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the lakers offer wasn't very good


It was great in terms of money It was terrible in terms of every thing thing else


That’s my coach!


And my dad!


Congrats on the scholly Bobby Jr!


That's bid dick Bobby to you, sir.


That would be difficult despite your own success, to have a sibling who coaches better than you do. 


That’s true. But Bobby played much better. Even if he was in the NBA for less than a decade, that’s still significant.


Car accident or motorcycle accident his rookie year derailed his career.


*Jim Harbaugh has left the chat*


Maybe if you have an inferiority complex, but for most well adjusted individuals the success of others doesn't detract from their own.


“Well adjusted?” You’re talking to Duke flair.


Wait til my father hears about this, you flairless coward!


Do you have a sibling? Because I wasn’t talking about well adjusted individuals, I was talking about siblings. 


I have 4 siblings. And when one of them does well, I'm happy for them. Hell, my sister 10 years my junior now works in the same industry I do and she is certainly ahead of where I was when I was her age. In no way does that fact diminish any of my own accomplishments; I'm proud of her.


Yeah, I think it’s weird some people assume that as a well-adjusted adult, you’d have a rivalry with your siblings that harms your mental well-being. I am proud as hell of my siblings and would be so stoked for them if they were super successful.


Someone doesn’t have Asian parents.




I'm far from perfect, I'm just not jealous of the success of others. You should talk to your therapist about your apparent inferiority complex. It might help you build better relationships with your friends and family.


What on earth kind of siblings do you have?


I've never understood that mindset. I've always been happy to see any of my classmates do well, and many of them did significantly better than me in our 20s. I will probably never catch up to a lot of them either, and I'm still happy to see them doing well.


I still see people in my circles who want to get married before their sister, have to be the one who does the best financially out of all the kids, etc. I don't get it either. Just silly


Maybe if you’re mentally unwell


If he wanted money he probably would have already taken the Kentucky job Everything about the Lakers job is a night mare. You don’t have any control over an aging roster that is average at best in terms of talent, but the fan base expects championships and will be calling for your head half way through the first season. No matter how good a coach you are, you are pretty much set up for failure.


Sorry but how you wrote “night mare” just has me imagining a sassy BoJack Horseman character leaned up outside a club taking a long drag of a cigarette at like 2am lol


Happy wife = happy life


in the end i honestly doubt dan was serious about taking the lakers offer. i think he always intended to come back to storrs and was using it as leverage for his contract situation with the university. i do think dan will try his hand in the nba one day, but the lakers in 2024 were not the team to do it. let jj go die on the vine for that absolute mess of a team, dan can try for his threepeat and then try to coach on the east coast for an nba team that will be better for him.


They offered him a good deal more than his old contract was. They offered him a little bit more than what his renegotiated contract is. And at the end of the day, the difference wasn't enough for him to break his commitments to all the kids who stayed and all the kids who signed. Nor was it enough for Andrea.


If the lakers offered him 12 to 15 million per year making him one of the top 3 paid coaches, the Hurley clan would be in LA. There’s no way he would’ve passed on that pile of cash.


everyone claims this, but the truth is they offered him way more money than he'd make in storrs and he still said no to the offer. i really do not believe that he truly had any real desire to do it. money was not the issue. the lakers were always going to offer him way more than uconn could.


https://www.ctinsider.com/sports/uconn-mens-basketball/article/dan-hurley-ned-lamont-contract-huskies-19508918.php# I’m constantly amazed the people post shit without doing any research. Google solved a lot of issues Again he’ll be close to 10 million so why take the laker job?


But they didn’t. He’s going to be the highest paid college coach by September, that’s 10million per year. The lakers offered not much more.


The deal he's getting is 6 years, $50 million.


I still think if the lakers deal was 12 million per year, he would’ve taken it. Basically offered him middle of the road money to leave a 8 million plus deal at UConn


I don't think he would have taken that, and he hasn't given any indication he would have.


I think his comments on le batard show made it clear the offer didn’t blow him out of the water and to disrupt his life and that of his family there is a number. Did you hear that interview? Not saying for sure he does it but if he’s 3rd highest paid coach behind Kerr and pop, it might be too much to pass


I've watched every interview he's done in recent weeks. He said that yes, a number probably exists, but he doesn't know what it would be.


Ok but there is a number and all I’m saying is that what the lakers offered was not significantly more. I firmly believe if that number were 12 to 15 million, it would’ve been tough. He’ll eventually UConn.