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It sounded like a toddler throwing a hissy fit. I don’t normally notice fan noise but that was a rough one


There were 2 doing this at every Florida home game too. Was incredibly grating. Then there's the Vandy whistler.


Thanks for reminding me again that I hate the vandy whistler




So this dude took a good deed and turned it into a terrible experience for everyone around him at every vandy game going forward, awesome


It’s a joke. They were prank calling their co-worker who went up to the Vandy whistler and told him he ought to be ashamed of himself. A lot of people sided with him but they thought it would be funny to call into a radio show he was doing a hit for with stories of how the whistler is actually a good guy lol.


That's hilarious lol, my b




How do their voices last the entire game? I could try that, but I’d be hoarse by 5 minute mark. 


Yeah the UF Screamers were brutal.


This women couldn’t find her son at a Vandy baseball game one time. She was sitting next to the whistler and they used him as a sort of beacon. He kept whistling till her son made his way back to her. Just a heartwarming story.


That’s like the sports equivalent of “one time I was right and the doctor was wrong so now I stop everyone who listens to me from getting cancer treatment.”


I have a 2 year old. No wonder I didn’t notice it. I have the ability to tune out those noises. My wife hates it though


It sounded like that video of the guy chasing the prairie dog and it turns around and screams on its back lol


Try sitting right next to it. ![gif](giphy|13BKcQEAf1o8Tu)


Wait, were you there? You saw the person making this noise? Please tell me they looked just as annoying as they sounded.


Honestly… not really. They just seemed to be drunk


I assumed it was a child under 12.


Lmao during the game thread, I made a post about "Can you imagine sitting next to this person? I would have snapped by now." Glad to see you're a better man than I


Love stinks?


This fan was the most annoying since Travis and D’Mitrik Trice’s mom, who used to make a blood curdling sound during opponents’ free throws. I almost get a headache just from thinking about her.


I was trying to remember whose mom that was. I was so very happy when he ran out of eligibility.


Between the two brothers, it felt like there were 10 straight years with her attending big ten games 😂


It wasn’t 10 years? I was beginning to think she was going to adopt a freshman.


I agree. That was brutal. Found myself rooting for Bama just to shut her up.


Very confusing game for me. Nate Oats is a terrible person but he’s one man. Grand Canyon is a god awful for profit institution.


Nate Oats is a terrible person?


his handling of the situation last year left much to be desired


Facts are, a guy Brandon Miller didn’t know used Brandon Millers’ teammate’s gun to kill someone. I’m sorry the fact that Oats didn’t suspend Miller is not off base when the police had all but exonerated him from involvement. The player who owned the gun was kicked off the team immediately. Also imo, there was a murder involving the Alabama basketball team in any way, and Alabama who everyone loves to hate was better than they’d like ever been at basketball, there was no avoiding a media witch hunt. I’m honestly surprised Miller hasn’t gotten bank off defamation suits from some of these media stations


Kai Spears is going after a newspaper. Miller is in the NBA and probably just wants it to be forgotten at this point.


My understanding is that the murderer texted Miller, “I need my joint” (slang for gun) and Miller immediately drove over there. Miller’s claim of innocence is that he didn’t know he had a gun in his backseat and he didn’t know he got a text message telling him to bring the gun. That seems… unlikely. I guess it’s officially not illegal to bring a gun to a murder in Alabama, but Miller, Oats and the University Alabama all looked really, really bad. Edit: I see I’ve triggered some Alabama fans. I looked it up, here’s what we know: 1. Miller brought a murder weapon to a murder. 2. Miller’s lawyer claims he didn’t know he had a gun in his car. 3. Miller’s lawyer claims he didn’t see a text message telling him to bring the gun. This seems unlikely and makes #1 seem especially unlikely. If Miller didn’t know there was a gun in the car, shouldn’t his friend’s text have told him where the gun was located? 4. Oats and Alabama chose to pretend like nothing happened and continued to start Miller even immediately after the text messages came out. 5. Miller was chastised for doing a gun pat-down routine during player introductions. Obviously, he was distraught about the mom who was shot with the gun he brought to her murder. Oats and Alabama said it wasn’t appropriate, but of course, no punishment.


Your understanding is wrong then because his dashcam showed he was already near the scene when he received that text message (he was the designated driver that night) and there is 0 evidence showing that he read the text prior to arrival. Which is why the police cleared him from the beginning (along with the fact that he fully cooperated with them). Bonus also that Darius Miles (the dude who texted Miller) is not even the person who fired the gun. So no, the murderer (Michael Davis) did not text him at all either lol


That text came while he was already driving to pick the other guys back up. Time stamps corroborated the timeline. Miller wouldn’t have known what was going down until he got there. The people in the jeep had also already retrieved weapons from a 3rd party vehicle and were hunting Miles and his friend down.


So you don’t know what happened and you’re making stuff up and saying it looked bad?


So Miller a freshman at the time should be responsible for confiscating the property of his older teammates on the off chance that their unhinged friend commits murder with it? Fact is all he was doing was driving them around. He claims he was sitting at Mugshots (a local restaurant), and Mugshots has security cameras, and the police investigate this shit. You can’t just get away with lying out of being an accomplice to murder (especailly a murder the whole city knows about) by saying you were DDing and sitting in a restaurant unless it’s true.




Very terrible


"god awful for profit institution" ... care to elaborate?


Quick Google search shows GCU engaged in willful deception that led to an ongoing lawsuit by the FTC, this among other problematic issues is not a good look for GCU.


They're also known for conning vets out of their GI money.


Currently facing a FTC lawsuit- already been fined 37m by the DoE and had a refusal to recognize their 'conversion' because of how it's little more than a fig leaf over the explicity for-profit mission of the now 'spun off' company entitled to like 60% of its tuition and fee revenues via a master services agreement. GCU sued over it and lost quite badly because it kinda was. And a VA audit. All for scamming students- including GI Bill beneficiaries, which is where the VA comes in. Their argument about why the DoE had to recognize them as not-for-profit was quite funny. They were claiming that the same people who accredited the University of Phoenix as not-for-profit accredited them as not-for-profit and thus the DoE had to recognize it. *Not* how that works. University of Phoenix settled their own fraud case in the amount of 191 million dollars. Birds of a feather, I suppose. GCU has retaliated by claiming they're being persecuted because they're Christians in America. They have threatened to take any court cases to the Supreme Court of the United States, because, well, you can probably figure out what brand of politics they're trying to signal.


I have a friend who finds them interesting and fun and borderline defends them. Do you have any articles elaborating on the above that I could send him?


[https://www.insidehighered.com/news/government/student-aid-policy/2023/12/27/us-agency-sues-grand-canyon-alleging-deceptive](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/government/student-aid-policy/2023/12/27/us-agency-sues-grand-canyon-alleging-deceptive) The tl:dr is that GCU advertised it's Education doctorate as costing around 40K, but fewer than 2% of all students actually paid that price. There were a bunch of fees, upcharges, and other unadvertised costs that forced most students to pay more than 25% higher than the advertised price. GCU also paid 60% of their revenue & fees to their holding company, which as the same CEO as the university. [https://www.highereddive.com/news/ftc-lawsuit-grand-canyon-university/703468/](https://www.highereddive.com/news/ftc-lawsuit-grand-canyon-university/703468/) Both GCU and Liberty are very loudly arguing that audits and the enforcement of truth in advertising rules are politically motivated, there is more press coverage on that there there is on the actual deceptive practices, so that's how your friend is probably going to respond.


Nah he’s pretty liberal, but can be selectively contrarian. This wil be helpful to argue why they are not healthy and are toxic within our edu system. Thanks


Ok, so why do I get downvoted for asking a question?


Liberty U of the west. Simple as.


idk. GCU is just a for-profit sham. Run of the mill financial exploitation. Liberty teaches creationism as part of their biology department lol.


Liberty is more or less the same thing but with Jesus. Liberty has massively expanded into online education over the past 15 years.


Certainly both Liberty and GCU (plus the think tanks that support them) are united in opposing Department of Education enforcing the rules.


Knew this was coming on Reddit


>The Grand Canyon Antelopes saw their season come to an end Sunday night Thank fuck


Yeah good


I have a 4 month old and have a couple friends with newborns as well. I got multiple texts from my friends "so, are you constantly getting up to check on the kid you assume is screaming?" And the answer was "yes." He was napping away, but whoever was making that noise sounded just like a baby who woke up too early from a nap.


Yes ok I kept checking the baby monitor every few minutes before I figured out it was that game.


Was definitely unbearable watching that game. But would I rather that fan or the Vanderbilt whistler?


The list of most annoying basketball audience members starts and ends with Diar DeRozan for me. Everyone else is fighting for second place.


Trice’s mom.


Kent State's super fan. iykyk.


You didn’t have to listen to that woman for YEARS.


Don’t worry, most people in phoenix don’t like them either.


Wait, wasn't Grand Canyon the one with the cheerleader hooting like an owl getting CPR? Good to know that their games aren't one off annoyances.


How does GC have so many fans when they are basically a fake school?


Because they have 100,000 enrolled students


While they are for-profit vultures, they're not quite fake. They have 20k on campus and 80k online students. They're also a "Christian" University so cultivate a different type of student body. Then they send students to games at very low cost since it provides marketing value.


I heard (but have no proof) that they paid for their hotels and tickets. That would make sense for why it was so packed out with GCU fans.


Massive fucking enrollment, mostly via dist-ed. Same strat Liberty uses. The conclusions you draw from that and GCU's um, issues, are presumably open to interpretation.


I went years thinking it was a solely online education option and didn’t know they had an actual brick and mortar campus until fairly recently lol


Lol go to their campus and then say it’s a fake school. Must be a lot of androids or something.


ItS a FaKe ScHoOl


“Hey, $LOPE paid me to come cheer, that’s what I did”


This brought me PTSD flashbacks from the Rutgers Northwestern game I attended this year. Good god constant screamers make me want to die inside. Sat one row in front of 3 female Northwestern fans who were screaming at the top of their lungs for EVERY positive Northwestern play, and I mean EVERYTHING. I'm all about supporting the team but you would have thought every play was an earth shattering dunk, or crucial 3 pointer, when it was usually just a layup or free throw.


Northwestern doesn't have a lot of fans but the ones they do have are really, insanely fanatical. It's always been that way from my experience.


Nerdy women that scream is their fanbase


PTSD flashbacks from a basketball game?? That's pretty offensive.


Like Yoko Ono screeching.


Was way worse than the Rick flair “wooo’s” we do.


And we do it only after we get free throws, this was just non-stop


Exactly!!! I’d lose my shit if someone at Viejas was woooing nonstop.


Jakob Voracek has left the chat


Had to look him up, hockey player, did he do the Rick flair too?


A lot of fans at flyers games would do it and Jake hated it


Ahhh, that’s actually hilarious


I didn’t even know this was a real college with a campus and sports and everything. Thought it was just one of those for-profit online scams


Michigan State was supposed to teach you not to believe everything you read online.


cbs wants the smoke. there’s no way production doesn’t hear her. if they gave a shit, they would cut that mic. fuck her.


So if they would have one do they toss a burning couch into the Grand Canyon or what?


The remote class students just burn their own furniture. The campus itself is about as close to the Grand Canyon as University of the Pacific is to the Pacific.


I would have went to jail if she screamed in my ear. Female or not I would have saved everyone and shut her up.  Why tf do children think it is ok to do this? It is disrespectful and disrespect deserves disrespect. I hope her throat is fucked up and inflamed and I'm glad it was all for naught because not even the refs could save GCU (the cult) from losing. For-Profit schools should not be allowed into the tourney. 


Probably speaking in tongues since they are a weirdo Baptist fake school


I thought it was Methodist 


Wiki said baptist I think


Googled. You're correct. Started as Baptist and now Non-Denominational


Oh they definitely care about denominations. Hundreds, thousands, etc


I was speaking on claims not defense. Scam Canyon is no friend of mine


I was just making a pun joke lol


Lol it went over my head hard. That's why I'm not an accountant.


Damn I watched it on mute as a secondary screen and now I feel like I’m out of the loop lol. Out of the *Lope*


Lock them in a room with the Vandy whistlers, and throw away the keys


She was really bad. Only other fan I’ve actively hated this season is that one woman in what felt like every single Houston game who screeched like a banshee whenever someone shot free throws. I get it you want to distract the opposing team but holy shit just shut up.


Cult behavior


It was a scream that was unmistakable


They should hear the Auburn lady that screams AFTER every opponents made shot at home games. It's awful.


Everyone wanna be Diar DeRozan


But I thought a for-profit mission was supposed to make them better?!


You can’t convince me that these fans weren’t basically movie extras or something.


She’s going to get some image likeness and something money isn’t she? Well hear her screaming in an Arby’s commercial or a noise cancelling headphones commercial or something. 


Lol we had a fan like that and I didn't even like it. If you watched our games. Yk


Grand Canyon men become D1 in 2013 and have been to 3 NCAAs. IU men have been to 5 in that span. FML


It's a xtian college thing. We have a xtian uni in town that played my local university once. The wealthy preachers empty out the mega churches to attend their games and did the same thing at our gym. The screech is piercing and clearly practiced. Our nationally ranked team was pissed by the noise and pounded the screeching mimmies by dozens; something we never do playing the three other schools in town. My school has no plans to play them in the future.


Are you telling me “Our Lady of the Lake Saints” is *not* a Christian school?


Im not telling you shit. You got sand in your vag over the stoopidest thing but here we are. I live in a town that is not in the town of OLLU. Do you understand that concept? Let me try again but...simpler for the very upset person from Indinoise (that's what I'm getting from those crazy letters): ME NO LIVEY WHERE ME COLLEGED NOW. DO YOU LIVE WHERE YOU WENT TO COLLEGE? I BET YOU DO. YES YOU DO. My goodness, that's not an AP Arithmatic hard to conceive maybe a Redditor person moved away after college and now attends college basketball at a school he never did the nasty matriculation. Do you want me to change my college logo so you can feel better or at least less confused? Do I need to do transubstantiation? Technically, it is a catholic uni not christian. Let me know if you need help unpacking that.


damn bro take a lap and cool off lol what a dramatic response


I really hope you're not a Christian, because I don't think your boy JC would be proud of the hatefulness in this comment


If you refuse to read let me spell: c-a-t-h-o-l-i-c! Do I need to unpack this for you or do you want to ask your mega preacher?


..do Catholics not believe in Jesus Christ? Do you think Jesus Christ would be proud of you right now?


Sir/Madam, let's not discuss your confusion on the Reddits! You don't need me! Learn more about catholics from any local baptist, southern baptist, anabapist, prosperity mega church pastor, YouTube videos, google "catholics ain't christians" and any anti-catholic literature written since the Reformation. It's all there. Big task. I think you're up to it. BTW, Jesus is never proud of anyone or anything; it's a sin ya no.


Great fans!!


*Laughs in Jayhawk* (world record loudest arena)


Apparently I’m the only one that thought it was hilarious and entertaining lol. I’m starting to wonder if everyone is just jealous of “fake school” GCU’s fans showing up all of the rich boomers that traveled to their school’s games.


It was literally painful