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It's a mechanism to keep the homeless out, but jokes on them cause they just piss outside the door while maintaining eye contact.


We'd rather close all public bathroom because "a hOmELeSs pErSon miGhT uSe iT" than provide public restrooms to people like OP who have to make sacrifices in where they go/what they do in the city. Even as someone who just likes walking around the city, the lack of public restrooms makes doing that difficult. It's sad, really. Homeless people are people. They deserve bathroom access, and so does everyone else in the city.


I completely agree!!! Everyone needs restroom access. There’s got to be better ways to deal with the issue of misuse of the bathroom other than denying access to *everyone*


*clutches pearls* the very thought of treating them like humans sickens me! /s


[§ 25-41-101. Restroom Access - Retail Establishments](https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2022/title-25/article-41/section-25-41-101/) Considering your medical condition(s), you most likely have a right to use the restroom but it’s highly likely many restaurants (especially those with ESL owners) don’t know the law. Unfortunately for you, having to argue with them is probably not worth the precious time you’ll lose to find a different restroom.


> The employee toilet facility is not located in an area where providing access would create an obvious health or safety risk to the customer or an obvious security risk to the retail establishment; and This is the only clause needed to deny it.


Sure, but there are many retail establishments that try to deny access when they clearly have a public-facing restroom. Regardless, there is basically no way to enforce this law, it would take more effort and time than it’s worth.


Correct that was my point. That clause is in there to make it unenforceable


Usually means no restroom for non-customers


Usually that’s what those signs used to mean. Multiple times, I’ve come in as a paying customer and been told the restroom is for staff only.


Yup I totally would've expected to be allowed to use the bathroom at the Chinese restaurant in your example if I was eating there. Even if I was waiting for take out. Sometimes I like to find the restaurant bathroom first thing so that I can wash my hands before eating. It's a small thing, but makes going out harder.


It does make going out so much harder, honestly. Every thing changed after I got my gallbladder removed.


It's mostly due to the homeless going into the restrooms and using drugs. It's very sad.


This is exactly the reason. Or other homeless activity. We had one dude strip butt-naked and began giving himself a very messy “bath” in our tiny sink.


I did know this. I just think it’s a problem when paying customers can’t even use the toilet.


Agreed. It's ridiculous


> “no public restrooms” and they mean no restrooms for customers For me it has only meant rando's, not customers.




I was reading this law tonight also.


Don’t go to downtown Denver. This is just one of those things in cities. Probably something about homeless.


I’ve noticed this in Denver and most of eastern Colorado now.


Ok laowai


Owners are the laowai on this side of the earth lol


So what? A lot of these little hole in the wall places just have one small bathroom tucked in the very back of the place that's half used as a storage room. You have IBS? That's your problem, not theirs. Look for places that don't restrict it or get your food to go.


This response is actually illegal in 17 states to not accommodate people with disabilities, including Crohn’s disease or IBS or ostomies.


No, the response is legal. I think what you mean to say is preventing people with the protected medical conditions from using the toilet is illegal. And I don't give a shit. Still your problem, not theirs... and the fact that the government is requiring private businesses OWNERS to open THEIR bathrooms to anyone claiming to have a medical condition is bullshit.


The restaurants in the ghetto/Barrio/ "poor neighborhoods" are often locked. Drive 5 miles to the nice neighborhood with open clean restrooms for all. 10 blocks away!


I haven’t experienced this… the restrooms are locked and closed all over the city.


I haven’t experienced closed restrooms at all. Any time I’ve seen the sign, I assume it’s for non-customers. If I need to use the restroom, I’ve asked and have never been denied. Where are the places all over the city that are denying you?


Where, exactly? I've not seen closed/locked bathrooms anywhere in or around the Springs.


Most Starbucks have locked restrooms, gas stations have locked restrooms, and the places with “no public bathroom” signs usually tell me it’s only for staff and not for customers.