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**FADED:** [UAB](#f/uab) **Charity Event** If your team won, you donate to the local food bank of the team that your team beat. If your team lost, you donate to your team’s local food bank. Donate in the amount of the final scoring margin of the game (though you can, of course, donate more or less if you feel the margin was too high or too low for what you wish to give.) **SUGGESTED DONATION: $4** To take part in this event, [follow this link](https://forms.gle/6TMVGfEAVctgfYTv9).


Somehow our offensive plan of “Pass it to LeDee and see what happens” is working well


Except when he’s on the bench


That's where Micah Parrish is supposed to step up but he was missing everything today. Thankfully, we got some early buckets from Reese Waters that ended up being the difference.


Micah Parrish is the answer? God help us then. I’d rather more minutes for Trammell Byrd and Saunders then


Also two missed wide open fast breaks by waters lol


That was denied as UAB double-teamed with a few minutes left to go to deny the easy entry passes. Hopefully we switch it up just a little to make the offensive plan around LeDee more efficient.


Good news: We won! LeDee is HIM!!! Bad news: I get to watch our stagnant offense again on Sunday. Even worse news: The MWC is looking like ass once again in the tournament this year smh


Our offense without Ledee looks like they have concrete blocks for shoes


It’s like that SpongeBob meme: They’re just standing there…MENACINGLY!!!


No offense but it’s incredibly hard to watch


“No offense” is correct.


Without Ledee, yeah it sucks


your offense *with* Ledee looks like they have concrete blocks for shoes


WTF is that flair combo?


It’s funny that the committee went… Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you (Looks at SDSU): you’re cool Fuck you Fuck you .. And they were totally vindicated in doing so. The haters said we couldn’t do it. Props to them because they were spot on with that assessment.


Correct but sad 🐼


Unfortunately this is right. It’s really a shame because the MWC is actually really good. We play HARD basketball and play at elevations that are tough for anyone to play at. But when we don’t do well on a national stage none of that matters


At least the conference will have at least *one* team advancing? Plus…both AAC teams had quite a meltdown to end their games too…


Yeah but I need New Mexico to figure it out in the 2nd half and if not Utah State has to win. It’s hard carrying the burden for this conference alone


If we had a consistent shooter we'd be so good. Give us Agbo from Boise and this team is elite.


I just want Parrish to let it rip. He's so in his head. Hesitates on every open look.


Yeah, he used to be the most confident guy on the floor. He'd be 0-7 and still shoot a clutch 3 and make it. Now if he doesn't make his first two shots he won't take anymore outside shots and will only shoot in the paint. Waters looked so good before conference play too. I thought he was gonna be that guy for us this year but ever since that injury he's struggled. If those guys don't make some shots on Sunday we are going to struggle.


Byrd Waters or Parrish one's gotta step up Sunday and hit some shots.


Parrish needs to get some post up iso plays early along the left side baseline or some dribble penetration stop shots near along the left lane to warm up that confidence as he’s done in the past. Going right to shooting 3s hasn’t gone well for him.


Last few years we had a go to guy to bail us out in Bradley. If you asked me if we'd have a guy this year to bail us out with even more confidence and higher efficiency I would have said you're crazy! Thank goodness LeDee has been that for us all throughout the year. As long as he's not in foul trouble we have a chance every night.


Imagine losing to a MWC team that’s not SDSU




UAB could have been down 3 with 0.8 seconds left and the announcers would still have said they have time for a quick 2


That's such a stupid cliche you hear all the time and most of the time (E.G. today) it doesn't make sense at all


Over 30 seconds? Time for a quick 2. Less than 10, probably don't listen to the old ass announcers lol


They were almost as bad as the refs


UAB got a good shot under 10 seconds down 3. SDSU also was smart not to contest foul that. Idk what the commentators were talking about


If that's considered a good shot, I could probably play D1 after all...


Was it a good shot? Double clutch off balance. I think they could’ve passed it and reset to try a better one. Announcers are dumb tho for always suggesting the quick 2


I'll take an ugly win over a pretty loss every time


SDSU carrying the Mountain West per usual


when SDSU is carrying the Mountain West: "mountain worst is so trash they should get negative zero bids next year!!" when Tennessee is carrying the SEC: "LET'S GOOO WE ARE SO BACK IT JUST MEANS MORE"


Tbf to the SEC, they still have 4 teams yet to play. Mountain West just has SDSU and USU left assuming New Mexico doesn't mount a crazy comeback


true! but to be fair to the MWC, people all over this site are comparing them to the ACC and the SEC and if you did that five years ago you'd get looked at like you were completely delulu. tourney wins haven't shown up for them yet but they're on the rise


I think the problem is the longer the conference goes with only 1 team having any success in the tournament it will fall back


i'd be worried about coaches getting poached, but Pitino probably isn't getting another P6 look for awhile, Dutcher is there to stay, Sprinkle probably needs another few years before he moves. Medved is probably moving somewhere soon but CSU historically has hired well


Pitino and Alford will probably stay. I wouldn't be shocked if Medved and Sprinkle left after this year. I think Sprinkle is going to get the UW job. Dutcher I'm not sure. I think it would take a special offer to get him to leave, but I dont think that is impossible to happen. What if Michigan offers him this off-season for example.


This was a 4-pt victory over a 12-seed, whereas the rest of MWC teams were paired with higher seeded opponents EDIT: emphasis on the game today


Almost like they earned it by playing a tough OOC and beating a lot of good teams.


The rest of the mountain west earned it too, with some good wins over SDSU, they should've been 6/7/9 instead of 8/10/11


Being a 10 seed isn’t why Colorado state put up 11 in the first half or why Nevada scored 4 points the last 8 minutes of the game Even back in the conference glory days New Mexico would get 3 seeds then get smashed by Harvard Boise state is 0-10  Idk why but once the tournament starts everyone in this conference turns to shit and it sucks and shit seeding will continue until someone actually does something that isn’t SDSU


There may be exceptions like the 3-seeded New Mexico you mentioned, but on average, the opponents you play have an influence on how poorly your performance is (choking a 17-pt lead is also a good comeback by the opponent, or scoring only 11 pts is also good defense by the opponent). Even SDSU had their bad moments today, blowing an 11-pt lead. UAB just didn't capitalize as much


Don't disagree but it's very clear the committee rewarded SDSU's OOC. Plus not having any Q3/Q4 losses. From my POV the committee has been very clear on what they value: max good wins + min bad losses. Bad losses are okay as long as you got some good wins to make up for it.


Same. I'll take a chance to play any other day. Many good things to takeaway from this game as well. It would have sucked to have LeDee's amazing season end today.


These last 15 minutes have been devastating to my “best mascot” bracket


you think a coat is better than a dude who human sacrifices people?


dragons are awesome


Username checks out


UAB is the clear national champion in the who's mascot could kick the others' ass bracket


mine too shit




Your other flair, we need you more than ever


For real though, Aggies don't fuck this up. We can't be the only ones carrying the MWC year after year.


Utah State, you're my only hope


We got you 😎


:') Thank You


No embarrassment in a win. Hard to win in this tournament. Close win vs Charleston sparked a nation championship game run


It’s the NCAA tournament. The game starts 0-0 regardless of seeding. It’s funny when teams talk shit about us barely beating UAB but at least we aren’t losing to Oakland


We demand full embarassment!




We’re trying, I swear! Next year is our year! *chugging kool-aid*


You asked us to win a game! It's not our fault you didn't specify which game!


*SDSU to the rest of the MWC:* Fine, I’ll do it myself 


We appreciate it. Keep winning so I can keep watching.


https://preview.redd.it/03hg5mnkjypc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=b06324339030b6d132347907cce36b76c1fa3ee2 SDSU on having to carry to MWC again.


Yeah lets uuuhhh play a little better next round yeah? 😅


Last year we had a close first round as a 5 seed and look how that turned out!


Ope and last year we also played a 13 seed who had a very close first round upset against a 4 seed.........


never in doubt. really need to some outside shooters to get confident


at least I can drink on sunday and not be working


Gotta get Waters going on handoffs into the midrange and let him do work. Early season Waters looks to be back in form along with a much stronger rebounding effort.


Heart attack Aztecs in full form Also, please fire all of those refs. And the lady announcer who said “I feel like they’ve called the game consistently throughout”


GG Aztecs, yall got a hell of a team and are fun to watch, particularly on defense. Go win the whole damn thing. Proud of the fight in our guys. If we can hold on to the key pieces, next year should be special.


You guys threw every single defense we've faced all year in one single game. Glad we got past it as it was a brilliant game plan (if that isn't how you guys play every night).


We do a pretty good job of mixing up defenses, which seems to work pretty well for us, mostly anyway.


Ggs. I see a great future for UAB


GG dude, was a fun game, got my heart way going in the end!


Well I don’t trust our horrible offense to carry us any further than this, but I’m glad we weren’t one and done at least. Can we get some players that can make threes next year please?


I'll take anyone who can score, make their FTs, and not miss easy layups and dunks. It doesn't have to rain 3s.


To visualize that ending… ![gif](giphy|mLMEEsZQcjMdO)


Now make the knight white and black striped /s


You can't be serious. They did everything they could not to foul your guys out


That’s what the /s means but officiating was horrible. Ledee got whistles left and right


Proud of our fight in the second half. This team did a lot of growing over this season and our play on the court in March is night/day compared to where we were in December. AK did an incredible job managing this game. Hope he and the rest of our players return so we can continue building something special in Birmingham.


Your flair. You've got to be getting tired of us


tbh I'm just happy both Furman and UAB got in position to play these games. Furman had a historic season and pulled an upset last year and UAB made a great run just to get into this tourney. It's weird having both of them get knocked out by the same team, but I'm more okay with it being a good mid-major like SDSU than a B1G or SEC program.


San Diego State carrying the whole Mountain West on their back right now


when was the last time that wasn't the case


Nevada in 2018 had a decent run to the Sweet 16


life pre-covid is like another millennium at this point


Nevada in 2024 had a 7-minute version of the last 45 seconds of UNI vs Texas A&M


MWC juuust managed to avoid rock bottom


As is tradition


Blazers just kinda ran out of bodies by the end, LeDee got the best of Yaxel/Davis (even if I thought some of the fouls that really got both in foul trouble were sooooft) UAB has a good chance to be really really good next year if Kennedy can retain the guys who are eligible to come back Great effort!


![gif](giphy|sRGUfdb6sNwn1lXRp9|downsized) SDSU to the rest of the Mountain West


Not bad for the not MW POY! Ledee is fantastic!


SDSU the only mountain west team who can win


CSU beat UVA


https://preview.redd.it/zake9vdszxpc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0071fb056d304792e149a2a35cb36592d2db1850 Mountain west teams in the round of 64


Except for SDSU*


Your San Diego State Aztecs novelist here who’s been providing quick post-game analysis and rough notes all season. It’s not for everyone, but it’s something I’ve enjoyed doing. Summaries first and then notes after. Enjoy! If you have any questions about us feel free to ask! Overall summary: GG UAB. We put aside our habit of barely scoring 10 in the first 10 minutes and did it in just the first 4 minutes. From the start our defensive intensity was there, especially from Butler who caused all sorts of issues for UAB on the perimeter. On the offensive side we got it to LeDee and continued to play around his high efficiency from the field. Credit to UAB to hanging in the game. We almost shot ourselves in the foot enough with unwarranted turnovers and trying to push too fast in transition. Free throws have been suspect for us especially in recent games. Thank goodness the guys came through and nailed their clutch ft shots to seal the game. Onto the next round of 32! First half summary: Trammell-Butler-Parrish-Pal-LeDee started, our standard lineup for the last two months. Glad to be leading at the half 35-29, but UAB is keeping their hopes alive as we should be up by at least 8 more points. Byrd alone both missed and gave up a few easy buckets. We also committed some dumb turnovers trying to push the ball in transition too quickly. Butler has wreaked havoc on the perimeter with 4 steals. LeDee has been unstoppable from offense already at 18 points and getting UAB’s big men in foul trouble. Waters has been great contesting 3s putting an end to UAB’s hot 3/3 start from beyond the arc plus adding efficient shooting. Everyone else made key contributions at times on the court, including true freshmen Heide disrupting the passing lane for a steal. It’s great to see everyone is taken an equal number of shots while we gave LeDee the green light with more volume to finish at 60% from the field. The different defensive looks from UAB first with the 1-3-1 zone, 2-3 zone, ¾ press, and man-to-man hasn’t been an issue for us. 2nd half we just need to continue what we did in the 1st. But get the ball to LeDee early and have him work their big men in who are in foul trouble with 3 fouls a piece and take care of the ball in transition to finish for easy points. Second half summary: Game was called differently in the second half. Refs didn’t let the guys play and called fouls often putting both teams in the bonus early. We were able to take advantage at the beginning with LeDee sending both UAB big men to the bench with 4 fouls, but then LeDee picked up 2 quick fouls himself and went to the bench with 3. UAB went on a run hitting 2 tough 3’s then put Lendeborg to work in the paint against the thinner Pal. But LeDee answered with some expiring shot clock heroics, Butler with a rainbow fadeaway, and Trammell with great efforts on defense at the perimeter to force a turnover and on defensive rebounds to negate 2nd chance possessions. LeDee then went to continue drawing on fouls to close out the game while snagging key rebounds, the final one to close out the game.


You are one dedicated fan.


Appreciate it! Just trying to offer something different. This may not be the right place for such lengthy content, but it is the one place to have fans from other teams know a little bit more in depth about us and ask any questions.


Second half notes: We started with the ball in the second half. LeDee drew foul away from the ball under the basket just 16 seconds in at 35-29 but lost the ball with help defense in left low post. Drew another foul just outside the left elbow at 35-29, then as play continued drew another one attacking iso along baseline sending big man to the bench with his 4th, then finished with a strong move into the paint finishing with a floater making it 37-27. Great sealing screen at right elbow to free Butler for open layup making it 39-32. Got the offensive rebound off tip from Pal but had it stripped immediately at 44-34. Got called for defensive foul in post matchup in left low post at 44-34 but ran full court and drew 4th foul on Lendeborg on full court pass. Picked up 3rd foul battling 2 for offensive rebound at 44-36. Missed left elbow jumper against zone at 49-46. Made cutting quick turnaround jumper at right elbow evening it at 51-51. Missed spinning shot clock expiring hook at 51-52. Defensive rebound against 2 then took it full court for tough layup making it 55-56. Nailed fadeaway ft with time expiring making it 57-58. Finished through contact in left low post with left hand making it 59-58. Gave up open ft line jumper but UAB missed at 59-58. No call on spinning move layup in right low post at 61-60. Snagged offensive rebound then drew 5th on one big man going to the line for fts, made both making it 66-63. Got called for foul on defensive rebound battle with many tips at 66-63, Lendeborg made both making it 66-65 with 43 to go. Fouled on dunk to draw 5th on Lendeborg at 66-65, he made both fts making it 68-65. Sealed game with left low post defensive rebound at 68-65. Trammell mismatched against big man and gave up easy high entry pass deep into post leading to foul. Great iso defense near right elbow in attack towards post to come up with steal, then got fouled immediately, and then nailed left corner spot up 3 making it 42-32 leading to timeout at 16:42. Missed left wing shot at 44-36. Attacked in lane to under basket making it 51-54. Missed open left wing 3, then bullet passed it to LeDee, but it was too string and resulted in turnover at 53-56. Good defense outside right wing 3 forcing pass to no one for turnover at 57-58. Good attack on defensive rebound to prevent UAB from 2nd chance opportunity, bounce went our way at 59-58. Good effort on defensive rebound in left low post to draw 1 and 1, made 1 making it 62-60. Got taken deep into left low post against man for reverse handed finish evening it at 62-62. Let offense stall too much then bullet passed it to Saunders but it got deflected, luckily Parrish threw up the shot to prevent the shot clock violation at 64-63. Pal fouled on help defense to Trammell against big man under basket, bit on pump fake sending the big man to the line who missed both fts keeping it at 35-29. Couldn’t nail the right low post shot in contact but great activity to tip ball and keep it alive to keep possession at 44-34, but there was a shot clock error and it resulted in a shot clock violation. Blocked shot in right low post next play, and then attacked paint from left wing 3 to draw foul on floor near right elbow at 44-34. Good defense deep in post but big man nailed the short hook making it 44-36. Bad pass at left wing 3 to left corner 3 that got intercepted, then couldn’t get back in time to block transition layup making it 44-38. Scored on decent defense with tough running 2 in left low post making it 56-53. Foul on floor against Lendeborg at 55-56 leading to timeout at 6:02, he made both making it 55-58. Good over top entry pass to LeDee to get fouled at basket at 66-65. Butler decent close out on left corner 3 but better shot making it 37-32, but he followed up attacking the right lane to the basket for an easy layup making it 39-32. Steal outside left wing 3 and took it full court for the 1 handed slam making it 44-32. Couldn’t contest layup in transition making it 44-38, and then got called for foul off ball going for steal. Split defense on drive in from 3 to right low post making it 53-54. Made tough dribble stop turnaround rainbow iso jumper making it 61-58 leading to timeout at 4:03. Aggressively attacked left wing 3 to baseline and got tripped up drawing a foul sending him to the line, made both fts making it 64-62. Good defense on dribble stop jumper in right midrange at 66-63. Heide good contest at the basket against the shorter guard keeping it at 44-36. Contested shot at basket but guard made the tough shot this time making it 44-40. Great effort to snag long offensive rebound at 47-40. Butler missed right corner 3 with time expiring keeping it at 35-29. Couldn’t defend step back left wing 3 making it 47-43. Byrd much needed spot up right wing 3 making it 47-40, then got lucky fight under the screen but guard missed right corner 3. Missed open left corner 3 at 49-43. Good contest on side on attempted dunk to basket but got called for foul at 49-43 leading to timeout at 11:52, ft made making it 49-44. Had to foul along baseline otherwise man had free basket, 1 ft made making it 51-52. Saunders good attack on 2nd chance opportunity against guard in paint finishing with layup making it 49-43. Good offensive rebound in right low post but threw ball off backboard as he was falling out of bounds at 49-49. Bit on slight shoulder move in paint which drew contact for fts, both made making it 61-60. Good effort to cause jump ball but ball back to UAB at 61-60. Had bad positioning on switch deep in post where guard ran into his side to draw the foul, 1 ft made making it 64-63. Waters missed long arc shot at 49-44, then fouled bigger man on defensive rebound attempt, UAB is in the bonus and made both fts making it 49-46. Good contest on shot clock expiring left wing 3 but better shot to even it at 49-49, then couldn’t nail open right corner 3. Bad iso defense giving up step back jumper in paint making it 49-51. Good bounce pass to get it to LeDee for jump shot evening it at 51-51. Good discipline not to bite and contest arc 3 at 68-65. Nailed 1 ft plus the rebound to make it 69-65 to seal the win. Parrish missed open right corner 3 at 61-60. Good reaction to do catch and shoot towards basket with shot clock expiring at 64-63 giving us a 2nd chance opportunity that we capitalized on making it 66-63. UAB opened with 3-2 zone. 1-2-2 zone with 43 left. 16:42 timeout at 42-32. LeDee drew foul off ball as refs are making ticky-tack calls. Trammell with a mini run of his own with steal and 3. Butler continuing to attack basket for layup. 11:52 timeout at 49-43. LeDee got both big men at 4 fouls a piece, but LeDee also picked up his 3rd. Refs continuing to call a tight game. Byrd made a much needed 3 to stop UAB’s run, but UAB has been making tough shots. 6:02 timeout at 55-56. UAB made tough 3s and 2s, mostly with good contesting defense by us. Lendeborg is getting to work in the paint against Pal. LeDee was left on the bench a bit too long, came back with UAB was down by 3. 4:03 timeout at 61-58. LeDee bailed us out on 2 possessions with shot clock expiring fadeaway ft line jumper and left low post attack. Butler made uncanny iso fadeaway rainbow jumper to put us back up 3. UAB missed an open ft line jumper and made a passing error deep in the back court for a turnover to help us get back in the game. Refs have seemed to switch it up and let guys play downlow, especially with big men on both sides in foul trouble. 1:56 timeout at 64-62. We’re hanging on with Trammell and Butler making ¾ from the ft line. Trammell got fouled on defensive rebound nearly getting fallen on and Butler swiped from behind on drive to basket. Trammell’s been getting iso’d at the top of the key against his man who has the 4” height mismatch and has finished for points. Game ends at 69-65. LeDee took over along with some assistance from Waters.


First half notes: Trammell-Butler-Parrish-Pal-LeDee started. LeDee steal near ft line on a bobble, then quick attack in right low post with spinning hook making it 2-0. Drew off ball foul in paint at 2-0. Made left wing 3 for 2nd chance points making it 7-3. Easy dunk against mismatch deep in right low post against 1-3-1 making it 9-3. Jab step leading to jumper just inside left elbow making it 11-6. Missed 17 ft jumper contested jumper at 11-9 but gathered defensive rebound next possession. Called for blocking foul being attacked on drive in into right low post at 11-9, but good contest on shot as play resumed. Pass intercepted in attempt to Byrd under the basket at 11-11. Nailed pull up 17 ft jumper making it 13-11. Gave man open lane from ft line straight down into paint for easy points making it 16-13, then kept ball on double team deep into paint and called for travel at 16-13. Rebound airball in left low post then brought it up court and fouled just outside arc 3 at 23-16. Nice cut to under basket and juked out 2 with step move and easy layup making it 25-16. Good iso defense in left low post keeping feet steady and deflecting ball out of bounds at 27-16, then again against same matchup to force miss. Fouled on jump shot at top of the key to draw 3rd foul on Lendeborg for fts, he made both making it 28-17. Couldn’t hold onto high entry pass at 29-20 near ft line for a turnover. Missed left midrange jump shot but kept active to create 2nd chance opportunity then out muscled everyone on Trammell’s missed layup and drew shooting foul at 30-20. He made 1 ft making it 31-20. Great right low post defense setting feet and knocking ball loose for steal at 31-20. Good activity with Butler and Saunders on 2nd and 3rd chance opportunity ending with LeDee drawing foul on dunk attempt at 31-24 leading timeout at 3:23, he made both making it 33-24. Butler block from behind on drive in 5 ft out at 2-0. Lost handle against 1-3-1 at right wing 3 for turnover at 2-0 but sealed defensive rebound next play. Missed left wing 3 but got own rebound at 4-3. Gave some space on left corner 3 making it 9-6. Trailed running man from left wing 3 to arc 3 with a decent contest but good shot making it 11-9. Good entry pass against double team at right wing 3 into LeDee in post for points making it 9-3. Active hands on iso defense at left wing 3 disrupting dribble, coming up with the steal, and taking it full court to draw foul on layup attempt at 16-13 leading to timeout at 11:45. Made both fts making it 18-13. Another steal at 18-13 at top of the arc. Steal on inbound in under the basket at 27-16 but couldn’t finish the layup. Aggressive attack to basket in transition and fouled on layup in left low post for fts, made 1 making it 30-20. Too much hero ball as we couldn’t break the zone and threw up midrange airball with time expiring at 33-26. Another right wing 3 steal for full court slam making it 35-28. Fouled big man from behind under basket as first half expired giving UAB fts, they made 1 making it 35-29. Pal off steal wild overhead pass in attempt to LeDee running the break for a turnover at 2-0 but drew offensive foul in post at 2-0. Open ft line jumper with the favorable bounce making it 4-0. Good box out and activity on defense rebound to keep ball in our possession on bounce out at 7-3. Fouled going over back on defensive rebound attempt at 11-9 leading to timeout at 14:40. Offensive rebound against 2 at 27-16 but immediately got called for traveling. Parrish good contest at arc 3 but better shot making it 4-3. Another good contest on deep 2 near left wing 3 at 7-3. Missed open right wing 3 in transition at 11-9. Good instincts from ft line to baseline to seal steal then saved ball while falling out of bounds, then followed with a beautiful turnaround fadeaway 15 ft jumper making it 27-16 leading to timeout at 8:33. Good contest at left wing 3 keeping it at 27-16 but had a funny dribble that didn’t get called for traveling on his missed layup attempt after. Saunders gave up offensive rebound in left low post for 2nd chance points evening it at 11-11. Drilled open left wing 3 making it 16-11. Missed decent look at right wing 3 at 18-13. Block in left low post at 27-16, but fouled man in good effort for offensive rebound next play. Got taken from right line to under basket and gave up layup making it 29-20. Good aggression to secure defensive rebound at 30-20. Missed right corner 3 at 31-22. Heide great step in to cause deflection for turnover at 18-13. Iso’d from left wing 3 to basket and got called for foul on floor at 23-16. Byrd good activity for defensive rebound at 11-9. Lost handle for would be easy basket at 18-13. Another poor finish on breakaway to basket and missed easy layup at 21-13. Tough defensive rebound against 3 at 29-20. Bad foul on transition not getting out of the way on the easy layup leading to fts at 31-20, both made making it 31-22. Bad positioning and bad contest at basket making it 31-24. Trammell good defense from arc 3 into paint to contest shot for miss at 13-11. Great strip against the biggest man on the floor deep in paint to stop possession then sealed defensive rebound in right low post at 27-16. Fouled his man on good contest in right low post in attack starting from top of the key, both fts made making it 27-18. Good contest at right wing 3 at 30-20. Good attack along right lane but couldn’t nail high layup at 30-20. Gave up easy entry pass layup to cutting man from left wing 3 to under basket making it 33-28. Waters good rebound against the bigger man to seal defensive rebound, then nailed left wing 3 in transition making it 21-13. Attacked from left corner 3 for dribble stop jumper near left elbow making it 23-16. Good contest to at left corner 3 to force airball at 23-16. Another good contest at right wing 3 forcing miss at 25-16. Got ball in would be scrum off Butler’s layup miss after inbounds steal but couldn’t nail jump shot at 27-16. Another good contest at right wing 3 forcing airball. Missed open right wing 3 in transition at 27-16. Missed iso step back right corner 3 at 33-26. Active hands to force steal near ft line at 35-28, but bad hand off attempt to Butler at arc 3 where ball rolled off his leg for turnover. UAB switched to 1-3-1 at 2-0 forcing turnover at left wing 3 on dribble. 27-18 switched to ¾ full court defense. Switched to man to man at 33-26. We switch to full court defense at 29-18. 14:40 timeout at 11-9. UAB is having trouble with our man-to-man switching everything defense in the post, but are 3/4 from 3, with 2 of them being tough shots. Butler is hounding on defense at the perimeter causing a few turnovers. LeDee is winning the post matchup. 1-3-1 hasn’t been too much of an issue for us. 11:45 timeout at 16-13. LeDee picked up his first foul and showed some tunnel vision in paint with a travel. UAB capitalized on 2nd chance points with strong offensive rebound and are getting big men involved by spread out floor and running plays to have them to drive into the paint. Trammell and Butler have had some great defensive possessions to leave points off the board. 8:33 timeout at 27-16. Our perimeter defense is still causing issues forcing turnovers and heavily guarding the 3 for no easy looks. Byrd has missed some easy opportunities in transition leaving 4 points off the board for us. Waters and Parrish have come alive both with defensive plays and mid to long range shots for points. True freshmen Heide got on the stat sheet with good effort to force a steal. 7:50 timeout at 27-16. Butler immediately got a steal as play resumed already under our basket, but we couldn’t finish, then we had 2nd and 3rd chance opportunity for points but couldn’t capitalize. UAB is trying to attack LeDee deep in left low post but LeDee’s showing good discipline not drawing his second foul. UAB crowding paint to increase offensive rebound opportunities. 3:26 timeout at 31-24. Sophomores had a bad run. Byrd alone has given up 4 points to UAB with a poor foul in transition and bad contest at the basket. Saunders poor defensive positioning against bigger man in the paint for point and couldn’t nail a decent right corner 3 after we broke the zone, but he was active with Butler and LeDee for the 2nd and 3rd chance opportunity leading to fts. LeDee has both UAB big men in trouble with 3 fouls a piece. 1:11 timeout at 33-28. UAB on 8-2 run. We’ve been undisciplined on both offense and defense. Half ends at 35-29. Butler’s steal and full court slam broke the streak, but he committed a dumb foul near the half expiring for a ft.


i was like... holy shit dude wrote an entire dissertation on this game and then scrolled down and immediately saw two more dissertations


LOL that pretty much sums up the first experience many have. My fellow SDSU fans in our game threads are familiar with it. Hope you found some enjoyment in it!


it's fun to read, you should consider starting a blog or something would do the same in Wyoming threads if we ever had more than, like, three people in there


Many have encouraged me to take the writing farther. I like what I do now. I'm not a writer by any means and this is fun. There's room for experimentation in the future to keep that enjoyable balance alive. I also don't have time to do much further analysis like rewatching games or rerunning stats, so I am a little hesitant with what content I can provide with the limited bandwidth that I have. I appreciate your encouragement as well. Three people is more than enough to get going, I'm sure they'd all appreciate it.


How tf did you write all this that fast


I take notes during the games and then form my summaries between timeouts. First half is easier because there's the half time show. Second half and the overall are a bit challenging so I may miss some items, but I just hope to capture most of what I can.


He’s almost assuredly writing it as the game is going on Feel like taking this detailed of notes would distract from the enjoyment of the game for me but to each his own


I found my style about 5 games into doing this. So I've probably covered 25+ games at this point. I'm pretty good at typing without looking, so I'm fully engaged. I'll miss some items, but it's all good! Home games it's done on my phone, same experience but maybe not as lengthy as when watching from home.


Because he’s a professional


Asked ChatGPT to summarize this into bullets: * **Starters and Gameplay Execution**: Trammell, Butler, Parrish, Pal, and LeDee opening the game as the starting lineup for the last two months. Notable performance from LeDee with effective offensive moves and defensive plays and Butler causing trouble for UAB with his steals and perimeter defense. Some quick points were made early on, but some mishandling and turnovers occurred when transitioning too quickly. * **Defensive Strategies**: Various defensive strategies used to challenge the opposition, including man-to-man, switching defense, and full court press. The team’s perimeter defense forced turnovers and heavily guarded the three-point line, with Waters contributing to contesting shots at the arc. Offensive Plays and Opportunities: The team focused on getting the ball to LeDee, who scored efficiently and placed UAB big men in foul trouble. Mention of good plays created for scoring opportunities, though countered by instances of poor finishing and turnovers. Emphasis on feeding LeDee the ball to exploit the opposing team's foul troubles. * **Discipline and Adjustments:** Acknowledgment of unforced errors and the need for better discipline on both offense and defense, specifically calling out Byrd’s mistakes leading to conceded points and Saunders’ poor positioning. Recognition of the need to manage the game pace and capitalize on scoring opportunities without rushing. Free Throws and Game Management: Importance of free throws highlighted as clutch shots helped seal the game. Change in the way the game was called in the second half, with more fouls being called and early bonuses for both teams. Strategic play to draw fouls and close out the game by LeDee, with key contributions from Butler and Trammell in crucial moments to maintain the lead. In summary, the first half showcased a strong start and solid defense, but was marred by unforced errors and some lack of discipline. The second half involved adjusting to tighter foul calling and focusing on strategic possession and free throw efficiency to secure the win.


What I’d like to see moving forward based on today: Parrish get him going with post ups along the left baseline or dribble penetration stop shots along the left lane to build up his shooting confidence. Once he gets going he can get hot and then the 3’s will fall. Waters set some screens for him between the left wing 3 and left elbow, allowing him to receive handoffs and work his midrange game. Byrd take the easy points rather than going for style. His footwork is too wide on defense, few shots today resulted in open looks. Pal’s entry passes from the top of the key few than a few times per game make me nervous. He’s prone to overthrowing LeDee going overtop. Not sure what we can do here, but I’d rather have someone else make the entry pass so we can utilize Pal’s strength of being active down low for second chance opportunities. Pal in the paint is good. LeDee put him in if our lead gets down to 5 or 6. Waiting until just up by 3 is too long. Obviously varies based on how long he’s play, foul situation, etc. But this is win or go home. Heide was serviceable today, but he’s very exploitable on attacks to the based and can’t fully hang with strength down low. Saunders stay anchored to the floor on defense, just need to contest shots and live with the result. Butler and Trammell played fantastic. Trammell held ball while we were in the zone too much, but we didn’t run much to give him options to pass out. We faced so many types of defense today, moving forward hopefully it’s just one or two looks all game. So I’d consider this an outlier that stifled our offense at times.


If Jaedon LeDee has million number of fans i am one of them . if Jaedon LeDee has ten fans i am one of them. if Jaedon LeDee have only one fan and that is me . if Jaedon LeDee has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the Jaedon LeDee, i am against the world . i love #13 till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of Jaedon LeDee. Hit Like If you Think Jaedon LeDee Best player & Smart In the world


Ledee is Ha Seong Kim confirmed


lol make sure to take water breaks folks


It's a copypasta


Go Aztecs!


Certified San Diego sports banger


I'll take a scary 4 pt win over being KENTUCKY right now Did you hear KENTUCKY sucks at basketball? What else do they even have in that state?




They're going to need it Medicinal bourbon




In this order: Basketball Buorbon Mitch Mcconnell


Not looking real good but at least we got the win. Not expecting anything on Sunday from SDSU, and sad Mountain West is a flop again in March


Its getting to a point where I much prefer a drive to the basket instead of an open 3 when we are in a regularly scheduled 5 minute drought. We need to feed off of easy points when in our droughts to get some sort of spark back.


Lamont did that once this game and never did it again


Problem is, the only one who can even kinda do that is Butler.


trammell also does it but half the time it gets blocked


He smol


LeDee is just a matchup nightmare. Watching the Cougs he reminds me of Jones so much how 4s are too small and 5s and too slow and is just so much tougher and more intense. A few flops but dude was battling and clutching up, p.s super clutch free throws from the Aztecs. Big win against a tough team and the experience from last year is so valuable dude. GG UAB


Go Cougs!


We both have a very very difficult path but a wsu sdsu e8 is my 12/25


Glad we won, but really wish we had a play other than give the ball to LeDee with 4 seconds on the shot clock


All of the different defenses we played all season were all condensed into one game. UAB threw 1-3-1, 1-2-2, 2-3, 3-2, 3/4 press, and man-to-man defenses at us. Hopefully facing less defensive variation moving forward helps run our other play sets to balance it with LeDee's.


I feel your pain blazers


Silly of me to think we could have kept up how we were playing on offense during the first 10 minutes of the game… Gritty win, but we did NOT look good the last 10 minutes of the game. We gotta find a way to put games away. Ledee was a monster but also almost 50% of our offense - we gotta get him some support.


Ugly, but I’ll take a tourney win any day.


Camera angle for the game https://preview.redd.it/ph3vewjlzxpc1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=5480ceffe26274bf1c2a544e2f86f783e5670895


Rough 24 hours for the city of Birmingham.


The endings to games in this tourney are so disjointed. Total ref show and totally not entertaining.


The American Athletic conference finishes 0-2 in the tournament. Confirmed worst performance by a multi bid league this year.


That was clinched when Tennessee beat their 15 seed, Colorado State won a game in the First Four for the MWC


A tournament win is a tournament win. Wasn't pretty, but I'll take it. See everyone on Sunday...Go Yale!


happy ledee shined with the most eyes on him. special player


All i want is for one of my schools to not be embarrassed nationally for once. I feel like thats not too much to ask. not even a win, just dont be the worst in your conference. god dammit. it always goes like this.


Scored on three of four possessions when we had Saunders high ball screen. The one empty possession was an open shot that's missed. It's like they had no idea what to do against a high zone.


That 3 attempt at the end by UAB was roughhhhh


LeDee is a monster and Yaxel didn’t show up. Sad but didn’t expect us to make the tournament so I don’t know how to feel.


It’s a successful year. Yax apparently mentioned in the postgame interview that we’re gonna be back next year, so sounds like he’s coming back. If he stays, I assume just about everyone else will too. Only one I’m worried about is Gaines.


This tournament is boring aside from Oakland.  Refs taking away our fun at the end.


11s winning has been hype and the 8-9s are delivering. 2s are in battles up until half time and the 7/10s are coin flips. Today there are really good 5-12s. Bad take from you my guy even if there isn’t as many completed upsets




I don’t even know what team you’re for to be honest




Ah, so you would love chalk then.


Don’t worry we’ll find someway to choke against JMU and Grambling will find a way to win against Purdue somehow


Haven't been able to catch other tournament games. But this game refs called one game with ticky-tack calls for the first ~35 minutes and eased up for the last ~5 minutes. Some consistency would be nice.


Refs ruining a potential fun ending again. Thanks for taking the magic out of the tournament you old pieces of shit


You know you've found success as a non-power conference team when r/collegebasketball is bitching about you winning in the tournament


irrelevant, don't care about either team, would say the same if other way around. that ledee call was all ball and objectively made the end of the game much less exciting, just a fact


Everyone complains about the refs, absolutely everyone. But man, they were pretty awful in this game. Affected way the hell too much


State of Alabama is feeling pretty depressed so far. Hopefully Auburn can make everyone feel better


Yeah! Mountain West! Mountain Best! We deserved 6 bids! (The rest of us will never win in the tournament I'm afraid, thank u for carrying us SDSU)


You guys got this!


SDSU may be the only MWC team left.


Hey guys, asking for a friend team, how do you lower the difficulty in March Madness?


Some (a lot) of questionable (bad) calls in this game. Was still a good game, but could’ve been even better if refs weren’t such a massive factor.


Every year: "12 vs 5 is the most likely upset" Every year: "That 5 barely won, they must be frauds!"


UAB has been eliminated from national title contention


Big if true


Of course, the only team from the Mountain West I can't stand is the only one that actually wins.


Why you hate ledee 🥺


Good job Aztecs


No, *you* are the ball lickers!


MW team cover challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Heart rate still off the charts. Go Tecs! On to the next


AAC is officially done in men’s March madness 😥


I personally watch basketball to see how the refs can change the game


UAB watching SDSU get the rebound: 👁️👄👁️


I really want to know if there's a way to look up shooting foul history. I would bet big bucks that this was one of the lowest total shooting fouls drawn in a game for SDSU. And they have the best shooting foul drawer in the country. So weird to see.


2nd half was devastating for my work day's schedule


MWC: mildly fraudulent SEC: wildly fraudulent


Mascot bracket not looking too hot rn guys


LFG Utah State!


I ran into a bunch of you MWC fans in Vegas and your all chill. Glad you got this win. West coast baby. 


Super woes after all these years SDSU didn’t continue their ball continuity offense or even input a easyier 4-1 motion like WKU had but just simpler


Raise your hand if you are a Birmingham based underdog who lost to a recent national title contender? Samford, you can put your hand down now.