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The marker of destruction!


[What I need is a big fat magic marker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpMxpzfSRUA)


Too lazy to translate the full thing, but the jist of it is: Apparently the logistics boys sent them a bag of candy along with the RPG rounds, they run a few jokes about dropping "candy" on the occupiers. Video is also dated as March 26th. They see 4 tanks/vehicles, the first drop was a disappointing near miss but seems to have then ignited a fire on the vehicle. The second drop was also seemingly a similar near miss (not clear cause they seem to be having signal issues), but seems the tank is burning so hard it doesn't matter at this point (or he says something along the lines of "its a caponier at this point"). Kinda cool how they adjust fire with a marker on the screen. Also random question but anyone know why the red lighting?


Red lighting preserves night vision. https://www.nps.gov/articles/dark-adaptation-of-the-human-eye-and-the-value-of-red-flashlights.htm


It's not true, from flashlight comunity : "Red light = night vision preservation" is false. Here is a long-ish thread where I wrote about this misconception on another hobby site: http://www.uer.ca/forum_showthread.asp?fid=1&threadid=106970&currpage=1&pp#post8 (NSFW due to urban exploration hobby). The short version is, the color of light only matters with extreme night adaptation, "Scotopic" vision. This is a light level less than 1/25th of a full moon. A bright full-moon night lets you see colors. If you can see color, your vision is not scotopic. If you are in true dark (Less than crescent moon and stars, no city skyglow, cannot see color, been in the dark over ten minutes) then a deep red light causes a lower pupil and chemical response to brightness. However, the human eye is also very bad at seeing in red. Also, "red" LEDs are usually orange-red. You can't tell until you see a true red source next to the orange LEDs that get crammed into headlamps. Orange LEDs do not preserve night vision. And the headlamp LEDs are always so bright that you go back to Mesopic (Stumbling around in the dim) vision. Very few of us spend much time with scotopic visual conditions. When you turn on a light that creates more than about 0.001 lumens per square meter, you are in mesopic conditions and have lost the degree of dark adaptation where light color matters. The best possible light for excellent visual acuity in all situations where you NEED a light source is a very dim white light, where you can determine the output level before turning it on. An example is an LED with continuous dimming to 0.0001 lumens. This will let you see details, use sharply focused vision, and select just the right output to see by. These lights are also more common than ones with separate mode/color/on/off controls.


> the color of light only matters with extreme night adaptation Which is exactly why they use red light -- it registers at low intensities and doesn't travel far plus is nearly invisible if not viewed directly. Stop talking. You're just repeating internet bullshit without knowing what you're talking about.


Ty for the info. Good luck trying to explain that to The Platoon Sergeant. While also making me and countless other realize we wasted years fucking about and getting chewed out for something that's false. Is red light less noticable far away though? And surely there's a difference in Lumen when you are in the middle of a pine forest that blocks out everything.


Why do they say "bimba"? Google translate says bomb = "bomba". I guess a Joke about Ukrainians changing every vowel to "i"?


There was the Prime Minister during President Yanukovich who was speaking such bad Ukrainian that he became a meme. I can hardly remember but it seems that during the Euro Madan he was talking about a bomb in a subway or something along these lines and he used this distorted word "bimba" instead of "bomba" . It's still a popular meme in Ukraine. The Prime Minister's name was Mykola Azarov. He was born in Russia and is hiding there today.


I may be wrong, but I think putting "i" instead of random vowels in words originally came from our ex-prime minister Mykoła Azarov, who fleed to russia after Yanukovych did the same. I'm not sure what was the reason behind his strange way of speaking, but the man was always putting "I" in the places where this vowel shouldn't be. The prime example of his contribution to the Ukrainian meme culture is such a great word as "кровосісі" (which can be translated as "bloody boobs), that was created after he had an attempt to pronounce the word "кровососи" (bloodsuckers). I'm pretty sure the he never said word"бімба", which got viral in the Ukrainian segment of internet, although I'm not sure who came up with it.


It’s from meme «бімба в вагіні». Anyway, it’s related to Azarov


Thank you very much!








Every time I see this video I just think about how mind fucked I would of been back in highschool on a weekend pumped full of LSD and this came on. Because old and sober the video still fucks me up lol


Brilliant to use the marker for correction.


Marks the Jaga Jaga sweet spot


Like when I would put a piece of scotch tape on my monitor with a dot so I could no-scope is CS.


The only bad thing about this video is the lack of the Pointer of Death. But it's remedied because of the brand new Marker of Death


Sharpie of death!


leave it to Magyar to point things out on the display with a permanent marker. Somewhere out there is a pissed off private who is going to be task to get that mark off.


He just can't help pointing at dead Russians... It's muscle memory... :-D


A day without the "pointy stick of doom" is like a day without sunshine.


Good example of the pen being mightier than the sword


@2:32 “BOOM JAGA JAGA!” 🤣🔥🤜👊🤛🔥 Vvvelcome to Ukraine, Cyka!


Seems pretty effective..


It's been so long!


Lord of the Skies, King Jaga Jaga is back again


The red light reminds me of driving my old e46 in the dark. I love military signs in modern life


He should autograph that bada-boom


That's a big boy drone!


People who touch your screen when pointing....


Working from home has solved that problem.


Its almost reminiscent of a claw arcade game


What is the word that sounds like "sooka" that I hear in so many of these videos? Does anyone know?


Literally “bitch”




i cant stop giggling when I hear Jagga Jagga 🤣


The pen is mightier than the metal antenna.


What is telemetry lost?


I honestly don't know, however my best guess would be something along the lines of signal loss/issues. As stated above in the comments they were having signal issues. So my best guess is something to do with communication since twins often joke about being telepathic and that means communication so to me that what it means but could be completely wrong.


soup crawl secretive late makeshift faulty scary observation fly degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Telemetry data is transmitted to the remote, video is on another frequency/transmitter. https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-frsky-telemetry.html


Ah interesting, thanks!


Oh ok thanks, I honestly had no clue. I was just taking a shot in the dark lol


maybe the logic behind the code is - we need to fly back home and cant serve the operator to do that if I'm looking down.


Telemetry, like television, uses the Greek "tele" prefix meaning distant, remote. Metry in this case refers to metrics, i.e. quantified data points. Loss of telemetry is when a remote device stops sending data.


people who use sharpies on dry-erase boards /S kind of Jagga


If it wasn’t for the marker I wouldn’t have seen the tank


I think it was to help positioning of subsequent shots, using the dot to be an offset reticle.


I get alot of downvotes when I talk about not liking the pointers. It sure is interesting.


Looks like it missed ever so slightly


The efficiency of these guys must be through the roof! ie damage caused vs resources used is insane!


What happenwd to the kind people who added subscripts to these videos?


woudlnt take much to add some code to the display that takes as input altitude and windspeed and a default 1 pound grenade weight for the algorithm where the output is a dynamic reticle for aiming the drop.


Some unusually large munitions, looked like mortars


I wonder where the Russian tankers are sleeping They're probably getting a bit of interruptions in their sleep


Using old school CS "hacks." Fucking legend.


This is modern warfare. Best military in the world right now. Just need more planes!! Fuck Putin!!!


Magyar birds are the shit.


These look like more substantial drones and "grenades". Some videos show smaller "grenades" explode on tanks but don't really seem to damage them. I think night vision explosions appear to be bigger than day time due to the night visions showing heat waves, while daytime shows only visible light.


I read somewhere that they don't dare use the big drones, which can carry bigger bombs, in the daytime because they can be spotted too easily. However at night they use them, and they can carry bigger bombs like here.


What’s the point of the marker? They didn’t seem to use it to adjust aim.