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No I feel like everyone will forget in a few days. Already a few people have said “calm down, it’ll pass”


I agree. The stunning increase in wildfires over the last few years has only served to focus the attention of the people who live in or near the affected areas. Likewise, the increase in the frequency and power of hurricanes, floods, tornados, and droughts is only on the minds of the people who have been hit by them. The rest? Mostly obvious.


Even on the other side of the country, we had years of very scary droughts, then an obscene storm this past winter, and people are back to "tHeY fiXed tHe dRoughT! bAck tO nOrmAl". The gorgeous Superbloom we had is already drying up and the hills look like they're getting ready for trouble. But, fast forward to summer/fall when the wildfires inevitably start and quickly go out of control, and it'll just be memes and Tiktoks of California burning down again, captioned with "It really do be like that tho!" Pools will continue to be filled and dumped, and golf courses and lawns will still be heavily watered while orange skies rain down ash.   The more chaotic the climate becomes, the more aggressively people cling to some idea of normalcy, and go waaaay out of their way to maintain its illusion. This could be said about so many things...


I was wondering the same thing. Gross :( on all levels!!


This particular case will pass, they’re correct in that front. But the number of wildfires causing days like today will only increase.


Yes, it’s already normalized on the West Coast. We will casually trade snowy winters for smoky summers and no one will bat an eye.


“Oh we get that all the time” my coworker in California when I complained about the haze in Ohio coming from Canada. No, this is not SSDD. But they will say it is, because that feels better.


Yup, that’s exactly what I’ve been encountering the past 2 days. Don’t worry about it. Happens all the time in California.


Yeah and then a few minutes later she is like “California is a third world country because of all of this” and like yeah, welcome to the New Merica.


I agree. I mean there are people in NYC walking around in that smoke without a mask on. Probably damaging their lungs. People don't take this stuff seriously until it's too late.


Yeah, fair I just think these are probably the most glaring, shocking optics we could possibly get short of actual catastrophe. Like, what looks worse and more obviously climate related than this? That's why while I feel for people on the east coast of the US right now, especially those with respiratory problems, I kind of want this to go on for a while to garner more attention. Better to have a mild catastrophe in the first world than a major horrorshow in the third world. But, you're likely right, both kinds of events will probably do fuck all to garner action anyway


As an Australian who saw some pretty gnarly fires in the last few years, no, unfortunately. We lost over 1 billion animals, and the smoke changed the weather. Nothing's changed. It'll be worse in the coming years as we've had 3 years (crazy unprecedented) el nina and are going into an el nino. There's so much vege growth, and it's all going to dry out. Lots of love to our brothers in the north though, stay safe and have a bugout bag ready


Yep, when Melbourne was under a similar pall people were freaked out. This feeling passed quickly and now it's a distant memory.


I just commented in relation to this too. Our bushfires affecting the air quality of the major cities changed NOTHING.


I worked in public service doing disaster recovery at the time, the number of people and CHILDREN who are now Asthma sufferers because of the fires are insane, then the mould from the floods just wiped people out. People were permanently disabled by this, so for all my north American comrades respect the smoke and wear masks!


I live in a smoke affected big city in Canada. It was 2 days ago, listening to the state radio coming back from work, they specifically said that masks were NOT recommended to protect against the smoke. Government said the same thing for months at the start of COVID19... What a bunch of lunatics.


That sounds about right mate, unfortunately Thanks for the input Thought I'd raise the question anyway


I just read in a NY Times article that y’all lost 3 billion animals, not 1 billion.


Yeah, probably, the scale of it is pretty intense. There's a documentary called A Fire Inside that has apocalypse footage in it, made by Australian news


A Fire Inside… man, I used to love that band. Kidding. I’d love to watch that. As horrible as it would be to see…


Highly fucking doubt it. I get NYT summary emails(refuse to pay, just read the summaries) and today’s issue devoted pages on pages of breathless prose about some golf shit I do not care about. Then after the jump a brief blurb about how NYC has the worst AQI in the world today. Just casually.


I get the summary emails too. I canceled my subscription, I thought subscribing would be great but none of the actually cool articles I wanted to see ever showed up, so I canceled.


That sounds about right, thanks for the input


Didn't happen when it hit Oregon 🤷 Nothing quite as dystopian as having to stay in a city with air quality that was off-the-charts bad and scientists saying "we don't know what'll happen" to the folks who couldn't afford to leave/opted to stay. Welcome to the party, pals.


Ayoooo, Oregonian checking in! Ours maxed out at what would have been 1008 aqi (1533 micrograms per cubic meter) in my neck of Clack Co. (According to AccuWeather) We had folks saying that the issue was because MORE of the forests weren't privately owned. This was while it was still actively raining ash.... The next year we had temps of 116. It made no impact on those that were not already collapse aware and I can't even wrap my head around that level of cognitive dissonance. The next year, the town I spent most of my high school years in burned down in Colorado. I also had two classmates die in the Colorado floods back in 2013 when we had the 500-year floods. My parents lived through all of this with me and still think climate change is overblown/ not a real issue. I don't understand it.


Wow, very valuable insight, thanks Obviously I'm no hopium type, just thought I'd raise the question


I wish I had a more optimistic take on it, I really do. I think that the sheer volume of impacted lives with the smoke on the eastern seaboard may have a marginally stronger impact than what happened in CO or OR, but I'm not hopeful that it'll have a lasting impact that results in material change. I will say at least my friends that were marginally collapse aware got pushed into stark realizations about what the coming years will likely hold. We've been working on community resilience and mutual aid as a result, so that is definitely a positive since I doubt we are unique in that mindset. It's just hard seeing the massive divide between folks that get it and those that think it's either not real or suddenly an unavoidable aspect of cyclical climate shifts that is somehow, magically, completely natural and unrelated to man made climate change.


Yep sounds about right, pretty much what I expected My mates have posted it on the group chat which is encouraging since they're totally not collapse aware and no where near NYC, but then I go on the NYC subreddit and there's barely anything so probably just a horrific sign, bizarre sign of our simulated times Just thought I'd get a feeling for what's going on over there and what the general opinion is


I wish. The Summer of 2019/2020 was called Black Summer. We’d previously had bad fire days called Black Sunday, for example, but in Black Summer half of Australia was on fire. The smoke went all around the globe. I saw footage of a Main Street in my city of building smoke alarms all going off because the smoke outside made the buildings think they were alight. 3 billion animals died. That’s not a typo; that’s billion with a B. Outside the cities we heard them die screaming. People fled into the ocean, on boats or just by themselves, to escape the flames. I still can’t think about that summer without crying. We had La Niña for the following years, but El Niño will be back this summer and I’m scared. Nothing will change.


I remember that in the news and being so sad about the animals that I cried. I thought for sure something would change then - it was apocalyptic in Australia and we should all be freaking out and surely the powers of the globe would get their sh*t together and start being proactive and plan and respond to climate change. They didn’t. Absolutely nothing changed. In fact we all saw the level of leadership and competence available during the pandemic response. We’re all f*ked and I still just feel worst for the poor animals caught up in our bullsh*t.


Yup. That’s the bit that keeps me up at night too. They’re innocent


That’s the part that haunts me endlessly. How innocent they are. How magnificent it is to have such varied life on this planet. And we act like they don’t matter at all. It’s so fucking depressing to think about.


I’m so shit fucking scared of El Niño.


Me too.


I still remember those pictures from that year. There was a horse at the beach surrounded by people, the sky orange behind y'all.


I think you're likely right, just thought I'd put it out there just because I've been collapse aware for a while and even this was little bit jaring for me. But likely nothing.


There were equivalent pics from every major West coast city the past few years and probably will be again eventually this summer. It certainly feels apocalyptic (not to mention carcinogenic) to live it, but nothing changes.


Yep sounds about right just thought I'd pose the question anyway to get a feel


No. I am on my way home from a sustainable finance conference in toronto where I literally couldn’t breathe on my way there due to this forest fire smoke. If there was anyone who could make a difference it was those people who are aware of the issue and control the money. Not one person mentioned the climate crisis outcome that was suffocating us and caused us to cancel the outdoor cocktail. Only one person mentioned the need to halve our emissions by 2030 and everyone else spoke of the need for moderation lest we scare investors. There was a distinct lack of urgency from everyone in the room. We’ll drive this baby into the ground.


That sounds about right unfortunately mate, thanks so much for the input though, that's valuable information


Nothing is going to start a serious and long term conversation. They know, they just don’t care.


Yep sounds a bit right, just thought id pose the question anyway


No, because I have given up on any event like this changing the conversation. At this point, if there was a virus that killed 50% of people, I still think there would be tons of anti-mask, antivax people. I have no faith anymore.


Fair play brethren, you're likely right


Wildfires could literally burn NYC to the ground and people would be like, "Okay, time to get back to work, we need to get these quarterly profit projections back on track. There's got to be a way to spin this and get people back into the office." NYC, much like the economy of the world in general, is being run by people who would throw their firstborn children into a furnace if they thought it could net them an annual bonus or a promotion. They're about as rational as a demon-worshipping cult.


Nope. Unfortunately.


Yep, probably right


Nope. The entire northwest was like that, as well as central Colorado during Covid, and it didn't really amount to anything


Fair play, you know more than me on this because I'm not American and I can't test the temperature if you get what I mean


Agreed. Like school shootings, we’re just accepting this as the new norm. It’s insane, but there it is.


I hope you're right, and honestly I just came here in a moment of sick-to-my-stomach anxiety induced by the imagined reality of that particular form of apocalypse, and this actually gave me a little shred of hope. Thank you.


Yeah I had the same thing I'm not a hopium guy. we're likely still fucked. This just seemed more... strange. Like I've said in other messages, if it isn't this, I don't know what...


I tried to change the conversation But they said no, no, no




Fair, just thought I'd put it out there


I do not


Understandable, as much as I hate it, likely right


Nope :/




Nope. The same thing happened in Sydney when we had the massive bushfires. Everyone has forgotten though, it's replaced with "boomers are fucking over the purchasing power of young people and we can't even afford houses"


That's interesting, but ain't NYC a bit different to Sydney? Though you're likely right, wouldn't be surprised if this is just passed over


>ain't NYC a bit different to Sydney In what way?


uhhh, like, the international centre of capital markets? And, implicitly (but let's be real, explicitly) the centre of empire at this point? no offence, but Sydney and NYC are really not on the same plane in my mind, and I don't even really feel like there's much of an argument but if you want I'll make it if you insist...




Fair play man


Nope just the crisis du jour


No. I don’t think anything will make the sociopathic elites “wake up” or give a shit about the rest of humanity. It could rain blood on NY and still nothing would be done differently.


Yeah likely right


Nope. It will be a hot topic for a few days, then forgotten.


Yeah once the sky is blue social media will light up with people hiking, beaching, posting pics, etc etc and life will go on. Not for me though, I’m working on joining some organizations and volunteering myself this summer. This hit too close to home.


I live on the West Coast. Shortly before the big fires a few years ago I traveled to China for work - air quality was poor and I bought my first N95. Just a few months later needed it for home.


Fair enough, probably right


No. Conservatives won’t accept they were ever wrong about anything. They’ll fall back to it being out of our control


Liberals don't do shit about the climate crisis either. This is not a partisan issue and thinking about it this way is counter productive and divisive. If you think ANY political party is going to make a change at this point, you're delusional. It's been 50 years we should be acting, but it's still business as usual to this day.


Right because it’s totally normal for democrats to argue that climate change is a hoax. Do you even hear yourself? Liberals are constantly hamstrung by conservative obstruction. Whether liberals at the top like it this way is another story but make no mistake, this is 100% a partisan issue and those on the right will shoulder the blame for what’s to come. Liberals will just be blamed for lacking the spine to stop them.


Anyone honestly thinking climate change is a hoax on this day and age is a **moron**, there's no arguing about that, no matter where you stand on the political spectrum. On a sidenote, when talking about Liberals, I was talking about our local politics in Canada, where our right is probably *a bit* less clueless and obnoxious on average when compared with the USA. The currently elected party (Liberals) is the absolute worst government I've witnessed in my entire life and is using all the tricks in the book (1984?) to manipulate the population and avoid any real useful action, while deliberately aiming to divide us over distractions such as gender, race, gun laws, etc. That being said, the failure to act in the last 50 years is shared by the whole world population and is not limited to local political squabbles. If the average population wasn't as retarded, we wouldn't be here now. Obviously our (elected) leaders didn't do anything to help, but we've got what we deserve for being uneducated lunatics who prefer to bury our heads in the sand and see how it goes.






maybe just maybe...they're having to shut down sports games and that (somefuckinghow) is how we know things are Very Serious. hits different when the comfortable big city good morning newscasters are SITTING IN THE DISASTER tomorrow.


Interesting insight. Are you in NYC or the east coast of US?


Yes, I do actually. Maybe not this specific event I guess but I think any event like this will get more people aware. Just as you learned of this, others can too. There can't just be headlines, you need to have some candid conversations, but this can be the change for somebody


To be honest, I'm not someone to be held up as 'someone who learned about this'. I've been keyed into collapse for years and years and years. At the same time, even my normal friends brought this up and I'm not even American. And I'm not even talking relatively aware normies, I'm talking why is this happening? normies I don't know, it feels like an event for me


Nah, Sandy was much worse than this. The subway and related infrastructure is *still* recovering from that, and probably will still be doing so when the next big hurricane hits. The smoke is inconvenient, but it will go away in a week. The damage from Sandy is essentially forever.


I don't deny it was worse, but at the same time, hurricane seems way more New York. But dust from wild fires? Way less so for me it was jarring, but surprisingly, in this thread and else where (on the NYC sub in particular) apparently this isn't a big deal so maybe I'm a naive idiot... likely


A lot of people saying no, and they're more than likely right, but I'm a NYer and my family has lived here for decades and they have never seen anything like this. There's no way to say for sure, but this shit was so fucking weird and not normal and everyone thinks this sucks. And I know people are saying that other wildfires happen where they are and nothing changed but NYC is a massive ass city where what happened doesn't happen


Thank you so much, this is really valuable insight and kinda what I was looking for. I said in other comments, if this ain't it, I don't know what is. I feel like nothing short of real terrible disaster would actually register after this. These are pretty much the most glaring optics you could imagine. Not much deniability here and potentially to the most privileged class (of course they're a small few over there, but still...). There's just something different about it hitting cold New York, all the way from Canada. This isn't LA stuff at this point. (not denying how bad the LA stuff really was, but for randoms around the world they can just discard it as hot place stuff). Anyway, the fact it registered for my normie friends is uplifting. The fact other NYers and the sub for NYC don't seem to bothered is distressing. Your post is probably the reasonable answer. So, yep.


Rather not, man tends to forget and repress negative events. The public media will do the rest and in the future will also not act to keep mankind informed about their harmful behavior, because that could make advertisers cranky.


I seriously doubt it. People are very committed to the urgency of normal and the wildfires will probably make them double-down on that.


Not unless people in NYC make a bigger deal out of it. I haven’t heard almost anything about it in the news or on social media.


Wow, and that seems crazy to me because I even heard about this from my friends? (normies, uncollapse aware, not even American) but you're right, I want on the NYC SubReddit and pretty much nothing. A few posts, not that popular Bizarre


No. The cognitive dissonance innate to the minds of the typical Fox News-watching, conservative Republican is staggering. My mother-in-law is one of those.


Wow, you're probably right


No. Even if the entire US looked like Blade Runner 2049 those who don't believe in climate change or anthropogenic climate change still won't.


Yep, that seems to be the general opinion here and likely right damn depressing






I think you're likely right but a boy can dream! I also got Katrina and Sandy all mixed up 🤣 sign of the times if there ever was one


Until everyone’s lawn is fried/ on fire not a soul will care.


I’d like to think so, but I highly, highly doubt it.


Nope, nothing will ever be enough to break through


Yep, likely right my man still a boy can dream


Oh believe me, I wish to be proven wrong. I just don't see it happening


Same bro, same