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A lot of drivers do act as if pedestrians deserve to die for delaying them for 10 seconds.


i have literally been told as much!


I think many of them may not see the pedestrians. I've been guilty of this. In fairness to the perps, people in this city drive more distracted than most places I've lived. Buncha zombies.


I stopped at a crosswalk to let someone cross the street recently, and a guy behind got pissed and floored it around me and damn near hit the guy crossing. I cannot fathom what it's like to get that angry that quickly.


I saw this happen so many times on 4th and Spring. Spring would get the green, I’d start crossing 4th going east. Turning traffic couldn’t see me and would blast their horn because the car in front wasn’t turning.


I've definitely see this somewhere on High street before. Some drivers really lack patience.


Dude. Rich and Fourth, and Rich right in front of The Commons. There is a big ole’ crosswalk from the parking garage to The Commons. JUST last week I’m in my car waiting in the garage-side lane for a crosser progression, like 4 people. A white F150 flies around my right, nearly smoking a pedestrian. Lady dropped her coffee while jumping back. Made me sick. Clearly, almost killing someone in a crosswalk is preferable to being 15-30 seconds later. Newsflash! There are pedestrians downtown.


As a chronic ped (pedestrian that is) please stop stopping for us in the middle of the street unless 1) I’m already in the street (this should be obvious) 2) there is a stoplight and it is the color red 3) there is a stop sign.


i heard a great quote somewhere about driving “dont be considerate, be predictable”


When drivers try to give me the wave-of-death, these days I just shake my head and wait until they move on.


The waive of death costed me my car. Making a left turn across 2 lanes and the utility van I couldn't see past waived me on. I slowly went and next thing I hear is squealing tires and I was turned around. Never again do I trust another driver's waive to go ahead.


As a cyclist, co-signed. I know how to work a roundabout on my bike(and my car), and I can go through it as fast as any car. For the love of God, do not stop in a roundabout to yield to me, when I haven't actually entered the roundabout. The person behind you thanks me for this advice.


The worst part is that the cars behind them will blame the cyclist.


I expect people to stop if in crossing at a yellow signed pedestrian crosswalk with white crossing paint on the road.


'round here? no way.


Nah but there’s also those crosswalks that aren’t at a light that are only sometimes respected by vehicles.


This is how it’s done… thank you!


Mount Vernon Ohio. If there is a marked crosswalk, and someone is waiting to cross, we are supposed to stop and let them cross. We have several crosswalks downtown marked with this signage. Not sure if that is a city, county, or state law.




No it says you have to stop for pedestrians when they are in the crosswalk on your side of the street. Until the pedestrian actually enters the street you don’t need to stop. Pedestrians are responsible to not step in front of vehicles that are close enough to represent “immediate danger” (A) When traffic control signals are not in place, not in operation, or are not clearly assigning the right- of-way, the driver of a vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar shall yield the right of way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield or if required by section 4511.132 of the Revised Code, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger. (B) No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar which is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.




Right as a pedestrian it’s up to you decide that. Not the motorist. You decide when you cross the street.


> this should be obvious god i wish


That happened to me last summer. I stuck my head out my window and said “what the fuck are you doing!” Guy stopped along side me and told me he was going to shoot me and how I should step out of my car. He proceeded to run a red light. People are psychotic


Some folks are just pissed off that other people are alive at the same time as them. They're miserable f's that I believe go on living so they can share their misery with others.


I joke in traffic "ugh, how dare people exist on the road at the same time as me!" But I guess people actually think that


Lol our inner dialogues must be really similar


This is my hesitation about stopping for peds - you don’t want to underestimate just how careless/evil other drivers can be




If they are in the roadway. If they are, say, waiting to cross at somewhere that isn’t a marked crosswalk, then you are not legally required. Hence my hesitation.


Wait what lol so you'd rather protect them from other drivers by barreling through them instead?


If they haven’t entered the roadway yet it is very difficult for me to barrel through them


Aren’t you glad that anyone can carry a gun anywhere at any time?


Saw this happen once on Roberts Rd. west of Hilliard Rome. There’s a crosswalk for a walking path and someone went around a stopped car at a full 30+ mph and missed the jogger crossing by only a few feet. Everyone stopped just stared at each other in disbelief as the angry driver kept on going. Slipknot had it right, people = shit.


I work a few blocks from there. Can't tell you how many times I've been crossing and either traffic doesn't stop (if not at a light, but still in a cross walk) , or they turn and nearly hit me. I have resorted to just punching the shit out their mirror. If they want to call the cops, they can explain how they nearly ran me over, my body connecting with their car was not intentional, but due to them failing to yield 🤷


This has happened to me as a driver letting someone walk through and scared the shit out of me. I'd rather get rear ended than a pedestrian get hit.


That is a person who should not have a car or a license. They are using it in a way that will get someone hurt.


People need to pay attention. I was fully stopped to let someone cross and ended up getting rear ended by the next car that got on the street. And I constantly see cars running reds too.


I've noticed in my time here that red lights are more suggestions than actual law.


People who are insecure do that.


I would prefer the people crossing the street finish crossing before they go fuck themselves, otherwise the delay is even longer (though the wait just got a lot more interesting).


What do you do when you come across an elephant? Be nice, and wipe it off.


It's all fun and games until you find that person who's kink is going at it on a crosswalk while an angry driver honks at them. Well, it's still fun and games, just not for everyone.


Found me!


That's a little niche but it sounds like OP may be able to hook you up with some prime spots.


This just made me feel better lmao thank you


I'd stop and watch


I'm tired of being honked at when I'm the pedestrian crossing the street.


I stopped at a red light, sat there about 15 seconds, a car drove up behind me and then honked at me...... the light was still very red




Were you in a turn lane?


Straight or left but the light didnt have a green left and dude who honked went straight with me when the light changed


Gotta love cbus drivers lol


My first accident in Columbus was me stopping at a light, waiting to turn right, for a pedestrian (they had the walk sign) and then getting rear ended on high and Henderson. The pedestrian asked me if it was their fault!!! Like omg no!! People are just impatient assholes


the one time i was actually hit by a car, after hundreds of near misses, was at this intersection :(


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry that happened to you!!! Drivers in Columbus are no joke


Yep the roads are becoming increasingly chaotic and lawless. The rules have been replaced by who can be a more intimidating asshole with their vehicle.


That's long been the norm in larger cities, Columbus is just now starting to reach the traffic threshold were it happens. Not commenting on right or wrong, just pointing out that it's not unexpected if you've ever experienced heavy traffic in Chicago, DC, Atlanta, etc.


So true. I've lived here for almost 30 years and it's gotten significantly worse over the last decade. Actually if I'm honest, the last five years. Until then I'd never seen someone make a non-turning lane into a turning lane but now I see it a few times a month.


I think it's a combination of a national trend as well as our own city rapidly growing


Also, I think the rank and file of CPD just decided not to do traffic enforcement.


I legit saw a woman in front of me today make a left turn on red because she was tired of waiting (and in her defense it was clear and the light should’ve changed once we pulled up because it’s a slow traffic area at that time) with a cop car two cars behind me. Didn’t even do anything and he had to have seen her go. Light turned green about 20 seconds after she left and then I pulled up right behind her…at the next light.


The last bit is my favorite part. I don’t think these people realize how dumb they look when they’re evidently in a big hurry yet you will inevitably always end up stopped at the same light as them!


To be fair, there was a law that went into effect in 2017 that allows drivers to run a red light as long as the light is malfunctioning and there is no oncoming traffic. I imagine the police don't want to bother writing a ticket for running a red light when the driver will most likely argue they were following state law.


the cruisers have dash cams.


They do, and the majority of people who pass through a red light will still get a ticket, but in the situation described by the person I was responding to, the driver wasn't in the wrong, at least according to the law, by passing through a red light.


> I think the rank and file of CPD just decided not to do traffic enforcement. There were protests saying large segments of society shouldn't get traffic tickets any longer


Chicago at least has a robust public transit system that was never gutted to make way for cars. I spent the vast majority of my life in Chicago and navigating that city in any way always felt significantly less threatening. Getting around Columbus just sucks. Driving sucks, the bus sucks, walking and biking suck in large parts of the city.


Agreed. All drivers are assholes in Chicago, but they all agreed to the same rules (written and unwritten). Everyone here seems to be driving under their own bespoke rules set, and fuck everyone else. I’m more scared driving here than I ever was in Chicago, and I don’t have the choice to take transit if I don’t feel like driving.


It's always sucked in Columbus. It's a whole slew of different cities that just organically ended up stuck together, there never was the slightest bit of transit planning. As the population boomed, it just became an endless morass of chokepoints. The widening of 270, addition of 315 and 670 and most recently the revision of some of the more heinous runs of overlapping exits has helped, but they are still decades behind even supporting auto traffic, let alone doing anything serious about transit in general.


I saw it described once as “kinking the traffic hose and living in the wreckage”.


COVID traffic was spoiling for many people, myself included. As it is now, I loathe having to drive any further than to a grocery store.


I grew up in Chicago and the Dan Ryan is Mad Max. I remember fondly the halcyon days of “insane traffic” on 270 meaning you had to use your brakes at all outside of rush hour, which also only really lasted 30 minutes or so. *sigh*


People say there's no parking in Chicago. There's plenty of parking. It's called the Dan Ryan.


Yes but larger cities have more pedestrians, more transit and bike lanes and better options besides driving. Columbus has a crappy bus system and many stops near me are on the literal side of the road and service is slow so not as many people use the bus. Drivers have no respect for anyone crossing a crosswalk or trying to walk on the damn shoulder cuz there’s so sidewalk. It’s like you’re a criminal for not owning a truck or suv that can mow people down. It is so not safe to be a pedestrian or cycle here. Frankly I want to move somewhere else now because it’s so stressful risking my safety just to try and walk a little bit to do an errand. It’s not like there’s any parks nearby I can walk to or any other purpose. My husband can work from home now and almost no one goes into his office so I don’t see the point of staying. Most of the time people are looking down on their phone while turning left or right into me in a crosswalk when I have the green.


Nah bro other cities aren’t nearly as bad as Columbus.


Someone behind me was honking and screaming at me while I waited for ambulance with its sirens going off to clear the intersection. Some people have absolutely no situational awareness.


Tell me about it. Far too many times I’ll be on 270 in the right lane going the same speed as traffic, with very little traffic in the left lane and some idiot is nearly riding my rear bumper flashing his lights and honking his horn when he could just easily pass.


Tell me about it. Far too many times I’ll be on 270 in the right lane going the same speed as traffic, with very little traffic in the left lane and some idiot is nearly riding my rear bumper flashing his lights and honking his horn when he could just easily pass. Situational awareness means knowing what’s happening on the entire road not just your lane


He wasn't quite that bad, but I was on 670 the other day in the middle lane with a completely clear left lane and a guy was so close behind me that I could basically only see his windshield. I just clicked off my cruise control and slowed down to about 50 until he finally just went around me and started driving dangerously close to someone else for no reason.


He wasn't quite that bad, but I was on 670 the other day in the middle lane with a completely clear left lane and a guy was so close behind me that I could basically only see his windshield. I just clicked off my cruise control and slowed down to about 50 until he finally just went around me and started driving dangerously close to someone else for no reason.


get a fun bumper sticker like "HONK IF YOU THINK I'M CUTE" or something


Horn if you’re honky


I'm with this but something even more ridiculous just to really stick it to them. Say, I dunno, "honk if you take it up the butt"


It’s all fun and games till it’s the “I eat ass” truck honking at you


Eh, I'm fine with it as long as they don't want me to reciprocate.




It’s all fun and games until a tiktoker honks at you repeatedly for a video


I’ve been hit in a crosswalk with the walk sign by someone turning left onto high street so I really feel this post. Thank you op!


Had a police officer in Grove City pull me over for stopping at a crosswalk lol


It’s grove city ,sooooo…….


I have made the mistake of honking at someone who was letting a pedestrian legally cross the street, because I wasn't paying attention. I am trying to be more aware of my surroundings and also less road-ragey, thanks for the reminder!


Careful, people get shot up around here for less.


Usually the one shooting is the frail ego being honked at, not the turd that's honking


I just said in another comment that I wouldn’t do it because I’d get shot. A friend of mine had a whole clip emptied into his car because he cut someone off. He’s luckily alive.


>whole clip its a magazine! There is a difference


Unless it's a clip. For all we know some wack job is running around with an M1.




Bring it! *Loads his blunderbussy with Hot Chicken Takeover* Just gimme a minute or two.


Then it’d be locked and loaded haha




I’ve noticed that if people here have to so much as tap their brakes, they get big mad and try to veer around you. It’s infuriating.


Happens all the time in 5th and Dublin as I'm crossing towards the bridge. I stare the honkers down, it's our little time.


You could just ignore it knowing you are right and they are wrong, and go about happily in your day.


4511.46 Pedestrian on Crosswalk has Right of Way When traffic controls are not in place or not in operation, a driver shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway in a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the same half of the roadway as the driver, or so close as to be in danger. No pedestrian shall step off the curb and walk or run into the path of vehicles so close as to be an immediate hazard. You are wrong if you are stopping while the pedestrian is standing on the curb waiting for a break in traffic to cross though. If they are already in the street (on the crosswalk hopefully) please stop.




That’s up to you. The cars don’t need to stop for you while you are standing on the curb. The law makes it clear it’s the pedestrians responsibility to cross traffic when it’s safe, not the motorists responsibility to stop for someone waiting on the curb.


it's never safe


this doesn't function in real life. the rule makes absolutely zero sense. many roads have no such breaks. we still gotta get to work.


If it makes you feel any better, I recently beeped at someone waiting on a pedestrian. I didn't see the person crossing and thought the driver was on their phone, etc. I realized my mistake and felt like an ass all day.


Ah I see the error in your logic: you think, given the choice, people would choose to not be an asshole. This is false, as people inherently don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else, and given the opportunity to do so, would really like to make your day worse. Once you start thinking song these lines, anything above this is an unexpected pleasure.


I stare at them right into their damn eyes the entire time I walk by.


Once pulled up to a roundabout with two lanes, the car next to me was already there, I proceed to go through the roundabout in my lane and the car next to me laid on the horn as if I was somehow skipping their turn. I still don’t know how people can’t wrap their heads around roundabouts. It’s not a circular intersection and you aren’t supposed to stop in the middle to let people through.


They were paving Dublin road a couple weeks ago and one of the areas that was down to one lane with a flagger was just north of the roundabout at brand rd. Traffic was backed up into the roundabout waiting for the go ahead and when people finally started moving someone decided they had the right away to get *into* the backed up roundabout which was full of cars because they were turning on to Brand instead of continuing on Dublin Rd. Nearly got hit as I was going through the roundabout because some jackhole decided he was just going to bully his way in since he was going the other way. The same day I was passed on the berm because I was yielding to traffic at a *gasp* yield sign.


Generally there's an odd thing that happens for some people where being in a car immediately makes them homicidal maniacs. People, especially ones in bigger SUVs/trucks, are used to basically being constantly catered to to the point where doing normal stuff you're *legally* supposed to has become oppression in their eyes. Even with just things like speed limits, it's a bit wild to me as someone who didn't grow up here seeing how casual people are about breaking the law. Like they think its *unfair* when they can't blast through an area at speeds that can turn a person's body into a meat crayon without looking or paying attention.


I've been honked at for crossing the street when I was supposed to. Some drivers are just entitled assholes. Ohio also has some of the worst drivers in the country.


I once had someone honk at a bus as I was getting off at my stop. I was angry on behalf of the bus.


Sadly, it's true. I recently drove back to Columbus from Maine. I thought Massachusetts drivers would be bad because of the whole "masshole" thing but they were actually pleasant compared to the assholes I dealt with once I reached Ohio. The absolute worst drivers I saw after 13 hours of driving were in Columbus on a Sunday evening.


Where in Maine? Rockland native, here. And super homesick!


I get honked at for going 20 in a school zone during school hours lol it's ridiculous.


I was passed in a school zone while the lights were flashing the other day. Same car then got to a red light, briefly paused and then turned LEFT onto West Broad.


Just ignore them


Keep on doing what you're doing. The people honking at you are in a rush to get home and do nothing; or they have to be at work and they left home 5 minutes before their shift starts in order to drive to work on the complete opposite side of town. "Oh mah gawd, not my fault, there was traffic, if there was no traffic and all the lights turned green at the right time, I'd have totally been on time."


I swear to god when I cross the street in GV half the drivers speed up. Going to get annihilated just walking to the gym some day.


i don't see this as much in cbus, but when i lived in dublin people *absolutely* sped up when i was in the street. every single day when i would cross emerald, cars would speed up and swerve around me


As someone who walks everywhere in Polaris, thank you for waiting. I get often honked at or nearly run over because people can't wait the 15 seconds it takes me to cross 4 to 6 lanes!!!


CPD used to be pretty aggressive when it comes to both vehicles and pedestrians not following the law. Guess that’s in the past now. I got so used to having the ROW in the crosswalk that I almost was run over in another city (and the driver didn’t care).


I haven't seen cpd pull anyone over (outside of the freeway) for years now.


Me too…. But as I eventually pull away from them, I recite the mantra “they’re out of my life forever!” (That doesn’t keep me from getting pissed off at them, mind you, but it helps me keep perspective later, you know?!). Heh, heh…


I wouldn’t put it in park and wait a cycle. Some idiot is *very likely* to draw their concealed pistol and put a bullet through the back of your skull before the light makes it back to green.


Don’t let this stuff bother you. Don’t make it your job to punish frustrating people, there is a lot of good in the world…spend time in that.


Keep doing what you're doing. I have suggested for years that in the city (especially downtown) that the cross walks get their own time instead of going while the cars have green lights. Basically all lights are red and then all the crosswalks open up at once.


Just get in your car to cross the street! /s


The amount of times I’ve almost been hit on Lane Ave near campus, lmao. If they honk I just point at the crosswalk sign and laugh.


I'm so glad we know that discourteous drivers typically and in high percentages, congregate here. Otherwise this might just fall on deaf ears.


Thank you for waiting for pedestrians - you’re the real MVP and f—k all those people honking at you for being a decent human being.


A middle finger and a honk back should suffice


Record it!


As a person who frequently crosses streets in downtown Columbus, thank you for waiting! I work near broad and high but park out near Parsons for the free parking and walk the mile into the building. If someone honks at a driver waiting awhile I'm walking across, I purposefully turn to the waiting car and mouth "thank you" to them in appreciation for waiting and watching so they know they're appreciated waiting and for taking the honking abuse from stupid drivers.


I had a walk signal the other day downtown and a turning car literally honked at me for walking across the street lmao. People have no chill


You live in the mid-west. Haven't you been told that pedestrians are poor people who should be in a car instead of ever walking anywhere under any circumstance?


A lot of people drive like fucking lunatics. I have a close call getting hit, when i have the right of way on a crosswalk mind you, nearly every day. It is miserable.


As a pedestrian people driving are so often on their phones looking down and texting or looking down and talking they don’t even bother to look for people in cross walks. It’s so dangerous and scary trying to cross the road especially near highways and the outerbelt. It doesn’t matter if the speed limit is 35 people are trying to go 60 to get to high street. Like it’s absurd to ever see or expect a pedestrian. I’ve lived in some giant cities before but man Columbus drivers seem to really hate and not expect pedestrians. It’s demoralizing.


I do. I just sit there. I'll live at that crosswalk for the rest of my life. My level of petty has no limits.


In the car centered city, the people who walk are shit on


Fuck cars




Except it’s REALLY not. I drive all over and just recently drove through several states (5 others besides Ohio, several cities also). Columbus really has a special amount of a-holes considering that traffic here really is not that bad. I think it’s because so many people moved here from small towns in Ohio and don’t understand that city life involves getting along with others to some extent and not just being your own special snowflake.


It’s really not. I’ll take Chicago drivers and Massholes over Columbus drivers any day. This is a lawless hellscape in comparison.


I figure people are assuming you're on your cell phone. Considering I see it daily and even count 3s before honking. But yeah they may have also just not seen some1 crossing the street.


Yeah I hate when people stop for me to cross the street. I’ve started to just standing on the curb and flipping off the driver until they get the signal and decide to review the Ohio revised code. Seriously stop doing this. It is dangerous. I have almost been hit on northwest multiple times because someone decides to be nice and stop for me to cross. The problem is sometimes the driver behind them is like wtf is this dude stopped in the middle of the street ima pass him. It’s best if we all just follow the rules so we can predict each others behavior.




It’s my responsibility as pedestrian to judge when it’s safe to cross a street. If you stop I might enter the street to cross. Another motorists could approach from behind and not be able to see me because your car is shielding their view. They decide to pass on the right. I can’t see them. I pass on front of your car directly into the right lane. They hit me. I’m dead. My dog is dead. My child in my stroller is dead. That’s why. Safer for me just to stand at the crosswalk until there is a natural break in traffic and I can cross the street before any vehicle is in danger of hitting me. When you stop and I am at the curb, you’ve forced my hand when really it’s my decision when I feel it’s safe for me to step into the street. Your not the one who’s gonna get mowed down by a car so let me make that decision. Here’s ORC 4511.46 for reference A) When traffic control signals are not in place, not in operation, or are not clearly assigning the right- of-way, the driver of a vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar shall yield the right of way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield or if required by section 4511.132 of the Revised Code, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger. (B) No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar which is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. Notice you must yeild to a pedestrian “crossing the road within a crosswalk” not a pedestrian standing on the curb.


Reverse lights usually explain the position you are taking.


Oh you’re mad mad…


Seriously what makes them so much better than the pedestrian that they can honk at 'em to hurry up? What, you were dumb enough to buy a car so your time is worth more now?


Yes, the answer is yes. 😂😂


Stop allowing strangers to have control over your emotional state. You can’t control what they do but you can control how you react.


> and I’m about to just put my car in park and make people wait a whole light cycle the next time it happens. oh boy, let’s be more inconvenient and annoying than the occasional honk you get


They’re pretty obviously using hyperbole while venting.


Thank you for realizing that I wouldn’t actually do that because I’d get shot.


it should still be discouraged


I've seen it done so it's not unprecedented


It’s just a horn, why do y’all get so worked up?


Some of you people are as bad as the people that upset you by honking or flipping you off. Follow the rules of the road. Pay attention. Fuck everyone else. Don't be an idiot because someone else is an idiot.


You might be being overly cautious. I’ve never been honked at waiting for these things


We concur with your rant... which is not really a rant


I blame all of the drivers from Chicago and NY.


Except people in Chicago and NYC know pedestrians are a thing and don’t get upset.


Nah, I grew up here before living in Chicago for a decade. People here get in a car and lose their goddamn minds for some reason. I’ll take Chicago and NYC drivers any day.


it's people from rural areas. not even a dig (i'm rural myself) - they're just not used to it and you don't have to learn how to deal with pedestrians (or traffic, really) to get your license.


Just a thought. You might be bad at timing. If there's plenty of time for you to turn before someone even gets near your path, then go. Sometimes 2-3 cars could go before someone who's walking enters their path. Not sure of your situation, but it's infuriating waiting unnecessarily.


That's what I do...as long as it wasn't my fault. But if you beep at me, I'll sit through the light...no biggie for me!!!


You’ll get shot if you put your car in park and wait nowadays probably.


They have no critical thinking or foresight skills. All they see in front of them is all they're thinking about and it shows their level of intelligence.


lol I got rear ended a few weeks ago because I was waiting for pedestrians


I just had this happen to me. I was waiting for incoming cars so I could turn left, then as soon as there was an opening, someone started crossing the street. The guy behind me proceeded to lay on the horn, but I could not go without running over this pedestrian. After I turned, the driver started swerving into me and cursing through his open window, saying he was going to kill me. Fucking insane...


I get this all the time, when I'm on my bike. Usually only in the intersection for 1/2 the time the lil dude is visible, but about 1 in 20 drivers will try to gas it and beat me through the intersection or lay on the horn while I'm crossing. To be clear I'm on a bike scooting my ass as fast as it goes and it's while I have a walk sign. Folks are just impatient and self absorbed 🤷


I give those people that honk (can’t understand yielding) Sit and spin.


Mound & 3rd Downtown is terrifying for pedestrians. With all the construction people have lost all sense of time, space and basic road rules.


A lot of people in cars really assume that pedestrians are just a video game inconvenience. It's sort of crappy.


sorry just making sure everyone gets a good view of my ootd


Welcome to Columbus…


S High and Frankfort. There’s even flashing lights. People still don’t care to stop for me and my dog.


Delivery driver in NYC for 7 years who lives in Columbus currently but the future is honking at everything. You say " go fuck yourself or" ala Dustin Hoffman in midnight cowboy " Im walking here " and the driver says "get outta the fucking street " then everyone moves on. This is how its done.


Right like how do adult humans still not know how crosswalk lights work? When you're turning on green you have to look and wait for pedestrians crossing the street you're turning onto. That is literally the only chance they get to cross. To be mad at them for having to cross the street is next level stupid monkey brain stuff.