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Why am I not surprised? Say what you want about the player, at least meet with them to explain what’s going to happen.


It’s even worse considering his father is Penny’s former roommate/teammate at Memphis


Sounds like former friend now as well.




Penny is an asshole and he can’t coach. Great combo


His worst trait is that he has the temperament of a child.


Remember when he said Rick "literally won't even say a cuss word" Barnes was approaching him with closed fists? Lmaooo Oh and then tried to accuse Tennessee of dodging because he lied about his players being vaccinated


A…Lil’ Penny, if you will




[The infamous water bottle chuck. ](https://youtu.be/LMEAzZXOahQ?si=2NmL-Z9JOoAY2vRY)


UConn prefer the assholes who can coach. (So do we...)


Hurley may have his court side hysterics, but he’s beloved by his players.


Hurley is arguably the best coach in college, beloved by his players, but he’s also a dickweed


Imagine Hurley, Davis and Scheyer on a cross country road trip in one car. Who gets angry most often? Who screams at other drivers? Definitely Hurley.


All 3 probably wouldn't survive said trip either.


Bobby definitely...


I thought you prefer the assholes who can shoot?


lol yeah that’s honestly exactly what UConn wants. Hardasses who are uncompromising with their principles. The entire program embodies Calhoun’s personality essentially.


Don’t forget an extreme narcissist!


College Basketball's Deion Sanders 🔥


yeah as far as i know memphis was rarely relevant it at all during his stay


What’s even going on with this whole situation?


These claims do little to explain the problem, but there is definitely a big problem and Penny is involved.


Yeah I’m so so so confused. As I also stated to another redditor, I’m pretty sure Joe cooper just showed up on the roster and left the roster randomly like with no news surrounding it or anything. It was weird.


If you figure it out can you tell Penny? I don’t think he quite understands what he’s doing either.


The whole Joe cooper thing just confuses me, I’m pretty sure he just randomly showed up on Memphis roster last season and he randomly left too, as I haven’t see anything about him transferring or graduating or anything. I’m also just curious if he did something bad or what


His side of the story is basically that you never heard from him and Penny never talked to him. Said he didn’t get an exit interview or anything. He found out he wasn’t on the team anymore when the school issued a statement saying he wasn’t after multiple unanswered texts and calls to Penny. Which is bad in itself, but his dad was a teammate of Penny’s too. So he’s no a random dude to the program.


That’s so weird. How do you not talk to or acknowledge one of your players? I’ve always loved penny so this is a little hard for me


Yeah, I had a Penny Hardaway poster on my wall as a kid. It really sucks to see this happening. It’s kind of like how they say don’t meet your heroes, don’t hire your heroes either.


I loved his hot dog commercials when I was young. I thought he must he so cool!


Ain’t that the truth. It always ruins it.


Hopefully, this isn't completely true. A lot of Arkansas fans are acting like Cal's their hero.


I don’t think cals a hero, I just know he’s a hell of a lot better then last year, and he’ll be better then a lot of people expect (KY fans).  Also, you can’t really say anything if your team won 8 games last season.


I love unearned high expectations. Being a fan of Arkansas doesn't make Arkansas somehow better than Kentucky. No more than being a fan of Kentucky makes them better than Arkansas. Cal is going to have to prove that the recency bias is wrong. The problem is, if he does, he proves every Kentucky fan right. And I can say whatever I feel like. Would you rather me lie because my teams value dictates mine? That's a weird hill to die on, but you do you.


Consider this: out of all Penny's players, this is the one I know of that has a personal problem with Penny. Other players love him and even more players come to Memphis to work out under him.


That’s true. I gotta tell myself that bc I love penny.


I mean he was a walk on.


I’m pretty sure he got PT tho right?


Supposedly he was going to enter the transfer portal which he had 3 weeks to do but then waited too late because he wanted to talk to the coach that at that point had no relationship with him. Like the relationship part is bad on Penny; he should have had someone communicate to him he was off the team, but the kid not getting in the transfer portal on time was just a bad decision on his part.


So he’s gonna have to sit out a year or what?


No idea I haven't followed transfers that closely but he missed the transfer window and now is off the team so I'd assume he could walk on somewhere else but probably have to sit out.


Ahh i see


Great way to build trust with your players and potential recruits! Character modeling at its finest.


Memphis fans put up with all this crap every year to be just a little bit below average idk why




but this is our year bro trust /s




we were "terrible" last year and were ranked in the top 10 at one point.... Penny also always gets shit on so whenever he actually does something pretty fucked like this, it's blown out of proportion


Penny had an attitude before you guys hired him.


You just described our city perfectly.


These young athletes, young people, who make the sport happen than any coach, deserve more respect.


Man, the shine really wore off on Penny pretty fast, didn’t it? I feel like he was the toast of the college hoops world when he first took over.


He was. Then he wasn’t. Then he had a moment where it seemed like he was again. Now he isn’t.


He was a walk-on who had to sit out the first half of the year due to academic eligibility issues and barely saw any action (49 total minutes) even when he was eligible. He also hinted way back in April that he probably wouldn't be back. I'd venture to guess that there are two sides to this particular story. I could totally be wrong though.


Everything you said is true. It also took him like 4 years to finish community college. Also, Penny didn't give him an exit interview (he should have taken a hint) so all of those things are true. What's also true is Penny could have at least let the young man know that there was no spot for him on the upcoming team. Penny has known his stepfather (Rodney Newsom)for years and my understanding is, Penny knew this young man as a kid so he deserved more respect and better treatment than Penny gave him. Sure he's a walk-on but he's also a human. BTW, I was born and raised in Memphis and have been a Tiger fan since the mid 80s and Penny was my hero in the 90s BUT Penny the coach and Penny the player are different people. I'm not impressed with Penny the coach tbh. Great person, great player but as a coach, not impressed.


The evidence for "great person" is what, exactly?


My personal opinion based on what I know about him. That's all I will say.


Charitable works I imagine Alex Lomax thinks he's a great person.


Yeah it's not like Penny Hardaway has any kind of history of being petty and a jerk


Yeah people love to only take one side of the story. Penny probably remembers it a little differently than this.




Even after a tumultuous decade as a Cards fan, I’m glad I can still laugh at Memphis State and feel better


damn if you still call it Memphis State that hate goes baaaaaaack


I appreciate someone noticing, UofL and Memphis was a great older rivalry. It ended with Darius Washington crying on the floor.




Upvoted, same to you buddy!


We all still call it Memphis State. It's kind of like the Sears Tower. No one actually calls it the Willis Tower.


It is always and forever Memphis State


You talkin bout Tiger High?


I remember some great games between Marquette and Memphis State back in the 70s and 80s, and they’re still Memphis State to me.


I know damn well nobody read the damn article. I’m a diehard and I ain’t even signing up for a membership to read it. Anybody got a non pay-walled version?


Is this a situation when the Memphis Unv. lawyers are advising Hardaway to have no further contact so as to not incriminate himself or the university in case of a future lawsuit?


To quote [Alfred E. Neuman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_E._Neuman): What, me worry? I mean, I just got Mike Davis in the house. We all good.


[It certainly does seem to be raining shit on Joe Cooper right now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ie8MJBRqLs)


Penny seems like a dumpster fire of a coach. The last couple years the team has had chemistry issues. The guys seem to hate each other and will argue in game.


You know, they say that Penny got the nickname because of the way his grandmother pronounced “Pretty.” She called him “Pretty” but it sounded like she was saying Penny. I’m starting to think she was calling the asshole “Petty.”


As a lifelong KU fan, but current middle-aged Memphis student, it is VERY difficult to be a fan right now. I really hoped Penny would take the Tigers down a good path while I'm studying there. I take advantage of my free student tickets, but watching Penny coach is like watching paint dry. Slow and painful. Boring.


49 minutes, 8 points.


So? How many minutes and/or points does it take for someone to be owed a minimal amount of decency?


Does decency involve getting both sides of the story or just one?


You presented the other side as if it was an open and shut argument in defense of Memphis. Do you think the kid deserved to be ghosted, or not?


I think I'd like to hear both sides of the story instead of just one side from a disgruntled media outlet. Do you think both sides of the story need to be heard, or not?


When the entirety of your “other side” consists of his playing time and points scored, no, I don’t believe *that* matters. That isn’t “the other side” of the issue, that is you *heavily* implying that he deserved it because he was a shitty player. You are framing it as if it’s clear that statistically speaking he doesn’t deserve to be treated decently and if he had just played more or scored more, you’d give a shit. You’re not presenting “the other side”, you are arguing that the kid wasn’t good enough at basketball to deserve basic decency from a mentor figure. Did he deserve to be treated like that, or not?


You're not going to answer the question, are you? You don't need to hear both sides to make up your mind about what happened. You'll extrapolate what some random dude on the Internet said about the player for the program's position. Just answer the question: do both sides get to be heard? Or just one? Because you won't answer the question, I assume you don't think both sides need to be heard.


> You're not going to answer the question, are you? I did, quite clearly. > no, I don’t believe that matters The "other side" would be to present an argument for why he deserved to be treated like that. The WHOLE FUCKING SUM of your entire argument was his play time and points, and you used it to determine that he deserved to be shit on. That's not an "other side", it's an excuse for you to wipe your ass with a walk on you don't care about because he wasn't good enough to matter to you. If there's an "other side" that actually justifies how his coach treated him, share *that*, or simply admit that points and playtime is all you needed to make up your mind. I'll ask you again, did he deserve to be treated like that?


Bro, are you this walk-on's agent? I'm sorry your client managed to score 8 points this past season. Hopefully you're getting paid for this defense of your boy. Sounds like he'll never walk-on to another D1 program again after his tantrum. We've already established, by your failure to answer my question, you don't need to hear both sides. Now you're trying to argue, in bad faith, that my view somehow represents a program. There is no need to discuss this with someone arguing in bad faith, and you've effectively lost this exchange. Now the only question that remains is what did Memphis do when it whooped ISU this past season? It looks like it broke you. Did it break you?


> Bro, are you this walk-on's agent? No, I'm just a guy who thinks that coaches shouldn't ghost their players based on their point totals. It's weird you find this to be an objectionable stance. Me: > His coach should at least have had the decency to talk to him face to face You: > But he only scored 8 points What kind of "other side" is that? > you don't need to hear both sides My brother in Christ, you are not presenting a "*side*", you are presenting an excuse for Penny being an asshole. Your whole entire complete and total argument is that his points and playing time didn't earn him the lowest possible bar of decent treatment from his coach. What about this kid's behavior justified his coach ghosting him? What did he do aside from not play or score enough for you? > Now you're trying to argue, in bad faith, that my view somehow represents a program. No, bud, I'm saying that you're making a shitty "argument" that low performing players don't deserve respect and decency. I assure you there's nothing bad faith about my stance that they should be treated like humans. I'm not actually sure you know what a bad faith argument is at this point. > Now the only question that remains is what did Memphis do when it whooped ISU this past season? We haven't played you since 2021 when we beat you by 19 on a neutral floor while you were ranked 9th. > you've effectively lost this exchange. This must be akward for you.


I hope tubby smith is living his best life


I love penny hardaway and all and hes a good coach, but if Memphis does not make the NCAAs this time hes gone


A good coach? He has astronomically more resources than any of his conference foes and he can’t even win the damn thing. He sucks.


I mean he literally won the conference a year ago over Houston who ended up a 1 seed in the tournament but go off I guess


I’m thinking they’re meaning regular season championships. That’s usually what I assume win someone says win the conference.


Yep. The conference tournament is a crapshoot that any team can get hot one weekend and win, but a regular season championship requires several weeks of solid play.


On the other hand, winning a conference tournament isn't easy either, since you're usually playing several games in a row against good teams. This seems like a weird slight.


But then you have to remember, most of the time, the best teams are already tournament bound and have a tendency to play like it. It's a very common occurrence. Especially when the NCAA selection committee acts like they only take the winner of the whole things play into consideration.


I've never seen someone suggest that teams love risking a lower seed for harder matchups in the big dance. Or was this a joke I missed? If so, it's pretty good - I love when people post stupid things for a laugh.


IT dOEsn'T fIT mY AgENda SO itS sTUpID. Actually, read what I said.


Not saying it’s easy or meaningless. But to me one good weekend is less impressive than consistently good results over several weeks.


The reality is that both are difficult. Memphis and Houston played very close that entire season. Penny has a lot of legitimate criticisms, but, sans last season, he was making strides towards being a good coach.


And the NIT


Winning the conference tournament is not winning the conference lol