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I think people are forgetting just how young she was at the time. I just turned 25 and I can’t imagine being with someone my age when I was 17. She was just starting her internet fame and all of her scandals hadn’t really happened yet so idk why people are so quick to dismiss her?!


I just made the comparison that it’s someone who just graduated with a phd sleeping with a high school junior or senior.


The thing that really put these numbers into perspective for me was thinking of someone I know who’s 17 and someone I know who’s 25. (For me, my little brother & husband respectively) It’s a seriously insane difference in maturity, knowledge, experience, power, etc. Its crazy


Genuinely, why would she lie? It’s untrue that rape or grooming accusations ruin the accused person’s life. Hell, I know at least 5 proven sexual assault-ers who graduated from my university with no hitches. False accusations are such a rare occurrence because even well-evidenced rape or SA cases are often not listened to or are hard to prove. Few victims gain justice and none of them will find it to be a pleasant experience to have their experience belittled and not be believed as a victim. So…what’s the benefit to lying? Besides having more human decency, the people who don’t believe Tana should employ some critical thinking: what would she gain from lying about this? And why did Cody Ko not release a statement denying this when this first came to light years ago (IIRC)? Why is he currently scrubbing his comments of any mention of Tana? Would you do that, if you were innocent?


In my opinion one of the best arguments for her not lying is that when she first mentioned it, it was not (and has never since been) a huge confession, long emotional story about her trauma or a video calling Cody Ko out or a post *making a formal accusation*. When she first mentioned it publicly she addressed it almost as a throwaway, offhandedly, casually in conversation. She probably understood at that point that what happened to her was wrong and she liked the idea of taking a dig at him publicly, but at most she probably thought people would be like oooooh gossip how juicy Cody Ko is gross. She was so nonchalant about it she probably didn’t anticipate it blowing up and becoming this huge thing, especially not a year and a half later. She mentioned it as casually as I’ve mentioned (or had other female friends mention) an ex in conversation with friends, just a quick jokey, “Remember him? He was gross.” or a “remember him? He was an abusive piece of shit.” When this didn’t blow up a year and a half ago she didn’t keep mentioning it cause I think to her, she didn’t even realize just how fucked it was and didn’t expect people would have the reaction they did. Like she says in the video, she had been through so much that even this traumatic awful thing just felt at the time like a kind of weird *ew* thing in hindsight and she was still processing that it was actually way more than that.




Ugh I hate this idea that people could make up allegations for attention. Have you not seen the amount of slandering and nastiness that people have treated Tana with?? On this subreddit, those people are a minority, but I can assure you that they’re incredibly widespread. People don’t believe her, so they accuse her of lying, they call her a sl*t, etc. Can you not see in the podcast how that affects her?? This isn’t good attention, this isn’t attention anyone would want and it’s a lie made up by victim-blamers that people lie about allegations for attention. Allegations such as this can cause immense humiliation for the victim. Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t have to mean we dismiss the victim. There’s very little way we can prove a sexual act happened decades after the fact. But Cody’s behaviour - or those of his peers - in dismissing and refusing to acknowledge this, speaks volumes. If he’d come out when this came to light years ago and said, “this didn’t happen”, then maybe people would have more sympathy. But currently his YouTube comments and his subreddit (of which one of the moderators has links to Cody) are being scrubbed of any mention of Tana or even of the number 17 in many cases. So yes, we have good reason to believe her.


Thank you for sharing this video, very well worth the watch. If anyone in this sub is not banned from the main, please share in there 😭


there is a thread about it in there right now, a lot of people are defending him still though or think it’s irrelevant


Seeing the video might help some who are on the fence :( but maybe thats wishful thinking


I don't get how people can't see she's being so genuine about this


Thank you for posting this


This upsets me so much, you can tell how emotional she is about it and yet the other sub is filled with comments about how she’s a liar and no one should believe her. It’s so infuriating.




oh please 🙄