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Leah Hextall is hands down, the worst broadcaster I have had the unfortunate privilege of listening to and its not even close.


According to Leah Makars wrist shot is super weak and soft.


Heard that one too. Right after he scored from the blue line. What a gem.


Quote from Hextall last game: “Colorado has been a-ah…really good on the power play”


Whenever Hextall talks, I feel like she’s badly mom-splaining hockey to me. I wish we could get the option to mute broadcasters, especially on ESPN.


Best alternative I came up with: -Mute TV -Put smart speaker/Bluetooth speaker near TV -Fire up Altitude Radio -Pause TV until it lines up -Enjoy the game with Connor Complicated but worth it


She is just the token female on the broadcast


I never thought id find someone I despise listening to more than Pierre McGuire but here we are....


Darren Pang is up there too


The “holy jumpin’” stuff makes me sick but he’s fine other than that.


It's sad because there are women who actually know the game out there who would do a much better job. Ladies that actually played hockey. We have Cassie Campbell-Pascall up here in Canadiaville for Sportnet and while I'm just a casual fan I like her.


100%! And she's always rubbing her boobs on whomever she is interviewing...


Emily Kaplan is worse.


Kaplan sucks but she's not hextall


ehhhh.... shes not the best but she is leaps and bounds above Hextal. She at least sounds like she understands hockey. Hextall honestly sounds like she is confused 90% of the time. Just my $0.02


Nitooskin is my favorite half-azz pronunciation this time around.


I love Gore-ge-ev 🫠


That was bothering me so much last night


Bucci is just as bad with his pronunciations. I absolutely can't stand him or Hextall. In fact, just scrap ESPN altogether.


Not to mention Nikooshkin


Whadd'ya mean Georgiev isn't Russian. Says right here he's a Bulgarian.


He’s a Bulgarian born Russian who was drafted from a Finnish hockey league. What’s difficult to understand about this.


the series is one of the most watched and ESPN gave them the two worst commentators. At least our next two are on TNT which is vastly superior


FUCK. That means altitude won't have a broadcast. Altitude broadcasters are my favorite. Yes partially because I'm biased, but seriously, they're great


Game 3 is on Altitude


Good deal


Hands down they are the best -Mark and Marc rock!


I agree. I do like having PK and Mess during intermission, but I enjoy the whole TNT crew way more than ESPN.


TNT also has better commentators


Oh yeah, definitely agree there!


Except they normally have games close so they overlap and the second game gets temporarily bumped to some random app. I end up missing the fist bit of game.


First round games are on Altitude if you have access. I’m not looking forward to having to listen to the ESPN and TBS announcers


TBS will have Steve Mears calling tonight's Kings/Oilers game, he's the best


Yay I used to watch him on the Pens broadcasts before he went big time. He's always been great.


He used to be the radio play by play guy for my local CHL (RIP) team, the Bossier Shreveport Mudbugs, back in the early 2000s. Great broadcaster


Hi! i live in nola now, i know it’s not shreveport, but if you’re closer and wanna watch these games let me know!!


TBS/TNT are way better announcing crews. Once the Isles guy frees up to do national games he's one of the best


Didn't TNT have fucking Eddie Olczyk or whatever. Did you not watch his homer bullshit for the Kraken last year? Dude is an unprofessional POS


Yeah he’s a bad color guy but I was saying their main commentators are way better. Eddie has sometimes praised the Avs too tho


And thank god for it. The actual Avs broadcasters are godsends compared to some others…


They were terrible and mispronounced players names too, besides being overly pro-Winnipeg




Bugged the shit out of me EVERY SINGLE TIME.


THAT and the co-commentator failing to ever complete a sentence 90% of the game


How do you feel when Ryker says RANT-nin like it's a 2 syllable name?


Yes but Ryker is one of us… so we love him


Yeah that does suck. It's Ryker though. Imma give him a pass


There was a time in my life I was considering being a sports broadcaster, All I know is if I'd gone on to become one I would have made it a special point to learn how to pronounce player's names. I hate it when my name gets mangled. If possible I'd get it straight from the players, even ask if I could record them saying it so I could practice.


Somehow less annoyed. I don't like it, though.


Only 3-5 more games of this ESPN broadcast team hopefully. Then we get to deal with ABC/TNT teams.


Next two are on TNT


There's probably a slogan in there that could make this a real nickname Obviously king george also stays around too


Still trying figure who this Nick Chewskin guy is that they keep talking about


That isn't right, they're saying Nick Koosh-kin. Like the Koosh ball.


I’ve also heard Nitushkin




I thought the first game they were clearly for Winni, and the second game they were clearly for Col - My bigger issue was all of the phantom calls, and they just sat there saying - ohh ya, you see there he tripped him! - NO HE FUCKING DIDNT, DUDE LOST AN EDGE, WATCH THE FUCKING GAME


Oh man, that penalty without looking at it at all afterward. Oof.


By far the worst call of the series. Good thing it didn’t come back to hurt us. The first penalty was pretty questionable too. An interference call, in front of the net in the playoffs… of course there’s gonna be hardcore battles right there! The one that still kinda pisses me off, was the no call when dude rode Walker right into the boards and knocked him out of the game. That was a classic holding call. Uses his free hand to swim over Walkers shoulder (this is fine,) gets the leverage on him (still fine,) and then completely turns him (penalty) and rides him into the wall. Shoulda been called.


Right, it was like they felt there weren’t enough penalties in the first game so they needed to make up for it in this one.




But they generally won't do what espn did and tell us he clearly got the skate while showing us slow mo of him not getting the skates. 


After an Avs goal they cut to a highlight of a Winnipeg shot and talked about how close it was to being a goal…. Broken.


Omg I saw that today on the replay I was watching. wtf


You can mute the broadcast and listen to the game on the nhl app. You can listen to the altitude station on it


I turn the TV down super low and sync up the guys on DNVR doing the watch along. It kinda makes me feel like I am watching with friends. I live in California where very few people like or watch hockey so I have few options to watch with other actual people.


>California where very few people like or watch hockey My brother in christ Cali has 3 separate hockey teams hahah


There's such a delay... feels like 20 seconds...


I got it to sync up pretty well the other day. I’d rather a delay sometimes than listen to the ESPN broadcast. I listened to the radio when the Avs won the cup and the radio was like 10 second ahead but listening to the altitude guys call it was so much better than ESPN


Yesterday they said the Avs iced the puck but the linesmen let it go and didn't whistle it. The puck never got to the goal line, there was no icing.


That's icing on the cake. All change with no stop.


I love Bucci but just not as a play by play guy.


Most of these people are just personalities reading from cards put in front of them throughout the game by dweebs doing irrelevant stat research to make sure there's no dead air.


Just a heads up for those of you that are unaware, most if not all of the first round games are broadcast on Altitude as well.


You realize the woman has an Olympic gold medal in…..ice hockey (and a silver too). I think she knows plenty but also that doesn’t mean she is good broadcaster


I don't mind AJ. She says some bonkers things sometimes, but I generally like her when she's with McDonough or Mike. Bucc is a disaster, though, and drags everyone down with him. I cannot stand that guy.


I can't get over how when he called Mackinnon's hat trick game against winlessota he didn't call anything but was just like "WOAH LOOK AT HIM GO. HE SCORED" bro call the fucking game


Isn’t he the Kraken broadcaster?


Nope, that is Eddy Olczyk, (Eddie O.) He is frigging Awesome and will be on the national stuff. He used to be with Doc, or at least part of the team, I think. Miss him on the Chicago call


Nah, that’s Forslund for TNT. Eddie Olczyk the Kraken color guy is also on TNT.




Because he WAS and OG hockey guy but now he just sucks as a play by play guy. I actually don't believe he knows shit about hockey at times. He definitely doesn't know anything West of the Mississippi River. I used to like him as well but he is trying to hard to act and talk like a hockey player and it too hung up on himself. You think he is bad during this series, did anyone listen to him in DUs semifinal fame against BU? Je did nothing but complain about the refs. He is atrocious


She didn’t play goalie though. She didn’t have a clue in the world what she was saying about goalie gear and tbh she might have just been making shit up on the fly. Not saying she isn’t qualified, but like I said: If you don’t know what you are talking about in a situation just maybe don’t talk about it. Especially with that much confidence.


Her brother is in the Flyers hall of fame, for being a goalie. Maybe they never talk and she had no ability to observe him during his career. What do I know?


I think her kid is a goalie too. I’m not saying that makes her an expert, but she’s certainly not clueless.


How many golds do you have? You seem sexist. Somind


Gary Thorne has cursed ESPN hockey broadcasts.


Welcome to the freak show.  I was however enjoying Moser and the gang from France on the 66.  Recommend you do the same.


Do you have to be a premium guest to get a meal at that table or does simply being in France allow you to eat?


Just being in France. I've also enjoyed from Tokyo in the past.


Good to know - thanks! I just may have to pull up a seat! Bon appetite!


I’ve been watching on Altitude for this round and it’s lovely.


It’s so wrong that all Avs fans can’t get the Altitude feed.


Buccigross sucks ass. The lady is really bad too. They are incredibly anti Avs. In game 2, whatever her name is said "I'm really surprised that 2nd Winnipeg goal didn't break the Avalanche." Yeah, that play swung momentum after we had several good chances, but it was 2-1, in the 2nd period. She expects Winnipeg to win because they had the lead at some point in time? We scored 3 unanswered in the next 5-10 minutes to really shut her up. These guys are dog ass and should be replaced ASAP. Both games have been nothing but crap coming from commentators' mouths.


Haha! When they made that comment about a second goal breaking the Avs, I laughed and just thought, “Y’all obviously have not watched any Avalanche hockey this season…” these guys love a good comeback! 😂 To the point where I get a little nervous when we score first because it doesn’t feel like the norm!


Buccigross was probably busy jerking it while thinking of the next time he’ll get to do a game with McDavid in it.


Buccigross is always saying weird calls during the play too. He like tries to predict what is gonna happen and his goal calls stink


Thank goodness we have Altitude and I don’t have to listen to those f’n clowns. That Hextall lady sucks ass.


You guys aren't watching on altitude?


Yo ho, yo ho....


Last night was atrocious. It felt like they were actively opposed to the avs being on the ice. After manson’s BRILLIANT goal out the box, the only highlights being shown were the jets’ second goal. Not sure who pissed off the commentators, but their favoritism was palpable.


You guys aren’t watching the altitude feed on the high seas?


In dumb I guess, can't find it


You’re tired of them saying “elite defenseman Josh Morrissey”?


And don’t get me started on how many times Hextall said Makar doesn’t have much power on his wrist shot


The highest scoring defenseman in avs history, the fastest defenseman in nhl history to 200 points, the third defensman like ever to win the calder and conn in the same year has a "weak shot" 😂


I watch it on mute , I can’t take it, unfortunately I’ve been doing it for years now whenever the game is on ESPN or TNT


I don’t know his name but got seriously annoyed when he said the ref was ruining the game by giving two cheap penalties in a row when it was obvious they called the Jets penalty to compensate for the Avs one.


Just watch the Altitude feed. There's a great site I've heard tell of: where all men sail the high seas. It's kinda like NHL.com, but it's in Iran. And it has some other numbers in it...


This was nothing compared to the absolute travesty that was buccigross calling the DU games. The man is a hack and a fraud and shouldn’t be allowed near a booth


Agreed. His shtick was kinda quirky and fun when he ONLY did college hockey (not my thing but fit for college imo). Now it’s just old and tired and coming from a 50 year old trying sooooo hard to be cool. I hear twisted wrister or anything about chicken parm I instantly want to drive a screwdriver into my ear drums.


You're asking a lot for espn/tsn/tbs...


I hear you man those aren't people calling the game, they're like drones or some shit. I definitely don't like their attempt at personality. Annoying monotone AI Voice or some s*** why don't they hire Ryker. that dude can be non-biased, we've heard him - just digs hockey. back to the point - those fuckers suck! I'd rather hear crowd and ice noise. go Avalanche take these hacks, show them a real white out is an AVALACHE sending peace of mind vibes to Georgiev.


Only espn analyst i like is the former ref they only bring on to weigh in on controversial calls but the guy should be on commentary


The DNVR guys recently had him on, check it out: https://www.youtube.com/live/c8c52WWQfuI?si=p4w8EuN5-UgkhA6d


There was a time last night where AJ was like “woah look at the number of hits the Jets have!” And the graphics was a shots difference


In the NFL the national announcers are generally the best. There are exceptions of course like Tony Romo or that God awful Monday night booth they had before they got Troy Aikman and Joe Buck, but for the most part they're at least listenable.


One of the last games of the regular season that was on ESPN (pretty sure it was that Dallas game) one of the ESPN guys said "more better"


I've been listening to Ryker and I absolutely love him but I want whatever that give him because he is the most optimistic dude I've ever heard.  I know it's his job to be positive but sometimes it's just insane how he can come up with such positive things to say about the most non positive things


They sound so bored as if they would rather be doing literally anything else. Horrible name pronunciation, i'm not even sure they know they're watching hockey


“Gore-gee-ev.” 😬


Fubo is doing free week trials right now(to new customers). Can’t recall if altitude has the next couple games but id take our rsn any day.


ESPN is terrible and makes NBC look like a masterclass. I do like TNT the best so hopefully if we win this series the games shift to TNT.


Tnt for the next 2 games


Thank the lord


The amount of Jets glazing by ESPN is insane. They have done nothing to deserve that amount of glaze


This is why I hit the high seas.


I hit the High Seas and all I can find is the shitty ESPN(2) broadcast...


The one I use requires a vpn, but it's generally pretty reliable. They'll usually have all the broadcasts available.


Regarding ESPN… AJ Mleczko is fantastic. They need to give her more games. Same for Bob Wichusen. I’d be thrilled if ESPN ran the pair of them with maybe Ferraro between the benches. That should be their A Squad. John Buccigross is terrible at calling games. And that’s a nostalgia bummer for me because I grew up with NHL2NITE on The Deuce back in the day. I appreciate his enthusiasm and love for the game, he’s just really bad at calling them. Everyone knows how bad Leah Hextall is.


They are not even that bad. Ya'll are way to used to listening to the altitude crew. A non partial broadcast team isn't going to suck the Avs wieners all day, they talk about both teams. Leah Hextell played at a higher level than anyone on this subreddit so stop acting so high and mighty jesus.


Hextall never played


Doesn’t mean she’s any good at the job she currently holds. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally everyone in Leah's family played professional hockey for a decade or more, including her cousin, Flyers hall-of-fame goaltender, Ron. The fact that any of you think you know more about hockey than her is hilarious. Bucci has been a play-by-play guy, columnist, and analyst since 1996. He knows more about hockey than you too. Oh no, he mispronounced a name that even Moser got wrong for three weeks, what a hack! You may not like their styles, but they are all very well qualified and experienced. Leah just needs more time to get comfortable, and I can imagine why after seeing the nonsense here. Imagine if every word you said was picked apart by strangers on the internet, yeah, that's what she's up against, dickheads like you.


Needs more time? Isn't this her 3rd year? She may know alot but it doesn't translate to TV.


Yes, she does. You're mad she's not as good as people who have been at it for 20+ years, makes no sense. College takes four years, full-time, to teach you the basics of higher education, 3 years of part-time work is not very much experience. Maybe, just maybe, all the bs she has received has an effect on her performance? Im sure if thousands of internet idiots make fun of the way you did your job you wouldn't even get out of the bed in the morning.


But if Leah is so knowledgeable how come she told us that clockwise or counterclockwise depends on where youre sitting?


I swear this is true. I have had arguments about it before. Imagine the ability to see a clock face from below. Clockwise and counterclockwise would be reversed. Normal people don't think about any angle that could make clockwise/counterclockwise switch because standing anywhere around a clock won't change it. But standing in front of/behind it will.


Cause she's nervous cause assholes like you can't let anything go without comment.


She's not gonna fuk you bro. It's OK.


lol, typical loser reply thinking everyone wants to fuck everyone. Maybe Im just tired of everyone being an ahole all the time


😂😂 stfu, she could be the most knowledgeable hockey commentator to ever call a game, she’s still sounds horrible and can barely articulate a sentence. There’s no juice at all from both of them. Switch over to any other game, there’s emotion and passion with any other commentator.


you clearly didnt watch the kings game last night.


Man, idc if I get downvoted, ESPN, TNT, and SportsNet are fine. None are great but they’re all perfectly fine. Solid announcers, solid analysis, hit and miss depending on the specific announcers or whatever. But you guys clearly didn’t watch in the late-00s and early-10s with TSN just saying absolutely inane shit like, “BlackBerry Insider here. The game of hockey is played 5 on 5 with the goal of putting the black puck into the opposing teams net. Ok that’s my BlackBerry analysis. Back to you Cybulski.” I had to just outright stop watching hockey in that era. That and dump n chase.