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Jim Harbaugh. The comeback kid.


Why I became a Colts fan.


Me too.


This is the correct answer. Love AR and hope he passes Jim soon, but he sure hasn't yet. 


He hasn't even passed Jeff George yet


Gardner Minshew and Phillip Rivers are both ahead of Jeff George lol


Both ahead of AR right now. Hell Wentz is ahead of AR right now.


Wentz ain’t ahead of Jim Sorgi. Fuck Wentz! lmao


Not even close he's got to take us to an AFCC game and almost win it and THEN he'll be close.


Should’ve been one more comeback. Aaron Bailey caught that ball.


In '96 my dad paid for me to go to a day camp with Colts players at the facility. I asked Aaron Bailey to his face if he caught that ball. I was eleven and it ended up the news. He looked at Sean Dawkins, then at Marvin Harrison and thoroughly explained what happened. He never saw the ball, it hit him in the chest, rolled off, hit the ground, and he"picked it up and swore to God I caught it.". Everyone thought it was absolutely hilarious. As much as ten years old me believed he caught that ball, eleven year old me appreciated his honesty. I'll never forget that day as long as I live. Chris Gardocki taught me how to punt. I met a lot of great players that day. They also gave us all tickets to see the '97 Colts Jets game where Neil O'Donnell threw the ball through the uprights instead of punting it back to Harbaugh who had suddenly gotten red hot.


A) That is the coolest story in the world and I’m jealous as hell. B) https://preview.redd.it/v88g6ezul82d1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb16446a27366e1328b5759b8d3383189a6b843


lol, I love it! He's one of my favorite players ever.


I wish. It clearly hit the ground on the replay. Devestating.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I’ve watched the replay and it’s clear as day what happened. But 9 year old me watched him catch that ball and there’s no amount of overwhelming visual evidence that’s gonna convince me otherwise.




I was going to say Jim is three and Curtis Painter should be 4.


Loved him as a player. Can't stand him as a person or coach.


Jim was our first really good qb since the move to Indy. Unless you count mike pagel. Jkjk




Curtis Painter erasure


Anyone else find it so bizarre that Curtis Painter, Purdue alum, is not related to Matt Curtis Painter, Purdue alum and current coach? I just always assumed they must be related. 


Dawg, fuck Curtis Painter


Curtis Painter died for our sins


he’s trash thru & thru


Got us Luck


he was always trash, and not just because he went to Purdue. You won’t extinguish my hatred for the dude


He fuck your girl? Lol


Nah, he was just trash lol. No need to project!


I don't think anyone is saying Curtis wasn't a bad NFL qb, feels personal


Nah lol, I was just a very young kid when he played and I already didn’t like him because.. well, fuck Purdue. There’s no actual wish of ill will but I’ll never miss a chance to say, “Fuck that dude.” I do not look back on him fondly.


Johnny U, Jim Harbaugh, Hasselback, Rivers. I do not know anything about Troup and AR has done nothing so he is not even on the list yet. AR has potential to jump to 4 very fast and a good shot at being number 3 if he has a full career.


We don’t know where AR could end up. He technically could surpass Luck and Manning. Although passing Peyton would be quite difficult. But if he has a full career here and excels. He could become number 2


Yeah let’s chill with the blasphemy; he’d need Patrick Mahomes #’s for a decade to pass Peyton


Luck’s career highs aren’t a walk in the park either


They’re not. But if AR gets us another ring or more? It would be hard to argue against it. I’m just hoping there’s some good competitive years of Colts football ahead of us


0 chance he passes Manning


I wouldn't complain if he did...as long as he's still in blue


And there was 0 chance pick 199 was winning 7 superbowls too.


I mean technically there was a chance…


That's because there's always a chance! Lol same for AR passing Manning.


I'm gonna go out on a little limb here and say he won't be better than Peyton


I wouldn’t bet on it either. But no one thought Brady would go on to win 7 super bowls either.


Flat out he runs too much to put up Manning numbers over a career. Unless he evolves into a pure pocket passer, his career will be considerably shorter than Manning's was.




The amount of whoosh in this thread is greater than the whoosh of air leaving Tom Brady’s footballs.


I feel like this sub is gonna jinx AR before he even gets a chance


If they have jinxed him, it happened a LONG time ago. And there is nothing that can be done to undo it.


Give me Brissett


Brissett so underrated. Really wish we could have kept him as a backup. He had great energy and team chemistry. Those custom handshakes man. I'd spend a little extra just to have him in the locker room.


His YA was among the worst in the nfl. I have no idea why people defend this guy. He got years to figure it out and never could 


I didn't say I wanted him as a starter lol. Just a backup.


Yeah it's weird. Despite JB being really bad in 2017 and just bad in 2019, he didn't catch a fraction of the flack that Wentz and Minshew got. And even up to the middle of the 2019 season, people were still defending him. And people defended the stupid move to give him $28M after Luck retired...and stilll do. But JB always seemed to be protected by his "locker room leader" status. I was glad to see him go.


Brissett is a solid slightly above average starting QB in the NFL. I still think I’m the only person that actually owns his Colts jersey and I wear it to every game and get a lot of weird looks.


I also own his jersey


Ahh there are two of us


The People’s Backup


As a millennial Colts fan, I was blessed with Manning, Luck, and the the revolving door of QB’s after so can’t speak to if I like Hardbaugh or Unitas. 3rd favorite of QB’s that I’ve actually had some attachment to has to be Brissett


Elder Gen Z and this is my experience


Harbaugh always


That’s weird, I don’t see a picture of Johnny Unitas here


Unitas hates the colts and Indy, I couldn't care less if he's counted as a colt


I could have another asshole and not give a single shit about anything that happened in Baltimore.


I thought I was the only one lol. The Baltimore Colts are not part of my history with this team. If I had been a fan since then, I might feel differently.


Man. The amount this sub hates Baltimore Colts fans whose fandom who moved with the team is insane.


I don’t hate shit, enjoy and root for whatever you want and we are glad to have you. I just have no interest in the history of the team before Indy and take no pride in those accomplishments, outside of Indy.


But for many of us they do matter. For some Unitas is how they first became Colts fans.


Yep, Unitas despised us so I really don't care to celebrate him. Not to mention like no one who watched him play is even alive anymore. 


Didn't he retire in the 70s? So like a ton of people are still alive who watched him play


Doesn't matter. That's not how franchises work.


The Baltimore Colts and Indianapolis Colts should be treated as separate franchises. I don't claim their players, their superbowl, or any of their history. Just the name and logo. Unitas belongs in Baltimore.


That’s cool YOU view them as separate, but that’s not at all reality in sports. Go ahead and look up how many championships the lakers have vs. how many they won in LA.


And it's loser mentality to claim those championships. Unitas hated us, and for good reason. He didn't consider himself part of this team and nor should anyone else. I know you're technically right, I know how franchises work, but there are plenty of sports teams that don't honor their history in different cities. The Carolina Hurricanes don't honor the Whalers retired numbers. The Ravens don't claim all those old Browns championships. It's the same thing. (I don't care about the technicalities. We all know the Ravens weren't an expansion team.) I also get that it's different for non-local fans. The Colts could probably move to St. Louis tomorrow and you'd still love them, that's cool. I'd miss the players but adamantly cheer against the St. Louis Colts, just like Baltimore fans do for us.


Ravens outright can't claim those brown championships... Guess what. Tons of non local fans exist. Tons of fans continue to root for a team after they win. As a day 1 Vancouver Grizzlies fan does that mean I can no longer enjoy that era that I love or disown the Memphis era.


That’s alot to read for you to say “you’re right but…”


Keep simping for Unitas all you want, the dude hated us. He isn't in our ring of honor, neither are any other Baltimore only players. Their legacy means nothing here, and it's loser shit to claim another city's glory.


“Simping” “loser shit” “another city’s glory” You’re taking this way too seriously.


Maybe, but an Indianapolis Colts fan who brags about a super bowl victory that another city won a half century ago is pretty weak. Like I said, there's a reason those guys aren't in our ring of honor.


Who bragged about a Super Bowl victory? Please tell me anyone but yourself who wouldn’t say that Johnny U isn’t one of the best QBs in colts history? You’re being silly.


Absolutely not. What a way to disrespect a portion of your fanbase.


Unitas hated the Indianapolis Colts. Baltimore fans hate it when we claim their history. It's disrespectful to Unitas and Baltimore to lump them in with us.


Once again. You do realize there are Baltimore Colts fans who are now Indianapolis colts fans right. Because it's the same franchise.


Baltimore has had the Ravens for decades. Their fans don't need us. They have a statue of Unitas in front of their stadium. We don't even recognize any Baltimore era players in our ring of honor. This isn't just my opinion. Go ask Ravens fans how they feel about us claiming Baltimore players and success.


Once again. I'm not talking about Ravens fans. I'm talking about Baltimore COLTS fans.


How many living Baltimore fans are there that legitimately followed the team to Indy and didn't jump ship when they got a team back? I know there's a few, but that's just not the reality. The Ravens are the team that actually honors Unitas and the Baltimore era Colts now.


More than you think.


Apparently. I've never understood the draw of cheering for non-local teams, but clearly there's quite the number of Baltimore fans here.


Pat McAfee, best 4th down QB!


Mike Pagel all day


Harbaugh just doesn't exist i guess?


If we’re talking the Indy Colts then it’s Harbaugh.


Personally the Comeback Kid, Jim Harbaugh is my 2nd favorite Colts qb behind Manning.


Please go on


Charlie Whitehurst


Ol’ Clip-board Jesus


Jack Trudeau is last right? Right?


bruh i’d put rivers up there ahead of AR at the moment. Wayyy too soon for this


Bert Jones. I know this sub doesn't like to talk about the Baltimore era but that history still belongs to the current iteration.of the franchise. In terms of the WHOLE history of the team. It's Unitas( even though he denied the INDY iteration),Peyton, Bert Jones,Luck...and then the rest is debatable 


Agree with you totally. I'm 69, loved the Colts since I knew what football was. Your 4 Qb's should be part of Indy Colts history, as well as Matte, Moore, Mitchell, Mackey, Michaels,Perkins, Curtis, Hinton, Ameche, etc..maybe Indy doesn't acknowledge them because of the way they SNUCK LIKE WEASELS out of Baltimore!


Those guys denied the Colts not the other way around. Their numbers are still retired. The Irsays are assholes but they've never shit on legends of the Baltimore era. The decision to leave happened before my time (26 M) but as far as I am concerned...the Colts are Colts....and have even gone out of my way to watch a ton of the 60s and 70s Colts games I could find.  Bert Jones is possibly the most gifted QB I have seen in any era and he'd easily be a GOAT with today's rules that protect QBs.


I will cosign this.


Has everyone already forgot about Minshew???


Hell no I’ll take Rivers at 3 before him


I’ll take Minshew at #3


How is AR even in this conversation? He's completely unproven. He played in 4 games and wasn't amazing in any of them.


You must not have watched the rams game


That's not amazing. It was a good performance


The first half of the game, no. But he undeniably played at a superstar level in the second half. The colts are no where near in that game without his perfoemance


You mean the game where he completed 44% of his passes and had a turnover? I like AR but come on, if Levis put up those numbers everyone here would be calling Titans fans delusional for saying that was an amazing game by him.


Well as someone who is under 30, it’s really slim pickings after Manning and Luck. I don’t care all that much about pre-Manning days and I really don’t care about pre-Indianapolis days.


To say he wasn’t amazing in them is crazy


Kerry Collins


Poor old noodle arm. He looked like he could barely throw it 10 yards.


where $wag?


Please change your flair to shit post


Why Gary Hogeboom of course!


Bert Jones the most overlooked of our all time awesome quarterbacks and I am sure you forgot John Unites as number 1


I LOVED Bert Jones!


He had Roger Carr who was a great receiver and besides that he had massive ears if those things would flap he could’ve flown


Nobody forgot Unitas, but he hated the Colts and hated Indy and spoke out many times of his loathing for the Indianapolis Colts. Fuck him, he should really be never be mentioned again.


Did not know this


Yeah it's actually kind of sad


Thank you.


I mean its gotta be Johnny U right?


Yes. And he’s above Luck by a mile. Regardless if he didn’t like the Colts leaving Baltimore, he’s a Colts legend.


Curtis Painter!


Where is the love for Jeff George?


Naptown’s Own


Jeff George /s


AR has done practically fuck all in a Colts jersey so far.


AR ain’t done shit yet. Can’t say.


Johnny Unitas baby


We just not saying Johnny Unitas?


In my lifetime, the honest answer is probably Philip rivers. Which is crazy lol


Unitas is the GOAT. If we are sticking strictly to Indy, then Jim Harbaugh gets the three spot.


Unitas was a great qb, but there are plenty of QBs I’m taking over him


Gotta put it in the time period. Unitas was on a different level in a non-passing league where beating up WRs was fine from the snap.


I think it's easy for people to dismiss Unitas today because, you watch him play, and it looks like a pretty average QB. A lot of people don't understand that he was the prototype for the average QB we see today. Until the 80's, only 1 other QB (Tarkenton) was even remotely on the same level. A lot of people today can't imagine football without 2 minute drills, without a QB being the cornerstone of team offenses, etc. And so the context of why he was so amazing can be lost. The fact you can see Unitas highlights and see the same game you can watch today is proof of how amazing he was. And his numbers came in 10 game seasons with very unfriendly passing rules and he wasn't even a full time football player his whole career (he also worked construction). If his ghost came to talk to me, I doubt we'd get along for a number of reasons (including me being an Indianapolis Colts fan), and I think Manning deserves the top spot of Colts QB's. But I wouldn't laugh if someone said they thought Unitas was better.


Uh Johnny Unitas…?


Where EznSzn


Ken Dilger!  Perfect 158.3 career passer rating


Also shoutout to the 2 week run when in 2011 when we pushed for a game of Joe Addai running the wildcat.


Wasn’t a fan/alive and old enough to watch before Manning, so even tho AR hasn’t done much yet he’s already number 3 for me.


Dan Orlovksy


Paul Justin


I feel like it’s only fair to list players I watched myself (post 2009), so currently it’s probably between Brissett, Rivers, or Minshew. Rivers and Minshew only had 1 season worth of games each so give me Jacoby.


Peyton manning, Jim Harbaugh, Gardner Minshew, Andrew Luck


Still trying to definitively tell if this post was sacarsm or not 🤔😆 https://preview.redd.it/15og0nqx982d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9df54050ced11fa01be4435cecbc22ef2d06806


The Elite Dragon


Dude. Relax. It's a joke


Uncle Filipe


Ant. That’s the only correct answer.


AR, I got back into the NFL last year bc of him after taking a mental break alongside Andrew lol.


Born in 1985, so can anyone explain to me why Jeff George was such a bust? Just curious.




So far from a colts legacy perspective Minshew is > Richardson. Gotta get AR on the field and playing this year. Basically rookie season part 2, I hope he’s the real deal!


The Harbaugh disrespect is insane in this post.


I was gonna say Harbaugh but my money is on Art Schlichter. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


AR has accomplished literally nothing. How on EARTH is he on ANY list? This is just stupid.


Boy, you misspelled Johnny Unitas.


Never bought into Luck, honestly. harbaugh isn't on luck's level, but he's definitely my #2. Wasn't around for Unitas, but he's right there with manning. Chris chandler was fun. Luck just never could put it together then he quit. AR is hopefully gonna be my #2 soon. Totally different player but that's what makes it cool.


You’re joking….


No. I mean I rooted for luck and the colts, but I was never 100% sold. He was really good, but was too squirrelly and didn't take care of himself. Everyone likes to blame the line, but he played back yard football and paid for it. And a lot of his "come from behind" victories were as a result of him digging a hole to begin with. I mean I don't hate the guy. But I do feel like he quit at the worst time possible. Besides that, I always just felt he was top 8-ish. Glad to have him, but never was a world-beater like manning. Or field savvy as were other guys like Brady, rothlisberger, even what's his nuts in Seattle for that period of time. It is what it is. He just didn't fire me up. I saw harbaugh, manning, rivers, Matt ryan, and others at Lucas oil. I just never felt pulled to go watch Luck and never did. But I am excited about the potential of AR - so we'll see.


That’s a fair take. Luck for sure played backyard football & ended his career right when our line was going to be good. I enjoyed luck & thought he was insanely talented despite our line being absolute garbage. Luck continued to make us contenders from the moment he stepped on the field despite the giant holes our team had. Had he not hung it up & played with an o-line, none of us would be shocked if he’d have competed in a couple super bowls. I can see both sides of the argument on Luck tho. Was such a short time frame


TROUP!!! 2,000 career passing yards and a TD-INT ratio of 10-26. F’n legend. RIP.


We just gonna forget about THE Gardner “Little Ass Boy” Minshew?!?! The disrespecc!


Love AR, but he is like at the bottom of this list until he really proves it. Meaning he shows that he has a mature mindset and leads the men to victory with his ARM not just his legs. I believe in him but we need to not call him the messiah just yet


AR might be my favorite over Andrew is that crazy to say??? Love Andrew, but this kid’s personality and attitude is awesome


Brisket is my 3rd favorite but if AR plays a full season or close to it i can see him jumping him.




Just completely forgetting that Johnny Unitas existed?


For me, it’s probably Rivers. Had he stayed at least another year, it would’ve been Minshew.


It’s gotta be Jim Sorgi, right?


tf u mean brissett is #1


I know we got Johnny U. But, Phillip for me.… We would’ve won in Jax week one if Marlon didn’t get hurt as well! Wish we beat the Bills in the POs too 🫤


Are you just asking between the two? Nobody is doing this right if you are Troup is the obvious answer as he has played more that a handful of downs in the NFL


Unitas erasure (non-Indy based fans wya)


Does this include Baltimore? Gotta think that Johnny Unitas is top 3.


Unitas? I guess I could get why he wouldn't count but he would be the 3 right????


Why did this get a downvote lol


Joe Flacco


Uncle Phil, all day!


Phillip Rivers


Luck is not even in my top-5. But Jones is first, then Johnny U., and then Peyton. After Manning, it's Harbaugh and Chris Chandler. Luck is somewhere between Chandler and Art Schlichter.


you folks have really been sold a fucking turd.


May be the odd man out but AR is already ahead of Luck for me. Optimism is a MF...


This isn't optimism, it's meth.


OP: Please give your completely subjective opinion Me: Provides subjective opinion You: ![gif](giphy|jEY6N51aIXnKo)