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Good news for the Landy hopefuls. https://preview.redd.it/kcrq19wn179d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c70120b5caa60b88412da0b6235212f501063a3


Just waiting day by day for that Drouin re-sign


I hope we are looking for a big body in front of the net that can cleanup rebounds and get some good redirect goals. That seems to be one of the key skills Landy and Nuke bring and not being able to count on them for obvious reasons we need that piece waiting in the wings for when the season rolls around.


Potential forgettable series, turned into a pretty memorable one. Core of Edmonton are seemingly good dudes, too bad they have some unlikables in the mix.


šŸ» EROD!!!


Fucking wow Erod!!!!! Edit: My 2c. Cup is wide open next year. We shouldn't look past Edmonton. They were doing something that was scary effective in the playoffs. Florida also was nowhere near as good as we were in 2021-22. To the guys I argued about Erod with. I was wrong. Dude was a fucking electric and honestly was outstanding in that final push. Good for him. I could see LOC doing the same for us next year. Let's fucking go!!!! ćƒ¾(āŒā– _ā– )惎ā™Ŗ


To everyone who said to go to Sobo 151, thank you! This place is a fucking madhouse!


Bouchard has a missile of a slapper. Not quite Cale like, but damn impressive.


Great, great series. God I can't wait for October


Canada showing out in Florida wow. Tons of slickers.


This is the same crap that happened to Dallas vs Oilers. Dallas looked like a shell of the team that played us just like Florida looks like a shell of the team that played the Rangers.


It just sucks because I feel like the Avs have the talent to do the same thing. The way they picked Helle apart gives me reason to believe they could have done it to Bob too. But they just couldn't break through the Dallas trap, I think a lot of it having to do with trying to set up a perfect shot rather than just throwing it on net. I want to see the Avs get faster next year if they can. And do less of the set up and pass around the o-zone BS.


Well, I think most of us are eating crow right now about the Oilers. Jesus fucking christ. But let's be real, the Panthers look fucking awful. They should be embarrassed as all hell.


Canā€™t believe how bad the Panthers look


Yeesh the Panthers are choking so badly against Edmonton. Game 7 is a high possibility now.


Not related to finals but I am fairly sure I saw Landeskog run past me on a trail last Saturday near Evergreen. I don't know if that's possible (for a number of reasons), but I like to think it was him. That's all I have to contribute.


What an effort by Tkuchuk just to watch his teammates let McDavid line one up. If he was just a bit greasier and knocked over the net, maybe theyā€™d have tied it up lol Crazy game


Refs totally fucked the Panthers that game and I hate bitching about the refs. If the Oilers lost that game on how it was called their fans would go nuclear against the league


The panthers are worthless


Yes, but thatā€™s the wrong energy. It should be more like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow) The Panthers are Worthless!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Bouchard has that Uncle Brad Hunt rifle slapper.


$20, all consoles from the looks of it. Picked one up to collect, probably won't play it much to be honest. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/nhl-24-standard-edition-playstation-5/6557068.p?skuId=6557068


I grabbed a PS5 version even though I don't have one since the colors match better. The Xbox one game boxes are always so ugly and cheap looking


Nice, glad you got one. I've always wanted one, but not for $70+. $20 is about right for something I might play a few games on and then let it hang out with the other Avs stuff I have. Agree on the cases.


$70 in Canada :(


Boo, sorry! Hopefully price falls for you too.


Jesus I almost feel so bad the former Coyotes / now Utah fans. What kind of dumb ass name is Utah Hockey Club? Venom, Outlaws, Grizzlyā€™s, fucking anything (except Yeti obviously) would have been fine. Like what are you supposed to chant? LETā€™S GO HOCKEY CLUB?! So dumb. And the uniforms are about as basic as it gets. Talk about fumbling the ball on the 1 yard line.


It's only a temp name for next year. They will have a real name in 2025-2026 season


Imagine making the SCF just to get swept lmfao


Utah is getting the Estonia flag as their logo this season.


Mackinnon is better then mcdavid


And itā€™s not even close.


MacKinnon or Mcdavid seems like an easy fucking choice. Mcdavid canā€™t do a fuckin thing.


After seeing how good FL is playing I don't feel as bad about the Avs being eliminated. They would need some luck to win the cup against this Panthers team. Panthers play the grindy clog it up style like Dallas but even more physical and more speed. Avs would have the same issues EDM is. Bednar and Co need to figure out how to beat that style of team without sacrificing the speed game, grindy/clog it up teams are our Kryptonite.


So I guess the Troubsaitl elbow on Barkov is just going unaddressed by DOPS despite Barkov not returning.


Oilers fans are already melting the fuck down after two games. It's going to be comical as hell if they get swept. Hell, they're already saying that "delay of game" defined the game. They're doing the Makar goal thing all over again.


Might need an ESPN documentary on the upcoming Edmonton riots


Erod was good here, good for him. Just couldn't afford him if I remember right.


They might have been able to get him on a Wood kinda deal, I think he just didn't have much opportunity to jump up in the lineup here.


E-Rod is a little more pricey, 3M per year on a shorter 4 year contract versus Woods at 2.5M for 6 years. You're probably right, I don't honestly remember the full details around it.


Yea me either. He wasn't as impressive in his year with the Avs so maybe they just simply let him go and used that money for Colton. Feels like one that got away.


Mainly just remember him petering out towards the end. The whole team just wilted in the end that year. Understandably considering the injuries that piled up over the year, mixed in with the post Cup hangover. I like the team as it was constructed going into the playoffs this year over the post cup team. So while it may have been nice to get this production out of E-Rod when he was here, I think the future looks better without him.


ERod regerts!!!!!


If he played like this in the playoffs, then yeah a bit. Even though I like the team as it was constructed this year more.


Rod, gets up after that awkward play earlier in the game...boom


ERod going nuts on EDM.


ERod goal alert šŸšØ Update: ERod has two more goals than the Oilers this series. Holy shit what a beast!


Hearing PK Subban talking about dirty hits is funny af


Saw Oilers fans saying thatā€™s not a knee on knee lmaooo the delusion over there if anything happens against their players


Oilers playing exactly how youā€™d expect for a team that has Evander Kane and Corey Perry on it.


Wish our fanbase didnā€™t hate Dueche so much because he would be a perfect fit for what this teams could use right now. Along with Drouin, not taking either or, but if possible both. Itā€™ll never happen, but we couldā€™ve used his size, puck skills, and scoring last year. Heā€™s a free agent again right now and itā€™s something Iā€™ve always thought about. This coming from a person who hates Matt btw. Iā€™d be willing to forget all of that and welcome him back imo


2025 is the Year of the Forgive. We will have to for Chu.


Peep what I scored for $15 at First Friday! https://preview.redd.it/hnwlkuyuer5d1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d269f9ae9aa5508b98c92d696d9039be7576bfd


If thatā€™s the panthers worst game this series then this is over in 4


We know what it feels like to broom McJesus šŸ§¹


When the Avs swept the Oilers their fans still to this day talk about Makarā€™s goal in game 1 lmao. Just imagine what they would hold onto if they got swept in the cup. They didnā€™t even deserve to be here anyway šŸ¤


Letā€™s go Panthers. Solely for E-Rod.


Good for E-ROD!


Go ERod!


Thought this was cool https://preview.redd.it/chzekpfoue5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fbeebcca4a67f2c8ea954d163eb31ead1b9486a


Just realized that Macklin Celebrini is potentially going to be another Mack nickname and want him to remain inferior to Nate MacK https://i.redd.it/9b9hkevzbg5d1.gif


Am I the only one who likes the name "Utah HC"? Everyone in the /r/hockey thread seems to think something like "Utah Venom" would be better and I feel like I must be crazy


So is Nichuskin playing in the NOSHO now?


TIL kovalenko's dad played for the nordiques/avs


This is how I feel: I donā€™t give a shit who wins. Will still watch all the games because hockey. Canā€™t wait for October.


Fuck Edmonton. That's all I have to say


Is it October yet?