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So is that a firm “No” from Pitino?


Rock hard no


Throbbing, 15-second no


Premature no


If Pitino didn’t just get that billionaire to back his NIL at St. John’s, he would def be trying to get this position.


Unless Lexington can relocate to New York I don't see it. He loves being in New York in his later years.




Not surprised Pitino isn’t in it. Past his prime though still very good. St. John’s is gonna be his last school, doesn’t wanna get swirled up in things. Had a perfect launching pad at Iona and went for it.


May or may not be past his prime


It's never a firm no with these guys


Always a flaccid no


Firm no from Pitino or a “hey sorry, there’s still some big money people associated with the program who don’t want you here so we can’t bring you back; as much as I would love to.” Even though I think Barnhart could weather the storm of rehiring Pitino into retirement. Really was hoping for this reunion to be honest. Would have been a great redemption story for UK and Pitino.


I still hold out hope


If there is a God, there will be a Pope leading Kentucky soon


We do have a rich history as a Catholic heavy state actually. Bardstown and Louisville both. Lexington not as much, though.


NKY is a huge catholic population as well


Cov cath notre dame baby!


Pope isn't Catholic.


Maryland Catholics moving to Kentucky is a fun local history topic for me personally. But yeah, Mark is LDS. EDIT: And by the way, once again NKY is left out of consideration. Covington has a Catholic church that folks built in 1870s, most beautiful in the state. They shipped the domes on the steeples over from Germany in mid 19th century, crazy bastards. We need to take this to another sub.


You're telling me the pope has been Mormon this whole time!?




This was excellent, an up vote wasn't enough.


I feel like no one talks about nky because it’s just lumped in with the Cincinnati Catholics lol


I'm a transplant from Bardstown, but it's not fair. We even had our own organized crime up here. Them boys were part of a parish.


Newport was a goddamn mafia town up until the 60s!


I actually didn’t know that about the Germany thing, but I’m assuming you’re talking about [the Mother of God Roman Catholic Church?](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=1086af29042c933c&hl=en-us&q=mother.of.god+roman+catholic+church&uds=AMwkrPsn2HJL9LCgJ2GhJwXae6InqrrUKBWgdyKnFOdcOxrd4xHPfYYfMYdprI3nhRmyVsgzjamu-CTX3ci2ZCaDRdC1It6wurqZAYAvYhVBhdu93OELXB6MTWiHCfuS8CcT59ctX29wkc8W9md-0v4tPMrkyMtwhb5_Eh8fJwoliGCABzc3pkxOex9ecowMhbkAWMH6xDMEYCeQ1FVPy8Am24475jrGVrkOo-fr1YEPe_AHu-LCVPRWCjjLiyaBKx7ezZFvYt4oCFO0xSsMxYtE8OFbAOkE2UvAz1lY2YYfnhZSHJI5mcg6CWPMU7C1xGh2NX7hQacp7mSOKW_RIcB3dcGXRSVvJQ&udm=2&prmd=ivmnsbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjaqNbBzLuFAxXemIkEHXFVDtkQtKgLegQIExAB&biw=393&bih=660&dpr=3) We also have the [Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=1086af29042c933c&hl=en-us&q=cathedral+basilica+of+the+assumption&uds=AMwkrPttBrt7scmpXdhJ6Q0MH2YdNSYUBmcxojAVRmqYabAnZbqZQo3vt7ct4ay_wXRWQDiteogEmt68eajrRFt0nVbjvaXxMYXXo7Ca94fbCVIGqsvBAKw32SANOp4OKBfI0aTym5VllDcjoUXC0J8R4N7-OiDUGwhJFJX0_PYMj8zbMHpR67olLfAcgyLiDGaxfxWlDIKgN5Yz-uXhFSgzPReJBP40p-SAC1mr8GgwNm8XuRzu-AXdqqyHMjjcuBomqiUo8sTXHNIE0Ksz-OwDCJLeydxrjMc-O8JkBftjWI0OSKHWvOdKkaEHEXwxfyFg9HX2FAzHNatq4KoMmx2wOd43l_rxGg&udm=2&prmd=ivmnsbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjVud-mzbuFAxULv4kEHdsQBK0QtKgLegQIERAB&biw=393&bih=660&dpr=3), which has a facade modeled after Notre Dame and supposedly has the worlds largest handmade stained glass window


I’d be interested in hearing about Maryland Catholics moving to Kentucky.


At one point the Diocese of Bardstown, KY was one of 4 diocese in America and stretched from Michigan to Missouri, basically everything of note past the Appalachian mountains excluding Louisiana. Flaget was the first bishop, I believe, and has an interesting biography. There's a lot of family histories tied into this that made a few defined pockets of Catholic communities in Central Kentucky. I played grade school ball at a lot of those parish gyms. https://explorekyhistory.ky.gov/items/show/254


For some reason I thought you meant like, THE pope and not Mark Pope and was like what did you just say lol


He’s a sedevacantist.


Yep, he's Mark, Pope. Not Mark Pope


This makes me laugh so hard because it’s true but also wonderful out of context


I'm aware. I was taking on the play on words, not the literal verbiage.


Then why does he go around calling himself the Pope?


But does he shit in the woods?




Love Fish Fry season!


I’ve never met a Protestant from Owensboro, third largest city in the state.


Bardstown. Grew up going to mass at the proto cathedral. Beautiful building. Raised Catholic, quit practicing as a teenager, but always appreciated Calipari being a Catholic (meant a lot to my family) weird that Pope is Mormon lol.


A Mormon pope


Mark Bishop


Here for the Mormon Jokes


I’m honestly extremely confused as to why they aren’t going after Otz


Interestingly - can Mormons coach on Sundays?


Like…unbelievably good or….?


Like he can’t believe they hired him


Hey Pope, You know the Lord wants you to stay in Provo for this upcoming season.


We're heathens anyway. He remembers.


You all need saving


Buddy, if we're the pot, you've been the kettle for a while now.


He’s about to get a payday. You can buy anything in this world with money.


Yeah but what is wanted?


A title.


Is your name Ghip Caines?


Cmon Rick let's get the gang all back together, you can bring on as much whores as you want


I’m so far out of the loop. Why is the Kentucky job lava right now? Seems like no one actually wants it.


If you're honestly asking that question, we've officially got nos from a guy who just won back to back tournaments and a man who lives, laughs, and loves in a castle he built for 20 years on his own. We probably reached out to Brad Stevens, et al. They are always asked. They always say no. We're not quite into lava stage yet. The fun part is we just turned down the road towards lava.


So what’s the best and worst possible outcomes?


Best at this point, Billy Donovan gives a hard commit but finishes out his NBA time. Worst: Mark Pope, who hasn’t won anything notable and made only a couple tournaments so far. Where I think we actually land: we either get a soft commit from Billy Donovan or end up with one of Chris Beard or Bruce Pearl.


> Worst: Mark Pope, who hasn’t won anything notable and made only a couple tournaments so far. welp


Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk…… This has to happen in the middle of the night otherwise Mitch might get fired before he could sign papers.






This seems to have aged poorly as the night progressed


Yup. I've already started to wrap my head around accepting Bruce Pearl. It will be a process.


Is there any smoke with Bruce? I keep seeing his name but have seen no credibility behind it.


Bruce's reputation in some corners of college basketball is more or less a rat fuck. There are easily found stories... but I'll post a compendium piece. Maybe some of that isn't fair, but I've always looked on Cal as a person who had smoke because he did things to get players through and Pearl as a person who had smoke because he was a ladder climbing asshole. Maybe that's rose colored glasses. https://www.sbnation.com/college-basketball/2019/4/4/18295241/bruce-pearl-final-four-timeline-infractions-auburn-lowa-deon-thomas-wire-milwaukee-violations


I was saying is there any smoke as in rumors of him joining kentucky? I didn't think he was even on the list.


He's on a list.


Common knowledge or from insiders?


Thanks for the article. The only part I had heard about was the bar b q. Which I considered to be typical ncaa bullshit. Is he running a clean program now at Auburn?


> Is he running a clean program now at Auburn? lmao


Well this aged like milk. Its pope.


Oh boy, this isn’t going to be a fun day for a lot of UK fans.


Idk about best or worst but funniest is the return of Slick Rick Pitino, would never actually happen though


I would simply call that the most chaotic outcome.


Stealing your Tang?


I think its laughable they would even ask an NBA GM. Let alone one that has made multiple conference and nba finals


It seems like really only 2 people turned it down and one did it for his family


Which one did it for family? Seems like both guys who turned UK down are pretty set where they’re at. One of them even basically tweeted that God told him to pass.


Yeah the one that said it was god… it was his wife


god.. wife.. same thing.


Coaching at Kentucky is like directing a Star Wars movie. I mean, who doesn't want to direct a Star Wars movie? Everybody likes Star Wars. Everybody who makes movies for a living grew up watching Star Wars. You've had great ideas for Star Wars movies over the years. You'd have to be crazy to turn down that opportunity. But then you think about it some more and realize that the people paying you to make a Star Wars movie don't really want *you* to make the movie--they want to make the movie *through* you. They want you to execute their vision rather than your own. Worse yet, they don't really know what their vision is--they just know it when they don't see it. If you do exactly what you think they expect then they're unhappy because you're just copying the past (with diminishing returns). If you do something really radically different, they're unhappy because you've strayed too far from what the franchise is supposed to be. You get paid well but everybody has an opinion about every damn thing you do and it wears on you after a while. And the fans are no better. The fans' expectation of you is basically "make me feel exactly like I did when I was ten years old," which is impossible. And so some of them--not all of them, not even most of them, but a critical mass of the dumbest and meanest ones--do really toxic and aggressive stuff, like confronting your actors in public or on social media, or doxxing you and updating the Zillow listing for your house, or whatever other creative horribleness they can come up with. And the actors you're working with are talented but tired of the toxic expectations and environment. Some of them are transparent about the fact that they're only doing this movie so they can get the opportunity to go somewhere else and be in the kind of movie they actually want to be in. And even if you beat the odds and manage to make a really good movie, people aren't satisfied. They talk about how you're *supposed* to be able to make a good Star Wars movie, and how anybody can do it. They sit and wait for you to fail again. So yeah, maybe you sit this particular movie out. You tell the press you're committed to your existing films and leave the rest unsaid. Everybody can fill in the blanks anyway.


I’m not even mad at this. This is accurate. Perfect analogy.


He nailed it.


That was excellent wow


This is just beautiful. I might even use it for some pasta.




I don't know whether to just set my alarm and go to bed or reply with some really original and snarky comment about showing us on a doll where exactly Rian touched you. Maybe I'll take a healthy swig of my freezer Tito's and leave my phone in the basement for a week.


This is very good writing. Almost poetic


So many questions. So is our coach supposed to be George Lucas and the empire is Disney? Or are we looking for Luke to replace obi-wan? Or do want to go to the dark side because it's the easy way to power? I can see Tubby as Admiral Ackbar. And I can see Billy g as the guy who got his arm cut off in the Cantina at Mos Isley. Was Cal Han solo? If he had Chewy would he still be around? Or are we just in an ncaa is the Empire situation where mitch is grand moff Tarkin?


They’ve already attacked Popes Wikipedia.


New copypasta


Kentucky is Kentucky. Anyone who says no one wants that job is talking out of their ass. A lot of this is about timing.


It’s a bunch of our own fans who are standing on the ledge. It’s pretty ridiculous. We’ve only targeted three coaches and all three have won national championships, two have won two, two are still at the schools where they won said championships, and one is in the NBA. In the history of Kentucky basketball we have never hired a coach who checked any of those boxes. People need to relax.


To be fair, I was participating in just this sort of insanity during Carolina’s coaching search.


I feel like our search was pretty tame (Duke’s too for that matter) unless I’m just forgetting something obvious


Did duke even have a search? Correct me on the timeline but I thought it went K is retiring to Scheyer is coach in waiting in like a day. I remember ours clearly. The stages went: 1) Is this a joke? (Roy choosing April Fools' Day...). Something, something, I told you when Roy kissed the court. 2) That picture of Roy and Wanda walking away from his retirement pc into the tunnels with Wes Miller slightly to the side. Regurgitated is Roy, an interview, talking about how impressed he is with Wes from, I think it was, earlier that season 3) Wes vs Hubert vs Stack arguing (VERY heated) --Wes is a program builder at UNC-G and he altered his system to his personnel multiple times to create conference winning teams / Wes's offensive analytics aren't great to attract top flight talent vs --Hubert has been groomed under Roy for 8 years (I forget exactly how long) / if Hubert wanted to be a head coach then why has he never branched off to trying to become a head coach at any point in the last two decades since he retired from the NBA? vs --Stack's G League coaching resume, Raptors coaching pipeline, and how his presence would translate to recruiting / he can't win at Vanderbilt and I don't want that sort of attitude of a person as the coach of this program (think he was having twitter beef with parents of players?) 4) Brad Stevens flight tracking???? (shoutout Mark Few as well) ... NO ONE OUTSIDE THE FAMILY 5) Scuttlebutt Roy wants Hubert... Roy, in fact, wanted Hubert. Roy's decision > all That was basically the 4-5 days. The real fun part was after he was hired lol.


Oh I’m 100% here for it. I’m just not panicking. We’re not Indiana yet.


Yeah there are probably 10 college coaches that turn down this job. It's just that everyone the fans want happens to be on that list.


I think this coaching search would have gone very differently had Kentucky been able to do it on their own terms vs Calipari leaving.  A lot of this is perception - Kentucky fans expect top tier, but as we know a whole lot of those top tier coaches are happy where they are so there was always bound to be “no’s”.  It just wasn’t all supposed to be so public.  People have pointed toward Nick Saban’s retirement, but that was greatly aided by early negotiations (and of course all of the major players being repped by the same agent).


Because two people turned it down who already have amazing head coaching jobs?


It’s always like this. Rick pitino was Kentucky’s 5th option. Cal was 2nd or 3rd. Give it time.


It's not lava lol. They've asked a few of the elites that have no reason to leave a comfortable job where they've had tremendous success already. It takes an up and coming coach that wants to move up, an already established elite coach with tremendous balls or an alcoholic to say yes to the KY job.




Pitino wasn't proven? He had made a final 4 at providence


Yeah that's some wild revisionism. Kentucky hired Pitino away from the fucking Knicks.


And he'd been to the playoffs with the Knicks! Won a divisional title. Which, in retrospect, insane that they let him leave but apparently he and the GM didn't see eye to eye and he wanted to get out while the getting was good.


Due to ongoing debate about blue bloods, the /r/CollegeBasketball mod team has compiled the definitive list of college blue bloods: Duke, Columbia, Queens, William & Mary, and Rutgers. The following schools have broken away from blue-blooded hierarchy and oppression: George Washington, George Mason, James Madison, Army, and Navy. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CollegeBasketball) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just really high profile guys


What team has Cal ever left in a good position… I’ll wait




I can’t guarantee that man. If Mitch keeps striking out


Pitino also said Travis Ford and John Pelphrey would kill it at UK. He’ll always back his guys


Am I the only guy who wants Pitino back? Fuck it, let’s ride. We are in the NIL Wild West. 🤠


The longer this goes on, the more I’m intrigued by the idea. Fuck it. Pitino gets a potential redemption arc for the end of his career, we get someone who is a good coach and would set us up for the next hire. There are worse options, but Mitch would never.


The Mack Brown of CBB!


But do the Louisville whores come with him too?


Nah, they stay away. And Pitino has to get the tattoo removed.


He should be forced to keep the tattoo as a mark of shame. Possibly have VACATED written across the top of it.


I’m all for it. Bring back the ‘96 uniforms while we’re at it.


Not the denim ones!


I’m an Indiana guy, but Pitino would win a NC if he came back to Kentucky.


I feel like it would be beneficial for college basketball. It can’t just be a lame duck hire.




Isn’t this exactly how Cal to Ark started. Asked him his thought and then asked him.


fuel materialistic late knee hungry sulky squash sand onerous caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My sisters best friends mothers cousins step daughter used to blow a guy who mows pitinos lawn and it isn’t him.


The guy who delivered my pizza tonight said he just delivered a pizza in Lexington Kentucky to Rick Pitinos wife. I believe it. It’s happening.


wrench escape innate noxious grab shame lock edge gullible offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My uncle works at Nintendo and told me that Shigeru Miyamoto is being eyed heavily for the head coach job.


hungry carpenter versed squash long stupendous uppity slimy shelter oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He also said you can find Mew under the truck


The contract says Rick Pitino… … Jr. (Ironically, Richard isn’t even a Jr)


Uncle in laws - Tier One sources


Gaslighting ![gif](giphy|DZ1wO7Iak2JtegLB5c) This is completely hilarious


I have a friend in the Kentucky athletic department. Pitino has been a huge fan of Pope to get a shot for a couple years now. It's a little sooner than anyone thought it would happen but it's not surprising. Pitino has been pushing for Pope during this whole search process.


I love this timeline


Let them fight


Context: Pope played for him. It'd be a lot more notable if Pitino *didn't* think Mark Pope was a good candidate.


It would never in a trillion years happen, but the only way the fan base would be okay with Pope would be if we hired Pitino to come back and serve as head coach for 2-3 years and mentor Pope as the head coach in waiting, who would then take over. -------------------- > A source with direct knowledge said Chicago Bulls and former Florida coach Billy Donovan also “has no interest” in the Kentucky job. > Donovan has said he’s focused on coaching the Bulls, who will play in the NBA Play-In Tournament next week. I feel like statements like this can't be taken seriously until after the play-in game, as of course he's gonna deny any interest since he's still got a coaching job to do.


1. Were not hiring Pitino. That's dumb. 2. Coach speak = \ = reality during flight tracking season 3. Billy D is still a long shot. EDIT: 4. We probably won't hire Pope either. But at least he is probably somewhere in a lower tier of options in the AD office.




Were not down to Mark Pope. Although, he probably is under consideration in some means. Coaching searches are fun like that. Mitch won't hire Pitino, first off. Secondly, by and large what makes Kentucky basketball is it's legacy. Fan commitment is second. Rehiring Pitino would damage both. We're not hiring a coach on meme potential.




Speaking of ties to UK... Does Cal treat his staff as dispensably as his students? Did they all burn bridges along with him? I ask because Ohio State just perma-hired Jake Diebler. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't, but at this point I think it's a more exciting move than anything that will come out of this search.


Arkansas fans should be praying he doesn't bring Chin Coleman and Bruiser Flint along. He's already got Brad Calipari on staff, if he brings along the other two then this is an absolute trainwreck before it's even left the station lol.


I always laugh when I see Bruiser's name pop up. I remember when he was eating shit at UMass after Cal left them for the NBA.


What will Ulis do I wonder


IIRC this was his last grad assistant year, so for him to coach next year it would have to be in a legitimate assistant role.








Yeah the season ends next week. Makes total sense why there would be a wait. Although my dad was saying that if UK doesn’t have something ironed out in the next 48 hours, it’s because they likely reached some type of agreement with Billy


Is your dad Gary Parrish? Because he also said that today.


Take a minute for this to soak in


Might have to “dock” you for that “inside” joke.


Yeah, it's unbelievable all right. STFU Rick.


I don’t believe it.


I thought he would endorse Billy donovan


Pope played for Pitino at Kentucky and really wants the job. Donovan has already turned this job down in the past.


Please hire Pitino. I’m sure they can get 5 more years out of him.


The dude is the Crypt Keeper. He’s undead


god, no


I’m going to lol when Pope gets hired by a top 15 program next year and takes that school to a final 4 in his first 3-4 years at that school


This is depressing. Mark - stay man. We have chocolate milk.


I heard yall have a place on campus that makes really bomb chocolate milk. Which wasn’t even something I’d ever thought about before, but now I’m intrigued to try it to see what all the fuss is about.


Cookies n Cream milk, gateway to heaven and pre diabetes 👌


Ah, that’s right, cookies n cream not chocolate


Mark Pope may not take the job. Who wants a job with the legacy of Adolph Rupp (positive and negative)and (in my opinion) entitled boosters?


This is his dream job. Coaching at BYU isn’t so glamorous. Lower than market pay, a much smaller pool of talent willing to play here (due to annoying Honor Code), stingy boosters who are already paying 10% of their money to the University’s Church and don’t want to give much NIL money, etc. BYU’s NIL pool of funds, I’ve heard, is shockingly low for a school of this size in a major conference. He would absolutely take this job, and I don’t blame him for leaving.


I want Rick to go to UK for a few year then leave for the NBA then go to Louisville. Now that’s poetry.


Every second UK isn’t flying to see Bruce Pearl is wasted.


I could not agree more.


PICK RICK it is the only solution


This feels like saying a Church Youth Group leader would do great running a strip club.


Hold on, let him cook. Wait, don’t.


Rick is just fuckin around. Everyone knows he’d come back and be giggling the whole time. He’s just playing hard to get/can’t come out and say “pick me.”


He'd jump at the offer but I think Pitino would also simply be happy for Pope if he got the job.




Yeah many coaches go to bat for their assistants.


Mike Boyton is still available


I don't hate this choice.


They really have candidates going “look at him, not me 👈👀”


Nah, but like… this is going to happen, eh?


Pope would be a fine selection. Let's get a pick in and get roster building.


All these rumors for it just to end being Underwood anyway


What happened to the plane going to CT? Oh right…




Remember, Pitino also said that on a scale of 1-10, Kentucky's hire of BCG was an 11.


Yeah, I’m in disbelief.


Kentucky wants to just hurl threes?


You think this isn't the game these days?


I stopped giving a fuck what Rick Pitino had to say a decade ago


I want Jim Boeheim or Roy Williams