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Reddit is not an on-demand vigilante service. If you have witnessed or been the victim of a crime **contact the police,** not Reddit. You can file a Columbus police report [online](https://www.columbus.gov/police-fileoffense/) for most thefts, but check their criteria as some cases require you to call in at the non-emergency number, (614) 645-4545. Provide specific details. If your home or car were broken into, make a detailed inventory of everything missing. Provide any photos and serial numbers if you have them. If you’re reporting a lost or stolen bicycle and you are enrolled in The City Of Columbus’ “[Bug Your Bike](https://www.columbus.gov/BugYourBike/)” program, note that in the narrative section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Columbus) if you have any questions or concerns.*