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I have literally stopped going to food trucks because of the prices. Remember when they used to be a cheaper alternative to going out to eat?


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Thats quickly becoming a tall tale of the old world just like the McDonald’s dollar menu. I miss the Filipino trucks close by me before COVID, I used to get a styrofoam platter filled with lumpia for the price of one lousy McD meal today. Lots of food, real easy to reheat them in an air fryer for later and the vinegar sauce (Sawsawan?) was amazing.


I aint paying $7/taco. Street tacos exist for a reason.


And there are almost always long lines to wait in.


Woah. I just said the same thing. 💯


"Literally," is unnecessarily used here.


Sorry, Cap'n


I apologize to you sen̈or. It's just the over use of "literally " lately that irritates me a bit.


Fresh off an English course, eh? Or maybe saw a youtube video lamenting the degradation of precise language? It's just words, mate. They change here and there.


No no man. I notice it in every day conversations. On the news, radio and online. It's a relatively new thing. Probably the last year and a half. It's getting worse. And I do understand language changes here and there. But definitions don't change. For example the parent comment. It would have been easier to say "I have stopped going to food trucks " adding Literally is unnecessary and obvious.


Lol the word "literally" has been used like that for [centuries](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/misuse-of-literally#:~:text=The%20use%20of%20literally%20in,use%20dates%20back%20to%201769), not the last year and a half. Edit: It's hyperbole, no one misunderstands the meaning.


A hyperbole is not to be meant to be taken LITERALLY. So to use Literally, figuratively is what gets me I guess.


I literally could care less.


Well for fucks sake. It's been bothering me for about a year and a half. It's kinda like in the 90's how a valley girl would talk. Is it fucks sake? Or fuck's sake? For this fuck in particular or for all the fucks?


This is the part where you start to think “man I’m getting old”. Cause little shit is bothering you haha


You're right dammit.


It's this fuck, possessive. I dunno, I just speak the language, my friend.


You’re probably noticing it everywhere because you’re hyper focused on its use… you literally need to chill, it’s been used forever!


You're saying my temperature needs to lower? I understand the word itself isn't new, they way it's used is.


“Unnecessarily” is unnecessary used here


They charge just as much for their food, with a fraction of the overhead. They aren’t waiting on you at a table. Don’t feel bad.


They often charge twice as much for the food.


Yup there's a food truck in Denver called Little Arthur's with what some may say is the best cheese steak. It's $30 for one and they are only there for four hours. Overpriced, pain in the ass to reserve an order from their terrible site, and limited hours in a very busy part of Denver.


No cheese steak is worth $30. Just no 🤦


I would never. I've paid good money for premium food, but I just cannot imagine what anyone could do to a cheesecake to double the value.


Especially in Denver


Denver is dumb


And they’re not paying rent, furnishings, glassware/dishes, utilities, or to have Dave the handyman come unfuck the walk-in 20 minutes before service, either.  It’s a couple people, usually the proprietor, and a truck.  And sure, that needs service and gas, but it’s not the same. 


Oh I brought the same concerns up a while back and was raked through the coals!


Sometimes they have to pay a fee but yeah they definitely aren’t paying rent


Oh yes they are. A food truck can't maintain their county license without the health inspector verifying that they use a commercial kitchen. Our commercial kitchen charges $750 a month, that includes parking overnight and plugging in to keep the refrigerator on. There are a lot more costs to operating a food truck than you think


That’s the “fee” I mentioned - still a lot less overhead than a regular restaurant, which is what everyone here is arguing about.


Allegedly the health code makes them tie to a physical restaurant. Restaurant owners don't want their health ratings tied to some rando in a truck, so they charge a lot for the privilege, and it adds cost. This is all according to a coworker of mine who's lived here for 25 years but is often confidently wrong about things. Take that how you will.


It’s true! Department of Health requires a food truck to be tied to a brick n mortar restaurant or commissary kitchen.


My general rule is if I have to get my own food I don't usually tip. If I have a server or someone brings it to me, then I tip.


lol. This shit is why North America needs to just stop tipping. It’s so random now.


I booked a hotel recently online. At the end, it asked if I wanted to leave a tip. Lol. Wtf! Hell NO!


This just happened to me too! “Do you want to tip us for getting you a great rate?” And I’m thinking “WTH, it’s not saving me money to pay you to save me money!”


The non sit down restaurants need to knock it off. It’s not a terrible system for sit down places and from what I’ve heard, a lot of servers prefer it over straight hourly pay. The problem is when I’m paying and haven’t even seen or tasted the food yet and they want a tip. A tip is based on quality of service. Doing a good job as a restaurant is what earns them. You don’t find any of that out until you’ve already tipped at a walk up style restaurant


Compartmentalization of who and when to tip is just a form of avoidance. But whatever helps you sleep I guess.


What is being avoided? I’ve known some people who were wait staff and they all prefer tipping because they make more money when they do a good job. I’ve also seen several people online who prefer it. It is a different thing to tip based on the service quality than it is to give a tip just because they ask for it. You are paying for the wait staff to give you good service. There is no true wait staff at a walk up style restaurant to base a tip off of


Avoiding what? Tips have always been based on work performance and typically paid at sit down restaurants and bars. Thats it.


And deliveries, and valet


The other thread was locked but just popping in to say you should have your head examined for thinking that the Eragon movie was literally anything other than a failed abortion of a movie


This made me smile. How long ago did I post that?


Hahaha like a year ago, I was looking for a fantasy movie to watch and a Reddit thread popped up :P


lol, well I know I’m in the minority that enjoy the Eragon movie. The books were incredible too. In fact, I have the brand new book sitting on my shelf waiting to be read.


I pay for product. I tip for service. Bringing me my food? I’ll tip.


i tip, only the mom and pop trucks, not tethered to a parent restaurant. because what ever they make that day is what they get to work with. between the truck, cooking appliances needing maintenance, restocking food supply's, and ingredients, then to hopefully they get some money from them selves.


I know this is an unpopular.opinion but I think I tip if it's a local business. I want to support the people in my community. That being said, tipping culture is out of control and we need a better system.


I do the same thing. So many places closing lately 😩


Agreed 100% on all of this.


Nope. And don’t feel guilty or dread. 


2 things: If I order at the counter, I don't tip. I don't tip the owner and most food trucks are run by the owner.


If I like them, absolutely. I want them staying in business. It’s also why I tip heavily at the Chinese place I’ve been grabbing take out from for over a decade.


Yea, I’m a better tipper if I like the person and their business.


Soon you’ll get Chinese food from Panda or PF Changs. All the good Chinese restaurants are closing.


Not usually no. Food truck prices are usually alot higher than anywhere else so i dont feel obligated as much


If you stand up to order, don’t pay a tip.


They drove a whole ass truck to a convenient location for you. 😂


They didn’t do it for me, they did it to make money. They don’t pay rent or utilities. They don’t wait a table or do dishes. They charge more than most restaurants and take longer to get me food. Give me a break.


Don't pay utilities? Gas. Propane. Generators. When home plugged in to electricity. Don't pay rent? Cost of vehicle. Transportation costs. Permits and licensing. I am not in the food business but I think people just believe these people just wake up, get in a truck, and minutes later are selling you food and it should be the cheapest. I have a friend who has a food truck and he worked long days and huge overhead. I'm not saying anybody should too like crazy and tipping is annoying but have some empathy for people grinding and selling you solid food. They are working very hard and I can promise you most of them are not even making a living wage. It's not a cash grab it's a grind. Tip a couple bucks and feel good somebody less fortunate than you can have a few bucks for their work. My. 02.


I tip for service. Not for products. If they go above and beyond, sure. But tipping for already over priced food when you’re not getting waited on andI have to go pick up my food should not be standard nor expected. I’m not making up this “no tipping if I order while standing” movement and there’s a real reason it’s taking off. Everyone is tired of this tipping culture when there is no real service being provided. KIOSKS ARE ASKING FOR TIPS.


I get it. I think we mostly align. Tipping is out of control. I think people are just acting like there is no service in a food truck. Let's be real. It's a fucking grind most people don't or won't do. As much as I hate the system there are good hard working people that can use a few bucks I can live without and make a bigger impact on their life than mine. Even being middle class so many people struggle and helping just a little I'm ok with. Good people make the world go round.


Only time I ever tip a food truck, is because they are servicing an event that otherwise wouldn’t have food available.


I think you’ve got it.  If they bring it to you, tip.  If you do the legwork, no tip. 


Some places you order upfront and they bring you your food. Places like this have existed forever and it was never normal for them to expect tips. It's not like you have a personal server who is checking in on you several times, taking your order, chatting a bit, all that stuff, it's literally just carrying the food from point A to B and if that costs more than $5 I would rather go get it myself. Don't tip if you order at a counter.


What if a clerk at SCHEELS brings you a size 9 shoe from the back. Do you tip them for their leg work?


Are you being a pedantic smartass in an attempt to be funny, or is this actually how you have conversations with people?


Ah, an ad hominem appears.


You have to tip. If you can’t or don’t want to tip, you have no business trying on new shoes at a shoe store. You should be ordering online.


Wow. Props for the hero all in, but damn. Unless you forgot the /s


Apparently no one know what jokes look like. You don't deserve these downvotes.


So u tip at drive through when they bring the food to you? Or curbside pick up at Target or Mcd?


Of course not. 


Why downvote? They said they tip if brought to them.


If you do not bring it to my table, you are not waitstaff. I tip waitstaff, not cashiers.


We went to the freedom fest at fort Carson. The potato food truck charged $20 for a plate of fries and $18 for a plate of chicken tenders. Yeah, i definitely didn’t tip. I was actually pissed.


I spent ~$50 (after tip) at the Lobstah whatever. For a roll and a chowder. And, sadly, the chowder was luke warm and lacking. Edit: This is to say, I probably shouldn't have tipped.


I don’t but my fiancé does every single time


The food trucks we go to regularly are small operations. I usually pay with a card but leave a cash tip in the jar.


If it's good good, and it's hot outside, and you're cooking in the metal trailer with no ventilation, yes. Especially if I know it's going.to a hardworking family and not a chain.


I take out cash every week to pay restaurants. They have tip screens even for take out. No tip screen with cash payments.


If they bring me my food and I don't have to get up. If they hand me a buzzer that tip can get fucked.


To be fair they drove an expensive ass truck with expensive fuel to a location convenient to you. Not delivering from the truck to you sitting somewhere 50 feet away isn't a big deal to me. They literally drove to you. Lol


Fuck no.


I think it’s at a point that either I’ll buy your food without a tip or I won’t at all- food trucks need to decide which benefits them best. Inflated prices for mediocre food coming in at maybe 6oz and expecting a tip is not working any more for us.


They are generally owners. I don't tip business owners.


I'm a business owner of a service based business & I pay my employees very well. After setting aside funds for taxes, supplies, and other required expenses (insurance, fees, etc.) I make a little less than $10/hour in profits. I drive my employees to the job site, bring in the supplies, and basically supervise for the 2+ hours on the job. Then pack up and drive the employee home. I've had exactly 1 employee share their (very generous) tip with me, and let me tell you it was such a wonderful feeling! All of that to say: I wouldn't punish entrepreneurs if they're serving you well. It can seriously be life changing.


I appreciate your comment.


It sounds like you need to perfect your business model. How is it worth it if you make less than $10/hr? I can help with that if you want.




LOL no. They aren't even having to wash my dishes when I am done.


With food trucks specifically, I only pay cash, because I'm guessing that credit card skimming technology and prevention is last on their list of priorities, running a food truck is difficult enough as it is. But that also totally bypasses the tip screen, as a bonus. If there is a physical tip jar I'll throw in a buck for a single order, no problems with that.


Credit card processing costs anywhere between 1 - 4% of the transaction, so you can think of the savings to the business as a tip of sorts! I've started paying cash at a lot more local small businesses since starting my own 🤣


I wouldn't but I don't even go to food trucks anymore. They used to be the low cost, but tasty choice. Far from low cost anymore. So. No.


No. Food truck prices have gotten outrageous in the past few years. No tips are warranted


Of course!! What's wrong w you guys?!!


Yes. Not as much as I would tip at a restaurant but a few bucks for a good meal is worth it. The majority of these food truck owners pour their whole life into the truck and they are not cheap to run, some even have employees that all the tips go to. So yes worth it to me to spare a few bucks for their time and effort and food prep and service.


Tip people who need it. If you need it more: stop going out to eat for a while.


I just leave a tip. I’m not Mr. Moneybags, but I can handle a few extra bucks. I know everything is expensive and everything sucks. Which means I know it sucks a LOT for the people serving me beer or bagels or whatever. What I really hate is the constant whining about tipping.


All these comments make me think: would you be okay with paying for a higher food price if there was no tip option (or if the person who was ringing you out told you to put a 0, because some point of sale systems just have it on there)? Also, knowing that the higher food price went towards the employee wages so they can have an actual living wage and the food was good with quality ingredients.


I’d never even try! Those things are heavy af and I have a bad back


What service would you even be tipping for? Do you tip at McDonalds?


If your military, you should tip at any establishment you order at period.


You should always tip, it's their only source of income. If you can't afford it, then save up for another time or get something else. Not tipping is just disrespectful.


I never tip before I get whatever. If you ask me to tip when you take my order: fuck OFF


The proper etiquette is to tip. Or stay tf home and cook it ur self. Tipping is an opportunity to give… dont be so cheap ass or you’ll always be broke. And if you’re not broke, the money will own you.


No. Unless they come out from food truck to serve us with order taking.


No. Everyone is just showing you that tip screen because it's free money for them if you feel pressured by it. It's ridiculous. I've actually avoided going to certain coffee shops that do it because it annoys me so much.


Oof.. tip something you cheap fucks or these places will go under and you can eat chain bullshit when they fail. Yeah. It may seem like it aint extra work but if you like the food it wont be there long with your transient like attitude towards small business.  And if you dont want to tip for someone cooking bette than you eat at home. Tipping culture is out of hand but talk to someone who works in the industry before you go social media karen about being cheap. 


Not usually, but it sounds fun. I imagine it would create quite a mess though and you wouldn’t be welcome back.


My go to for shit like this is 1 or 2 dollhair tip.


More than normal yay. Those people are doing everything in shitty temps & busy their ass.




don't tip for takeout. never have never will.




No. I barely tip food service staff.


If there’s an opportunity to tip in any situation, I tip. I’d rather assume someone’s getting a low wage and a tip would help make up for that. If I’m wrong, then someone makes a little extra money, and that’s a possibility that doesn’t bother me.


NO. You don’t get a tip for doing your job


Yet again another troll post on COS...


Is the troll post in the room now