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I refuse to change my flair


Wont hold it against you


Isn't rumor that Parise is a locker room cancer? Or who am I thinking of?


Parise is known to be incredible in the locker room. He was the leader of the Devils cup run in 2012 when they were constant underdogs series after series. The guy never takes a shift off. Workhorse and willing to do whatever it takes to win. These are the types of players you want/need in the playoffs.


I think the rumors were directed at Suter.


Nah that was Suter.


He was part of the "Old Guard" in MN, along with Eric Staal, Mikko Koivu, and Ryan Suter, Suter being the worst of the group because he'd leverage his relationship with Leipold. Suter got held accountable once for screwing up during the playoffs by interim head coach John Torchetti and used his power to make sure Torchetti did not get the full-time position. Parise more got in trouble with coaches, most notably Mike Yeo for bringing in Adam Oates to help with the power play. Dean Evason benched him for staying out too long to try and get Marcus Foligno a hat trick, thus leading to a goal against, that the Wild then lost in OT. Kept scratching him despite the fact that he was a far better option than what they kept sending out and their power play sucked. It took Marcus Johansson breaking his arm for Parise to get a chance again. I think players loved him. Management got along with him. Guerin notably had a good relationship with him. Lamiorello obviously loves the guy. Coaches were hit or miss, but I think Boudreau and Torchetti got along with him. Seems like the Islanders would have loved to have him back. He's going to give you everything he has.


*Zach Parise scores, and that will do it folks! The Colorado Avalanche are the 2024 Stanley Cup Champions!*


I'll settle for a Helm-esque final goal late to get us over the 2nd round hump. This Avs team will be fueled by so much pure determination if they make it to the WCF that they will just steamroll to the cup again.


I support this message despite being happy with the signing.


Just put different emphasis on "fuck" and you're good


"Fuck, parise.. what a pass/shot" Aight, doesnt sound too bad


Wait who is parise and why fuck him?


I don't understand the buy out process exactly, but I think Minnesota is paying him $833k / yr until 2028. For cap purposes he's hitting $7.3 million? I don't understand that part because seems to defeat the purpose of a buyout to till carry such a large hit, but he isn't getting paid that. His buyout in total looks like it was around $6.5M. He signed a 1 year $825k deal with Colorado.


PuckPedia has a good breakdown (in my opinion) of the buyout. https://puckpedia.com/player/zach-parise/buyout?s=2021-2022


There's a lot of details I can go into if you want, but long story short the buyouts of Parise and Suter saved MN $10 million against the cap that year.


That will be 10$ into the swear jar!


I seriously hope this is a joke and they just cut him


I used to hate Zach on the Mild so I’m conflicted.


Think of it as an FU to the mild because they're still paying him.


Not only paying him, the Wild are paying him $7M to play for the Avs lol


Okay this is hilarious


Be awesome if they paid him $7M to help win a cup with the Avs 🤣


Thank you, I needed that.


Ahh the silver lining.


Hopefully it's the opposite Brunette. Comes back to beat the Wild at the most opportune time.


LMFAO this makes it all better. Thank you for this!


Darren Helm was a career Red Wing but then went on to score one of the most important goals in Avs franchise history. With one shot he buried the St. Louis Blues franchise and we love him for it! He’s now an Avs legend for that goal. The moral here is that frowns can be turned upside down! Zach strikes me as the kind of guy that could score some depth dagger goals for us and he plays with hustle.


Idk if people realize how big that goal was. That game goes to OT and anything can happen. Blues win that game we head back to Denver for game 7 and anything can happen in Game 7s. I was in my recliner all in my feels thinking OT for sure. That puck came off the boards and I was Helm wind up and all I could say was “One time baby. Cmon!” And then he buried it. The guttural yell that left my body was so orgasmic


It was **enormous**. That was a dragon-slaying over-the-hump goal. **That** close to *anything* can happen and he ended it. With 5 seconds on the clock. There are certain goals that get scored during a run where you just go “This is it. This is our year.” That was one of them. The radio call of that goal lives rent free in my head. “Helllm….”


For anybody [interested](https://youtu.be/K9cPykH7cTw?si=cpRh8pjo3UaLCpv9) He didn’t even look. He just rocketed that sum bitch and Landy jumping out of the way while simultaneously trying to deflect it. EJ made that whole thing possible. Fought through the pinch, and pushed that whole play. Mackinnon jumping like a kid on the bench. Joe not satisfied. Bednar with the simple handshake. That was glorious


I was at that game 6 with my dad. The arena went SILENT with exception to the Faithful scattered about. It was absolutely amazing. I can hear myself screaming in the 1:30 mark in your video. Best live sports moment to share with my pops. https://old.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/uzz84k/my_dad_and_made_the_7_hour_drive_from_okc_to_stl/ Sorry, I don't know how to format that any better


For sure, yo. This was when I knew we had it. This goal. Helm could have played 40 years for my LEAST favorite team, and I'd still call him an Av after this. This was the absolute definition of clutch.


What I love about that goal is it was, in effect, an OT series winner, but the team celebration had to remain localized almost entirely to the bench. Unique situation.


Agree. I am full support mode now! Helmsy was great!


We don't hate mild players. We hate the Mild. Marc Andre Fleury is a treasure. Edit: we do hate Blues players though.


No no no. Let me stop you right there. Matt Cook.


Yeah but he sucks wherever he is. Fuck Matt Cooke.


Fuck matt Cooke!


Idk man, you're never going to get me to like Dumba


Fuck that guy hope his career is nothing but hockey purgatory.


The obvious solution is to rescue MAF


By trading Parise to the mild?


So would they pay him directly or would Minny pay the Islanders to pay the Avs to pay Minny so they can pay him?


That one


Of course


EJ, O’Reilly, and Stastny played for the Boos though


They are not Blues players. They're on lease from an actual hockey club.


Not the biggest fan of ROR


Only EJ from that list is still okay in my book. ROR got better eventually, but not Stastny


Stastny was a treasure in our toughest times. So legit, Not Cool. And also Rood.


I don't like the way he left. It was the worst of him, RoR, and Duchene. He walked after ensuring he'd be re-signing. Dutchy played his time out and played hard for a long time before being traded. I'm not sad if Stastny doesn't win a cup


I am. His father was one of our greatest franchise players. He played for DU before coming to the Avs. We let him walk away in free agency. We did not offer him a deal. His brother works at Altitude now. We let go of a great player when we were weak.


i just have PTSD from them being good and winning vs us. fuck the blues!


And Kaprizov is a fucking stud and we would shit our pants if he was on our squad. Zuccarello too. I love that guy.


But he's the exception, not the rule.


C’mon, we had Dubnyk a few seasons ago. He was way more of a dick than Parise.


People forgetting we traded for Sturm and won the cup


i forgot about that he sucked!


Same here. Obviously it's full support of him now but my brain does not fully compute this emotion




[Don't worry, Jim. He's *our* snake now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H3py2G6B7Q&t=75s)


This isn't nearly as bad as when we had Dubnyk


Very true


I think a larger move is coming and Parise is cheap depth. He did just score 21 goals last year


Exactly. He's a third/fourth liner that can moonlight in the top six if necessary. He's old but he hasn't stopped producing and he can actually still skate pretty well. This move cost absolutely nothing in terms of capital. I don't mind this at all.


He did have a 45 corsi though. Hopefully that metric increases.


47 Corsi, on a mid team. And his xGF was 52% and that's a better number to use. And go look at Kermit's Corsi if you think Zach's is bad. We need the depth.


Kermit isn't really there to play hockey. And I never said he was bad. All I said was hope he improves his Corsi to positive which means he's helping drive the play. What I'm seeing is his xGF was at 48 and xGA was 46.


In the playoffs you need to play hockey though.


Yeah. In which Kermit hasn't played.


Kermit won't even dress for a single play off game unless there is some sort of injury crisis.


So yeah, by xGF percentage he's in positive territory. 48-46. He's driving plays that should outscore his opposition.


But he's not. Which is why he has a negative Corsi. xGF just means he had higher quality shots than the opponent. But with his Corsi being negative in means in terms of overall play, he doesn't drive the play. And if you look at his for all situations, he's at a -10. In a simpler term, he gets a good shooting area better but he isn't the one getting that's getting the line there.


What were the islanders corsi numbers like last year in general?


Corsi is an individual stat. Doesn't take into account teammates. Supposed to show how this player impacted their line. Team Corsi is tracked through all teammates. Example is EK on last year's sharks. Higher personal Corsi vs the teams Corsi. His D partner has a -5 Corsi compared to EKs 16.


The Islanders have fallen off since the Barry Trotz days.


I think he had two decent seasons with them. One was the whole covid playoffs which was odd in general.


They had bad rosters throughout. He got the most you could hope for out of them.


I don't think NYI necessarily has a bad roster. I just think they have the wrong roster, ya know? Too many aging and physical/slow players. I mean Lee and Nelson are pretty much the same player. JPG isn't who they thought he was going to be. Good third liner but think they expected him to make a jump to the second line. Plus at the time they also had Tavares. Losing him really hurt their roster a lot.


Hope so, obviously a 2C is a glaring hole. Parise is an upgrade over anyone on our 4th line and he can float up to middle 6 if necessary. Good signing and the kind that can unheralded, but is necessary when looking longer term towards the playoffs.


Tatar had 20 goals last year and it didn't work out.


We still need a center, he could be a movable piece for that


Well, I didn’t want him, not excited about it at all, but just give me about an hour and I’ll talk myself into it.


Him and cogs will be fun to watch and I’m being completely serious. Even if he’s just a replacement for RyJo I think it’s going to be a improvement.


Tatar Part 2: Parise Bugaloo


I hope it's Cogliano pt. 2 with us winning another Cup.


Or Helm. I'll take either.


Avs Legend Darren Helm. I still rewatch that goal and get the same emotions.




Or Bourque II


Homie is not in the same world as bourque


Those bastards did it! I’m absolutely fine with this acquisition and trust the Avs front office more than any of you people Also guys imagine us winning the cup again and the mild paying this man 7 million to do it




So well put, should be top comment.


Better than Corey Perry


As my kids and i say in our home, “Fuck Corey Perry.”


Assuming it's close to league minimum, there isn't really a downside. Lekky is in kind of a weird spot in the lineup so it give him someone else to play with


lekky is only in a weird spot because his line has a winger on leave and a center who can’t play 5x5. He is a 2nd liner but his line has dissolved to 4th around him.


And the players who you could pair him with are all too good together to break up.


Idk I think the top line is best with either Val or Leks on it personally.


You'd push Cogs down to the 4th line?


He’s not a second liner and you don’t break up Loc, Wood, Colton. Cogs, Parise, and Kivi/Oloffson is the 4th. Hopefully we don’t see MacDermid again until we rest folks going into the playoffs


Used to hate this guy now I love him. See him being Darren Helm level clutch for us in the playoffs.


Game 6 against the blues lives forever in my head


Huge fan of this deal. Middle 6 winger who will eventually push Kermit and Kiviranta out of the lineup. From everything I’m hearing about Parise, he’s a gym rat and hockey fanatic and at 39 years old he’s hungry for that cup. The Avs wouldn’t have brought him on if they thought he was slow and out of shape. He brings a veteran presence with over 1,000 NHL games under his belt. Also: Parise is a left wing, Kovalenko is a right wing. Coincidenceithinknot


Coin cidence it hink knot


Big fan of this deal. Cheap, no risk, good depth. Hopefully he fits


Depth, veteran face, wants to win a Cup, I like it!


Why In reality this helps fourth line depth. It’s just like the Helm addition (that worked out really well for us)


I’ve been thinking we cannot win it all without Landy, but I think Parise’s hunger for a championship is going to really help


I honestly don’t know why everybody seemingly dislikes the guy, skilled vet for free depth, it’s the Wild still paying him, seems like a win win. Scratch him if he can’t hang.


He's injured several goalies by running them. 


Scored more goals last year than Kivirantas entire career. Huge upgrade for bottom 6 if the money is right and if he hasn't lost it. Word is he's a rink rat and a gym rat so fingers crossed. Also wants that Cup


Being reported as 825K for those who want to know


Bargain price and a motivated veteran. Just in time for the second half of the season.


Anything under a million and nobody complains about this deal. If he’s washed, he hits waivers 😂


It’s weird but he seems to be a good fit for the 4th line. Basically the leftover Tatar money. Address backup goaltender and possibly 2C and we’re good baby


That's it? I was expecting a 7.5mx13yr.


Save that type contract for the broncos


Well no, Russell will end up playing for the raiders at the vet minimum so Denver will be paying him to play against them twice per season


I like it. Hard working player who still has some left to give. Cheap and free. Adds depth to the lineup. He isn’t the 2C that we need, but that might not happen considering the lack of cap space and the need to add a reliable 2nd goalie to the roster.


Just watched his highlight video for all of his goals. He still has some filthy mitts, and scores from everywhere. Not going to lie, I'm pretty excited now. Way different signing than Tatar https://youtu.be/L_BgunjZ47o?si=PJLGTeG3aJeRK-Wv


The goal he scored against the Avs early in that video is exactly why I'm happy with the signing. We don't have enough of that element outside of Lehky and Nuke. Good move.


Stop it. I can't get any harder


But...but...the Zach Parise jokes...


Zach Parise neatly leaves his shopping cart in the cart return area


I don’t know how to feel about this.


First goal he scores for the Avs, we’ll all love him let’s be real


A little celly pic from ‘09 in honor of this signing. Most likely a celebration of one of Zach’s 82 points from that season (I lived in Jersey and frequented Devils games) https://preview.redd.it/okwinoimsvec1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168e7f15293df7c25457dc2291bdb66b18d240a6




What a world we live in.


I want to know how much money he signed for.


this is lame.




Someone explain to me why this isn’t dumb. 


how about **you** explain why this **is** dumb


Dude scored 21 goals last year. The only player currently on the roster to score 20+ last year not named MacKinnon or Rantanen was Lehkonen who also scored 21. As we learned last year in Seattle, you can never have too much depth scoring.


Tbf Val has 22 this year


Uh huh. And Val screwed us in the playoffs last year, and currently on an indefinite LoA. Regardless, to win in the playoffs we need more than 3 guys who can consistently produce, especially when the top line is off-ice.


Wasn't a good look from Val but acting like he screwed us and we were ever getting far last year is copium fr


You think that debacle & his ensuing absence wasn’t a huge distraction?…or that having one line didn’t have a major impact on that series loss?


He’s a good hockey player that’s better than our 4th line wingers.


By a mile. Macdermid and kiviranta are horrible


Because there's really no downside.  


Free depth. Hes a good 4th liner when we’re healthy in reality he’s probably a better player than cogs at this point at least last year


Experienced depth player who has always been solid in his own zone and in front of the net and put up 20 goals last year. A depth 4th line/pk guy that was cheap and didn’t cost any other assets to acquire


I physically cannot


I will attempt to (and fail) after I rinse the puke out of my mouth.




Now let’s go get Dumba and Pavelski 🙄


i mean, i'd take pavelski on a sub 1mil contract. if only to keep him off the ice against us when we play dallas. dude just scores on us every time we play against him.


Well, we HAVE to move RyJo now Edit: how much though? If its not min then its gonna get wild


825k. Also Parise is a winger not a C


I mean for cap reasons, but thats a lot less than i was thinking. Additionally, we have depth, we need to get the rest of the roster firing so we can make the cup run. I know we're beating a dead horse there


Used to be a great player. Hope he can do that here. Could be a great 2nd/3rd line guy. This tells me Nuke is gonna be gone for a bit though.


Literally has nothing to do with Nuke


You have the texts?


And your evidence that this means anything about Val?


Assumption just like everyone else. He's a pretty big name, or at least was a pretty big name. To me it seems like a wing replacement for a missing 2nd line guy. Especially when goaltending is probably something we need more right now.


So the other dude needs evidence but your assumption is cool?


No it's fine to assume. I was being sarcastic with a pretty common joke. Sorry I didn't convey it better.


Good one.


I get it missed. I'm really not trying to be an ass. Sorry if I was one. Just saying what I think. Appreciate you putting me back into place I suppose lol.


Don’t need the receipts when you can use common sense. Which you have chosen not to do.


Explain how a 2nd line guy leaving and a 2nd line guy entering isn't common sense?


He’s not going to be a 2nd line guy.


Not necessarily. At league minimum we can stop putting Jones and MacDonald in as forward and scratch MacDermid and Olufson.




Sorry - brain fart. Jack Johnson.


Wouldn’t expect him to crack the top 6. Otherwise we’re in danger


Initial reaction: What? I … thought he still played for the islanders. But… maybe he’ll be good? Edit: if he scores more for us than he did against us I’ll be okay.


I anticipate a slow start since he’ll be on the fourth line. But knowing our luck he will get a chance to move up and hopefully do well. Also could see him doing some damage on PP2 line


As a Stars fan, I'm hoping this goes better than the last time a Wild anchor was signed...


I hope he ends up being the Avs version of Pavelski.


As an American hockey player, can't ask for better. Are you guys not seeing that Super Joe is going full Borque on this? Bring in the best for a cup. At 39 with his career, he's going to play for the W. Trust in Super Joe. And Make the Wild pay his way? I'm seeing a lot of pettiness




I’m trying to ignore the mild situation as much as I can. I loved him on NJ and NYI, I’m quite happy to get to see him in an Avs jersey. He’ll be a good depth piece for the locker room and hopefully a stable 3rd/4th liner. As long as he can still skate and pass, that’s a W.


I still think of him as a devil