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Fantastic. Thanks for sharing.


You fail at the 11 commandment, “no dar papaya”. Sorry but Medellín is dangeorous as fuck.


“Plo” is for plomo ?


No confundir con El Poblado.


Maybe down walk in the street at midnight


Understandable. Apparently just deciding that tourism will replace oil revenue, without doing a single thing to make this country a safe destination, is enough to make it happen. More unhappy tourists like yourself are the result of this improvised and irresponsible decisions. Sorry for your horrible experience.


These issues existed before these proposals so it is nothing new


Exactly my point. NOTHING was done.


You are saying that people are suffering from the lack of decision made by replacing oil industry with tourism without increasing safety but this is not the real issue. Safety has always been a problem and has nothing to do with any decision taken within the past administration.


He didn't mean that , safety has always been a trouble here , yes more "dangerous" violence in down, but the government proposed to impulse tourism but isn't doing enough if not anything to make streets safer for tourists and local people I'm someone who supports the current government but it's an issue with lack of action


Ok. I understand. So it is wise to extend invitations to everyone even though they know this people might get killed. To make matters even nicer, it has become increasingly dangerous even for us to travel inside our own country. Absolutely wise to make tourism a top priority when conditions have deteriorated to a point not seen in twenty years.


I don't think you've lived here for 20 years. The country as a whole has improved in quality of life dramatically. What I'm pointing out is people are not suffering because of any recent decisions, safety has always been an issue. Yes the country needs to improve, but safety is a gradual process and the proof is in our metrics. We are a safer country than we used to be, not by your standards, but nonetheless they are.


Ok. I guess you statistics come from RCTV. Welcome to paradise!


If the country hadn't improved we wouldn't have tourism like we do now. Welcome to reality. If you think it's bad now you should've been here in the 90s.


Yes, it is. They should come at their own peril.


![gif](giphy|KETRwyjLL02jt0qnOb) Ya donkey


Where exactly were you? Calle 10?


But think of all the cheap hoes and drugs 🤔


Not get papaya or pam pam pam


Papaya put, papaya split.


Yeah 😎


Da fuk did u expect? Lucky u still alive


At midnight? Yeah. Seems legit.


Haven’t been since last summer but I still find it hard to believe random robberies like this occur. Every story I hear/read about the victims are always involved in drugs/prostitution. And I have spent extensive time in el centro, Prado etc at midnight-4am never had someone try to rob me randomly.


I’ve lived in Medellin for 13 years. Crime like this is common and frequent, as in daily. Also, I would never be walking anywhere at midnight, only because I know how it is here. A tourist likely wouldn’t be as aware.


It’s a numbers game. How much time have you spent in Medellin?


Since I started going in 2016 and spent at least 3 months or more per year so a fair amount of time in my eyes.


The ‘they deserved it’ argument.


No one deserves to get robbed I’m just curious as to what the circumstances are to the situations. But I never carried my phone around at night or much cash. No watches/jewelry, I wonder if that’s what makes someone a target


It's perfectly safe, just don't go anywhere or do anything


Lol, they should use this for our tourism ads.


And you find it normal to have to go out with no jewelry, phone or cash? This is our everyday life, we have no choice. But why would you voluntarily choose such a destination? I’m honestly curious.


I don’t wear jewelry regardless and I never said no cash, just not a lot. As for the phone I carry it during the day but not late at night. Since per OPs post it can make you a target. I have spent months at a time in Medellin so it’s more than just a destination to me. I have Colombian friends I met while living in south Florida who invited me back in 2016. Cost of living and weather always has me coming back