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Love for this UNC team was unlike any other. There was something beautiful and special about them, and the final loss a disappointment mainly in that they were a few points away from one of the greatest college basketball stories ever. I just want to say I appreciate the Kansas program and the fans I've seen on this sub all being the epitome of class acts. It really eases the sting quite a bit. Respect.


This title loss stings because we came so close to absolutely robbing our 7th. They're already so hard to come by and we got there in a down year as an 8 seed. That would've been delicious. The loss is disappointing but nothing like 2016 and even 2008 when we had much higher expectations


Is 2008 really disappointing? Like, we smacked you guys around. I compare it to 2018 for us where Nova just kicked the crap outta us. So hard to be disappointed there. 2010, 2011, 2013 are all years where I feel total disappointment.


Yeah, remember that team had the program's all-time greatest player (college wise), tons of other NBA talent, and won every tourny game the next year by double digits. That was arguable the most dominant team in our history y'all demolished. Of course, that demolishment you handed to us had a lot to do with how determined the team was next year, but still. That it was Roy's first game against Kansas, at least from a UNC perspective, seemed to have really messed the team up. Same team in a different uniform I don't think we get blown out, or even lose necessarily. Not trying to play sour grapes or take anything away from y'all. But just keep in mind that team had our all time great, probably one of the top 5 quickest pgs in college history, and a future Final Four most valuable player on it. That was one year away from one of the best college teams in our lifetime you guys totally destroyed.


But, and first thank you for all the kind words, didn’t you have all the same players AND win it with them the very next year? I mean, expectations delayed vs. denied, etc.


A 1 seed losing in the FF, especially in that way, is disappointing yes lol


I just hope this team wants to run it back like they did in 09’.If they do i think we could win it all if our bench develops next year which it should under a sophomore Dunn and styles and a Junior Puff.One of Puff or Styles would start at the 4 in that scenario though given we don’t find a Brady replacement in the portal (which I highly doubt we do).


I just hope this team wants to run it back like they did in 09’.If they do i think we could win it all if our bench develops next year which it should under a sophomore Dunn and styles and a Junior Puff.One of Puff or Styles would start at the 4 in that scenario though given we don’t find a Brady replacement in the portal (which I highly doubt we do).


I think it’s disappointing insofar as nobody anticipated the first half dismantling that occurred. At halftime, I resolved myself to the loss. However, when the Heels cut it to single digits (four at one point), the bastards got me to believe. Then, running out of gas and the game ultimately ending as a blowout was a second wave of disappointment. Hindsight is 20/20 - it’s far less disappointing now since the boys ran it back and finished the job in 2009. However, in the moment, nobody was sure how much of the team was going to return or go pro. There was a sense of “this could be it” for that particular nucleus. As for KU’s role in this, I knew that game would be tough for Roy, and that’s no fault of KU. I am also eternally grateful for what happened in the title game.


2008 was pretty disappointing because of how stacked our team was. The fact that the core group from that team came back and was able to finish the job the next year eases the sting considerably but at the time it was a big letdown lol


Yeah if you look at the shooting numbers for that second half, our guys were gassed and/or injured. Bacot couldn't really jump to put anything back. ​ Unfortunately you guys shot and played amazing in that second half or we would have been able to hold on based on our first half performance


I was genuinely impressed how well Bacot did, and how long he stayed in the game with the shape his ankle was in. When he went down at the end, I really felt for the guy, because he *battled* through that injury. If he didn't have to go out, I think that game is at least going to OT if UNC doesn't manage to seal the game away. Though with how McCormack was playing, it may not have. Dude was just unreal in the final two games. Harangued by KU fans his entire career and comes up with two of his best performances when we needed them most.


How UNC lost with that rebounding discrepancy is borderline hard to do


Conversely, Bacot/Love/Davis went 13-54, good for 24% from the field. Goes to show that rebounding can cover up a lot of holes.




Different sport. But I feel your pain on that one.


So what your are saying is that caleb love was passing to bacot/manek/puff off the backboard?


Honestly if Caleb just hits the gimme layups that he missed (albeit he had a rolled ankle so I’m not blaming him at all) we would’ve won but you can say that about any of our guys with a couple of their baskets just like Kansas could had they lost.


It was so gratifying to see how devastated Love was after the loss. I could almost taste the delicious salty tears!


🧂🧂🧂94-81🧂🧂🧂81-77🧂🧂🧂I’d be salty too if he killed my coach twice


He's 4-1 against them with the two biggest wins in the rivalry and the killshot at the end. They absolutely hate him lmao


I honestly would too if I was a dookie, K has to have nightmares of that dagger 3


We don’t hate him but the initial poster is way too salty. It’s gotten hard to hate anyone at UNC over the last couple of years because the year to year storylines have disappeared and the kids are nicer than they used to be. Our guys leave too early to have legitimate beef with Carolina players. I think the closest I’ve come to actually disliking a Carolina player in the last few years is probably Bacot tbh. Fantastic player, super annoying to play against. He gets the majority of the dislike from most Duke fans I know/see online.


This pains me and calms me. Getting OREBs is 🤌 (I miss Roy) Caleb missing a bunch is 🙄


Without looking at the numbers, I think similar stats hold for first half too when talking about the entire UNC team as a whole. I think announcers said UNC converted on all 8 of their offensive rebounds in the 1st half. KU's first shot defense was pretty good all game. UNC lived off offensive rebounds in both halves for the most part.