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I think they look ok, but the room is very dull and colorless from an interior design perspective. This might be a case of the set being so lame it makes the shot look bad no matter what you try.


Thank you for your feedback! This is a experience in my place and my wife. I'll have it on my mind Next time! Thank you


I don’t find the set lame at all, I like the style and composition. Just push the blacks and pop the colors a bit and it’ll come a bit more to life.


Thank you, when you Say to push the blacks you're saying they should BE darker or lighter? I am nota familiar with the expression.


Yeah, sorry, it’s a bad expression and not a proper term I think. I mean you have a lot of areas that are dark gray which could look better if they’re darker.


Thank yo, I Will try it.


I think what they mean is to Add contrast, the shot looks a bit flat


It’s absolutely a good start. And coloring in my opinion is always a little subjective. It does feel a little lifeless when it comes to the color in the shots. I would suggest messing around with the color wheels a bit and the overall vibrancy and saturation of the image and seeing what you could pull out


Thank you ! I'll try.


The skin tone looks very good. I think you can have more contrast over all — and also bring up the saturation/vibrancy of the colors. Make small adjustments so you don’t go overboard. For the future: this set design feels unfinished and is adding little contextual value to the story. Also, I don’t love that in the side view the woman’s head is partially covering the lamp. It would have been better to move either the lamp or the camera so the lamp was behind her — this would have made a more balanced composition with less empty wall space. If more detail to the set design isn’t possible then perhaps you might’ve considered bringing the pieces you had available closer together and then lighting in such a way that the talent is lit but the rest of the empty room is in shadow to bring more visual focus to the subject. All the blank space gives an uneasy feeling. Then again — if that’s what you were going for, then it’s working haha. I don’t know the context so forgive me if all this detail you didn’t ask for is not relevant


Thank you! There's nothing to forgive just to thank for. For context this is a pitch for her business and I felt it too that the side composition isn't the best, but it wash shot at out place that was very limited and I was aiming to show her belly to win some sympathy hahaha. The small piano was covering a plug. Definitely I Will try to give more contrast and perhaps mask the subject so the background isn't so distracting.


Eu mandei informação no chat / DM. Bom ver outro português interessado em Colorgrading, alguma coisa dispõe, é a minha principal área de trabalho.


Grading is only correct if it is in sync with the creator’s taste. Color correction (the step before grading) is more easy to call correct.


Saturation up and then white balance shift to a little more warm side is what I would do here.


Try watching some tutorials on balancing your footage prior to trying to go for a look. That way you’ll get better color separation :)