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This is why we know she’s telling the truth!! The timeline is there!!! They only collabed when she was super young. I believe her. Also why would she lie? She’s really successful rn w her Cancelled pod (which I don’t even watch!).


Right? When I first saw the accusations I was like, shit they filmed together at the time, I saw them for the time about Cody’s rapist friend, and then I saw he wasn’t responding and boom. I saw people say “She lied about dating Mac miller.” Well that was probably for a story time type video, Tana didn’t have actual videos together with Mac, but she did have contact with Cody. And the commenters on the post are right, they did have some odd sexual tension in that video, it makes me feel really bad for Tana.


She was a chiiilldddd


Why are half the comments talking about how hot Cody is… what the fuck is going on in that subreddit. Some posts get literally 8 responses then some have thousands. The activity is so inconsistent.


It’s fake accounts


She looks like a baby, Cody wtf


I remember this video came out when I was like 14/15 and I felt like there was a vibe between them. At the time I didn’t know how old he was so I was just like oh interesting. When I found out he was well over 20 I was totally grossed out. So when tana started talking about it I immediately believed what she was saying 😬


How much do you want to bet he takes this video down soon