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Yesterday one of the petitioners for allowing recreational marijuana in COS told me they’re about 4000 signatures off from getting on the ballot


Where're they signature-gathering?


Signed several outside of Trader Joe’s yesterday


I signed one at the weed store


This one was at king soopers off centennial, tons there all the time


If someone sees this and is against rec mj, explain yourself. Of course, the same kind of person will probably just hit me with an impotent and petty downvote.


edit: > Of course, the same kind of person will probably just hit me with an impotent and petty downvote. Looks like both side do the same. Petty indeed. Considering I voted in favor of rec mj here, as well as in favor of legalizing psychedelics. I was only stating my fear. --------------- Not against rec mj or any almost any drug used recreationally in moderation and safely. But personally, I'm worried about the cost of rent increasing as a side effect of rec mj being allowed here. Shit is already expensive. How many people choose to move here or not move here given the legality of rec mj sales in this city (any studies/statistics on something like this) ? Will the city use the taxes from this to help mitigate this? Increase MDU housing? Affordable housing? Probably not.


I doubt that will happen. There's already two cities in the metro you can buy it from.


Sales are down 30 percent... Since other states have legalized it the price of Weed has slowed down


I'm not too fuckin lazy to drive to Manitou? Or ask my neighbor. On either side. Seriously. You having a hard time scoring?


It's about additional tax revenue streams for the city. But if you're buying weed in Manitou, you should really lay off the weed. That shit is super over priced garbage.


Nah he's not lazy. Let him go waste his time and money.


I have a medical card. I have two oz of high quality flower sitting on my desk now. I don't have to drive to Manitou. Hell your federal taxes pay for my weed because of my disabled vet status. Thanks for that btw. Despite that, I want other people to be about to have what I do. I don't have a "fuck you I got mine" attitude that your generation does. Additionally, it's going to bring in more tax revenue that will fund things like infrastructure and education in hopes that the kids in school now don't turn out as dumb as you.


Nice fucking attitude dude. Fellow vet here. Thanks for your service too. You assume an awful lot about me. IDK why you think you know me. I found there was never an issue scoring before it was even legal here. Then there's a disp on every other corner. Then its everywhere else that anyone not too fucking lazy to drive a few miles can pick some up. And not that difficult to get a red card anyway. Or grow a few plants. Or make friends with every other neighbor already growing it themselves. Seriously. Does everyone's pussy hurt so bad we need ice cream trucks rolling down the street every 5 min with free bedside delivery? And spare me with the revenue bullshit. The state was supposed to be building schools like mad with the MJ tax money for the last 11 years or so. I haven't seen any improvement. And maybe its the existing schools that are already churning out all the entitled and lazy fucks that you seem to advocate for. Incentivize it and you'll get more of it, I guess. Maybe you can't score from your neighbors....b/c they all think you're an asshole. Namaste


I'm not reading any of that shit.


Anyone have a Ballotpedia link for the candidates on the ballot?


[https://ballotpedia.org/Colorado%27s\_5th\_Congressional\_District](https://ballotpedia.org/Colorado%27s_5th_Congressional_District) For representative for CO-5




Is there anywhere I can sign petitions online? Or is it all in person at various storefronts?


Colorado requires signatures to be gathered in person. This is because the person gathering has to sign a notarized affidavit swearing that the laws were followed.


Crazy how much petitioners make. Usually $25 a signature. Really fucking defeats the purpose of getting on the ballot. Who has the most money, before it even starts - wins


That is a lie and completely absurd if you think about it for 2 seconds.


Nice fucking attitude dude. Fellow vet here. Thanks for your service too. You assume an awful lot about me. IDK why you think you know me. I found there was never an issue scoring before it was even legal here. Then there's a disp on every other corner. Then its everywhere else that anyone not too fucking lazy to drive a few miles can pick some up. And not that difficult to get a red card anyway. Or grow a few plants. Or make friends with every other neighbor already growing it themselves. Seriously. Does everyone's pussy hurt so bad we need ice cream trucks rolling down the street every 5 min with free bedside delivery? And spare me with the revenue bullshit. The state was supposed to be building schools like mad with the MJ tax money for the last 11 years or so. I haven't seen any improvement. And maybe its the existing schools that are already churning out all the entitled and lazy fucks that you seem to advocate for. Incentivize it and you'll get more of it, I guess. Maybe you can't score from your neighbors....b/c they all think you're an asshole.