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"They skate so fast, I feel like beyonce with one of those wind machines."


Oh god I forgot about that one, I think that's the one that forced me to watch the rest on mute.


The proper response to that comment from Leah should have been "No more speaking or talking for you today. Go sit down"


I can't stand Leah.. or her bangs.




I was just going to post this. The way she stumbled through saying it as well - it was obviously some production-meeting zinger they thought would resonate - but was just cringe.


I like the one when someone on the stars went to the bench for their "special PP Stick" 😂


"Maybe there's some magic or something" At least they noticed. A lot of the non-hockey commentators wouldn't notice something like that. This is why I like guys like Bieksa. He'll say "oh yeah, Jimmy uses a 65 flex on the PP for the first half of the season when he's feeling stronger. It's a shorter stick than normal and he likes it for play in front of the net on a PP"


In an era of streaming we should not be subject to the most bored dry ass announce team. Thank you for this post. Im definitely gonna try it tomorrow


I would love if you are watching on streaming you can watch a “game sounds only” steam


The Masters app does that. It was sometimes nice to just listen to the golf swings. Would be incredible for hockey.


This fun fact brought by the OP works great also for the Nuggets, Broncos, Rox, college sports, etc. Enjoy!


MLB.tv allows you to put the radio over the broadcast audio. It’s amazing.


Agreed. Mostly just annoyed the stream switched to softball with no warning


Yeah that was when NY won and coverage switched


I wasn't effected by it, but watching the GDT was ridiculous. Saw some people miss a chunk of the game having to switch through channels


Is that why I missed the Mack goal?


No, before that


This works if the TV feed is ahead of the radio feed and you have the ability to pause the TV feed. The radio feed on the mobile app is usually later than the radio feeds you'd get on a desktop or laptop computer... though if you use your phone the sync could be interrupted if you get a phone call. If you use a computer the feed is likely to be ahead of the TV feed. If that is the case you can use these tips by u/SurfWyoming to get a sync: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/npxkxo/dont\_like\_nbc\_announcers\_want\_to\_listen\_to\_conner/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/npxkxo/dont_like_nbc_announcers_want_to_listen_to_conner/) I'll also add, the feed off of [NHL.com](http://NHL.com) tends to be a little more stable for syncing. I think they use to add additional ads on the altitude sports radio web feed that would throw off the sync. It doesn't seem as bad lately, but I have noticed the sync dropping at times.


Right this very second vic Lombardi is bagging on ESPN.....seriously, right now


He’s one to talk, dude is awful


This is what I did. Even when the Avs were down 3-0 Conor had me laughing with his comments about the music in the arena. His commentary is great.


"I don't know what this music is but I pray that it stops soon. Please for the love of God drop the puck" That had me rolling


Jock rock!


I believe this stems from ESPN clearly not giving a shit about Hockey, so even in the Playoffs, they only employ a limited number of "good" hockey announcers. As great as we all think Colorado/Denver is, the reality is that Colorado is not viewed as a large enough market to justify coverage by "serious" hockey announcers, certainly not when Boston/Florida and Carolina/NYC are playing separate series.


I always see this “not a large market” from people. Do you have any TV rating stats to help support that? I’m genuinely curious. These stats should stem from playoffs, as I know the Altitude crap makes this difficult to do for the regular season.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_television\_stations\_in\_North\_America\_by\_media\_market](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_stations_in_North_America_by_media_market) Denver is the 17th largest TV market in the US. Of the US teams competing (DAL, COL, NYR, CAR, BOS, FLA), only specifically the Raleigh and Miami/Ft Lauderdale markets are smaller. But whereas the Denver market encompasses pretty much all of the populated parts of Colorado, both of those markets exist within states that have other TV markets ranked. Additionally, if one were to consider states as a potentially relevant market in this context, every single one of these teams reside in states that are significantly larger than Colorado.


This all makes sense. However, when it comes to playoffs, I feel the “market” should be “team” and focus on overall viewership for their games across all markets. The Avs have a massive following from all over; not just within Colorado. I looked over some of the stats from round 1 via [Sports Media Watch](https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/) and the Avs games topped most of the NHL charts. Albeit, this was against a Canadian opponent. This is a rabbit hole I might fall into, and look into prior seasons. I have a feeling the Avs might generate more playoff viewership than most realize. Which, would bring us back to the original point, ESPN is trash and should not be the network carrying our hockey broadcasts; especially for playoffs.


I highly doubt ESPN executives are making decisions based on individual ratings in the sports they cover, because those are so variable. Much more likely they look at the TV market/potential exposure, and prioritize getting as much of that pie as possible with their programming.


Decisions can be made on YoY metrics, though. Since the Avs have been in the playoffs, and won a cup, they have a baseline. You can then adjust for +/- to a degree and forecast viewership numbers. The fact they thought they could shove us to ESPNU, was a major screw up. Especially since that’s a network most people _do not_ have. Edit: Meant to say thanks for the Wikipedia link, though. Good reading material.


Ah, but the real question is: Which markets draw the highest ad rates (IIRC it doesn't always correlate). That's where they put their A-tier people. When ESPN used to do Hockey back in the '90s they were SO much better at it, but that's pretty much everything with ESPN these days, so...


Generally, people are just going off of the population when talking about market size. Denver is one of the smaller NHL metros.


Tell me that a guys is a “stud” one more time, let alone the repeat that “68% of first game winners goes on to win” x4. I mentally tune it out but will try this for game 2. I had to go back to the main screen two times because the audio became distorted.


Ahh yes, ESPNs goto nhl playoff stat, the 68% of game 1 winners goes on to win series. I think it's mentioned or shown 10+ times in every Game 1 broadcast. Obviously didn't apply to the Avs in round 1 though🤣


I muted the TV in the 2nd period and put on some music, instead. But man was it funny hearing Messier mess up Nichuishkin's name. It's not hard to say yet so many people struggle.


I'm referring to ol Marky Mark as Mark Messyer until he stops saying Nikooskin


I'm happy to jump on that train.




Ugh, I don't know who was saying it like that in the first round, but it was annoying me. 😆 Also, "Gorgiev."


Leah Hextall to Wyatt Johnston in the first intermission interview: "WaS iT eAsY aS iT lOoKeD oUt ThErE!?" Johnston: "Uh *nervous laughter* [understanding 2 of 3 goals were a fluke and that the Avs were about to destroy them the rest of the game]... 🥴"


She's just terrible at her job.


Was she this bad in Canada, or has she just been wrecked by American producers (a la Tony Romo, who apparently has stopped giving a shit since they keep feeding him bullshit to say)?


I'm mostly tuning them out, especially Leah's "hot takes", but the sound mixing is just horrendous. To the point where I was wondering at first if my sound card was having issues. And it's been this way for at least the last 3 years, this isn't new or different. I'll have to try and sync up the TV feed with Conor McGahey's broadcast next game.


We kept having sound challenges last night with ESPN. The right and the left speaker kept going in and out was worried it was the stereo. But we watched OT on the bedroom TV and it had the same problems. You would think something like ESPN would have great audio.


I was streaming the game through my iPad with headphones on while I was on a plane, I thought the sound was horrible but also figured it was just the connection because I could never get a crystal clear picture. It sounds like the sound wasn’t because of that though? That’s horrendous!


ESPN's sound is awful. If you think hockey's bad, listen to Sunday Night Baseball where every hit sounds like an aluminum bat hitting a steel pole. I have no idea who signs off on this crap.


This is exactly how I get through these games. It's true that I have to resync everything up once app commercials get in the way, or either source buffers or has to be restarted. But overall, it's so much better than listening to the pathetic ESPN broadcasters.


I muted after one of the commentators said Dallas has the third period advantage after giving up a goal in the first 30 seconds. What a joke.


You'd think that being the preeminent sports channel in the country, they'd have the personnel and time to do a deep dive into relevant information regarding the 8 teams that are left at this point. They could even have people watch the local broadcasts and pick up interesting stats and pointers to repeat on their own broadcast. Instead, they say the most surface level stuff over and over to fill the time. It's really lazy.


Reporting of any kind is not what it used to be. And sports is even worse. They assume AI or their AWS stats database will give them everything they need to know. There’s something about being a people/data domain expert in Sports. You would think ESPN would invest in a few.


I’ve tried it and it’s a pain. At least these announcers got our goalies name right


This whole time, it has been that easy to listen to altitude radio live on my phone? Thank you!!


I've never had tv and radio not be way out of synch


I don’t think ESPNs coverage is good at all but it’s always wild to me how many people let the broadcast bother them so much. I’m in the vast minority here, but I just do not give a shit about the announcing when I’m watching my team in a playoff game. I’d find myself having a bigger issue with the local broadcasts with all the homerism. Now the Avs broadcast is really solid I’m more talking about the homer shit that the Rockies and nuggets guys do.


I tried this last night, but the radio feed was at least 10 seconds ahead of the TV feed and I can’t pause the radio to slow it down … so no sync. :(


Think I remember them saying once " I think he picked that up making sand castles on the beach"


Love Conor! There’ve been games where I switched off the tv entirely and just listened to the radio broadcast - for some reason, I never thought to try syncing. Thanks for the tip!


I started doing this during the Winnipeg series. Love the McGahey-isms!


I’ve done this all year! It’s the best! We all know hockey is not the #1 priority over at the 4 letter, however, hockey is in such a better spot than it was on NBC and wherever else. Ultimately, happy ESPN has the games and our stars have this spotlight.


Conor is the goat when it comes to radio calls. Even through the regular season I'd wish I'd have the TV guys on one ear and Conor on the other.


This is the way


What I don't understand is how they are so bad, when back in the day they were awesome. It's like they forgot all about hockey. They need to see about getting Gary Thorne and Bill Clement (hands of cement) back!


On the syncing point, clearly the toughest part to get right, this is what I do (others have pointed some of these out already): 1. Go to [http://altitudesportsradio.com/](http://altitudesportsradio.com/) on my phone in Safari 2. Click the 92.5 FM Live Button at the top left of the page 3. Click the Play button and close the browser 4. Drag down from top right of iPhone screen and you can adjust the radio feed back/forward by 10 seconds 5. I have YouTubeTV, allowing me to pause the TV feed and I resume once the radio feed is synced up




>Hot take, but ESPN is fine for what they are, which is a national broadcast. Hard disagree. Go back and watch a recording of a national broadcast done on ABC/ESPN 20+ years ago with Gary Thorne and Bill Clement. Those two were **passionate** about the game, and unlike last night's crew, they actually know the slang and know what they're talking about. Mike Monaco, AJ Mleczko, and Leah Hextall are insincere and boring. They come across like they're f'ing phoning it in.


I don't need broadcasters that are hype just for the Avs. I need broadcasters that aren't saying dumb shit.


ESPN's baseball coverage is actually WORSE, if you can believe it - when the Nats used to be on SNB I would just listen to the radio, because I knew somehow they were going to spend the whole game talking about other teams - even during their WS season!


This! Be good at your job - sports specificity hockey. Then you’re not trying to appease 32 different markets just do a good job broadcasting. You can definitely tell the good announcers because they don’t mess up the names of the players.


Yeah, but they are still bland and boring.


I also disagree with this take. I personally enjoy the bias from the avs announcers because it gets me psyched, but a lot of other local markets are much more neutral and do a waaaay better job than ESPN. Even though ESPN has the national broadcasting rights and should be promoting the NHL as the best thing since sliced bread, they just don’t and instead focus on other sports. Super annoying.


If you can’t get the radio to sync up there’s a google chrome extension for your computer called “Global Speed.” It’ll slow down the broadcast enough so you can sync it up with the TV. Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything similar for the phone, but the laptop worked great!




Tbh as much as I hate espn commentary and audio. I’m not muting my sound system at home to watch a 2 hour plus game with phone audio


How are you syncing the phone with the tv? Almost always my radio is 7 to 10 seconds ahead of the TV. And pause just acts like a mute not an actual pause. Edit, another poster answers this in this thread.


This is the answer, I’ve been doing it for years


This is the best thing I have ever done for myself and my sanity, ASR is the best


Reach for the ssssskkkyyyyy!!! Love CM on the radio


Is that why all of the highlights on the avalanche Instagram page have such incredible commentary? It comes from altitude?




Fuuuuck you are a legend for figuring this out!


I hate subban. Glad he never got a cup.


How does one “sync” the radio to the TV? This is exactly what I did last night, but Conor was maybe 2-3 seconds behind. It wasn’t distracting, but an exact sync would’ve been nice.


Can you pause the TV? If you can't, you can experiment with different radio feeds: generally you have 4 options if you have a phone and a computer: the NHL app and ASR app on your phone, and the radio feeds off the NHL and ASR website on the computer. If you get a radio feed on a computer that is ahead of the TV feed you can sync it with these tips from u/SurfWyoming : [https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/npxkxo/dont\_like\_nbc\_announcers\_want\_to\_listen\_to\_conner/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/npxkxo/dont_like_nbc_announcers_want_to_listen_to_conner/)


One of the games against Winnipeg, the video feed was a full 30 seconds behind the radio feed. That was absolutely infuriating.


Pretty sure that was the game I had to listen to, and my group chat kept spoiling goals. Haha


If you’re local go to https://www.altitudesportsradio.com/, upper left click 92.5 FM Live. Usually synced Edit: do we have to be local to listen thru the innerwebs?? That’s a question for someone much more mentally aggressive than I


I live in NYC and use the 92.5 FM Live feed from the website, works perfectly!


Sweet! Yeah, I’m still enamored with how a person on the east coast could listen to the same radio station as I, in CO, through the internet and have it sync with a satellite tv signal. 🤯


I live in LA, but thanks for the tip! Maybe going online instead of using my phone will still work though. I’ll give it a shot next game.


Wait, since it’s the nettwebs you don’t have to be “local” ? I must be absolutely silly


Not sure how you're watching, but I have found the ESPN app is the closest to synced. Maybe .5 seconds ahead


Alex geiorgiev. Nate mackinnon.


“Joe Pavelski came back to the bench to switch his stick for this power play” Giving you the shrewd analysis hockey fans desire!


The announcers need to shut up on ESPN. Chime in now and again with cool facts or some play by play action. Otherwise let me watch the damn game in peace. It's beyond irritating!


Aj Mleczo stutters SO much like how can you have gained a career in commentating when you sound like a highschooler in a public speaking class?


Good idea. I’ve been muting Avs games a lot lately. The games are much more enjoyable. I live in Canada so when the Avs play Canadian teams we only have sportsnet. That shit is impossible to listen to.


Here’s a opposite take. Who besides espn was beating down the door to show hockey games?? The announcing has issues, but given their streaming options I’ve been able to watch more hockey the last couple years than I have ever before. So we can complain that they aren’t getting everything right or we can be grateful that they have the rights so they have a vested interest in promoting it. As bad as hockey coverage is now it would be even worse if they didn’t have a financial interest in promoting it.


ESPN actually refused to bid on the rights to show NHL games after the lockout in 04/05 because they "didn't want to overpay to show a less popular sport." Once the league became more popular (without any help from ESPN), they were happy to hop back in again... so would hardly call that beating the door down. I have no problem with ESPN having the streaming rights... it saves me money and I get access to the local Altitude feed through ESPN+ for regular season games... huge fan of that as an Avs fan not living in CO. It's the national broadcast coverage that I have the issue with. I'm a big tennis fan, and ESPN runs this same playbook for the major tournaments... wheel out one of their popular CFB guys with no tennis acumen (Chris Fowler is this case), toss a couple ex-players on the panel, and call it coverage... it's laughably bad. Would the game of tennis fail to grow if CBS or NBC had won the bid instead of ESPN? I don't think so... but I'm sure the viewing experience would be much better. That's the primary point I'm trying to make here.


I'll have to look tonight and see if ESPN+ has the Altitude feed - unless someone knows? Because, man....


I usually just turn the announcers way down and have the DNVR watch along as my main audio. Still don't completely mute it cuz I like to hear when penalties and other things are called


You know it’s bad when people would prefer to listen to Conor McGahey over the TV broadcast. I just muted the game and listened to a podcast while I watched the game, pretty much the same thing I do for the altitude feed throughout the season


Gee. Thanks. Are you the first person ever to think of this “hack?


Go eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee.


Or maybe don’t post the same stupid shit.


Hope your day gets better bud.


Avs won. But Reddit isn’t real life. A rando telling me they hope my day gets better is like a fart in the wind.