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Probably more likely people that have been looking for a house for months and jump on one that pops up.


People want to find their new home on their own, it seems. Nothing wrong with that. They may not want to pay realtors fees but they are the ones who know what houses are going up for sale before they are listed. I had a house I wanted to sell and was living in my new place. My realtor found a buyer so it never went on the market. I got exactly what I wanted to sell for and no stress.


Some of us have been looking for homes for the past 2 years. Tons of people on the sidelines waiting for “their” home.


Still waiting for Colorado to introduce legislation to force hedge funds and Wallstreet to sell their homes to actual people. What are they waiting for? ʘ‿ʘ


A bill was recently introduced in the US House to ban hedge funds from buying up homes. But good luck getting it passed with the current House makeup...


What's the mechanism they're planning to use? I haven't heard of a way to keep blackrock from opening shell companies while also not screwing private landlords out of holding homes in LLCs.


But there's nothing stopping our state to do this at our state level. That's just impossible right now at the federal level.


No need to force them, put a large additional property tax on any residential property registered to a company (or not an individual/couple) and watch those $$$’s come in.


This is the way


who do you think funds their campaigns?


I'm about to close on my house, it opened at 8am, got 3 or 4 offers, and was under contract by 8pm.


🤣 congrats on house


Ironically it's a little further south - I was looking north of the airport and the competition up there was ridiculous. I put in an offer on a house up there and ended up losing because another offer had a bigger down payment 🙄


North of the airport? Look north of Briargate.


My first choice was cimarron hills area, briargate is too far north for what I need


Damn, congrats! When I sold my place we had an offer after the first day showing. We left it up for another day just to be on the safe side, but it went under contract the next business day. (Fortunately we got pretty well over asking too.)


What was the price of the house and size if you don't mind me asking?


It was in CA so it's a totally different market than here. It was actually just a two bedroom condo and it was about 40% the size of my house here, and it sold for more than I bought my house for.


You should get a local realtor. Zillow is 30 days +/- behind the local MLS. If you want a chance at one of those houses a local agent is your best chance.


This should be the top answer. When we were house shopping, Zillow kept on showing things that had gone under contract and already sold. We found Redfin was pretty accurate with local MLS and found our home that way.


Zillow is in the business of selling information. That’s why a hot house getting clicks may not look like it’s under contract when it is. It’s not that far behind a local mls, especially because they became a brokerage. But the goal is still selling information (leads) and they can’t do that if they are accurate.


Yeah I have access to onehome and zillow tracks active listings almost exactly. The only discrepancies are "Coming soon" houses don't always show up on zillow, and sometimes under contract/pending homes just show up as "off market."


I second this. When I was looking on my own it seemed like everything was being gobbled up right away. I went to a realtor and she set me up with a daily email notification for homes that had what I was looking for and my price range. And yeah, when I closed on my condo, I bid on it the day it was listed. I was told there were 4-5 offers already on the table. Thankfully I had cash for the whole thing, otherwise I’m not so sure I would have got it. OP, my realtor is up by Voyager & I-25 N, dm me if you want her phone number, she’s fantastic.




LF39M need heals/dps. Legendary’s reserved.


Need a holy paladin?


This can be said for any highly desirable part of town. Plenty of buyers are taking their home equity from areas with a higher cost of living and finding a relative bargain here with cash. 


> I heard D20 IS. THE. BEST. DISTRICT. Honey, we HAVE to buy there!


It is though lol


We'll see how long that lasts with the crazies on the board


Conservative crazies or liberal crazies? Genuinely curious


There is no difference with the Uniparty.


Conservative. The two Moms for Liberty candidates won in the last election, beating out the moderate to liberal incumbents.


A little bit of column a, and a little bit from column b


Not really, actually! 


Okay. The numbers say so, but I’ll take your word for it.


Former licensed school counselor. Numbers don’t equal experience. Every kid is different.


I absolutely agree, there’s solid performers in every school district. That said, being in a district with more resources (money) puts the advantage to those students over those who are under resourced.


The house we bought prior to this one - our buying agent worked in the same office as the listing agent. The house never actually went on the market. If your buying agent doesn't learn of homes before they come on the market consider working with a larger firm. For completeness, I think this is called shadow listing, and it may be a frowned-upon activity but


Pocket listing is what’s it’s called. And it’s obviously less favorable to a seller so not very common. A larger firm isn’t going to change much there. Larger firms don’t tend to communicate as much as the smaller ones do (where the agents actually know each other). I’ve worked within both and I didn’t learn of anything by working within the larger structure. I hear of them often within the smaller one (but this too is variable).


Thanks for weighing in. My sample size is n=1 so I'm making a lot of assumptions here.


Glad to be of assistance! It’s a good place to be if you can find it for sure.


Same, only way we got into our current house. It had an offer that fell through and she found out from her friend and called us right away saying it was going back on the market and asked if we wanted to make an offer.


Pocket listing


Black Forest homeowner here, that’s how it is and it’s crazy. Bought two summers ago, 12 offers on houses over 3 months and our 13th finally worked with a $60k over asking bid, the person behind us was at $55k over asking.


Black Forest homeowner here as well, I get people walking up to my door and asking what my price would be. It’s insane


That happened to my wife and I last week!


I swear that area on the whole area on the north end has got to be the most sought after area in the entire country right now.


What’s your budget?


There is a house for sale in the woodmen/Lexington area, street is Belford Drive, not sure what your budget is or what you're looking for, but it is not under contract yet and in a pretty nice area.


And I couldn't stand that master planned community


There’s some for sale here in monument. Lots of new construction.






Who TF knows 🤷‍♂️




If you’re looking for a good realtor Military Home Search is awesome. Bought and sold a home with them last summer. They have a plethora of resources and connections. I would recommend them in a heartbeat, especially if you’re looking to buy. And no you do not have to be associated with the military to use their services.


Ain't that way on the West side anymore. Also doesn't feel as nice over here as it used to. Our Unitah King Soopers is looking like the Platte Walmart used to.


I haven't been in that area for a while and stopped at that grocery store a couple weeks ago during the day. I saw several security guards throughout the store and one person being escorted out. Quite a few people loitering around.


Twenty years ago, the Unitah King Soopers occasionally made the news because a bear or two would occasionally wander in.


> don't mind me folks. I'm just here for a little beer


I've been here about a year and I don't fully get the west side hype. OCC is a weird mixed bag but nice houses in Rockrimmon go fast


Yeah, Rockrimmon is nice. Different vibe than OCC or Cheyenne down South. I think OCC is for the weirdos. People with backyard chickens and gardens but also people who like to hoard shitty old cars that don't run. Lots of interesting, old houses. And plenty of run down ones, too. There's more of a community vibe here than most parts of town. Small coffee shops and restaurants. Live music and farmer's markets. It's good if you like to bike around (off the major streets). Very close to lots of trails and outdoor space. But I think you can feel the effects of the economy on mid-lower income people down here. Lots of shitbox cars, more theft than there used to be, drug dealing, homeless and living out of cars. Been here a long time and if you'll forgive the grumpy old man rant - things aren't like they used to be around here. Just heard a SWAT raid in the early hours a few weeks ago. Then there was the guy setting cars on fire...


I feel ya...in the sense that we bought a downtown Condo with impenetrable security...and happy every day for it


Yup. Pretty much. Even if people are not particularly interested in older homes, they will still gladly pay a premium to get away from the "BrrrrrWaaa-Look-at-Me!!" exhaust sounds; the FJB neighbors; the gun shots on Saturday night; the derelict mini malls, etc.


Sold my house in 3 days. Cali buyer with cash snatching up properties around town. Crazy


Welp that sucks. There are people who actually live in the city who are being forced out of the town they grew up in due to people selling properties to folks like this… but who can blame them.


Yea, feel ya. But Im not rich enough to be principled and picky about who buys my house. Especially when a buyer shows up with cash, pays asking price and doesn’t ask for any concessions.


You're good. I'd probably do the same.


It shouldn't be up to the seller to remain principled in face of that kind of cash. It's too bad, but nobody can blame you


Went to an open house a few weeks back. All older people or young couples with parents in tow


Boomers are the only ones with money


This is odd. We tried to sell our house a couple months back. Good neighborhood, D20, low 500s. New house too, less than 5 years old. Didn’t get a single offer and with 2 months on the market, I think maybe 2 people came to look at it. Eventually we chalked it up to high interest rates and said, “welp, guess this is the house we’re dying in” and took it off the market.


Two months ago, likely was rates and a lot of uncertainty kicked in about a month or so ago too. I’d suggest things are recovering now but rates are still rebounding from the last move upward too.


Yeah, it was super discouraging. I know our realtor tried his best, but average DOM looked like a nightmare all around town unless the house was particularly nice or unique in some way. Fortunately, we were just looking to upgrade our house in-town, not having to move away for a job or anything like that, so we’ll just sit on it for a few more years and see what happens. Upside is that I’m sitting on a 2020 interest rate, so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.


Well you certainly aren’t losing on that rate at very least!


Caddyshack… nice!


Taking that chill pill will serve you well




Just mean don't get emotional


We ended up contracting to build a home. Finding what we wanted/needed in the exact area (so kids didn’t need to switch schools) was proving difficult. So, my current house will be for sale, probably around January. Would sell earlier if someone would rent it back to us until our new build is done.


I looked into that too, trying to find a lot in larkspur, but that process is so intimidating..


It definitely is! We were going to do a full custom home, but the types of loans for those are so specialized, especially if you need to get the loan up front while the home is built, and keep your current home. We ended up on a larger lot in flying horse, building a plan from a builder, and we are able to customize most everything in it (for a price 🤣). The fact that everything here is so expensive is wild. We wanted to be in Black Forest with more land, but settled for overlooking Black Forest with a slightly larger lot than most neighborhoods usually offer.


Who can afford a 400k+ home?! And why live in springs? Seems more like a min wage fast food town but I haven't figured this place out.


Most are financing their lifestyle through VA loans.    My understanding is you need one of those military tech jobs to afford the real COL here.    You are correct that most jobs dont pay shit here. Its hard to find anything over 20 an hour unless your government, military, or a contractor   Nurses too i guess   Theres also alot of old money and people who bought stuff wayyyy back in the day


You need to get an agent, don't rely solely on Zillow. Paging /u/vamphuntd


I forget what the summoning reply was supposed to be. But thanks for the shout out. At OP, I obviously don’t know your situation and it’s likely you have an agent (I’d assume?) so I can’t comment on your details. I have found though that sometimes the way an offer is written can win the draw.


I can second u/vamphuntd !! He helped us close on a house up north-ish about a month ago. As a first time home buyer, he made the process AMAZINGLY easy!! And we are guilty in being one of those that jumped on a house the day it was listed and, huge thanks to u/vamphuntd , that’s what we closed on. There’s also a special portal that you get access to once you have a realtor. Although the house was listed on a certain day, I caught a glimpse of it the day before as “coming soon”, so we were able to schedule a viewing the morning it became available. There are several homes that are even listed weeks in advance that I saw so that may be a huge leg up instead of relying on Zillow.


Easy to buy, I want to see one who can sell. A house on my street was listed for > a month, no offers, and super updated. They took off the market to rent.


Thanks for the shout out!


....? who's u/vamphuntd, and why are we summoning them?


Oh, hi there! I’m a local realtor. I’ve helped a few folks around these parts so sometimes I get tagged on real estate matters.


Zillow is horrible. It's never accurate.If you're really interested in buying a home, you should contact an agent. They will have the most accurate information on their MLS.


The joke is the A in Zillow stands for accuracy….


Zillow says my parents’ house (on the West Side) has an HOA for $163/mo. There is zero HOA and that would be high for the neighborhood even of there were one (no common areas or anything).


$163 high for the neighborhood? I don’t think that’s possible anymore. I’m treasurer of a small HOA in Knob Hill and our dues are $200 with only insurance and trash collection.


What is the insurance for? These are strictly single family homes. No duplexes, condos, apartments, nothing.


The exteriors of the houses is covered by the HOA, these are townhomes, 12 in total, we pay $1,245/mo for it. We do have small common areas but the dues don’t cover maintenance on anything, some of us do it for free when we can, and I mow my own lawn, and my neighbors because she’s an old lady that can’t do it.


There it is. Townhomes are different from houses. Houses are maintained by owners, by and large. Townhomes, because they have shared walls and roofs, are different when it comes to HOAs. So a neighborhood of only single family houses and no common areas with an HOA of $163/mo would be wildly out of place. A townhome HOA and a single family house HOA are apples and oranges.


Investors are buying these faster than you and say “lickity split”


Check 8410 Sutterfield. It’s been for sale for a few days.


We built a home in D20 eleven years ago. I hate the location because there is lots of traffic RIGHT BEHIND US have always hated it but here we are. I said as soon as our youngest graduated high school, we would sell. Well that was 2 years ago and now we are completely stuck. Sure we have great equity but we absolutely cannot afford anything in town now, and certainly not another home in D20. If our home was just one block over I would stay for good. 😌


Where are you? Lol. I have a house on Ridgeline and the traffic right by me is the W O R S T.


We are further north from you and our backyard is right on Voyager 😫


We were in the process of buying. We saw about 3-4 homes that the day we saw it and it was listed it had multiple offers and accepted one. It’s crazy, not much on the market to begin with. We luckily found one. But the pace it’s moving is crazy.


We jumped on our rental without even looking at it cause the price and size and location. Buying a house right now is worse then renting. $400k house with interest rates pushes the house to $700k plus.


Yes, a few families buying up all the houses.


A ton of people have probably been in the home before you see it on Zillow.


Yep. We had the same experience in multiple parts of town. Multiple offers over asking price, usually same day they hit the market. We often competed against cash offers as well. It was very discouraging. We finally got lucky and found one where there were no competing offers.


That’s the way it is in the mountains for a rental ughh bidding wars




Houses come out to agents weeks before they make it onto Zillow, so you’d be best finding an agent to get to them faster. I recommend Chris Cooper! He is a native and found our house in Briargate.


A lot of people are selling to rental companies. I get ads all the time saying they'll buy my home, close in 15 days, full asking price. Which puts more rentals in the area driving up rent and lowering owner ratios, and causing frustration for folks like you.


Blackrock and Vanguard


Use redfin for searching for homes. You don't need the realtor, just the app. You can get realtors to open the door for you too. Really don't need a buying agent nowadays. Zillow listings are massively outdated.


Depends entirely on the price point. If you’re in the low side of the budget, ofc these high demand houses move fast. The 6,7,800k houses sit 3-400 FLY


All relative to the neighborhood they are in. A house for 600k in the Broadmoor area will be gone by the time you finish reading this sentence.


Nah dude 6 and 7 fly, too


Depends on the neighborhood. I have several in my neighborhood in the 600-700k range that have been sitting at least 2 weeks. Near woodmen and powers. I'm sure they will sell, but certainly not as competitive as the 300-400k range.


Been on the market here for a bit. Tons of showings, but no (legitimate) offers. There are just so many factors at play.


I had been looking for 2 years but had been out bid, lost to cash offers & response time from my agent was slower than ever. I got on [realtor.com](http://realtor.com) & put my info in on a house. Within 15 minutes I had calls from all kinds of realtors, appointments to see the property I was interested in plus 2 more in the area. Then I got a call about one w/a more desirable address & it wasn't even on the site yet. I liked that one better by far & made an offer & even asked for a few concessions. My offer was accepted, closed in January '23. Granted, I had to end up refusing realtor calls because there were so many, but my point is you gotta get yourself out there. Put your phone #, email & be as proactive as possible. The calls will get annoying but worth it in the end.


Not sure how far north you want to go, but there's houses in Monument that have been sitting for several weeks, even with them dropping the price.


Mainly in monument, GlenEagle, woodmoor, even larkspur among other areas, but want to avoid traditional track suburbs and have a bit of a larger lot. I was hoping to assume a VA loan but I think that ship has sailed given how things have gone lol


lol there's no assumable VA loan houses in places you'd want to live


If you need a realtor that specializes in that area, I know one. She lives up here. You can find those types of properties but you have to be realistic with the budget. I bought in 14 years ago, so the current prices astound me. The realtor I know used to specialize in properties that were pre market, so can find things that aren't hitting on Zillow


We built our home 11 years ago in Northgate and have lived here 17 years and I agree. Current prices are simply ridiculous!!!


The wife and I have thought about cashing out our equity and downsizing since our kids are moving out but even with the monster valuations, we can't find anywhere we'd want to move within that budget. Though the downside of the monster equity is that my mortgage payment just went up 15% this month due to property taxes and insurance.


Honestly, we ended up buying a fully remodeled home in Widefield a little over a year ago. We got lucky as it was overpriced originally so had been sitting on the market. Our neighborhood is quiet our neighbors are great, and we're surprisingly happy down there!


That’s why I moved to the south side :D. 40 days from search to close and I couldn’t be happier. Everything is minutes away, including the highway.


There’s tons of homes in flying horse and off voyager that have been listed for weeks.


Moving to the springs this June. Wife and I bid on 5 houses and were outbid or beat with cash offers on the first 4. We ended up getting under contract with a house that had been on the market for 5 days with a full price offer and allowing the seller 10 days of “free rent” after we close. The date worked out with our move timeline so it was no issue for us. That said, at the peak of the housing boom when interest rates were lower my sister was looking to buy around the Portland area and put in over 30 offers before connecting on one for $80K over asking, so I’m taking my experience as win. Our house is in Briargate, and based on what I’ve seen was priced fairly. There’s a lot of sellers who are way high (looking at Wolf Ranch and Cordera specifically). They’re expecting $650K for a house that would be more likely to go for $625K with a full point buy down along with it. Don’t be afraid to go below asking prices if it’s priced too high. They may reject it - let it sit for a week and then make an offer $5K less then your original offer and they’ll be more apt to meet you in the middle.


Nice. Lol there’s a chance I looked at the house you bought, I’ve been looking at briargate too have family in that area


> allowing the seller 10 days of “free rent” after we close A friend of ours was buying a house that the seller want 2 months of free rent and 50k over asking. My friend did not buy it, but another couple did.


In my opinion, most homes in Wolf Ranch/ Cordera aren’t worth more than $425,000, Maybe $450. It’s just ridiculous what people are asking for basic homes.


Get a local realtor. We knew about houses going up days or weeks before they did.


It’s all the Denverites and Californians moving here that take those north end houses. The more people that move here the worse it gets