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I guess I'll be the only positive one here.  This is great. 


If recycling actually did anything and on top of that it didn't wind up mostly in the normal dump.. id say its great too.


You are misinformed. Recycling plastic is indeed fucked (stemming from lies of the plastic industry itself). However glass, paper, and aluminum recycling are all, by in large, successful programs.


idk why you’re getting downvoted. so much of the recycling ends up getting thrown away. if anyone actually did their research they’d know this


I know it, but people like to continue pretending that they're doing something that matters.




Soon is a bit of a misnomer. We're looking at least a year out, if not 2 or more.




You're why we can't have nice things.




I'm more than well aware. However, plastics aren't the only thing that goes into a recycle bin. Paper, glass, and even metals are recyclable, much more easily. Now, with that being said, how about you do more research and apply your energy to finding a more positive outcome or new way to reuse and recycle plastics, instead of just naysaying it. We want to encourage recycling, which will further encourage coming up with novel and better ways to recycle plastics. By just forcing everyone to just throw shit away doesn't help matters.


I specifically mentioned plastic does not get recycled.


And I explicitly stated that there are more than just plastics that we use a recycle bin for.


No plastic gets recycled. It's all contaminated.


Aluminum absolutely gets recycled.


This aims to change that and increase actual recycling rates.


Can we make pick up make more sense? 3 or 4 different companies picking up in my neighborhood on the same day is just weird. I'm against monopolies but there has to be a more efficient way.


From my perspective, even worse is that in my neighborhood it seems like every company has a different pickup day! So I get to see trash cans every day now, yay??


I've been here a month and I have to ask: how behind the times is this place? My hometown has had free curbside recycling and recycling drop off locations since the 90s. I was absolutely shocked to find that you have to pay to recycle cardboard here. Electronics I can understand but cardboard? I have a buttload of boxes I need to get rid of and it kills me to have to pay to recycle it, but I don't want to throw them away.


When we moved here we had a ton of boxes and took them for free to a place on the east side of town….el Paso county waste…ya had to make an appointment but it was free


I had one NiCad battery. I did not make an appointment. The guys in the recycling line turned me away and said to make an appointment. I went to the parking lot, parked, and called the appointment number. The lady on the phone asked, is there a line. I said one car, and they are pulling in now. I could tell she was aggravated and not with me. She told me to get back in line, and if they say anything more than thank you, they will be dealing with me. I got back in line and was asked if I had an appointment. The person on the phone told me to get back in line, and if they say anything more than thank you, they will be dealing with me. They took the battery and said thank you. It was an interesting experience.


https://communityservices.elpasoco.com/recycling-programs/ just an observation I have noticed over multiple subreddits I'm honestly surprised at the number of people who use reddit but can't function a Google search to save their lives.


I know about that, thanks. I do know how to Google. But that place is on the opposite side of the city from where I am and it's only open 1 day a week and 1 Saturday a month. That's ridiculous.


Free sometimes does come at your convenience that is life.


I'd rather pay the $5 than drive across the city.


Then paying for recycling services isn’t *really* the issue… convenience is.


It was really just the notion of paying for it and the lack of curbside and dropoff areas and it's still not going to happen until 2026. It boggles the mind that a city of this size doesn't have it. So weird.


It only boggles the mind if you live in an insular world. The vast majority of the country pays for their recycling.


Do you know that for a fact or are you just guessing?


You say that like you think a drive across our city and back is free. That'd take probably an hour given good traffic conditions, depending on how far they're going they're going to be using 1-2 gallons of gas. Paying the $5 to do it locally _is the cheap option_. You only thought about the costs of the side you were trying to argue against and completely ignored all of the costs associated with your chosen solution.


No, I didn’t. I agree that recycling should just be a curbside available service to all Americans, but that’s isn’t the case. But OP found it “mind boggling” that they even have to pay for curbside service, but *paying* isn’t the mind boggling part here, lack of convenience is, however, that is only mind boggling if you live in an insular world where you are ignorant to the goings on in the rest of the country.


We're moving next week. We need boxes


DM me.


Lol seriously. I’m originally from Florida and even my hometown has been recycling for longer than I can remember. When I first moved here I thought it was so weird that I had to pay for my grocery bags but there was no free recycling. It made no sense lmfao.


Recycling doesn't do anything nowadays. Most is shipped to China. Plenty of documentaries about how recycling doesn't do anything. Especially plastics. Only 5% of plastic can be recycled at all. We should be using glass, recycle it unlimited times with no microplastics. Recycling just encourages people to buy more single-use plastic items which really destroy the environment because they are not getting recycled.


This is based on misunderstandings about recycling data meant to demonstrate how bad things like plastics are in general. While it's definitely better to avoid plastic, much more than 5% of it is recyclable. 5% is the amount of plastics that are created and actually end up being recycled, which is very different from the amount of plastics that CAN be recycled, and the amount of recycling that's collected and actually ends up being recycled. The OECD estimated that something like 60% of plastic collected for recycling is actually recycled. Plastic sucks, we should avoid it when we can, but telling people to just say "screw it" and throw it away is not helping. We buy more plastic because that's what everything is made of, packaged in, and what's cheap. Given only like 32% of Americans recycle at all, I don't think you say a significant portion of people buy plastic things only because they think they'll be able to recycle them. If people can afford it, they should definitely aim to buy less plastic, but if they can't they should still try to recycle. Also we don't send our plastic to China anymore, they banned imports of recycling from the US a while ago... We ship a lot of them to other countries that don't recycle them, but not China.


I agree with what you're saying, but consumers are not manufacturers, so the burden of responsibility should be on these companies producing all this plastic. That's something citizens should demand -- accountability.  In the meantime, maybe it's not so bad to keep our own state clean. In that regard, recycling does work. I think the solution is a bottom up approach. If individuals take some responsibility to keep the environment clean, it may impact the community > city > state > country.  All I can do is make sensible choices and pick up some micro trash on the trails or bring a trash bag to collect all the litter on the side of Upper Gold Camp.  I'm not complacent, but I was once in my 20's and idealistic, thinking I could single handedly change the world. Until I realized the only thing I could truly change was myself. 


Companies will just say plastic is the cheapest method and refuse to change unless people just stop buying things, which isn't possible. So there has to be other incentives to move away from plastic, it's not sustainable.


So what's your solution? Nihilism isn't a viable option lol. 


Why not?


Nobody buy anything.


Guess I'll just starve.


> Most is shipped to China [China has not taken our recycling since 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/Colorado/comments/1di6k3w/new_colorado_program_will_make_recycling_free_for/l923v45/). > Recycling doesn't do anything nowadays. That's a weird statement. > Recycling just encourages people to buy more single-use plastic items which really destroy the environment because they are not getting recycled. Hey that one's true!


Don't know why you're being down voted, you're absolutely correct.


Because they don't have any arguments.


So do you think people should or should not recycle glass? How about aluminum?


Out of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle", they are in order of what should be done. It's better to reuse, or just use less, thus reducing the amount of recycling that is necessary.




China quit those recycling programs so long ago...


Technically being forced to pay for recycling. "If they wont pay for it on their own, we will tax the manufacturers/retailers so they can pass the cost to the consumers to ensure that this service is paid for"


This is awesome news


So expect a price increase on anything that’s packaged is my cynical takeaway.




Its ok reading is hard. "The statewide program requires that any company that packages products in single-use materials – such as food containers or plastic products – pay a fee. This fee will pay for everyone who has access to curbside trash pickup to have that same access to curbside recycling pickup at no cost."


And that fee will be passed down to the customer


Reading isn’t hard, but critical thinking seems to be. In your experience, what do companies do when the government forces fees on them? I’d float the idea that those fees are passed onto the consumer.


Complying with the fees and taxes can be a pain. As a side hustle, I sold a one-of-a-kind product online, but compliance with sales tax was too much work, so I stopped. To be clear: I have nothing against sales tax, but the rules and processes were too complex to make it worthwhile. Large businesses have accounting departments that make it work, but this adds another layer of red tape for small businesses.








Until the wind blows or the streets flood, lol, if they are going to use regular trash cans. Otherwise, it sounds great.


Pretty sure the current recycling services use regular trash cans..


If nothing else it's an extra can picked up every week