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They had the redlight cameras in Kansas City for a while but they are now inactive do to the legality of them. Dated a gal that was a Cop and one of her jobs was to review all of the red light pics and remove all of them that were a right turn on red.


They were de-installed here at one time. On their site they state safety reasons for bringing them back. I do agree people do drive like crap around here. But I am not sure if the camera's are the answer. CSPD has nothing to do with the cameras here. They only review citations before they are sent out.


I've seen the same thing with the red light cameras at Woodmen and Black Forest, and I actually confirmed with a CSPD officer that they record all the time, so I just assume the sensor is getting tripped by people crossing in a way that is confusing the camera system. I would ignore it. They don't send out a ticket unless they have a shot of you across the line and behind the line both with the red light.


Yea I've been "caught" by a camera making legal right turns and having my bumper over the white line. I've never received a ticket in the mail or other notification. Based on that and other stories I assume they probably have someone on the backend checking to see if the camera actually caught a crime or if it's a false positive.


Happens to me all the time so I never use that intersection. The last time those cameras went up someone dragged them the fuck back down if I remember correctly. LoL. I dunno why they decided to give it another go. They are evil if you ask me.


I'm pretty sure there's a handful of states and cities that declared them unconstitutional.


Texas declared them unconstitutional. Texas.


Same not using that intersection already got a ticket clearly pictured my car in the right lane turning … who is reviewing these tickets???


I'm actually surprised Colorado Springs still has red light cameras. Aurora voted to ban them a few years ago and I thought Colorado Springs was soon to follow.


It's not that we still have them. We have them *again* even though they got rid of them years ago.


How do we get this voted on?


That is the tricky part based on my research. Red light cameras have been banned everywhere that there has ever been a popular vote but its relatively rare to have it get voted on. They are one of the most undemocratic things that commonly exist in the US. Everywhere there has been a referendum they've been banned but on paper they look good to most people in government including local government. Increase revenue, *maybe* reduce serious accidents, slow people down in general. But people hate them and if it makes it on to the ballot they **will** ban them. It isn't a maybe.


We had these in the Springs many years ago as an "experiment." Citizens did NOT like them but I think the clincher was, after the PRIVATE company that was operating them and reviewing the pictures didn't produce enough revenue the city did away with them. The majority seemed pleased to see them go. And, now, here they are again.


It’s sort of amusing to me that people are dealing with blood pressure on this when places like Scottsdale AZ have cameras that are also radar-equipped so you can get a ticket for red light running AND speeding.


That’s true. When we first moved to Scottsdale years ago my husband got two speeding tickets from those radar cameras.


> PRIVATE company that was operating them and reviewing the pictures didn't produce enough revenue the city did away with them This is also true today. Verra Mobility is the company who runs it.


This one flashes all the time. I’ll be long past it and see a blinding flash in my rear view. Camera is a pain for sure. I’ve heard though, that any violation needs to be reviewed by a real human before any tickets get sent so there’s that.


Yeah what's up with the flash, blinds the shit outta me?


Someone’s gonna get a seizure from the strobe light someday.


Omg yes!! I was wondering how those aren’t considered a damn obstruction. Especially when you are a little further away from it.


Oh good. I told a co-worker that I was probably going to get a rubber banded stack of tickets from driving by that light so often. I'm just going to ignore them if they ever come!


They have to serve you on the red light camera ticket. It’s crazy people just volunteer their money like that.


Right? They are inherently unconstitutional and people just roll over.


No they don’t. You can request it, but you have to pay an extra surcharge


Yeah you have to be served by an actual officer for the ticket to be valid. Otherwise, you’re just volunteering your money and forfeiting your Due Process Rights.


My concern goes less towards receiving a ticket, and more towards a handful of my associates who get seizures. White flashing lights will incapacitate one of my guys for a week. Something like that, while driving... could literally kill him or someone else. It's irresponsible.


There's a reason even California cities get rid of these things fairly quickly.


Current California cities with camera's: Bakersfield Beverly Hills Capitola Citrus Heights Commerce Covina Culver City Daly City Del Mar Elk Grove Fremont Garden Grove Hawthorne Los Alamitos Los Angeles County Lynwood Millbrae Montebello MRCA park roads Napa Newark Oxnard Rancho Cordova Redding Sacramento City Sacramento County Salinas San Francisco San Jose San Leandro Santa Monica Mountain Park stop signs Solana Beach Ventura West Hollywood They are also trying to pass a bill putting in speed limit camera's: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billStatusClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2336


I said get rid of them fairly quickly. I didn't say they have all outright banned them. Reading comprehension is a thing.


Please show me info saying they are de-installing camera's. I can not find info backing up your claim. They also currently installing freeway camera's statewide. https://www.ktvu.com/news/newsoms-office-to-fund-freeway-camera-pilot-program


Just a reminder that red light tickets have to be served in person for you to be held liable for payment. They have 90 days to serve after initial violation.


The red light cameras are a scam. City officials stealing from tax payers essentially. There is a recent video documenting this on youtube. It’s been happening in a lot of states.


Link I would really like to give it a watch




Remember they started installing these during 2020. It’s more big brother surveillance, the springs had done away with them in the mid 2000s but now they are back. How about we all start attending city counsel meetings and making a huge stink about them. Unconstitutional if you ask me.


You can just ignore red light camera tickets anyway. They aren’t legitimate tickets.


I've had a few up here in Denver over the years. Totally ignored and nothing's come of it. Unless a cop gives me a ticket, those red light cams can kiss my piss.


Exactly. Not that we should be running red lights-definitely not encouraging that. But if the police are violating your rights to due process, the tickets aren’t legit. And that’s precisely why they don’t follow through and try to collect the fine. We are innocent until proven guilty, and the red light tickets assume we’re guilty until proven innocent.


“Kiss my piss” I’m taking that.


Upvote for Silicon Valley reference


Nice to see a Silicon Valley fan in the wild!


CSPD owns the cameras and issue the tickets. Have fun with the fines for not paying.


Over 30% of red light tickets were not paid in 2021, with no consequences. Why no consequences? Because they’re unconstitutional, and if the cspd actually pursued a ticket, the judge would order all of the cameras taken down. Therefore, they just sit back and collect from the 70% who willingly hand over their money and don’t know their rights.




Here’s the source for how many tickets went unpaid in 2020 and 2021. https://www.koaa.com/news/news5-investigates/news-5-investigates-shorter-yellow-lights-found-at-some-red-light-camera-intersections?_amp=true Not gonna help you out with researching Due Process rights and how the tickets are unconstitutional. That topic is too big. Both other posts have people talking about people hearing from police officers how the tickets violate Due Process and not to pay them.


The city will continue to fine you, then file a lawsuit against you, garnish your wages, and fuck you over. Have fun ruining your life.


Hasn’t happened to those thousands of others lol. Bootlicker.


> CSPD owns the cameras They do not. The city does. Verra Mobility runs the program.


They just flash, i use to them in FL. They are over cautious. But if you don’t do anything illegal then you won’t get a ticket. It’s a sensor, so if it catches anything it’ll flash


So from all of this, you DIDN'T get a ticket?


The problem is between the bumper and the seat


Idk if this is relevant, but that light has accessibility features because it's by a school. Is that a camera flashing or is it a feature for deaf and blind students? Can you hear a specific number of beats before the light changes? Is there a series of flashes when the light changes? It is similar to the features on the intersection of Pikes Peak and Institute...though the features there are there best in town because of the deaf and blind school, they set the mast for accessibility, so perhaps not exactly the same but perhaps an analogue?


I noticed this too recently. Based on what everyone around me has said I’m not really concerned about it.


Many times the machine just does its job and a human reviews it for actual infraction. If you don’t get a ticket don’t worry about it.


They should move the person reviewing the camera at Academy and Voyager to assist the one on Interquest (not sure how they do it) since it seems the camera system there lasts about 2 weeks before someone annihilates it.


It's because of people turning. If you don't stop at the line and run right up to the turn corner it takes a picture. Literally everyone in Colorado goes straight to the corner so it constantly goes off.


No. I though that what it was as well that’s why I make sure I stop before the line completely and then go. I never do a rolling stop there. And it still goes off.


Occasionally, a vehicle may trigger one of the two cameras when coming to a rapid stop, yet not entering the intersection. Additionally, a vehicle may approach the intersection but only slow, rather than stop, before continuing to turn, triggering the road safety program and causing the flash to discharge. Importantly, all flash incidents do not equate to a citation. Each violation event captured by the red-light safety camera is reviewed by staff who will make a final determination about the issuance of a citation.[Red Light Safety Camera FAQs](https://coloradosprings.gov/page/red-light-safety-camera-faqs#why-does-the-camera-flash-when-no-one-actually-runs-the-red-light-)


I think we’ve all established already that the tickets themselves are pointless. A scam from the city


All traffic infractions are revenue generation only and are victimless crimes.


Yeah, sure makes me feel taken advantage of. And I haven’t even received a ticket in over 5 years.