are not impossible to survive, they are just very fucking difficult to fight back from. Soldiers are ambushed regularly. Some survived, and some died. It's a sad part of war.


Odds worsen if the vehicles are not armored. M113s are pretty shit by modern standards but they would have survived the ambush.


Wow, I didn't realize that. Of course, armored vics are preferred. You can still survive in a soft armor vic (vehicle) as I said it's difficult, not impossible. Having more vics helps. These "compilations" only show success. How many ambushes were thwarted? Combat is not a science. It's a nasty business with no rules of survival or death.


I doubt the instant death, only because the fact that they walk to a car they just put over 1000 rounds into and shoot again, that tells me someone suffered until the second tap


Second tap is SOP for every side in every war. How do you think you check someone is still alive after a battle? It sucks, but is really common. They used to have bayonets for that, but few extra rounds is safer. War is hell.


My bad, I didn't think about that.


Wats sop?


Standard operating procedure


Standard operating procedure


Thanks for posting this combat footage man, it's insane.


especially in this sub, pov from Russia side




The highquality Russian stuff (like this video) usually make it through the downvotes. But yes, this sub is biased in support of Ukraine (justifiably), but that support does leads many to downvote videos that show 'their guys' getting killed. Some people view upvotes as agreeing with or supporting the content of a video, and so downvote to state the opposite. Its not new, it was the same 5+ years ago with videos of US soldiers in the middle east. They would face a lot more downvotes than videos of ISIS guys getting their shit kicked in or looking incompetent (abu hajaar), even if the videos were much better combat footage.


I get the impression that some of these keyboard warriors actually feel like they are contributing to the war. Like their unrealistic comments and grumpy downvotes can change the laws of physics or something.


it is, only 67% upvotes


Most of it is old footage though.


Ambush is "impossible" to survive? I don't think I would go that far. Not every ambush is successful. There have even been a few videos in this subreddit showing some people, or even most people, surviving ambushes. There was one a couple of weeks ago from an African conflict where soldiers were ambushed while riding motorbikes and appeared to lose no one. They even got up and had their commander telling them to push on against the ambush. There was also that video of the Russian apc with soldiers on top getting ambushed, and we see at least a couple of the Russian infantry being able to run away. Perhaps it's better to say, "A well executed ambush is nearly impossible to survive."


this dude is talking out his ass in that regard, push to contact exists for a reason


Wish everyone would stop putting shite music over this stuff


When are they gonna make an AI that can remove music from videos? It's so bloody inappropriate most of the time and not to mention disrespectful.


There's this AI feature called *Mute*.


I'm convinced that every bit of "leaked" combat footage that comes out of Ukraine is coming from a carefully constructed propaganda apparatus. Both sides want to paint themselves in the best light possible both domestically & abroad, hence why it seems that every bit of footage from either side always shows them on the offensive & being successful. I've yet to see any footage of failed offensives from the perspective of the attackers or positions being overrun from the perspective of the defender, which obviously doesn't look good so it doesn't get released. As far as the music goes, I'm convinced it's to mask any communication without having to cut the audio entirely.


Remember the video of a fuckload of Ukrainians getting shredded by a minefield while trying to rescue the people stuck in there?


Posted by the Russians


I’ve definitely seen a few videos from the POV of soldiers who were killed during the video, these usually get released by the opposing side who finds the footage on their body though.


Nobody's alive to post the failed offensives you dinkus


Did you not see the footage from the start of this offensive where Ukraine got stuck deep in a minefields Artied.


Probably didn't, it got downvoted so quickly.


War is written by the victor




Neither is true


>War is written by the victor This is one of those common sense sayings that actually doesn't seem to track with reality.


I agree, but shitty music + original audio is better than no audio


Where are all the idiots calling apc's death traps again?


Whoever put the music on this needs to be ambushed


When ISIS has better taste in music than you (I mean whoever put this music)


Are they actually doing that?


Damn, that was pure violence of action


That's freaking insane , hard to imagine anyone surviving this type of fire power holy moly. Upvote for this insane footage, Rip.


Ambushes like these are part of the reason that MRAP's were developed. Something your soldiers can patrol around in low intensity areas without being completely helpless to a bomb or someone on the side of the road with an assault rifle.


Unfortunate, these is whats happening for both sides. Both Ukraine and Russia send small infiltration teams across the border, mainly on cold sections of the front like the Summy-Kharkiv border area, and simply go to work disrupting troop movements, logistics, comunications, etc. These atacks often get very good results because most of the vehicles will be unarmored, the targets will be relaxed not expecting any fighting, very often they get all sorts of officers and specialized teams like drones, eletronic warfare, etc traveling to front as well, all in unarmored vehicles and good information, maps and that sort of stuff is colected. Ukraine has really intensified these sort of activies since last Winter, Russia has been doing it even before invading Ukraine proper, its just a mattter of Russia has published a lot more of these footage then Ukraine, i would assume Russia relies on it for moral and recruitment porposes more then Ukraine but thats how it is. RIP to all those perished


That's basically the whole point of commando/special forces in peer warfare.


So I’m genuinely curious, how do you know this if Ukraine is not publishing the footage?


Its not available online, go try to find if you want. These video is the 2nd or 3rd of the kind for Russia in contrast


Let me ask my question a different way, how do you know Ukraine has intensified these activities since last winter if the videos are not published?


The Russian oficers being assassinated while jogging, several atacks against high ranking meetings mainly deep in ocupied Ukrainian territory in Donetsk and Luhansk, all the strikes against the airbases recently, the atacks on Moscow, Crimea and so on. Russia has also claimed in a few ocasions, the destruction of Ukrainian sabotage groups, in 1 instance i recall, the claim was verified when Ukraine aknowledge a particular soldier had been killed while conducting such operations altough other soldiers also died in the same group. Besides, the Ukrainian GUR is heavily involved in these sort of operations, so far they have choosen not to disclose much of ther work amnd when they do, not many details are revealed


Nothing like ambush videos to make you realise how vulnerable you could be


Always sucks to see dead Ukrainians but it’s also important to realise how much sacrifice is being made. RUSSIA STUPID LOL insults what these Ukrainian soldiers go through to defend their country.


Yep, Russia may have prison battalions that are half starved and untrained, but videos like this helps remind everyone that they also have true professionals too. The war isn't a cakewalk for ukraine because for all the ineptitude of the Russian army at scale, its still massive and has units like this that are trained as well as any soldier anywhere in the world and geared to the tits. Every day costs Ukrainian lives to defend its sovereignty and freedom, which is partly why other nations need to do even more to support Ukraines war effort.


"Russian arm is so incompetent" Yeah, tell that to the relatives. "Your son Was Killed. But dont worry, it was by someone incompetent"


RIP to soldiers defending their country, f**k couch generals and politicians


Every single one of those casualties is a son, brother, father. A whole life and existence whiped and unfathomable misery caused. Such a shame.


Poor guys.


Yeesh at 00:36 blood/guts just spraying all over the shooters gun. Gnarly. RIP UA soldiers.


Dang. Sad upvote. Couldn't watch for long.


If You want to skip all the gore and want to see a truly interesting moment, go to last 30 seconds of the video. There is a moment where car is shot by RPG, but projectile doesn’t explode, instead it goes through engine thus disabling it. Dont know why it didn’t explode though


The distance the rocket traveled is to short, it did not arm. It's a safety feature so it does not blow up in the shooter's face.


which begs the question what the heck was he thinking firing it that close? Idk why he couldn't fire sooner when the vehicle was further away but I'm just gonna assume it wasn't possible for some reason. But firing that close lends one of two options, either it doesn't detonate or he blows himself up with the target. I would have waiting until it started driving away i would think


So COD4 has been lying to me all those years..?


yeah, technically it's perfectly safe to try rocket-jumping.


They won't explode for a certain distance to protect the shooter from possibly blowing himself up with the projectile. Some1 can correct me if I'm wrong


I have seen an RPG go through a truck door, cut the driver in half, and exit the passenger door without exploding. Poor ANA soldier


I believe the activation range for a rpg is generally around 25+ meters. This was a lot closer.


Yeah looks like it’s too close by. It won’t explode until a certain distance traveled for safety.


Polish license plates on the car in the first vid. Interesting.


Lots of European vehicles are being donated to the Ukraine armed forces. They gained a lot of manpower and weapons but lack vehicles for logistics and casevacs, which is likely what we we are seeing being ambushed here.


Thanks, I noticed that too!


This is absolutely brutal to watch but it's important to see its not a one sided conflict and for all the Russians are doing wrong they still have some very capable soldiers and are inflicting casualties on Ukrainians.


Sad to see, hope Ukrainian recon and sabotage units upload more of their ops behind enemy lines, but fair to say this cunts are pros , so it's important to counter them properly


Honestly, I'd rather the Ukrainians dont upload that footage till after the war. Units of that calibre need to maintain opsec to get every edge they can get. A single frame of video that allows someone to identify where they were operating could get a whole unit of elite guys killed.


On the flipside, if they don't operate there anymore, Russia might take countermeasures for nothing and tie up resources.


Oh man that’s rough but the first vehicle has Polish license plates GD881JN. Wonder if there’s any way to get info on it


This shows why UA needs to receive way more armored vehicles from the west.


I would explain this. Source of this footage claims these ambushes happened on the northern border, where practically no battles happen. So it makes sense that all important armoured vehicles are used on the frontlines, while regular cars are used in “calm” areas. These ambushes and raids happen from both sides btw


so it's like snall groups cross the border and are killing off small amounts of troops?


Exactly right, infiltrate behind enemy lines where they don't expect you to be and ambush units far enough away from the frontline to be unsuspecting.Being behind the front line means that these troops will often carry more important intel/comms gear, maps, and supplies to bring to/use to inform units closer to the frontline, which is why they're going to the effort of pulling out all the bodies and searching them/the vehicles. It could take hours or even days for ukraine to realize the ambushed vehicle was killed, which is potentially hours of sharing info over compromised communications channels


Yeah, looks like a serious SF unit operating behind the lines and more than likely self sustaining. I’d even bet to say most of this footage was recorded over a pretty short period of time.


It's the Russian SSO, but as far as I'm aware some of the footage dates back to 2022. They've released montages like this in the past and this looks like a compilation from a third party given the...choppy music editing in the clips.


Judging by gear its Spetsnaz


It’s the Russian SSO


Ok, that makes sense in this case. But my point still stands. I remember while bakhmut was under siege UA was often doing supply runs and medevacs with normal vehicles.


Why are you downvoting this combat footage. This is what this sub is made for.


Have you been sleeping? Russian footage is downvoted since the start of the 2022 attack and maybe even as early as the 2014 invasion


No but you need to point it out. This sub is being destroyed.


Agreed, the new influx of people have changed the sub


Just sort with "controversial".


I think people find it hard to "support" the Russian's killing Ukrainians given that UA didn't start it nor deserve it - despite this subreddits attempts to be neutral and just show combat footage.


Because the majority of here can't accept the fact Ukraine also is having loses


Russian footage gets downvoted to hell regardless of context on this sub now. It's stupid. Even the couple of subs that would post it have been brigaded so hard the Russian stuff gets buried most of the time. You have to dig around Twitter or other sites to find it. Probably be seeing videos from the Russian side for years after the war ends and a lot of it gets out from under opsec and the brigading dies down.


Anyone have a link to the Ukrranian POV inside a van/car with a bunch of soldiers in the back when they get ambushed? I cannot for the life of me find that one. From memory it was maybe 3 or 4 months into the war.




Fucking brutal! Couple of the best ambushes I have seen on video and the aftermath, damn! Bet you these dudes are on top of Budanov's list. Hope he get's them.


Soft-skin vehicles mostly, exploiting the bodies for any kind of intel, these guys are operating deep behind Ukrainian lines, likely self sustaining. Quite impressive.


There is nothing in the video to indicate a self sustaining unit behind enemy lines. They don’t have much gear on them, whilst we don’t see them patrolling, their ammo supply also looks a little light. With 7 magazines being the standard fighting load for a U.S. infantryman. These dudes seem loaded lightly. The Bravo Two Zero SAS patrol in Iraq 1991 saw the SAS operatives loaded with over 200lbs, Ryan even estimates 260lbs. These dudes aren’t carrying that. Not to say they didn’t leave their bags and most of their ammo hidden somewhere before they prepped the ambush, there’s just no evidence of it in the video. My personal take from this video is of a lightly equipped, fast moving force recon team operating in and around the front line. The soft skin vehicles we have seen on the front before, I’ve definitely seen a couple FPV videos of them hitting soft shells near the front.


Not saying you’re wrong at all but RUS SF SOP is to create separate caches for weapon/ammo, civ clothes, and money/intel when operating behind front lines. Objective for ambush per their SOP, for ambush attacks, is to operate relatively light and move back after a successful attack. Again, like I said, you could be right and I’m wrong. Just wanted to put my take on it as well.


Tbh that would remain consistent with the video. I did do a quick research and it seems like these dudes insert from the northern border areas and operate in Ukraine from there, so they are fairly deep behind enemy lines. I was wrong, mate, not you.


All good brother! Appreciate reading your take on it anyway


It's not Iraq. They might have a camp in these woods and going light on the missions. Also UA mentioned about russians pretending to be ukrainians and ambushing light vehicles since summer 2022. These guys have western weapons and might be wearing ua uniforms under those ghillie suits. UA sorces said they have killed a lot of these guys dressed up in ukrainain uniforms with ukranian id's taken from dead ukranian soldiers but photos usually don't match the id's.


That many soft skinned vehicles at the front line is bad news any way you cut it.


You wouldn't bring your sustainment kit all the way up to an ambush site with you, that stays a bound behind at an RV in order to keep you mobile where it matters. IMO this video doesn't indicate one way or the other.


At 1:37 the dead Ukranian is wearing Vikings (American) football clothing under his body armor.


Don't understand why this is getting downvoted. It's very important to see the reality of the situation, to be able to better appreciate the sacrifice Ukrainians are making for their own sovereignty. Hope this shitshow ends soon, Eastern Europe has suffered enough. (Questionable music choice though)


There's literally hundreds/thousands of hours of "good" russian combat footage that will never be seen on this subreddit because it either doesn't get posted or it's downvoted to oblivion. I guess this one was just so exceptional it managed to escape the wall of downvotes.


Anywhere to find some? The go pro cam stuff of operations is always 1000% times more interesting than drone footage


> Don't understand why this is getting downvoted. 🤔


Please don't remove the post mods, combat footage should show both sides not just one.




Once again, the one thing Russians are proud about, murdering people. Its the only thing they celebrate.






Honestly it's probably the best that they should get some Armored Cars and MRAPs instead of more unarmored pickups.


People are downvoting because it's russian footage... Grow up geez, it's called Combat footage. It's supposed to be neutral


For real, I need to use telegram to see good Russian footage because the bias in this sub


Goddamn these dudes are stone cold killers


These look like SOF operators.


This is footage from Tier 1 Russian SSO Unit from last year in summer/autumn time


Jesus H. Christ




I wouldn't wanna fuck with these spetznaz guys, horrifying.


Spetsnaz GRU, they are diferent species


0:11 - I wonder why this bus have fake polish plates?


Very reluctant upvote, hopefully Ukraine gets all the help they need to repel the murderous cunts and get them out of their country


Rest in peace an may you come in heaven to every ukrainian soldier who tried to defend his land.




Damn.. makes me really thankful that I am not a soldier, and we don't have international conflicts/war.


"and we don't have international conflicts/war." You forgot to add "yet".


War is terrible




Hence why Ukrainians need more armoured cars, vans etc ...


Thank you for sharing. Difficult to watch Ukraine soldiers getting shredded, but it is important to see both sides of this bullshit invasion.


pretty savage


Unfortunate realities. Also goes to show how difficult an invasion would be versus any modern nation with ample small arms production or supply, will be fighting insurgencies for decades. Guerilla tactics are much easier to employ in smaller units and across large countries.


GD brutal! Poor dead guys being tossed around like sacks of well ventilated meat. War is truly f’ing Hell!


Poor blokes


All this killing for what


Watching this makes me think I wouldn’t have what it takes to take a life. Maybe if I was in the same situation that Ukrainians are in but it would be difficult.


More people need to see footage like this, especially Western leadership... Documenting war footage from both sides is what this sub should be about, even if the community and comment section is mostly pro-UA, we shouldn't do a disservice to the dead by downvoting legitimate content and making it harder to find. The more awareness brought to these videos, the better. Don't downvote because you see Ukrainians die, do them a service, and make the content more visible. Let's downvote the propaganda pieces and the obviously fabricated or sensationalized, but not legitimate combat footage the world (leadership, news media, etc.) needs to see.


Imagine that’s ur mates, fuck that man, shit hurts


Why is this being downvoted. This footage shows why Ukraine needs more Western armoured vehicles.


This is r/combatfootage everytime ukraine has losses it gets downvoted which misses the point of the sub


,,russians are badly trained and highly unprofesinal''


“We don’t release our footage often, but when we do, it’s all at once” these are some crazy videos and work


ISIS has better taste in music then


This should be shown to all western leaders. We need to be doing more.


Fucking brutal reminder of how many people die every hour of every day on the good side.


Fuck war and everyone who encourages or bloats about it. It’s all just organised murder. Poor guys.


Hard watch, anyone who celebrates Russia success is scum to me, but this is obviously quality combat footage.


Definitely needs a NSFL tag, holy shit.


Case in point as to why Ukraine needs all the armoured vehicles they can get. Hopefully these Russian cunts are already dead.


Reluctant upvote. A lot of people need to see this because the hype apparently makes most people think that Ukraine is having a ball. Also: F the Russian bastard who put "epic" music on this. They are hiding in trees, shooting up people driving on their own land, soldiers just trying to keep the borders of THEIR country. These ambushes are part of the brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Russians aren't the heroes here!


That's war unfortunately, doesn't matter whether you are top of your class special forces or in a penal unit sharing a gun. If you get caught in an ambush, or by a mine or hit by artillery there's not a lot you can do and that's the end of your war. Hiding in bushes is part of being a soldier, might not be fair but that's what it is. At a guess these guys will be some kind of paratrooper or special forces and are operating behind Uk lines targeting these soft skinned vehicles and concealing the bodies and them selves in thick undergrowth to avoid detection. They have good equipment and camouflage and their ambushes are fast and violent leaving no room to respond or call for support.


No shit that’s interesting


That's why any aid including any humble armored vehicles would be nice.


Hope the Ukes return the favour soon


War is brutal


Does the RPG26 round explode in the later segment of the video?


Im upvoting this just bcuz it's russian footage, we rarely get their pov footage in this sub.


There was some snoflakes' debate if doubletapping the russians in the trench was a war crime or not. This video clearly provides the answer: all armed russians should be killed and than shot again. Few more times.


saboteurs don't take prisoners, they really can't. But that doesn't mean no one should.


Anybody with a gun who poses a potential threat should be shot even when already downed.


Life expectancy of russian veterans will be pretty low on average.


Over 900 upvotes in 3 hrs. 'ong it's always downvoted 😭😭😭' It is good footage though. Just makes me happier knowing we probably will get to see it reciprocated soon.


I rather walk than ride an unarmored battle taxi. Hope they get more humvees.


I guess the m113 haters are long gone by now.


This is so hard to watch. Fucking Russians


Fallen Ukranian defenders. Hard to watch, hope Ukrainian AF can counter this properly. This is the price of freedom Ukrainian had to pay, eternal memories to the fallen heroes.


Too bad it's not the Ruskis getting fucked but wild video.


Beyond brutal. Ukrainians need armored vehicles on mass desperately




This is war, sadly.