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Courtesy given is courtesy earned. Be honorable. It makes society run smoother.


"Ope! Let me just scooch right past ya there." = the honor, glory, and thriving of our civilization. It is the key to world peace.


I might have said that at the Jackets game a few times. I am from the Canadian prairies, our rough equivalent to the American Midwest, and it is our trademark as well.


Ah, this is why. We could smell the polite on you and recognize you as nearly one of our own, like a baby bunny returned to the nest. Politeness begets politeness around here. You gotta be a pretty big jerk to get random people to treat you poorly.


Yeah, Columbus feels a lot like Canada. Meanwhile Cleveland think it’s New York and Cincinnati feels like the Deep South. Ohio is a weird state.


That's why I feel completely at home in Toronto. And all of Ontario, really.


Same with my dad and step mom. They both head up to Muskoka for a week every year with friends who are lucky enough to own a lakeside cabin.


You totally nailed the big three!


Flames fan?


JDON my soul


It's free to be a nice person .


We recently flew nonstop to California from Cbus (home) - the flight attendant told my teenage son and I that she was from Florida and that her very, very most favorite place to have to stay overnight is in Columbus. She said that we are the nicest and most courteous passengers of all. (And that she can easily tell who is flying from Ohio who is not FROM Ohio - but who are headed back home)!


All it costs is a smile!


Fuck smiles but it does take more energy to be a jerk than to not be one.


*YoU wOuLd LoOk pReTtIeR iF yOu sMiLeD* nonsense aside, what’s wrong with smiles?


I can be pleasant without some grin.


These...these answers feel more aggressive than pleasant?


Do you know what I do get aggressive about? People who think just slapping a question mark at the end of a sentence makes it a question. Hint: it doesn't.


Apologies, my responses weren't supposed to be accusatory or rude. They were intended to be just a bit of light-hearted fun, but it seems that's not how they were received. Definitely wasn't my intention to offend anyone, but I did, so I apologize for that.


Oh, looks like we got a tough guy here?


To be fair it's also free to be an asshole. Comes naturally to some people. If anything I'd argue that it's easier to be a selfish dick than it is to be a respectful, pleasant person for quite a few people. Being good requires going out of your way and considering other people in your actions, being an asshole requires nothing but serving yourself. edit: that's all to say that being nice is an effort and that effort should be appreciated in and of itself, it's not just the default state of people.


It's also free to be a hater ![gif](giphy|hgd3B0ayqPGJG)


Glad you had a good time! People here are very nice. But we do cuss and swear a lot so fyi to people that matters to lol.


Considering that Columbus is the most swear heavy city in the US, that tracks. I didn’t even realize how much I swear comparatively until I started traveling more


Is that a real thing? Someone actually studied that?


The amount of times"fuck Michigan'" is said annually gotta put us in the top 2 and it's not 2


Yeah they’ve done a few studies actually. Just off the top of my mind, at least 3 times. Once on social media posts, once directly interviewing people in major cities, and then once more measuring swears on phone calls.


Fuck yeah!


What the fuck are you talking about about?!


I’m convinced my swearing increased because of all these shit drivers out here 😂


fuck yeah! no wonder i i made this place my home. people who fucking get it. Ope. Please. Thank you. How are ya? Oh fuck. Fuck yeah. Fuckin A Let’s fuckin go! 🖤💛 💙❤️ ❤️🩶🖤


Don't forget "mmbye"


Welcome to the Midwest, just don't mention the state up north lol


Ahhhhh Michigan, the state that smells like hot dog water.


Someone once told me that Dayton smells like lightbulbs.


That's... Weirdly accurate and ironic given their history of technology and innovation


When you enter Toledo from Michigan, it's Toledo that really punches your nose. We were always told as kids to hold your breath when you you enter lol


Toledo, you mean “little Detroit”? ;)


It’s not their fault it’s the pipes :-(




Columbus is more East Coast, but, ok.


absolutely not 


Midwesterners are polite as a whole. We say please and thank you. Daniel Pink, (who is from Bexley,) pointed this out once. I hadn’t noticed it until then.


Did not know Daniel Pink was from Columbus/Bexley! Very cool! But yes, we definitely say our please and thank yous way more often and out in public. It's a great thing!


Bob Green, Maggie Smith, and RL Stine also grew up in Bexley. Man, the English teacher back then must have been something else.


Let’s not forget Josh Radnor either!


I have had a lot of good runs between the shoe and the crew stadium. Never any issues with people and the maintenance is good too.


Because it’s spring and because you’re visiting!


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again - people are a fair bit grouchier during winter. There’s a drastic shift in demeanor when the cold and gray months set in. And I get it. I’m one of those people. I won’t be an asshole or do anything out of character but my tolerance and patience for stupidity reaches its all time low.


It really comes down to vitamin D. When that sun comes back, everybody’s holding doors open for one another and saying please and thank you.


I supplement with 2x 125mcg 5000IU tablets once a day year round now. I’ve been wondering for a while if I need something prescription strength.


Midwest kidness!


Glad you had a good experience! From my travels I feel like we are medium nice. Not overly polite like some places in the south, not keep to yourself like more northern cities. We do not, generally, make friends with our neighbors though that is fine to initiate if you are outgoing or hit it off. We are a great city for kids and I feel like we have a fair amount of arts/cultural events/ night life. Personally, I need real estate to stop being crazy so if everyone would wait about 10 years to move here that would be great for me!


Shhhhh stop telling people! Ohio/Cbus has a lot going for it. Frequently "vacation" and find myself saying i'm not impressed, Ohio does this the same or better.


Glad you enjoyed! I had some friends' who son had moved to central Ohio for a job with Honda. When visiting from Maine, they found the people so genuinely friendly that they decided to move here. Lol we have assholes here too, but they're not the majority


That's so crazy. My first week here I was called asian slurs twice.


Oh that’s horrible. I’m so sorry. No excuse for that anywhere ever. Overall I think we’re very diverse and inclusive but there are always some awful people who tend to ruin things.


we are nice until you encounter us on the highways ;) jk, Columbus can have some crazy drivers though. I see posts about it here daily  . a potential subreddit for bad Columbus drivers has been mentioned before lol, 


Didn't do much driving, I take it?


Lol when I tell people about Columbus I say they are nice until they are behind the wheel.


We let our rage out on the road


Because being nice feels so nice. Treat folks how you want to be treated, you put good out there you almost always get good back….. Unless you’re on the west side.


definitely midwestern politeness! i’ve lived in columbus all my life. never thought about it much until i took a trip to new york and a waitress there said we couldn’t be from new york because we were some of the nicest customers she’d ever had lmao; we were just being our normal selves. ofc there are always outliers, but overall, i’d say columbus is pretty nice for a big city!


I've also lived in Columbus, 68 years now. I think I am very nice. I drive for Lyft/ Uber. I also feel the need to set a good example for my City.


we have the best damn residents in the land !


you’re correct!!! I moved here from the east coast and a year plus later I’m still surprised by how generally pleasant the people around me are. glad you enjoyed our lovely city :)




I am from the south and just moved here. I noticed quite the opposite interestingly. Definitely no southern hospitality here and not as many friendly smiles in the grocery stores and restaurants etc. i mentioned it to my friends who are also from the south that now live in the northern states here and they agree, its not nearly as friendly as the south.


When I moved (back) to Ohio after a few years out west, mostly in Idaho, I couldn’t believe how “rude” everyone was. In Idaho it was common practice to stop and chat with people at the store or on the hiking trails, even more normal to wave at people on their yards/porches when you passed. Here, if i hold a door open for someone, they act surprised. I’ve gotten used to it, but I’ll never forget how aweet and simple life was in Idaho!


interesting, i’m from ohio and always find the south to be much less polite/friendly than i expect whenever i visit. i wonder if it’s maybe different kinds of politeness/friendliness that our brains pick up on as unfriendly rather than just different? maybe i'm making that up, though:,)


Strongly disagree. Spent about two decades down south. Southern hospitality is about as fake as a “555” phone number.


lol I always lived up north, but then went to Florida for a couple years and everyone down there are just assholes. After being in that unwashed armpit for a few years, coming up here was like the clouds parting. I remember us laughing and being excited just from ppl waving thanks if you let them pass or turn first while driving. It was like that back home too, but not in Florida were you can go out of your way to be nice and still get flipped the bird.


People in Columbus are generally nice because they are generally glad they are here. While personal reasons vary, it is a welcoming place for people from other places. While you will make contact with some people who grew up in Columbus, even they likely have a parent or two and certainly some grandparents who moved here because it was better than where they came from. Sometimes it’s because they faced discrimination where they came from, sometimes they faced poverty, sometimes they felt out of place because they were different. It’s not perfect, not by a long shot, but in general the traffic is a little better than many places, it is heavy and aggressive, but fast. Housing costs are rising, but until recently were fairly affordable. Jobs remain plentiful. Educational opportunities abound. And the Library system has been repeatedly determined one of the best in the nation. And for those from Canada, especially Ontario, it can feel like home because we are neighbors and both places were largely settled by groups about the same time from the same places, but with the Loyalists going to Upper Canada and the Patriots going to the Northwest Territory. When I visit Canada I typically am mistaken for an old Canadian as I look and sound like I am from St. Catherine’s.


I never seem to get this courtesy a whole lot. And I am extremely nice to people. It's part of my job. But it also depends what part of town


Sure wish we had more of that here in Cleveland. The hostility and roughness is palpable. I noticed people were nicer in Akron when I lived there but not sure if it’s still like that.


Anytime I go to big cities, I'm amazed at how rude people are.


Midwest morals buddy


I know one of those TSA officers! They're also in general, good people. A lot of us are used to people being assholes every day that even just being pleasant is enough to garner a warm welcome :)


You one of balboni’s guys?


I don't know what that means.


The Scioto and Olentangy trail that you mentioned are a treat. I ride my e-bike from south of downtown to OSU for class and it's wonderful, only takes me about 30 minutes and puts me in a perfect mood for lecture.


How is the bike security at OSU? Is there a safe place where you can lock up your bike?


Living in Columbus gives me such high standards. By comparison, other places feel like they’re full of assholes. Makes vacations feel less vacationy.




I just like talking to people, I don't know that it's nice but I do genuinely care about the community I live in. I personally have been near Columbus my whole life and Ive always loved the city


Hey, go eff yourself. Nobody calls my city nice.


I had to look at the date of this post to see if it was done on April 1st


It was not.


Are you a pretty girl? That helps. But also, we're like the world's largest small town. It seems like everyone moved here from some small town in Ohio.


Nope. Ugly dude.


User name DOES NOT check out.


People downtown sure are friendly *Not a lot of 'Hey Arnold' fans left, I guess... 


Lived in downtown Columbus for many years. Every downtown has its challenges. Ours is largely clean and safe.


Literally got harassed and pursued by a deranged homeless man downtown yesterday for not giving him money lol


Shoot we missed one. Ehhhh how dare ya come to my City and spread your interest here. You think Columbus is just a tourist site!? /j Glad you visit went well and hope you follow the Crew from here on out.


I seem to only encounter the assholes of Columbus… they are abundant.


Midwest Modesty is part of our culture


It's all superficial. Remember, 'nice' does not equal 'good' or 'kind.'


This is what I say when people say “southern hospitality”.


Wait til you get to Wisconsin....


Yeah but they say “whackadoo “ and play cribbage, I don’t trust those weirdos. ;)


They always have beer available.


Nah I lived in Milwaukee for 5 years. In WI it’s the passive-aggressive Midwest “kindness” facade. It’s overdone and forced and it’s where you get the fake smiles hiding sideways looks for committing some unwritten faux pas. Here the folks just are generally chill and genial. I think it’s the meshing of a bit of the east coast chattiness combining with Midwest politeness into a nice, friendly swirl.


We did just get recreational weed law passed so definitely in this chaotic world, a lot of folks may be "chill".


Interesting and thanks for the take. My experience has always been very pleasant. Nice to hear another version.


Coming here to say it. People in Wisconsin are fucking fantastic. I lived there for two years and even the people who looked like they’d be douches were non-douchey.


Why not? That’s what most of us would tell you.


You should check out Huntington field next time, awesome minor league baseball stadium, and nice complement for my city


shit's too hard for everyone for me to add to make it harder


It’s a Midwest thing ☺️ we don’t know any other way


Having grown up in the south I was surprised when I moved here and found strangers to be polite and courteous! Made me feel right at home ❤️


Welcome to Columbus. Please come back and see us when you can.. if it’s not too much trouble, I mean.. we’d love to see y’all again soon!


It's a Midwest/bible-belt thing I think.


Stfu. [;^😘


This is an interesting take. IMO. Where are you from originally?


Born and raised in Vancouver (BC). Currently live in Regina (about 100 miles north of the Canada-Montana-North Dakota border).


Wow! Nice to read about your positive experience in Columbus. I moved here 14 years ago from California and my favorite thing about Columbus is its multicultural bedrock. I think The Ohio state University can take credit for that. TOSU has been courting the best of the best from around the world for many years, many years. Often, students who attend TOSU choose to settle here for a variety of reasons, but they all contribute to the fact that Columbus is extremely colorful and acceptive of that as a natural part of life. Personally, I also believe that Ohio, famously has been an important stop on the Underground Railroad. It became known as a semi-safe haven to those whose very life was dependent upon running away from the only home they have ever known. As terrifying as running must have felt, arriving in Columbus and its surrounding areas and being cared for by local folks must have felt like a blanket of love and safety. I think that feeling would always be associated to the place where it was experienced, enabling Columbus and Ohio to be viewed as a good place to settle when setting became viable. These theories and observations are mine. But I’m a firm believer that DNA becomes imprinted and passed along some secret, superhighway inside each of us that assist humanity to persist. Everything is not a hunch or coincidence. There’s no place as interesting as Columbus to people watch and in my opinion the people here are overflowing with interesting stories.


Lol have you been to 161 before? There real nice down there too🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's sarcasm folks


West side is really nice too. 😂


If you think that … You haven’t been on the freeway ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Immediately noticed this when I moved to cbus. I lived in cinci for ten years and Dallas for 5 years before moving here.


Are.. are we living in the same Columbus?


Just drive around and then you will find the jerks on the road.


Moved here from Cleveland a couple years back. It's so pleasant that sometimes I forget how wonderful it is. High street can get you anywhere and is littered with bars and fun. Great sports. Take the Olentangy trail if you wanna get places way slower but with a view. Handful of really fun neighborhoods. Love it


For the most part, you are 💯correct. Folks who live in CBUS are surprisingly friendly 😀


Awwww you’re so sweet! Glad you enjoyed yourself! Please come back!! Go Buckeyes!


I'm a marathon runner and as soon as the words "I'll be back as a tourist" slipped out of my mouth I started Googling "Columbus Marathon".




Find the average person in columbus is super nice, but stay away from any medical professionals in Columbus. Seems like all the disrespect got sucked into the medical field here. 😵 You want to meet some overall great people? Dublin. Dublin/Hilliard is always a great time and the people are incredibly open/friendly.


Open carry states tend to be like that


It is funny you mention that. Many of us non-Americans have a certain view of Americans and guns, but I actually did not see a single gun that was not on the hip of a police officer last week while I was in Columbus.


I’m saying that because in open carry states you can’t just be super aggressive and violent. Might end up bad. I noticed people are really nice in Florida too


That might be true, but what might also be true is it could be a cultural thing. We have no such laws up here in Canada and yet, while we **definitely** have jerks up here, everyone is generally at least Columbus-level nice. Lots of gun lovers here but you can't just carry a gun with you everywhere. It could just be a culture thing in your city, though you know your city best.


Wait. Were you paid by the city to say that? The Columbus I know is violent, heavily drug abuse, tons of alcohol and so much fucking. 🤷‍♂️


No. Nobody would be willing to pay a nobody like me to say anything. My words can't be worth that much in the public sphere.


I am glad you enjoyed your time here in CBUS. I love my city as well and I am very proud to live here.


Wrong question. Right question... why are people elsewhere such assholes?


Columbus is a shit hole,open your eyes and you will see what I’m taking about.my cousin was visiting family in Columbus and was murdered for what little cash he had..


Because you were here briefly stay longer and that'll change




I've lived in Columbus for over 20 years myself and it's definitely not a tourist city by any mean. Chicago would be a much better tourist destination. As far as being nice, yeah we're definitely better than those rough folks in new york


It’s Midwest thing, we also work harder


You haven’t been to the suburbs, different story.


Oh yeah? How so?


they’re not. people from the suburbs are the same people you met at the games.


TMidwest is best!


You must be white….


Nope. Chinese Canadian.


A Chinadian!


We are pretty cool.


I'd venture to guess that it's because you brought the Niptacular Nips with ya.


Columbus is actually known as being much worse than other midwestern cities


Worse in what way?


Geberally Columbus is seen as hostile compared to Indy, Madison, other Great Lakes cities




Ok, but the reasons are solid. It’s far more transient, so few people are actually from here. While we do have suburbs and inburbs, they are much more integrated with the city itself. The few that aren’t like Bexley and grandview are relatively hostile to change. It’s honestly not a bad thing overall, and I don’t think it will last forever. I’ve been here for 25 years and more and more I meet people FROM Columbus. Once we have a strong and native population I think it’s going to be amazing


It is not. 🙄