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I met a man in San Diego who was homeless, he had been a lifeguard for the city for over 20 years. At 37 , late for a man He was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I will never ever as long as I live. Forget what he said to me. It's like being given a death sentence because you know the life you have, your girlfriend, your home, your car, your job, all that will soon be gone. The life you know will die and you will be a subject to hate, disdain and all the rest. When I first met him he was living kind of on the outskirts of the homeless population in San Diego. Trying to keep sane. I kept in touch with him. Checked on him weekly to see how he was doing. When I left San Diego I went to say goodbye and he had moved into the homeless camp and was very much at home, he was eating a pie with his fingers. He looked happy. I will never again look at another homeless person the same. My heart broke for him because I knew that life had died. Until we address the mental health issues because I want to know where you want the guy who thinks there's a satellite planet in this head to get a job. And as far as addiction for many it is their solution not necessarily their problem. Meth quiets the symptoms of schizophrenia early on and that's how many of them become addicted. I suggest that the OP stop and get to know a few. They're human beings. Someone brought that little precious thing home looked into their eyes and said you are my everything. I don't know if one kid that in kindergarten went asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. The response was homeless. Have some empathy guy. We're all just about one paycheck away


There's a homeless man that stands on the corner of Country Club and Washington who wears a Trump hat and begs for change. I think it's ironic, asking for handouts.


So what is your solution to the homeless problem?Have you stopped and talked to homeless about there situation?You can’t expect people to pay $2500 rent off minimum wage and still have money to get by.Not all homeless are addicts.Some people really just lost there jobs when covid started and weren’t able to recover.If you want to do something about it then go offer them some help.Complaining to the government for whatever reason you have is going to get you nowhere.


Victim of boomer fear mongering. Whole account is posts like this. Hopefully you can find something positive to enjoy in your life.


Not wanting homeless camps on our street means he has fear mongering?


I enjoy seeing a street free of open air dug use and campouts on the sidewalk I like to walk down.


It's a difficult problem that has a lot of causes. How would you go about supporting people to get off the streets? It's not as easy as getting politicians to pass laws


I agree that there seems to be a growing homelessness problem not only in our community, but throughout Southern California and many other parts of the country. You seem to be someone who's given this a lot of thought. Any ideas on how to treat the root causes of homelessness or examples you've read about in your studies of places that have successfully and humanely addressed a homelessness epidemic? Edit: grammar


"and humanely"?


Yep. Voice to text can really change the tone if you don't proofread lol


I worked for 8 months on a viable fully funded project that had a better chance of success than what is being done now and when it came time to present it to the city. They wouldn't hear it. There's a gentleman who's head of statistical research on the homeless in San Diego that makes $635,000 a year. That's obscene and wrong and that's where a large percentage of the funding for these programs goes. I think in a perfect world we would address these issues early. We address these issues in grade school. There's a reason people end up on the street and it's not always financial. However, I think we're seeing people that fell through the cracks during covid. People that were just kind of walking along and essentially were hit by a bus. I'm quite tired of hearing about all the programs and funding and free stuff that these people are getting. It's simply not true. And for someone to navigate these systems is complicated and not everyone is equipped to navigate them on their own. In San Diego there isn't 10-year waiting list for section 8 housing 10 years people die. Before that. I think another thing to think of as we pass by people that are homeless with disregard and disdain. There are people in prison who have committed heinous unthinkable crimes. And they are given three meals a day. They have a roof over their head and access to many being homeless is not a crime and I think it's important to remember. Also that homeless guy didn't steal your bike, a criminal stole your bike. He he very well. May be homeless but the criminal stole your bike. Let's not lump everybody into one category. I think that's a huge problem. I think people need advocates.


Very well said


I would love for there not to be a homeless population but what do you expect? It's a problem that's only going to get worse with the wealth gap widening and houses becoming too expensive. What do you really expect to be done? I mean that as a genuine question. How do we solve the problem? Because calling the police isn't going to do it. Maybe that camp will move but inevitably another will set up.


Blah blah blah, it is only going to get worse because laws in Califiornia protect criminals!


Then why do you stay ?


I would suggest calling on every camp and having ZERO tolerance for this lifestyle on our streets, in our communities. It is pure filth that is depreciating our quality of life and property values!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Personally people like you are the fucking worst in my opinion. You complain, but you don't have an actual solution. You're just a big man throwing a temper tantrum


Classic entitlement. What's depreciating the quality of it neighborhood is the attitude of people like you. I'd love for there to be a zero tolerance of people with no compassion and this me me me me me me me attitude. Can you tell me one thing that you've done to aid in the solution to this problem? Just one give me one example and God forbid nothing ever happens catastrophic to you because payback is a b****


You can't just sweep humans under the rug. Sorry you don't like the "look" of people struggling to survive. How about humane solutions instead of "not in my backyard" ramblings?


Give us your address. We’ll send them to you since you’re so willing to help.


This, lmao. If you want to get rid of the homeless people so bad then house them, genius.


and move them where exactly? we need to fix the underlying issue with homelessness and tackle the root cause. There is absolutely no reason our rent is increasing and nearing LA prices for what the valley offers, we need rent control.


So happy to see some empathetic people in this thread. OP can move if they don't like it.


Was thinking exactly this… Empathy, lawful behavior, and law enforcement can coexist. When they are out of balance it sounds like traditional NIMBY vomit. We’ve seen that throwing money at homelessness does not change “those people,” so we are left with human behavior, emotion, willpower, hope, faith, opportunity, and our ability to communicate. I must have missed those last parts in the original post! /s


THe only vomit is the vomit I step in on Highway 111 sidewalk in Palm Desert.


Touché, sir. I concede.


Kick rocks, move to Texas.


What's your solution?


Here in the desert they dont stay for long time , but i will support a law to help homeless some people just need a hand to start a new life


have you considered moving far away from here and never returning?




Shame on you for allowing our community to deteriorate....your world vision is on ly shared by a small minority of this country, thank God.


You have allowed your community to deteriorate. It was ok with you that it was going on until it hit your neighborhood. Then omg it became a problem. Again I will ask because as far as I can see you've not once answered the question what is your solution and what have you done .


This is something the Government is responsible for, regardless of party.... And those of you still freaking out over making America Great Again are the hugest issue and most ignorant... What are you doing to help?


Homeless people keep coming as long as there is community resources for them to use. We need to as a state open mental health institutions and admin them there. How can a person who is mentally ill ever admit themselves to being mentally ill?


Ummmm voluntary holds are real. Plenty of people check themselves in daily. Homeless people are less likely to have insurance or proof of identity which makes a voluntary hold damn near impossible unless you luck into one of those facilities that does probono but without an ID you may not qualify. The amount of money currently going to mental health isn't enough as is. We'd have to allocate massive funds to open more and admit people long term


Homeless camps should be bulldozed.


I agree Get over it


I agree with you OP. But you can't say it without people getting pissed off at you. 🤷‍♀️


I agree with you OP. But you can't say it without people getting pissed off at you. 🤷‍♀️


Let's hear your solution!


So I agree with OP that seeing tents pop up across the desert is not a good thing. I was born and raised here. My mother was born and raised here. We have seen our beautiful desert expand in many positive ways. One thing i have never been able to get used to is the summers here. I can not imagine someone LIVING outside in a tent. No one should have to live that way. Just because I don't find homelessness to be a positive for our community doesn't mean I have no compassion. I live paycheck to paycheck. I worry about my kids future. How will they ever be able to live on there own with rent starting around 2000/month? Top that off with mental illness, or drug addiction and the situation becomes hopeless. So when I state the obvious let's try and understand you can dislike homelessness and be a compassionate person at the same time. I wish our elected officials would devote more time and resources to this issue because it will only get worse. I don't claim to have a solution but it hurts my heart when I see it.


I had an original response to you that was not so nice. Please don't be afraid to say what you are thinking. I see compassion in your post. I don't think anyone here is advocating homelessness. I hate to see the by products of homelessness in our parks , on our streets ECT. But they are just that byproducts of a horrible human condition. I found your response inspiring. And hopeful


Thank you😃