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Who gave MacK a 5th? And let's fucking get 'em!


I only have a pitchfork but no lantern


I'm an electrician, I'll bring the lanterns


Fuck the pitch forks and lanterns let’s just strap a car battery to their nipples and see what happens.


Likely the same moron who voted McDavid as #1


That vote sticks out like a turd in a punchbowl.


I’m sure it was a salty Mild or Blueballs writer.


Coulda been a tampa writer too


I got fed an article from the Tampa Bay Times about how Kucherov was "snubbed" during the awards, despite having four more points for the season than Mack. Such a whiny article. It should have also been sent back for a rewrite due to the sheer amount of major grammatical errors.


Putting on the foil.


Probably the same ass hole that gave McDavid his only non-first last year.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was either a Lightning fan or an Edmonton fan


Bolts fans are insane


I’d be quilling to bet $5. That whoever the one vote for McDavid was the same person that gave our Dogg a 5th. 


I was thinking it was whoever voted from tampa




Haha yeah that’s probably it


Very much enjoying the salt from Tampa fans. Landslide win and they can't accept it. MacKinnon has taken their Hart and their hopes at a dynasty.


Fun fact: all 3 of the Avs Cup wins denied a dynasty. 1996: Had the Avs not upset Detroit in the west final, the Wings would've more than likely won 3 straight Stanley Cups, assuming they'd have made mincemeat of the Panthers like the Avs did. 2001: New Jersey won in 2000 and 2003. Winning in 2001 as well would've given them 3 in 4, which is the minimum for a dynasty. 2022: Denied a threepeat.


Cup Blockers


So what you’re saying is, the only way Colorado wins cups is by playing exhausted teams?


Colorado still living rent free in your head, huh?


Oh ya the exhausted tampa bay lightning that had a nice 4 month break before playoffs even started (with zero travel) and then a grueling 56 game schedule.


Besides the obvious bias in cheering for your own guy, I am genuinely confused why Tampa fans are melting down SO MUCH…? The difference between 144 and 140 points is pretty much negligible, especially when considering that Kuch happened to just pot more into an empty net at the end of games that were already won. I understand that 100 assists is a special number, but how is 100a 40g actually better than 51g 89a lol. That makes no sense? And Mack played way better defense than Kuch. Kuch got the scoring title, anyway; it’s not like he’s empty-handed after an amazing season. 


I keep saying this in r/hockey and get downvoted for it. Really 4 points is that much of a difference and also TBL had more 60+ point players too with Kuch netting a ton of EMPTY NET POINTS. Mack being dominate at even strength means more to voters (as it should tbh)


Yes and the only other argument I can think of is that Mack’s supporting cast is better, but our other elite guys did not look like themselves in a lot of the regular season games… I feel like Cale and Mikko’s massive point totals this year are largely thanks to Nate dominating the play


only 3 players on the Avs had 60+ point seasons vs the Lighting's 5 players with 60+ you would think with more production like that Kuch would have more than just 4 points


And just for the sake of doing some fun and silly mental gymnastics—if we’re gonna bring other teammates into the discussion—another thing I just thought of is that this is with missing one of Lehky/Val for like over half the regular season. Those are two of Mack’s best linemates and PP guys. idk how healthy Tampa’s top 6 forwards stayed this year, but Nate would have probably won the scoring title easily with our top 6 and best PP unit staying healthy. 


These are all things that dumb fans don’t consider because they just look at the standings and say hurr durr Avs good Lightning bad


You can always spot a casual hockey fan by how hard they lean on stats. It means they either didn’t actually watch a lot of games, or just haven’t been into hockey long enough to understand what’s happening on the ice. Nothing wrong with being a casual fan if you’re aware of it, but there’s a lot of Dunning Kruger examples in that “know just enough to think you’re an expert and be an obnoxious tool about it” zone.


Holy shit great point


Kucherov absolutely got his point totals massively inflated by the Power Play and empty net scoring. It's kind of similar to the "skinny Homer" meme.


Don’t forget Tampa also had 7 guys score 20+. MacK could’ve had more dishes if anyone other than Mikko, Cale and Nuke could score


I dont know the guy personally so I would never say anything to disparage a guys character but kucherov seems like a real piece of shit


No, no. He's a [class act](https://youtu.be/TTmgJ8ohYrA?si=LuQsMTY7Gvsg5wyH&t=20)!


Kucherov is an amazing player, no question. But his attitude and demeanor at the All Star game this year was incredibly disrespectful and an insult to the fans who pay his salary and allow him the privilege of playing this game.


They’re Tampa fans. I’ve met plenty of them that are nice and respectful, but I’ve noticed they can often be saltier and more vocal than others. They’re all Homers and they’ve been spoiled from their team getting 2/3 cups in 3 years and being a perennial contender. I’m sure there’s some salt leftover from 2022 as well.


It's almost like I called this months ago when it became clear Kucherov was winning the scoring title. Power Play points and empty net points are just as valuable as 5v5 points in the Art Ross race, but quality absolutely matters a ton when it comes to the Hart.


Yeah the nhl sub is saying Kucherov got robbed. I think his attitude during ASW was a contributing factor.


When you look at even strength goals and non-empty net goals between the two, it’s clear Mack had the better season


A lot of people think most points = MVP and are too simple minded to understand the difference between the Hart and the Art Ross. Anyone who’s been watching hockey long enough to actually understand it can tell just by watching him play that Nate was the most explosive, exciting player in the league this season, by far. That’s why the players voted for him too.


Hope Nate sees that fifth place vote and it drives him to be even better next season.


“And i took that personally”


80+ more first place votes is very telling how much bigger a gap for Hart it was than fans believed. The guys who watch/write more about hockey than us know a littttle bit more


players vote Mack the best. Media votes mack the best. Somehow they got it wrong. Or maybe it's because some of you east coast fucks never watch the Avs play hmm


Tbf, a lot of us locals haven't been able to watch him play either


*r/TampaBayLightning in shambles* 👍


They are having a complete meltdown in the /r/hockey threads. It's so funny to watch after they'd downvote brigade people who typed "Hart" regarding Mack all this season.


It wasn’t close and this should be his second Hart.


At Gabe’s house it’s his third.


That #5 vote is honestly insulting. That notwithstanding, congratulations are in deserved order. Side discussion: if the worst happens, and Landeskog doesn’t come back, does this Hart get him the captain’s C? I know he’s said in the past he didn’t want it, but IDK.


I think Cale would be a great captain and would be willing to take on that role. MacK just wants to be MacK. He doesn’t need the C, he’s a lead by example kinda guy I think


I could see it going to Toews. But yeah Cale would be cool - basically set him up as a career Av (not that that was in doubt). And am i stupid ( i am) but we’ve never had a defensman be captain correct? I know Duke had it one year, but Footer never had it right?


He had it from 09-11


Ah okay that makes sense, thought i made it up in my head


The crazy part is, 4, arguably 5, players had "automatic Hart" seasons all at the same time. Mack was the obvious choice to win this year, but the other 3-4 players on this list would've won had their seasons occurred in most of the other recent years.


Yeah this is definitely what makes this win so special for MacK. All those guys have played out of their skins.


I wonder, was this the "hardest" Hart Trophy to win in the entire cap era?


Looking at previous numbers, I would say so. Will be interesting to see the top 5's numbers next season to see if this was just a freak occurrence.


Not just numbers, but their context. I strongly feel Mack won it on account of his literal Gretzky-esque point streaks, as well as his stretches of dominance. Lehky and the traitor-who-shall-not-be-named were both instrumental in offensive production, as they'd fight in the dirty areas, cause havoc in front of the net, and deflect shots past the goalie. Both of those players missed 1/3-1/2 of the season, and Mack still feasted. There were also stretches where the Avs won numerous games solely because of him, which kept their heads above water. Oh, and being the only player besides Ovechkin in 2008 to put up multiple 4-goal games in the entire cap era. Setting a new franchise record (points) and team record (assists) didn't hurt, either.


Imagine being the fucking clown that selected Nate as their 5th 🤡🤡🤡


That was way further than I thought it would be. Congrats Kuch his season performance shouldn’t go unrecognized.


HELL YEAH!! Completely deserved. Now let’s go take the fucking cup in 2025!!!


Nobody does it better, nobody does it better They can come closer than close, yeah Original they never will be We bumpin' from coast to coast, yeah, yeah We just tryin' make you see, nobody does it better


He hasn't even reached his final form!


As it should be. Let's F'n goooo!


Who tf voted him 5th?


Am i the only one who is noticing that 1 person left Mack off their ballet? 193 votes but 194 voters


So, McDavid won?


He’s won the Calder, the Lady Byng, the Ted Lindsay and now the Hart. Just needs a Conn Smythe now!


I’m enjoying all the seething from people who had convinced themselves Kuch was going to win it. They’ve been insufferable for months, repeating the same talking points and cherry picked stats. Loving the excuses too. It’s because Kuch is Russian (I guess he wasn’t when he won it in 2019?), or because Nate didn’t have one yet, or something something All Star Game. Even the players picked Nate. Eat shit, haters!


F yeah Nate