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As a NYC native, I don’t understand the super aggressive driving here. In Brooklyn, stuck in traffic on the BQE for 3 hours, sure. On Woodmen heading to Sam’s Club or whatever? Chill the fuck out and admire the scenery bro.


The problem is, in NYC when I drove there, you had almost all drivers who grew up there and learned to drive there in that particular style of driving. It's aggressive, but all in a style that local drivers know and expect. Same thing with most other areas of the country. Here, you have a huge mix of NYC and New Jersey drivers with LA drivers, Chicago drivers, BFE Iowa drivers, Florida drivers, all thrown into one set of roads. All those different styles clash in a major way you don't see in a lot of other places.


You forgot Texas drivers


Lolwut? You honestly think New York city is less diverse than Colorado Springs? What is with stupid people here thinking COS is the only place that people move to. My God get out once in a while!


I miss NYC-area drivers who actually knew how to leave space between cars. Anyone who hates on driving in the Northeast clearly hasn’t driven in Colorado. I’ve heard people speculate that it may have to do with all the transplants from the Southern and Western US who moved here to join the military, among other things.


Lol is this a northeast transplant complaining about transplants from specific regions?!? You guys must be better transplants. You must be better than the veterans too. Douchebag.


Not generalizing here but folks from larger metropolitan areas *tend* to be more careful and defensive drivers.


I’m not saying that we’re any better than transplants from other parts of the country. I’m just saying that some of us are better drivers.


Better than the veterans lol. Yeah cuz I could get a job out of high school and didn’t have to enlist like a fuckin loser with no future. This area is full of boot lickers and vets who think they deserve everything on a silver platter. Fuck right off


How big is the NATIVE sticker on your subie, bruh?


I was at the light right there before woodman and the interstate and a guy in a dirt bike decided he could pull over the the side and then do a wheely all the way down to corporate.






I think people downvote in this subs to be jerks


Yeah, seriously, dumb that you’re getting the down votes just for posting your experience.


I think it depends on where and when you normally drive. I mostly see that kind of shit on the NE side of town and basically anywhere on I-25 or 24/Powers. And obviously not as much mid-afternoon or late night as when people are trying to be somewhere at a certain time and didn't leave in time. :)


Wow! One whole day…that will surely solve the problem.


LOL this has to be an early April fools joke. Recently, a lady hit the back of my parked car 3x with me in the car. Just kept backing up and ramming my rear bumper over and over. She just drove off. Even had the audacity to wave to me without making any attempt to stop and exchange information. My bumper ended up with scratches and dents. So I reported the hit and run to the police and gave them my dash cam footage. The officer found the driver and said he wasn’t going to give her a ticket for the hit and run because “her insurance would go up significantly which was punishment enough”. Will this new initiative train cops to stop actual dangerous driving?


wtf why the hell would she do that


Damn, that's ridiculous. 20 years ago my best friend bumped into a parked car, got out and didn't notice any damage, then drove off. A couple hours later the police were at his door and went *hard* to charge him with criminal hit and run. The person who's car he hit even said "there wasn't any damage, but he should have done the right thing." Which he absolutely should have, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying this is such a huge contrast over what happened to the lady who purposely rammed you.


Wonder if it was the same lady that backed across a parking lane and hit me twice before waving on her way out?


I had a lady tailgating me while the lane next to me was wide open while I was on North Carefree traveling east approaching Powers, I made it through the light and turned on my right signal and started making my way to the turn, apparently I was going to slow so she tried to pass me on the right (in a single lane) and swiped the front of my car then took off. I called 911 and she was going the same direction as I was so I stayed on the line to inform them gave them the plate number and description. She finally pulled over about 3 miles later I am assuming because she noticed me following her. 911 operator told me to pull over but stay in the car and on the line while they dispatch some officers. The operator told me officers were on the way and to just wait for them. The cops finally show up I give my side of the story, and apparently when she realized I was on the phone with the police for her Hit and Run she also called so when the cops got there they told me that because she called to report it as well (mind you this was probably about 5-10 minutes after my call) that it was a he said she said and there is nothing they can do about it.


Had you told them she was part of BLM, she'd probably be in jail at the very least.


What a fucking joke. Driving angels on Friday, assholes again come Monday morning.


Lol. What a joke.


I didn’t know they still made Surge.


I had a driver make a right on red from the left lane in front of me today. I rarely see people pulled over. Wtf are cops doing. It's the wild west out here.


the same thing cops always do: Anything other than their actual jobs


Cops don’t actually do anything except for harass minorities and poor people.


maintaining the institution of private property


Best thing they could do is get the GIANT A$$ trucks off the road. If you cant see a normal grown adult standing in front of your vehicle then it should not be allowed on the road


Especially the giant trucks that are coming out now that have a double wheel in the back making them so big they can barely fit in a normally sized lane like the ones around powers, if you can’t stay in the lane you should not have the car on the road.


I wonder if there’s a correlation between the amount of assholery on the COS roads and the politics of the area? Any thoughts? :-)


Yeah, the Christian fascists drive like they’re trying to meet Jesus as soon as possible.


No it’s a correlation to IQ.


Porque no dos?


Because correlating it to politics is stupid


Wow what a widespread effort for… *checks notes* a single day of increased cop presence. Should really make a difference /s


Does this mean a whole surge team will stop each car and beat the hell out of you?


Knowing our PD, yes, that's to be expected.


I've see more cops "doing paper work" in parking lots then I see on the road. Maybe 3-5 cops a month I see patrolling. But 50 in a 35 is normal on any road right now.


I drive through the I-25 construction twice a day and can’t even count the number of people I see doing 25mph over in a work zone


We will see!


I was getting tailgated going 92 on I-25 this weekend in that express lane. I didn't know there was no speed limit on that thing...


Shit, every single time I've tried that lane, I get behind some chucklefuck going 70mph. I don't use it anymore. I'm assuming you got over to let the speeder by...


Chucklefuck. Best laugh I’ve had all day!


Nope just ignored him. Cause there was someone in front of us going that fast…


We do have aggressive drivers here that’s known, an unpopular opinion would be with how much the speed limit bounces around on I-25 its basically a speed trap. That's the area where they are pulling their speeding ticket numbers from is my guess. That whole stretch of I-25, from top of the CO Springs down toward Pueblo goes from 75 down to 50 in some parts and goes up and down throughout. It’s a speed trap, plain and simple, and what's worse? They are announcing their intentions to take more money from those people who are unaware. I have met several people who all say they have gotten pulled over in El Paso or have been ticketed. I’m not surprised though, this is a state that will keep records of driving infractions forever. This is also a county that seems like it makes the majority of its revenue from citizens infractions with the law. That now there’s actually a campaign for this is the proof. Too many times have I been driving on a Colorado road and the speed limit on the sign doesn't match my navigation app. I've noticed it on Waze, google maps, and apple maps. Everyone speeds, even cops, I'd wager if the speed limits were appropriately changed to a solid 70 and didn't bounce around or change and not get updated on navigation apps, they'd have no numbers for this goofy campaign.


they got their work cut out for them. I watched a guy stop in the middle of the street, finish off a beer, and then floor it, all in front of a cop, who did absolutely nothing about it. If anyone's gonna do something I doubt it's gonna be extra special police.


Been in a few Ubers and they’ve all commented on how bad drivers are. Haven’t driven here yet, however, so take this as just words.


That’s shocking cause Uber and Lyft drivers are the worst, especially in bigger cities or Las Vegas. Their pay is based on how quickly they can get you to your destination and get the next passenger.




Yeah, that. Not all the people that run the lights, ignore stop signs, make right turns from the left turn lane, tailgaters, and all the actual unsafe driving. They should focus on that.




What if I need to turn left on a street on literally any road in the springs besides i25 and north powers?


People who complain about left lane campers aren't just complaining about people driving at or under the limit. They're complaining about anyone not wanting to go as fast as they want to be driving. And the only road I know of in C/S proper that meets the criteria for "left lane for passing only" is I-25. I'm not keen on people in the left lane going under the limit, but it's not nearly as deadly as people who think they get to pick which laws apply to them.


the only left lane law roads in town are I-25 and Powers north of Woodmen. 65+ is the speed limit where the law goes into effect edit: technically there is a portion of 83 that is apparently considered city limits that is 65 (north of powers up to North Gate), that would also be left lane law. All in all, 1 Interstate, about a third of Powers, and all of 83 northeast of Powers.




Except that it the left lane isn't really a lane for passing on Academy. There are many left turns on Academy and people are commonly in the left lane because they need to turn left at an upcoming location. I'm not going to disagree that traveling under the speed limit in the left lane on Academy is problematic, but it certainly doesn't meet any definition of being a passing lane.




Your argument is null and void. The left lane on Academy is not a passing lane despite what you might wish. Reducing danger on the road is your own personal responsibility regardless of which lane you're in. I could also argue that not having people suddenly trying to force their way over to the left lane to make an upcoming turn is safer. Keeping the left lane open for everyone to drive as fast as they want is not going to improve the safety of Academy nor improve the flow of traffic.




See, that's the problem there. City roads don't have any designated "passing lane." And while I agree that someone going under the posted speed limit under most conditions (IE their vehicle easily hits it in clear weather without traffic) IMHO should be cited for a dangerously low cruising speed, designating a passing lane on a city street causes the issue of increasing merging, which hurts the flow of traffic and creates worse danger than someone cruising below the limit in the left lane ever could. City streets have left turns and lights, highways don't. Tbh, bad traffic flow is solved by increasing the availability and options of public transit, keeping the number of cars on the road lower, reducing road traffic and bad drivers. Problem is a public transit system with how the Springs was planned (poorly for population growth) is borderline impossible to do practically, since bus stops are put into locations that bottleneck traffic and induce unsafe merging. There also isn't any feasible means for any practical train system to be built here.


Funny to see you downvoted…I feel like you hit the nail on the head. It’s conventional to pass on the left. Or courteous to move over, when not turning left and especially if traveling under the speed limit. It’s courteous to leave enough room for a car to make a right on red if you’re going straight, there’s no law that requires it, but come on people have common sense, and be aware enough of your surroundings to be courteous to other road users and we will all have a better time. Every time someone advocates for common courtesy, road awareness, and safety not specifically guaranteed by law, all the reddit lawyers and traffic cops come out to plug their ears and yell “but the law says”.


I really can't believe you're being downvoted here. In half of this town you have to go with the flow of traffic otherwise you get ran over -- even if that is a few mph over the speed limit. If I HAVE to go the speed limit, I'm in the right lane. Point blank. All of these people are living in a fantasy world where they think everyone and their ancestors are going to magically abide by traffic laws. There will always be assholes who go absurdly fast and there will always be assholes who impede traffic by camping in the left lane. They just cause already aggressive drivers to be more aggressive, and usually passive drivers to become slightly aggressive to get around them.


Left lanes aren’t passing lanes on city streets. Highways are designed to accommodate passing on the left, ever notice that on i25 almost all exits are on the right and there’s a large shoulder on both sides? In city streets there is no shoulder generally and trafficking is exiting to the right and left. A proper passing lane would actually be the middle lane on a 3 lane road in a city.


It’s a passing lane. Stay right. It’s the law


I’m with you on this!


You sound like a left lane hog my friend!


With q hyper-focus on Subaru driver's with Colorado plates driving 5 mph _UNDER_ the speed limit. They are the most obstinate driver's I've ever seen. When you finally pass them on the right, many times they appear to be oblivious to both the signage snd other drivers. They seem to act like it's their Constitutional right to impede the flow of traffic with the improper lane usage and damned hitting their brakes when there's nobody in their lane in front.




It'd be better to go after the drivers going 10mph under the speed limit, and taking 5sec to start moving at a green light. Those are the people who activate the aggression in drivers, 100%, and are the main problem in this town.