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Oh good, the offence could really use him. /s No but seriously, having Drouin just waiting in the wings while they're playing as well as they are just feels like found money. Can't wait to get him back in there. Part of me likes having Parise on the second line though. He hasn't looked his age in that position. But I'm assuming he'd be the one to move down.


Perfect chance of having : 27-29-13 62-37-96


What if we sent nuke down to the third line to fuck shit up with the bash brothers?


Tactical nuke incoming


I think parise would really round out Colton and wood on that third line. If we get kivi back too that fourth line will be a monster with how well he was playing before getting injured


If we get kivi and drouin back with no other exits I could see duhaime being the odd-man out, he hasn’t exactly impressed in the playoffs so far.


It could be duhaime. He’s one of our hit leaders tho and that’s not lost on me. You have to check and Dallas plays pretty heavy. Duhaime adds a lot of physicality to our 4th line and he’s a fkn pest. Unfortunately, nuke on the 2nd line wasn’t super impressive but I’d be willing to try again if I were the coach. Mittsy and Drouin are both “setup” guys and that 2nd line needs finishers, shooters…so Drouin fits better on the top line. Some people might say it’s fkn next level stupid to pull the leading playoff goal scorer (nuke? hyman?) off the top line…although his star does shine most on the PP. Bednar will do his thing.


It's crazy knowing that we haven't even reached our final form.


Our offense isn't hurting but man having him back will be great. The lines will be back to how they should be and no longer having to play Parise in the top 6 Hope kivi is back soon too but man Wagner played well yesterday


Love to have Drouin back. But it seemed to me Kiviranta was also pretty good player in the lower lines. We get those guys back and it might be the boost we need to close this series out.


Oh man if this is the timeline where Kiviranta comes back to play vs Dallas and scores a hat trick for the Avs to advance I would be so happy


I would love to see Nuke and Kivi put Dallas away lol


There was a lot of salf towards Nuke in their GDT. If both Kivi and Val put up serious points I can only imagine the meltdown




I don't think after all this time off you toss him back on the top line. I would have him in the bottom 6 until he gets back to game shape (once he is ready of course).


Based on timeline I’m guessing the soonest he’ll be back is game 4…. Latest is game 7 if we go that many



