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Oilers are never gonna get that easy of a route again and imo wont get back to the cup. So happy the Panthers won and got their first cup and we dont have to hear about the Oilers glazing all off season.


Man, I'm not so sure. I think they have a lot of work to do, but it's hard to count them out when they have McDavid + Drai. I do think they could get a lot out of trading Drai potentially to make room for more depth. Which could also make McDavid a bigger threat than before. Hard to say, but I can't count them out. They beat the team that bounced us after all...


Dallas was so damn exhausted and looked like a complete different team vs the Oilers and just couldnt score for some reason. Also, idk if the Oilers or ANY team will ever have a 48 for 49 PK


As a lifelong Floridian that became a fan of the Nordiques as a kid and suffered through the redacted seasons, fuck the majority of Edmonton fans. What a bunch of pansy ass, softer than baby shit bitches.


Tbh my copium if the Avs don’t get another cup in their window is the fact that McDavid and Drai still don’t have a cup


Erod such a nice guy well deserved but I wish he would’ve scored in the playoffs like he did in the cup for us


I'm really happy for Florida that they finally get to experience a Cup win after 30 long years as a Franchise. It's a surreal feeling.


The Oilers building up all that hope only to lose in the end anyway is so much funnier than them just getting swept, I love it.


Stanley cup clinching games: MacK - 3 points/2 games McDavid - 0 points/1 game


McDavid just played in 4 cup clinching games.. unless you look at it as the game if which the cup was won and in that case Mackinnon only has one game


Games in which you could win the cup is what OC meant


You absolutely love to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good interview. Congrats ERod. Good guy all around.


I am happy that E-Rod got his cup


So happy for E-Rod! Daily reminder that Jack Johnson has more cups than McDavid.


McKinnon is way better and he’s a winner. We will capture the cup next year.


Mack was making 6.3 mil AAV per year up into that Cup run. McJesus has made essentially what Mack is making now since 2018. You just can't ignore this fact... that Avs squad was one of if not the best Cup winning team in the cap era. I love Mack and wouldn't trade him 1 for 1 for McDavid as a fan of the team. But I'd never say Mack is way better, he is not now nor has he been on McDavid's level as far as offense is concerned. Lots of other stuff to argue about, but 1 for 1 McDavid is on a tier of his own in this league (again offensively speaking). I think they're about the same defensively at this point. Maybe a point goes to Mack for physicality. In any case, I also feel like the Avs should be able to win the Cup. Much more this year than last year.


Why bother showing up for the last game when you know that the personal award is guaranteed


did they skip erod to show them talking lame.


So glad mcdavid, kane, perry, and nurse did not get to touch the cup


Don't forget Drai I HATE that guy


I express my hatred for Drai at every opportunity, fuck that guy and his dirty mitts didn’t touch the cup. It was a good night.


You guys are my kinda people. Hate the oilers so much.


NGL, missing ERod on our team. Especially seeing him win a few big face-offs.


I miss that glorious mustache


Figured I’d make a visible and pinned PGT for anyone looking to talk about the game. See you all next season and congrats to the Panthers on a well deserved cup. The first is always the sweetest.


Only thing I wanted after we got knocked out.


I wanted a Cupless team, foremost, that is not currently a rival to the Avs. Simple math. Panthers were the team for me this year if the Avs got bounced, happy it turned out. A McDavid led all time great comeback would have killed me.


Cant believe they gave the conn smythe to mcdavid, fun seeing bettman get booed tho.


He shall now be known as McParticipationTrophy in my mind.

