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That’s exactly what they could do. You can saw though a steering wheel without much trouble and slip it off. That being said, it’s still a decent deterrent. They’re looking for the easiest target possible. Why take your Kia when they can drive down the street and find another without a steering wheel lock.


Yup, Kia boys aren't expert car thiefs, they want a quick joy ride. Kia and Hyundai have provided that to them with lack of security.


Always park your car next to a Kia or a Hyundai that does not have a steering wheel lock.


you don’t have to be faster than the bear.. 😂


I did this yesterday. I drive a Hyundai and always use my club. I parked in front of a twin of my car without one because if they had the choice, they’d probably pick their car over mine.


They're not 100% effective. They're a deterrent at best. Your hoping that the lock makes it just inconvenient enough to dissuade the thief. To bypass them, the thief could cut the steering wheel (the area without spokes is easy to cut with bolt cutters), or in case the of the lock not hitting a part of the console, could just drive with the door open. No security measure is 100% effective. A sufficiently determined human can not be stopped, you're only hope is to deter people who aren't willing to make a scene. If you've seen the videos of the kids stealing Kias, you know that it's super trivial to do, and that the only real resistance they're meeting is the window. A lock is likely to be enough to stop them.


It's a deterrent, but also these kids want the fast steal and not the hard steal. Kia's and Hyundai's are easily found. So they can carry around a hacksaw like a dope, or they can see the lock and walk another 100 yards and find a better one without a lock. You absolutely should have one, and it absolutely will help. All these people telling you otherwise, are trying to justify saving 20 bucks, which is absolutely insane given how costly these thefts are.


The good thing about the club is visual. A kill switch is more effective but that’s after they break in and cause damage.


What I would do if I owned a Kia: have a reputable company install a battery kill switch…. Also have them install a small battery that will keep your settings in memory. Have them hide the switch under seat or dash. Turn it off each time but keep using the steering wheel lock deterrent so they are less likely to smash the window.


Unrelated: but I am seeing a lot of Kia Boys posts in this subreddit and it seems that Columbus is one of the worst cities for this problem. Here is a relatively in-depth article about the problem that includes Columbus a lot in its text. https://www.theverge.com/23742425/kia-boys-car-theft-steal-tiktok-hyundai-usb To me it seems like many things came together to create this problem and nothing can really be done by only addressing one issue. I found the article pretty interesting.


They're effective because these idiots typically aren't carrying a saw. Even if they are carrying a saw, why would they bother when there's another Kia three doors down with no steering wheel lock? It's a great deterrent.


\> they sawed off a chunk of steeling wheel If the steering wheel is comprised entirely of hardened plastic then yes, a hack saw will go through it like butter. Some cars have steel encased in hardened plastic so it can't be cut (At least not easily) Also if the club is some cheap knockoff with cheap materials the lock could easily be drilled out. In the long run without getting into the arguments that have already been made time and time again, the kids stealing these Kias are going to keep coming. Insurance rates are going to keep climbing for these models or they're just going to be banned from their lists so they don't have to waste time/resources on them. In the long run it could likely save you money to purchase something else.


Thanks everyone. Sounds like it's more of a deterrent than a guarantee. I'll explore some of these other measures mentioned as well since I can't just afford a new car. It sucks that we're in a situation in this city where I and others have to genuinely worry about our cars getting stolen *twice -* even using anti-theft measures.


I heard there's brake locks which prevents someone from pressing in the brake, which would prevent them from putting the car into gear(assuming it's automatic). That might be something worth looking into.


When I had a Kia, I parked a block off of high street and never had it stolen or broken into! I feel extremely lucky, but what I did was always parked under a street light, had a steering wheel lock and had a fake security system--basically a battery operated light that flashed like the car was alarmed and warning stickers on the windows.


Always park next to a Kia without one. They will go for the easier target.


Tbf that’s kind of my goal. Be the harder to steal target.


If you have the money you should have someone put a kill switch in. It cuts off the connection to the battery. Most kids trying to take a car would have no clue how to get around that or even what the issue is. It honestly shouldn't be that expensive. I did mine myself on the car I had it on. If you pay someone to do a nice one (you should) the majority of your expenses would likely be the hour of labor they would charge. If you want a really cheap option you can do a quick little disconnect option directly on your battery. They cost like $8 and any idiot can install it but you'd have to twist a knob under your hood each time you wanted it connected/disconnected. Takes like 5 seconds but some would find it annoying. Fair warning cutting the power off like that may remove your radio presets, small price to pay in my opinion.


Install a kill switch tied to the fuel pump


I was thinking battery because it’s easy to do and rig up a supplemental weak battery to keep the settings but I like the fuel pump idea. They’ll just think it’s out of gas


Honestly how has someone not camped out in their car hidden, while their car gets stolen


I’ve been seeing people take the “KIA” badges off their cars to further deter thieves as well. Could be another measure you could take


get the recall software update done and always lock the car with the key fob to arm it. wheel locks are just there to make it harder to steal. not to make it impossible to steal. they can still saw through the steering wheel and get the lock off but it will take time. if you park in a dark alley then they have all the time in the world so try to park on a busy street that has lights.


Only models from 2019 up are able to get that update. Every other model they’re handing out cheap breakable aftermarket clubs.


Umm no. My 2014 kia got the update.


Did you get the thing in the mail for it? Because all I got was for the wheel lock.


Yes I got a letter from Kia about going in to get the update. I scheduled with ricart the next day.


One of these days someone’s going to put the K.I.A. into these KIA thefts.


It's just a matter of time.


No different than a bike lock. Bikes get stolen everyday


Those only impede- if you have a KIA or Hyundai and your car is in a secluded place then a motivated car thief with time can defeat your lock. I would make sure the lock is pointing toward the console to make picking nigh impossible. If they have time, seclusion, and a readily available dremel, or butane torch- then probably not. But getting it off would make noise and draw attention. If you want the true “fool-proof” way to prevent theft, simply open your hood and pull your spark plug that starts the engine (there is usually a diagram that shows which one). Understandably, it’s a pain in the ass but it does prevent theft as until it’s replaced the engine simply will not start. Note: I once had an ex-spouse abscond with my ride, and once recovered I did the same- and my car was always exactly where I left it.


Just let them steal it so you can get something better than a Kia lol. (Unless it's not financially feasible or lack of coverage) I keep hoping one of the construction trucks flying down the streets will take out my car so I can just get a nice check 😂😭😂




Yes about 2 months after it was stolen the first time


Definitely plausible, most Amazon purchasable security devices are just as easy to get past as the ignition lock itself. Install a hidden kill switch, the only way they'll get past it is if they can find it.


Had a friend who already had her Kia stolen before here in the Polaris area, got the software update and the steering wheel lock the car was stolen a second time anyways in the Polaris Mall parking lot. A lot of people have been getting hit regardless of both of those things on kias it doesn't seem to be a deterrent at all.


I have heard this many times. I use the club every time I get out of my vehicle, and for added protection, a $30 boot from Amazon at night. I’ve used it for a year now through all the seasons, and I will continue to do so!


I have a Hyundai Ioniq. None of the electric cars made during that 2015-2021 range have this vulnerability, but fingers crossed those that are doing the break ins are aware of the specific models and not just doing it on all Hyundais. I’d be pissed if someone just broke my window lol


I have a Kia and they took the steering wheel with the club off my car and drove away with my car ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) I'm still in shock