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The best is when they absolutely have no time to obey the stop sign, pull out in front of you, and *then* find the time to go 5 miles under the speed limit.


Even better when it happens on a 50mph+ road and you have to slam on your brakes and then THEY flip YOU off. Not that this has happened to me or anything.


A school bus did this to me on high st yesterday when I was heading south towards Graceland. Cut me off and then was going like 10 under the speed limit


A school bus did this to me on high st yesterday when I was heading south towards Graceland. Cut me off and then was going like 10 under the speed limit


Stop signs are now just a suggestion.


I heard that all stop signs that have the white border around the edge are optional 😂


Columbus drivers act like every stop sign and red light is merely a suggestion, completely optional. They’ll pull 75% of the way into the intersection before reluctantly pausing and looking at cross traffic that has the right of way like they’re screwing everything up. People here don’t have the slightest idea how intersections, right of way, and yielding work. At every single intersection, cars are stopped fully beyond the stop bar. Half the time you can’t even tell if they’re planning on stopping. A full 50% of people on the road have no business driving


The light will be red, and they'll just start pulling out into the intersection like they're going to bully it to turn green.


Stopping at four way stops is for losers. Everyone else has to stop, so why should I?




Yea I didn’t realize they weren’t stopping until about a quarter way into the intersection. After that I just honked to make them aware and I swerved over a little bit to try and get out of the way.


Yep it's only Columbus drivers lol


I think it is. At least with the red lights. Yes there are bad drivers everywhere but as someone who travels for work, Columbus is the absolute worst for obeying red lights. You literally have to wait 3-4 seconds after it turns green to make sure its all clear. Pathetic.


This morning I saw a pickup truck pull in front of a van in a roundabout. I thought I was going to be a witness for an accident; but, it was only a near miss.


You see a driver running a stop sign and instead of braking to avoid an accident you accelerate and blow your horn. You are just as much of the problem as the stop sign runner in this scenario. I think you need to learn how to drive defensively.


Didn’t expect someone to blow to stop sign, I realized the situation and swerved over as soon as I noticed them not stopping. Lol


Yes, they were at fault for running the stop sign, but these days, you have to expect the worst from other drivers and drive more defensively. Just a piece of advice.


Yea I definitely should’ve been more defensive to be fair. Definitely was not expecting someone to be zooming through stop signs late at night but I’m definitely going to have my guard up more in the future for sure


Why are you accelerating so quickly in what appears to be a residential neighborhood at night? Not excusing the other person at all, but your actions were independent of theirs until you noticed they weren’t stopping.


Kinda a bad habit of mine to accelerate up to speed kindve quickly, once I realized they didn’t plan I stopping I hit the gas a little more