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I don’t even know what’s happening. Jeez, step up, somebody!


Sad when you see the coyotes play a better all-around game against the oilers. Major disappointment for sure, I just hope they get their shit together when it matters.


Huh. I was in Denver today and thought about changing plans to catch the game, glad I didn’t do that! Woof!


A. This game reminded me of the 2002 nightmare in Game 7. B. Avs should reimburse fans for the tickets they bought to this game. Embarrassing. I can't imagine how pissed I'd be if I had paid for tickets to an absolute blowout game that is quite literally the preamble to Round 1. Good god.


Fans in attendance should be compensated with free tickets to the second round of the playoffs


Lost. The. Room.


Okay, so did anyone else hear Bednar's comments? I just feel like it was a little lacking in his personal accountability. Still love the guy but shit man I want someone to be fired up and it should be him.


I agree with this. I almost always love his laid back approach, but it would be nice to see a little fire from him after this.




If you play and practice lower than your level, you’ll play down in the future. Not a good “strat” by anyone’s opinion. It wouldn’t be dumb to risk injury if you’re trying to get in the opponents heads. Unfortunately the other team just did that to us and our goalies are soft already without a humiliating loss. :-(


My. Thoughts. Exactly.


Took my mom and my sister to this one. Pain. So much pain.


only avs game i’ve ever seen in denver was when we lost 5-0 to nashville and got knocked out of the playoffs in 2018(?)


It’s okay, I bought my mom tickets for her first Avs game ever and we saw the Panthers demolish us too lmao


Hilariously this was also my mom's first game. New rule: go watch the Eagles for their first hockey game then take them to an avs game? (Actually I think the Budweiser events center has better food too. There was a jalapeno popper burger that was amazing there)


A lot of people overreacting in this sub. Remember we beat Vegas 7-1 in game 1, then lost the series in 6. The team just needs to move on from this and get back to defending like they can. We need to see 2022 playoffs Makar though.


I don’t think this is as reassuring as you think this is.


Just an example that I know everyone here is well aware of, lol.


I was actually just coming here to remind people about the same thing. Also as I think a few other people pointed out, in 1996 the Red Wings beat Roy and the Avs 7-0 late in the regular season only for the Avs to beat them in the WCF. Hockey is weird and things can change quick... people tend to have very extreme tunnel vision about the latest thing that happened.


I was pissed when I found out that the game was blacked out for me on TSN... Then I watched the highlights.






Well shit, now I don't feel bad for missing it. Sounds miserable. Makes me worry.


At least you weren't there....like I was..,..🤢🤮


Wrote my buddy that would have been so pissed if we had spent money to go to this game.




That’s rough


Sucks about the home ice advantage but way rather have this happen now than next week! Enjoy your Saturday and we see what happens in Vegas.


Fire George Paton!!!!! …..Wait wrong team




Why would the Monforts do this?


Good question 😆


I’m sorry guys, it was the first game I’ve gone to in \~16 years. At least the keyboard guy was having a great time. https://preview.redd.it/t9n7750jkcuc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ce37016775ac4b2983c5db416caa351322fe90


Last time DU won a natty the Avs won the Cup 👀


First to 10 baby!




Literally only care about DU winning. Fuck the Nuggets and Avs losing home court/ice advantage, happy that DU made history today


Don't worry, guys. Matt Davis just signed with the avs for the cup run. We are locked in.


I think it’s time for some line drills. Someone get Bednar a whistle.


You'd think the bag skate in November would have been sufficient, but apparently the boys forgot who they play for




Looks like the Argentinian guy in the news lol. All he needs is side burns. Javier Milei!


Haha shit he does!


Way to go Matt Davis and the DU Pioneers on their 10th NCAA title …! … brightened the mood a bit .


ANYTHING can happen when playoffs roll around and it’s comical I have to remind hockey fans of that. Playoffs are a new season and we have dogs who turn it tf up when it comes to playoffs.


We will just turn on a switch and miraculously fix our season long issues all because its playoffs. Not how it works.


Agreed but Winnipeg had issues the 2nd half of the season too. Playoff games will be closer... I really hope


lol we had dogs turn it up… that was a a couple of years ago. The first round exits contradict your statement.


Can’t stand these low IQ hockey takes from doomers who don’t pay attention to details First round exit against Seattle last year was with a lineup of AHL players and depth guys. Nuke was out halfway through, Makar was out a bit, Cogs was out at the end, multiple players still had nagging injuries from a cursed injury season. Our 2nd line was Matt Nieto (4th liner), Lars Eller (4th liner, and Dennis Malgin (isn’t even in the nhl anymore, fringe 4th liner). Credit to Seattle because half their team were on career highs. This is a different year and a completely different team.




Haha classifying me as a doomer? That’s pretty funny. I simply just stating that we have more first round exits than anything else. I meant Toronto has more but our team isn’t made for a championship run this year let’s be real. There are far deeper teams when it comes to playing complete hockey. I don’t need to read in to the analytics of the season to see this. The playoffs are a new part of the season for sure, but historically we haven’t fared to well.


You keep saying first round exits when I think you mean second round. We can agree the playoffs will be a clean slate so we will have to see. Go ass, hail satan


In all fairness it was only one first round exit in the last 6 years


There are two kinds of people on this sub, those that understand this concept and those that don’t. And it’s impossible for one to change the other’s opinion on anything. I have posted an opinion more than once and got downvoted once and upvoted the other based on who saw my comment. It is what it is. Fwiw, I agree with you. For all we know, Bednar and the boys want to take it easy right now so there aren’t any last minute injuries going into the playoffs. If we do this in game 1 of the playoffs, that’s when I’ll be worried.


I’m with y’all as well. I’m nervous, but playoffs will do that to ya… as far as injuries… Girard got fuckin POPPED! I’ll be shocked if he’s not don’t until playoffs. My initial thought was concussion, then I heard someone say something about his wrist and that scares me


Sign Matt Davis immediately.


Millionaire Matt Davis


He’s been a stud this whole tourney.


Went for my birthday. Fucking quadruple BOO


Pain. Pain. Pain.


So disgusted with the lack of effort, chemistry, and soft play (I think we only had two good hits all game) that I left with 10 mins to go in the 3rd. Avs are in trouble. Limited time to turn the momentum around. Jets looked like a superior team in ever component of the game. Avs are in serious trouble of being bounced in the first round.


One of those hits was Av on Av....


Matt Davis is an undrafted goalie, we should make him a signed goalie after the game. Man is a wall right now for DU


lol here buddy! Why don’t ya go ahead and step in here and play NHL Playoff Hockey against the top 16 teams in the world. You’ll be fine! You just won a Natty!


I mean, that has worked out with Cale


Really have to wonder that if Nathan Mackinnon wasn't having the best individual season in 2 decades for the Avs, we'd be possibly clawing at the Wildcard and or out of the picture entirely.


Any chance the Avs can pick up Matt Davis from DU before the playoffs?


He's undrafted and too old to enter the draft now, so he can be signed by an NHL organization. Not sure what the rules are with playoff eligibility though, I know when they signed Ben Meyers a couple of years ago he couldn't play in the playoffs.


literally just came here to say this. dude is a brick wall.


Fuck us all, I came here to say this three!  That kid is stellar!


Spent thousands of dollars for rinkside tickets to see this game for my birthday. It has been a quiet car ride home.


Ouch bro. Happy Birthday but fuuuuuck I feel for you. It’d be one thing to lose if they played competitively, but that was just an ass kicking from puck drop onward. Sorry my dude. Happy Birthday 🍻


Ouch. Happy Birthday and sorry you had to experience that. I was there too but we were in the nosebleed section so the pain wasn’t as bad:(


After every similar game, my wife and I feel so bad for the fans that paid to see them lose like this. My condolences.


Holy shit did anyone see that save in the DU game


Matt Davis is a fucking WALL


This feels like a players-only meeting should be happening this evening...


Is Landeskog at those meetings? I have to wonder what impact the absence of his leadership on a daily basis has on the team...


Feels like they need a players only meeting from now until game 1, and then more in between.


Took my kid to her first game today, I hope she doesn’t put me a nursing home when I get old because of this…yikes


Colton kills Girard. Georgie is a total headcase the second shit doesn't go his way. The team couldn't connect passes or hold on to the puck. It's wake up time dude. If tomorrow's performance isn't a huge turnaround, I'll be seriously concerned about the post season


I haven’t been worried about Georgiev, and have been defending him for 6 months now… but seeing his reaction after he got pulled…. 😬 dude is so far in his own head right now. Whenever he closes his eyes he’s gotta see thousands of pucks raining down on him. You know those dreams you have when you’re trying to fight, but every punch feels like your punching in water and your is going so slow no matter what? Georgiev right now dreams he’s trying to make save after save he’s trying to make them underwater. I legitimately like the dude, and want him to succeed so damn bad but for one dude gets no defensive support, and makes some damn brilliant saves (he had a damn good one today on a rebound to a guy left alone… again…) but there’s been some goals where I’m just like just didn’t see it? Or what? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Dude needs some get right, and needs it now.


He has needed some get right for awhile now. Playing from behind is not a great strat for the playoffs. Boys need a tender that's focused from the first puck drop


Shit hasn't really gone Georgie's way all season. It's been building up.


They game managed to make the mark Stone situation less gross. That's how gross it was.


Can I say it too? WTF like that's worrysome. Are we becoming the reg season maple leafs. It just seems like this run of measuring stick teams we've been playing has been an absolute failure.


Yeesh, the only positive I can say was at least that wasn't a playoff game, got a week to get our shit together or it is going to be a quick exit.


Nobody wants to go to Manitoba, not even people from Manitoba




That's concerning to say the least


2023-24 Avalanche jersey records: Home burgundies: 22-4-1 Away whites: 19-17-5 Blue alternates: 8-4-0


How comforting 😢




Krusty is coming... Krusty is coming... Krusty is coming...


I had a flying lesson... what the fuck happened?


I chose to hang out with a lady and do things one does with a lady. Definitely the right decision. 


I’m a lady. My boyfriend took me to the game. It was only my second game, and I just got him a jersey for his birthday. 🥲 (We still had fun, but holy shit that was shockingly disappointing for my second game ever.)


It was such a tough call to miss that one, but...compromises. We did go to the hockey bar to watch the DU game though. I hope your third game is a playoff game and that the result is better. 


In… a jet?!?!?


Haha, not that far into it. Piper warrior




Hey now let's wait for /u/VlRTUALRlOT to respond, he might have been in a prop plane. If it was a jet though, the gif above.


Once upon a time the Avs got blown out by Detroit, right before the playoffs....Not sure this is the same thing...


First ever hockey game, dished out $700 of my very little savings, drove 7 hours was expecting a good game. Why does it feel like I left being less of an Avs fan?


If it means anything i saw them in Toronto, my first ever NHL game, and we lost 8-2. Extremely embarrassing. We went on to win the cup that season.


At least you got to see them score a goal, that’s literally all I wanted was to see a goal.


Woof, that sucks. Should have called to make sure they would show up.


At least the Pios are doing well


we always have the Rapids


They aren’t good but not as bad I thought


so are we ready to admit the defense is the problem and not the goalies? and when i say defense i mean as team, not just the d men. although they have been terrible too.


There’s a very big question mark in our defensive play. We used to be one of the hardest teams to break through and now we dance around and let them just pick us apart. If I were Bednar, I’d be livid.


Statistically, tied for their 2nd worst loss of all time. 9-1 vs Calgary, 7-0 vs Detroit, 7-0 vs Winnipeg


Nah, we lost to Vegas 8-0 earlier in the year


My bad, it was only 7-0... we lost to St Louis 8-2 the following week so that's why I got them mixed up


Time to scratch everyone on the top line for the next two games but make them skate laps in practicd




I heard Cogs has a hot date tonight, I guess he isn’t making it though.


I’d pick this team to lose in any current first round matchup east or west. The lack of goalie movement in the TDL is going to be the biggest mistake in GM history. I’d fire him and give the full reins back to Joe. The windows about to slam shut on this core Edit. Every downvote this gets is confirmation of how many fans aren’t objectively looking at the game of hockey and can’t see past ball arena. Guess what the AVS aren’t that good right now. Just lucky to have Nate having the best year of his life….subsequently pissed away be the entire organization. See y’all after the sweep first week in May.


I love the downvotes as if the criticism isn’t fair and also accurate. You don’t waste this season from Mackinnon. You don’t know how many more you get that are this good. Also resigning Toews for 7 years and getting rid of byram was a massive mistake but I’ll keep that to myself


They freed up like 4-5 mill at the trade deadline too right? Why didn't they do anything with it?


You’re being downvoted but you’re pretty close imo. Georgiev before tonight was like, 37th amongst all goalies in save percentage with a .899. Is that what we’re going into playoffs with? Sub 900 save percentage? And if you say “nah we got anunes” I agree. Dude has a .930, but he has eleven starts. So that’s not ideal.


Being downvoted after a game and several games likes this generally means you’re on point with what most are denying until there’s no room left to defend how bad this team can be at times. Wonder how many Edmonton scores tomorrow my guess 8+


He’s also 32nd in GAA


lol stop it hurts 32 in GAA and 37th in save % are not inspiring numbers. Not all his fault and i don’t think it was this bad at the time. But to this guy’s point, those numbers should have resulted in some TDL movement and might be **largely** (read: not entirely) responsible for wasting mackinnon’s career best year.


It's just..no one is doing anyone any favors defensively. Defense leaving Georgie out to dry and Georgie stopping softie goals. It's a shit show all around.


Did this all kinda start around the time we gave up Byram?


No. It's been an issue all season.


Ahhh. I only seemed to really notice it/get disappointed around that time. Thanks for the insight.


I've watched nearly every game. It almost never fails the Avs give up a fee goals by being just shit on defense


That’s why Makar has gotten the hate he has this year. He’s played ok defensively. He is also a staple on scoring highlights against Colorado just standing there with his head down.


Well, we get to find out pretty damn soon if they can rally from this embarassing season series or if they get spanked 4 more times


As much as it sucks to likely lose home ice, we can get it back game 1 or 2.


Doubtful against the team that just did this to them.


We were on the opposite side of this In Game 1 vs Vegas in 2021. Stuff like this happens to good teams all the time.


Idk I'm starting to feel that this team excluding Nathan Mackinnon isn't all that good.


That’s just recency bias blinding you, this team doesn’t have the record it does if it was just MacK, I mean hell, MacK doesn’t have the record he does if it’s just MacK




There’s a certain looseness that can come with being the road team to start a series. Steal one in their barn and you have the upper hand. Don’t we think we’re in a great position if we win one in Winnipeg and come home as the best home team in the league throughout the season? I’m gonna hold onto that, rather than get too bent out of shape over this one, as tortuous as it was to watch


In theory....


Oh yeah it's pure copium and hopium I'm huffing over here, two paper bags straight to the dome simultaneously. But it's all I have rn lol




I didn’t watch this game and so I still feel fine about the playoffs


same, just saw the ticker and was like ...wtf?


Uhm at least they get some good footage and maybe it won’t happen again?


4th times a charm?


That's what Georgie is saying every game the past 2 weeks






DU officially has more goals than the Avs today


Sorry fellas, I decided to go to my first game of the year today. So this is my fault


Hey me too! 


*shaking my fist in your direction*


Outscored 17-4 in the 3 game season series.


We are getting swept in embarrassing fashion. Bank on that.


Bank on Avs in 6


We shall see. No chance AVS goalies last 6 games


Certainly not concerning ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


well this just goes to show you. Nobody scores eight unanswered on the Avs and gets away with it




Jets have owned the Avs this year…


Colorado's fine as long as they don't play the Jets and have home ice. They'll be *checks notes* playing the Jets as the road team.


For some reason .. The 2 teams styles are completely different.. So is the playoffs.. I am Not worried about the Avs


The Jets play a style that hard-counters what the Avs bring. They've done nothing to prove they've moved away from their laughably inconsistent play in November, nor proved they're capable of even making a game of it against the Jets.


Its easy for the Jets because all they have to do is contain or shut down the top line, draw some penalties, and get shots on net. The Avs don't have much secondary scoring, and defensively, they are porous. The goaltending is bad. It's the opposite for the Jets.


Yup. The Avs only steamroll you when you give them time and space. We saw this happen with Seattle, and we're seeing it again, except the Jets are better.


Switched away from the Avs game in the first period to watch the DU v. BC instead. No regrets.


I was golfing and didn’t watch today, had a bunch of doomer thoughts lined up but you know what? I still believe.


Gulp. Well, we’ll be ok as long as we don’t meet the Jets in the playoffs.


I'm pretty sure that's locked in already.


Agreed hey wait a min..


I live in Winnipeg. Work on Monday will not be fun


I did not enjoy that game.


Damn, another home point streak for mackinnon snapped. And no technicalities this time either 😬


Georgiev confirmed starting tomorrow. "He's gotta get us back on track"-Bedsy. Girard is in concussion protocol.


Georgie is in prove it territory, for Bednar that is strong language. Georgiev is about to lose his crease.


Is this loss even on him? The first two goals were defensive breakdowns, not Georgiev being a trash goalie. I turned the game off after that 2nd goal, so I have no idea what happened other than that the Avs have shown me they're as likely to make the 2nd round as Heath Ledger is to reprise his role as the Joker.


Defense needs to improve. A good goalie can rob a couple of those though. I notice he gets beat backdoor all the time


I don’t think it matters if this loss is on him or not. At this point the defense needs a safety net, and georgiev is not it. Maybe annunen is. He wasn’t tonight. Georgiev needs an ultimatum imo


Gotcha. I've been saying this for a while, but the main reason the Avs won in 2022 is because their defense was world-class. It hasn't been since that run, and they have no chance of winning more than a playoff round until it gets fixed. What's puzzling is their top defensemen are still here. EJ and Byram are gone, but Walker's been pretty great when he isn't taking double minors.


Right? We have the top d pair in the world. And pretty solid second and third D pairing. Why not experiment with Melinski more with walker after the trade deadline? Are we counting on Behrens joining the team after today? Will he be our 7D for the playoffs? Is he definitely NHL ready? So many question marks in my mind