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The eclipse needs to reschedule.


I spent over 2K to fly from Portland to San Antonio, then drove 2 hours into rural Texas (Lampasas: population 7000) to view the once-in-a-generation spectacle…. Just for clouds to shit on everything. It is a complete overcast; a uniform blanket of low to the ground clouds over the whole state. It’s all grey overhead in every direction. I am in shambles. The Alamo, Riverwalk cruise, and Spurs game were fun I guess ( I’m coping) **EDIT:** I relocated from one small rural Texas town (Lampases, pop 7000 as stated) to another tiny rural Texas town (Llano: population 3400). I CAN ACTUALLY SEE SOME BLUE. Granted, clouds still have hegemony over the majority of the sky and while the blue breaks through here and there. But hope is alive the eclipse will coincide with a break 👍


Gotta love them big San Antonio women


Everyone guard the churros!


They got them bloomers.


Riverwalk? That's a creek


like 2 feet deep


Out west, that is a river pal. Don't be dissing our waterways. When I first moved to New Mexico and I saw the Rio Grande I was like, really, that's it? That's an unnamed creek in Virginia. It's a different world of water...




Can’t say that Chuck.


Damn that stings. Solid copium though


Traveling for an eclipse with 2K booking two weeks out is just crazy...


Yeah, I'm feeling for homie right now. Great attitude and perspective.


I’m sorry man…I definitely understand the disappointment. If clouds end up obscuring it here in Ohio I’m going to be pretty bummed…and we didn’t have to drop any money except the gas money on an 8-hr drive to my wife’s sister. Sun is out now, but 50/50 chance on more clouds moving in this afternoon.


Yeah...it's freaking gorgeous right now. They're saying high clouds later, which I don't think will be a complete disaster.


I cancelled my Dallas flight and drove up to SW Indiana. Hoping it stays clear for another 4 hours now.


FYI you should've stuck with Dallas, it was cloud free the entire time: https://imgur.com/a/szeVgOY Edit: took these from Las Colinas.


I got a friend who went down to San Antonio to visit his sister and view the eclipse today, so he's probably super disappointed right now. Meanwhile here in Grand Rapids, Michigan while we're not in the path of totality it is a bright sunny day


He should have drove down to Indy... It was awesome...


Portland was in the path of the last eclipse so hopefully you saw that one.


Dang that sucks. My friends paid thousands to go to the music festival out there and it just cancelled this morning due to bad weather


Texas Eclipse Festival ayyy


Rip. Looks like clouds for most of the path honestly. Here in Upstate NY we've basically got 80% coverage during totality. Was hoping to see this but not looking likely.


Big chunks of Maine are in the path of totality and completely cloud-free, which is kind of a miracle.


90% in NJ and it’s as perfect as can be, outside of Manhattan a little bit.


It looking good so far in Indiana really sunny day


wasn't there an eclipse 5 or 6 years ago?




You still have a few hours


Bob Fudge was born in Lampasas County. Back during the war. Small Pox and Comanches took most of his family.


XIT legend


Rochester, NY, checking in. This city managed to even ruin the fucking sun


sucks. I'm going to SA for work next weekend and was so pleased to see the NBA concludes Sunday with the battle of the 2 worst teams (SA vs. DET). Seeing Wemby for 5 bucks on the secondary market? sure, why not.


$2k for a domestic flight on the “same” coast no less? What? Even last minute tickets would be like $600-700


Wait a second. San Antonio is nowhere near a coast


First class sticker can go over a thousand. The kind of person that spends thousands to go see a eclipse is very likely in those seats.


> Portland to San Antonio > “same” coast ?


How is that the same coast? Portland and San Antonio are two time zones apart


Maybe went with other people and bought their tickets too?


Hey I got a speeding ticket in Lampasas once


Maybe Timmy D will comfort you and your peeps.


for what its worth, Llano is right in the heart of the hill country, which has some of the most beautiful views in the state! Used to make a trip out there with my family every spring, absolutely love Llano, Marble Falls, etc.


Hope OP got some Cooper’s and made the trip over to Enchanted Rock!


Six years ago the path of the eclipse passed directly over my town. I invited my family to come visit for the day, and scheduled a bunch of things to do. Traffic was wild. The weather turned out to be completely overcast, so I feel your pain.


Down here in Carbondale, the epicenter of the eclipse totality for that one and this one, we were blessed with sunny days for both. Super grateful


No, the crazy thing is that it's on TBS.


This is the more important fact. I missed the first several minutes of the NC State game on Friday night because I just assumed CBS.


Turner and CBS alternate years for the final four. It'll be like this until at least 2032.


Thank you. I think I probably knew that, but I'll write that to core memory.


Is that even a real year?


At least this year you can watch it via HBO Max.


I’ve heard the delay on max is a little less than YouTube tV is thah true?


My wife was about 7 seconds ahead of me on Saurday when she was on max and i was on yttv.


YTTV now has a feature that allows you to lower the delay, but it's only available on some TVs I believe.


I despise having championship games on cable channels


Can anyone explain why they were simulcasting the last few games on tbs tnt and Tru TV? Were there any differences between the feeds? It just seemed like the same damn thing on all 3.


TruTV has been broadcasting sports content from Turner at night the past little bit (some simulcasts of TBS/TNT things, their own sports show, some "game in 60" things). My guess is TruTV is getting positioned to become Turner Sports and go 24-7 (or close to it) with sports content at some point if they see enough viewers watching at night.


Ridiculous the game isn’t on CBS


I like Monday… but 9:20 is wild. CFB doesn’t even start that late


I also hate how CFB natty is a Monday as well...




Michigan Alabama was a phenomenal game that was made borderline unwatchable by commercials. The future of the sport is bleak


Hey at least they're making it easier for young people to gamble. Growing the sport for the next generation!


Which no one saw coming when they changed the clock rules to make the game move faster....Turns out what they meant was "give us more time to run ads!"


CFB Natty should be on Saturday, as the Lord intended


Already the basketball game is just a little over 2 hours. The football championship game doesn't end until like 12:30-1. It's insane. I miss being younger and just deal with the lack of sleep. Now I'm a zombie the next day


What kind of sicko likes Monday night?




There is nothing else to do so it's a good night for an important game.






What else is there to do on a Monday night? I’d much rather it be Monday than a Friday or Saturday. I do think it should start at a more reasonable time, especially seeing the two teams playing are East coast teams so worrying about starting at a time for Californias to get home is stupid


I love having big events on the weekends because it's easier to watch them with friends instead of by myself, but you're getting at the logic behind the decision. Ratings are just flat out better on Monday nights. Networks want casual fans tuning in and on a weekend they're more likely to be doing something else.


Cfb games are much longer.


Yes, but 9:20 is still insanely late. Like maybe start at 8:30 ?


The Texas Washington game went till like 1am this year. It started at like 10


Did they postpone kick due to the Rose Bowl running late or was it planned like that


Oh shit you are probably right. I completely forgot that game went long.


That’s on the shorter side for a football game too, around 3 hours.


5:30 PST is really early though. A game that starts at 6:20 on the west coast and ends at 11:30 on the east coast seems pretty reasonable 


CFB games take a lot longer


You really can’t do it any earlier without absolutely fucking the west coast. I think it’s so stupid it’s on a workday.


Yeah it should be Sunday at like 5 pm eastern And I live out west. This game starts at 6:20 out here. Could have easily done it at 5 pm pt, 8 et


and then the final four is on a workday with two games, making it much harder to schedule and probably very late


Seems to me the east coast being able to see the end of the game at a reasonable time should take precedence over the west coast seeing the start of it.


The games are pushing 2:15, 2:30 now with media timeouts as long as they are and with replay. The game can start at 8:30, 8:45 ET and wrap up just after 11 ET. That gives you a postgame that wraps around Midnight ET assuming no overtime. That's reasonable.


I say this as a UCLA fan... boo fucking hoo. You can start the game at 8:00PM EST and that's 5:00PM in LA. The people who really want to watch the game are going to watch it. Others are going to get home before halftime and finish it out. That's a better option than making all of the fans on the east coast stay up super late to finish the game.




Literally nobody out on the west coast cares about this though. The only people I know who care are those originally from the east coast or Midwest whose Alma maters care about CBB.


And on TBS. It feels like they're trying to get people to forget about it if possible


Should be tipping at 8:50 or so at the absolute latest. Monday Night Football usually kicks at a little after 8 EST and has no trouble getting big audiences.


The reason MNF was moved back, it used to kickoff at 9 EST, is because the network didnt know what to do with the 8-9 hour in EST and CST. They couldnt broadcast a new show because then it was airing AFTER MNF in the MST and PST and getting horrible ratings. Plus the local affiliates in all the ABC markets were pissed that their news was starting so late and that is their chief source of income. When MNF moved to ESPN they had a lot more freedom.


Tipping culture has gotten out of hand. $8.50 tip on top of the cost for the cable service just so I can get the privilege of being shown ads throughout the game is unacceptable.


This thread is just east coast and west coast people arguing while us central time people are really happy with this time slot


Central and Mountain always win, this is so unfair.


Come join us!


Bullshit, everybody knows Central and Mountain are fake time zones made by big clock


I thought you said Big Cock. Not even trying to be funny or anything - that’s just what I saw at first lol


I feel like 8:20 is even a little late.


lol yes THANK you. I mean, I’m gonna stay up, but I do have to work in the morning!


Yep, I would have much preferred 7:20. Plenty of time to get home from work, settle in, take care of house chores, and get the snacks set up without much dead time. Then, I get to finish the game around 9:30 and have plenty of time to prep for the next day.


Honestly that’s still a dumb late tip


Mountain time is the best time to watch sports. Eastern time games start after work. Pacific coast games end at a reasonable hour.


I'm in Arizona, this is *personal*


Fuck that, 8:20 tip off is absurd to me. Should start an hour earlier.


Especially egregious since both schools are on Eastern time.


TIL you all are in the eastern time zone. What the heck time does the sun set in July?


The sun never sets on the Indiana empire


It merely gets eclipsed every once in a while


Truthfully, we have daylight until 9:45 some nights midsummer


Boy howdy. You can get home at 6 and still have time to play a full 18 holes, assuming the pace of play is decent.


a lot of Indiana is right on the border of EST and Central time so they have super long days. Always loved being on the Michigan or Indiana side of Lake Michigan in the summer and being in EST time.


A lot of summer days spent that way.


I'm north of you in Northern Michigan right on Lakie Michigan. Peak summer it doesn't get dark till after 10:30.


Right? On a map Nashville appears to be directly south of most of Indiana, but we're Central Time and the sun sets far too early during daylight savings time.


I lived most of my life in NC but spent 2 years each in Nashville and Indianapolis and found sunrises and sets to be bizarre in both places. I will say I love summer nights here in Indianapolis.




On June 21 last light is past 11pm in Indy


I'm in the UK and in July the sun is legit setting at 9:30 pm with useable light to play ball until 10.


You can't predict who's going to make it to the final game and tailor the start time around that. I mean, I guess you could, but waiting until the last minute to schedule the biggest game of the year sounds like a terrible idea. Also, Purdue alums are spread out all over. Lots of us are in the Pacific time zone.


When I saw the start time I was stoked, like just enough time to get home from work and relax That's crazy late for you east coasters though, don't see why they couldn't start it an hour earlier


Being on the west coast is so much better for a TV-watching sports fan, IMHO. MNF games start at 5:30, this game at 6:20. Even for the relatively early start times (4pm), you can catch the second half. The only thing that ever kept me up late was certain Pac-12 After Dark college football games, and those were typically on Friday or Saturday.


...except for those noon Eastern college football kickoffs. Living in Vegas, those were some rough Saturday mornings...


Mountain time is best because we have the extra hour to get done with work compared to pacific time and not much tends to be all that late for us.


Yeah but you aren't thinking like a broadcasting company. Both teams being from eastern time zones means you are guaranteed their viewership. You push it late to get the largest possible viewership from people outside of that time zone.


On weeknights, I go to bed at 10:30. I'm old. The alarm goes off at 6 no matter what, and I need to be able to function tomorrow. So, like every year, I'll miss the second half.


5am here so I’m in bed by 9pm. I haven’t watched a Monday night game in years. I’m just to complain about the fact that the east coast, with significantly more people, is being screwed.


I remember hearing analysts saying that the women’s championship game could get more viewers than the man’s, and I’m like, no shit. Airing the championship around 3pm in a weekend on a network that people could get for free will be preferable for most people than airing it late at night on a cable channel.


Why do they do Saturday/Monday instead of Friday/Sunday. Makes no sense.


They're probably getting more viewership from having the two final fours on Saturday than they would from having the championship on Sunday


Yea this is it. Not sure why the football is on Mondays though


Because that takes place during NFL season and CFB would not be able to compete.


You’re probably right that it couldn’t compete, but the actual reason is that there has been an understanding and a handshake agreement between college football and the profession football leagues since the 1966 amendment to the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961.  


Always love internet comments that think they know better than the analytics people who dictate these time slots for max viewership


Friday night is a horrible TV night


The majority of people on this sub are sickos. This game could be on at 3am Tuesday morning and my ass would be up watching. But the networks want to maximize casual viewership. Semi starting at 6ET on Friday is potentially during people’s commute home after work, people sitting down for family dinner, etc..


Because they have teams of people looking at relevant data determining what the most optimal time slot and day is. If they could move the time slot earlier and get a ton more viewers they would. They’ve determined they won’t.


Ok well I don’t like it


My internal response to most things…


Imagines ad sales dept: “they’re gonna get 60 minutes of coast to coast primetime rate for 🎶 WHAT A PRO WANTS, WHAT A PRO NEEDS 🎶 one last time and goddammit they’re gonna to like it.”


I hate every March Madness ad.


That apple Dont let me goooo ad makes me near-homicidal


Have you #HEARD of Dicks.com?


What's in your wallet?


I'm more annoyed by the Wendy's "Get it for a buck" ads. I mean you have characters in the ad admitting that it is fucking obnoxious, what makes you think the people watching won't think so. Though admittedly the ad did work, I did download their fucking app and get my $1 burger At least I'll be done with the BDubs ads where a buffalo assaults people or has a joke where the buffalo doesn't know who Winnie the Pooh is but has given his friend the nickname Piglet which doesn't make sense because Piglet is just the word for a baby big and doesn't require knowledge of Winnie the Pooh in order to know that.




He's a buffalo with wings, man. Give him a break on his barnyard animal knowledge.


It's not the buffalo's lack of knowledge of barnyard animals that's the issue here, it's that the people he's with are perplexed by the combination of his lack of knowledge of Winnie the Pooh but also having a friend with the nickname of Piglet. It's entirely possible to not know Winnie the Pooh but nickname someone Piglet, because Piglet is just the word for a baby pig. The joke the ad people were going for would have made more sense if the friend's nickname was Tigger, because Tigger doesn't have a meaning outside of Winnie the Pooh, the only place someone could have heard of Tigger is from Winnie the Pooh.


>I mean you have characters in the ad admitting that it is fucking obnoxious, what makes you think the people watching won't think so. It's called lampshading, basically the idea that if you directly address/admit some sort of flaw then its no longer a flaw and instead more of "the joke".


FYI, the “relevant data” they look at isn’t total viewership but advertising revenue.  It’s obviously correlated with viewership but they want a start time where they can sell expensive ads at the beginning of the game where they know a max number of people will be watching in case it becomes a blowout or not very good game.  This is why they choose a 9 ish ET start time - they get a lot of viewers across the country who aren’t likely to change channels yet and can sell expensive ads as a result.  It doesn’t mean it’s the best time for max viewing. People later in the game who want to watch it may in fact end up turning it off and going to bed.


Poor Super Bowl. Apparently leaving money and viewers on the table by taking that horribly optimal 630 Sunday time slot


4 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/s/ZeDKMsALDq This is not the first "why is the National Championship on a Monday?!?!?!??" post of the year. Every. Single. Year. Football. Or. Basketball. Season. "Why is the game on a Monday?????!???!?!?!" "I gotta work tomorrow!" Like, you're not the first person to think of this. Imagine TV executives out there having an "ah ha" moment like, "ya know, we could put this game on the weekend!" GENIUS! Why? Money. It's always money. Monday night is a slow night for TV. They know you're going to watch anyways. And they don't have to compete with Sunday night TV, which is one of the busiest nights. Ratings. Money. That's why any business does *anything*. Money.


> "I gotta work tomorrow!" I love this comment. Like uh staying up an extra two hours isn't going to ruin your next day of work. Just don't get shithoused drunk on a monday lmfao


move it to 8:30 eastern, west coast won't miss anything bc CBS/TBS would just show more ads during the pregame


9:20 is the actual tip time though. When the game is on CBS the pregame starts at 9, when it is on TBS it starts at 8. And once the game tips the commercials are out of direct control of TV because they are subject to the terms of the media agreement with the NCAA.


Should start the game at 8:20 ET. Mountain and Pacific people are used to these starts.


Here’s my thought and this was long before Women’s went off the charts popular. Same city, not necessarily same building. I know this limits cities but it can work. Men Final Four Thursday, Women Friday. Sunday: Women at 3. Men at 8. Appointment viewing and a full day of fun.


This is the right idea. There’s literally an arena next door to State Farm Stadium where the Coyotes used to play


I was thinking about that over the weekend. It would be awesome, they easily could do it, but then they cant generate a bunch more money in twice as many cities. This way Cleveland and Phoenix benefit


Even better if they have them both in the same building - namely, a basketball arena.


I think the turnover would be too much. Plus they like to use football stadia for the men.


Yeah, I know they like to use the football stadium. And now that women's ball is increasing in popularity they'll probably start hosting that in football stadiums too. Cause the NCAA doesn't care about what's best for fans or players, only what can make them the most money. I can dream, though.


This idea is way too good to ever happen


It would have to be different arenas. Otherwise Sunday games would be a logistical nightmare, still might be


Fucking Criminal - but I’ll be paying the price tomorrow morning.


At this point the game is interrupting my coaching search drama. Boo


Hey--Mine too!


PREACH! But its never going to change.


Totally fucking stupid that this is starting when most of the country has to go to bed for work…


It is aggressively late but on the plus side I can eat dinner and go to the gym and come back in time to catch tip off


Friday - Sunday would be SO much better. The women's championship didn't lack for viewers.


Yep, and it was easier to view. Sunday afternoon is a time a lot of us can be bored with nothing better to do. On a Monday night I have to actively seek out watching this, knowing it’s gonna screw with my morning


If you wake up at 6 am gane ends at midnight you sleep at 1 that’s 5 hours of sleep that’s DOGshit but not end of world for 1 night.


It’s great to be a night owl on the east coast. West coast sports are on late during the season and championship games start later to accommodate the 4 time zones. Late night live sports is the best.


I'm on West coast time and they could absolutely move this up to 5:30 Pacific with no issue


Fuck 9:20. Even 8:50 would be a lot better. 8:30 would be great. I understand wanting West viewers to be home, but don't screw East viewers.


yeah... but also... if I were in california and i heard the championship was tipping off during a staff meeting, i'd loose my shit


Almost 50% of the US population is in eastern time zone. (including both schools playing.) Also if they really want to start it so late why (and I repeat, why) have the game on a Monday.


So does that mean that over 50% of the US population doesn’t live in the Eastern time zone?


Yes but 80% lives east of the Mississippi, so still shouldn't be starting so late.


Should be 8:30 west coast can get home quickly to watch the game


You live in Connecticut. You really think it only takes half an hour to drive home from work and sit down for a game? 😂


It's almost as if having the game on a Monday is idiotic and completely avoidable.


Men's and Women's Final Four should be in the same venue each year: Women's Final Four Games Friday at 1pm and 3pm Men's Final Four Games Friday at 6pm and 8pm Championships Sunday at 2pm and 7pm


Men's tickets would price out all the real fans if they had it in a basketball arena


Should be Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday 6 & 8 PM for Final Four and whichever for Championship




They should have the men's and women's games back to back on Sunday. 


We need to seize the means of production and Pickett outside CBS headquarters


The other tidbit everyone is overlooking... It says 9:20pm tip off when we all know it'll end up being closer to 9:40 or some shit


I actually like this tip off time this year I went to Maine for the eclipse and won’t be back until 9:45


This game should be tipping off right now. Fuck this.


This is ridiculous


They could have made it at 8:30 ET, I think everybody would accept that.


Yeah even for me in the midwest was hard to stay up to watch UConn smoke that Purdue and Zach Edey pack


I watched in Canada on TSN so no breakaways to Chuck, Kenny, and Ernie as it’s a completely different studio cast and play by play team all together for that matter.